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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Operation: Adopt-a-Cat was a success. Kitty is with his new owners now. :) They took one look at him and instantly fell in love.

    ...i'm not crying, why would i be crying...i hope he has a wonderful life


    Ooh, Life Day outfits...my Sith lady has rarely dressed up - she isn't comfortable in fancy outfits - but I do believe she and Quinn can make an exception for Life Day. (Now if I can kick myself to finish KOTET and Iokath and actually get Quinn back before Life Day.....in between school and Guild Wars 2, I shall make an effort. XD)


    Love the "Krampus" one! Haha, Quinn's expression looks like he's thinking "...the things I do for love..." :p Quistmas tree, how original! Love it. And the Beauty and Beast one...wow, that was quite stunning. :D Awesome job, guys!

  2. All previous rewards, with the exception of the Founder title, should eventually be offered again in the same way as the KOTOR Swoop Bike to give newer players a chance to get them.


    *ducks* :rak_03:


    ... sure! *shrug* I don't see a problem with that. I have rewards like Shae Vizla, Nico, the HK-55 chapter, etc. because I subscribed back then - and I wouldn't mind a bit seeing others be able to get those same rewards, too. :) The rewards were technically free (with a subscription*). Why shouldn't they be eventually offered freely again?


    But whew, talk about unpopular. :p Here, I'll help you build a bomb shelter...


    *No subscriber paid extra for the rewards. They were free alongside your subscription. It's like buying a book and getting a free bookmark with it.

  3. This is the one I was really wanting to do! I haven't given up yet :D


    Do you think this head piece, dyed brown, might work? https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/expert-outlaw/ If only it didn't have that metal visor...oh well. The cloth sooooort of looks like a mane...ish.....


    (Heh. Browsing through TOR fashion...This guy, modelling a tunic, is the identical twin of my Jedi Knight. :eek: Only difference is that my guy has scars around his mouth, but still. I did a double-take and started grinning. Hi, twin! XD)

  4. I love the male consular's voice acting! It's rather soothing to listen to. :) (And now that I'm in KOTFE with her, I like the female consular's voice acting, too. Not in vanilla, though.)


    I *don't* like the male warrior's voice acting. He sounds flat and unemotional all of the time. And I don't really like his voice to begin with.


    KOTFE was fun! Pretty to look at, fun to play through, and a blast to listen to - most of the voice actors really gave a good performance.


    I don't really care about the servers moving to the east coast. I'm on the west coast, but I haven't gotten horrific lag...and, frankly, even if I do? I'm used to it. My computer and internet connection are not all that fast - they're fast enough to let me play this game without a three-second delay between clicking the ability and having it fire off, but I'd get flattened in PVP. :p So...I don't play PVP. *shrug* The game's been sticking and stuttering occasionally since I first started playing almost exactly three years ago. I'm okay with everything.


    Lana is getting on my nerves. If her role in the story could be severely minimized, I would be REALLY happy. I don't want her cut out of the story entirely - a) that'd be unfair to people who like her and romanced her (heck, a few of my characters romanced her), and b) she still has a purpose within the story, so why cut her out entirely? - but I do wish she wouldn't be shoved in your face all the time. ...also, her voice acting is bland and boring.


    I'm really happy they're giving out codes for the KOTOR swoop bike...thing...speeder. :D I already have it because I was subscribed back then, but - come on, it's just a speeder. I'm glad people who missed it then can get it now.


    I don't mind/kind of like the galactic command system.


    And the most unpopular opinion of all...



    We don't need SSR's for the original story companions.



    Thank you.

  5. I'm sorry Jagaimee I need more clues, I'm not too sure who they are, though they do look impeccable :) Can't wait to see more!


    Visas Marr and Canderous Ordo, from KOTOR II and KOTOR, respectively. The "historical" only applies to history as it is in SWTOR. :p

    ...in short, I ran out of imagination. XD


    And now for Quinn. Heh. :o


    Leas: I know! We could do a "IT CAME FROM THE SWAMP!" theme!

    Vette: Great idea! *snicker* I found some outfits from Darth Nox that could fit...

    *evil giggling between the two of them*

    [half an hour later]

    Leas: ...well that didn't work out. *facepalm*

    Vette: It...came from the...swamp...lab...and it's a...muscular robot bug chicken thing?

    Quinn: Just so you know, when I am able to actually move again, I will find you.

    Leas: Hey, you're threatening a Sith Lord here! Well, sort of. I have lightsabers and everything!

    Quinn: You're a lieutenant in the Navy. Hardly a Sith Lord. And I believe I outrank you.

    Leas: ... :eek:


    *they flee*

    Virne: *enters the room thirty seconds later* Why did Vette and Leas just run out of here like the room's on fire--QUINN!?

    Quinn: *unable to move* Your brother delights in pranks. Vette is helping him. At least, that's the most basic explanation...

    Virne: *barely able to contain giggles* Wha...

    Quinn: It is not behaviour appropriate for an Imperial officer. He should be reprimanded.

    Virne: *snrksnrksnrk*

    Quinn: ...what are you doing?

    Virne: Can you actually see out of that mask?

    Quinn: ...no.

    Virne: *silently laughing her head off*


    Random backstory to explain the "lieutenant in the Navy" comment:


    Leas gave up the title of Sith Lord. By his own admission, he's not that powerful as a Sith...but he knows ships, he knows space, and he knows his way around a space battle. He wanted to enter the Navy as a no-name grunt, no special privileges just because of his heritage - he hadn't earned them, after all - but Virne intervened and got him a post on Darth Marr's flagship...where she could keep an eye on him. ;)

    For all the good THAT did during KOTFE.



    "The Bug-Robot-Chicken-Muscles That Came From The Swamp" might be an instant "so bad it's good" movie, though. :p

  6. Theron: Hey, Plurissa. Lookin' fine.

    Plurissa: I would say the same for you...but I can't actually see right now.

    Theron: ...watch where you point that lightsaber.


    Silver Theron needed a bit of love. :p This is my rather lame attempt at, um, "historical" costumes, haha. Plurissa is one of my consulars. Sorry for the poor quality; everything looks fine in-game, but my default screenshot program is...lacking. Ah well, that's my fault. XD

    Quinn and male warrior coming...sometime hopefully soon, with whatever I can scrounge up on limited resources...hmmm. Vette and Leas are already snickering evilly to themselves about what costume they can shove "stuffy ol' Quinn" into...and just how mad Virne is going to be...


    Gladiators, Cinderella/Prince Charming, pirates, Star Trek (sorry, not entirely sure who Q is beyond that :p), Deadpool, Batman, Wonder Woman...AAAHHH all your costumes look fantastic!! :D I can't even pick a favorite. They're all so awesome.

  7. It doesn't mean anything to me. I'm on the west coast, but have frequently played on east coast servers even before this update. I'm not noticing any lag. (And my computer/connection has never been the fastest - I'm quite used to the game hesitating or slowing a tad.) No, I don't PVP or do operations. The few times I did flashpoints, I was fine.


    So... I'm okay with everything.

  8. The stray cat goes home with his new owners on Saturday. Now I just spend the rest of the week worrying about him and hoping he'll be okay until then. XD After that, though, everything will be all right.


    :rak_03:Well dont't know Quinn is ok but Elara Dorne is just gorgeus , vote me down or anything, but if youd meet a girl like Elara is real life You'll fall for her for sure, well atleast i would :D:cool:


    I'm a woman and not interested in romance either way (at least at this point in my life; and in the past I've only had crushes on guys, so...). So nope, I wouldn't fall for her. :p Actually, I doubt we'd even get along in real life. I'm a stickler for rules, too......when they suit me. :cool: Elara would have a fit.

    My trooper(s) don't get along well with Elara, either. Male trooper just hates her wound-tight RULES REGULATIONS IMPERIAL ACCENT IN YOUR FACE all the time, and really wishes she could lighten up just a little. Female trooper just hates her, period. They both have had...bad experiences...with Imperials in the past, though. :/ That would probably explain a lot of their hostility. Kind of feel bad for her, though. I might have liked her, or at least tolerated her a bit more, if the story had done a better job of introducing her. Instead, it's "Hi, I'm a person with a suspiciously Imperial accent helping you attempt to find traitors who defected to the Imperials, now I'm on your team because Garza said so and you have no say in it, enjoy my presence." ... *twitch*


    On that note, though, I don't think I'd get along well with Quinn in real life, either. Our personalities would clash. I'd be tempted to yell "Stop being so uptight and PROFESSIONAL all the time, dang it!" ...but in-game, his personality works quite well with my warrior's, who's equally stoic and proper.

  9. Whatever slots are left blank in the outfit designer, the actual gear you have equipped will "bleed through" and be visible.


    In this case, your actual gear - gloves, for instance - shows through to the outfit designer slots. Leaving a slot blank doesn't mean you leave that space blank on a character. You need to equip some actual piece of gear in those outfit designer slots for it to show up on your character. If you want to leave your hands (or feet or chest or legs or whatever) bare, you can equip "Covert Energy" armor (though be warned; it can be quite expensive!).

  10. That stray cat I've been talking about? HAPPY ENDING!! Spoiler'd purely for length, I tend to ramble. XD TL;DR he's being adopted by a good, loving owner.



    Mom took him to the vet today to find out if he's chipped or not. He's not. He's not fixed, either - no collar - so if he had an owner, they a) didn't take good care of him, b) are not looking for him in any way. There are no "lost cat" fliers around the neighborhood - nothing online (I've checked facebook and several other websites for lost cats in my area, and found nothing), nobody's come looking... Nothing.

    Yesterday, Mom went to the pet store to get some more food for our dog, and she took along a few pictures of the cat. The lady at the register gushed over the cat for a while, and allowed Mom to put the pictures on the edge of the counter - they're very visible to anybody passing by. It's safer to do it that way, since people who shop at that pet store...well, you know they're pet lovers. :p


    This morning, we got a call from that lady. She said that she has a few cats of her own - and her roommate is hoping to get a cat, too. The lady says she's known this roommate for about ten years, they're more like sisters than friends, and she knows she would take very, VERY good care of the cat. They would love to adopt him!


    ...I'm pretty much trembling right out of my chair from happiness right now :D Kitty will be okay! He'll be safe and happy and loved and...and...! :D :D It all worked out!! Thank God... All that's left is to get him fixed - and the people adopting him will take care of that.



    ...okay sorry for rambling, I'm just so overjoyed. I adore that cat, and he'll get a good home!



    As for everything that's actually on-topic...


    Oof, Star Fortresses. Solo mode is pretty fun, but Heroic mode...I've only tried that once. Got all the way to the final few hallways before the Exarch's room - and then had to stop because I'd lost track of time and it was way past when I should have gone to bed. XD Haven't attempted one since...I had a blast with the "going to jail" mini-game, though! A whole fanfiction story popped out of that one.

    Did the rewards really get nerfed into oblivion? Do they still drop from solo mode, or...? I like those decorations, especially the beautiful standing lamps. Easily one of my favorite decorations in the whole game.

    Also - whoo, nice job, guys! :D

    Quinn: HAHA! EAT OUR SPACE DUST, ZAKUULAN MISCREANTS! ... *cough* I mean, hurrah. Well done, my lords.

    Oh come on, it's definitely a celebration. :D

    Quinn: Enemy down. :jawa_evil:


    And y'all have good points about Lana. Yeah, maybe "despise" is a strong word - I don't hate her, but she does deeply irritate me because of her prominence in the story. It was okay in SoR, because we had Theron and Darth Marr and Satele and Jakarro and our character, front and center. Lana was part of a balanced cast. Now though she just seems like she's being shoved in our faces while Satele and Marr trip out on rootleaf stew in the wilderness, Jakarro's vanished, Theron's...you know, and our character feels like a chess piece being moved about by Lana and Zakuul. :/ So yeah...I guess I don't hate her, but I do resent her.

    I think I'd resent Quinn if, from the moment you get him, you heard little from all other companions and he was automatically your go-to guy for EVERYTHING and was really the one running the show while the warrior goes out and Hulk Smashes things into oblivion. ...oof, run-on sentence...and I call myself a copyeditor... XD Anyway. I'd resent Theron if he took over the same role. Or Marr or Kira or T7 or anybody. Mako in the BH's story is mission control, but she a) actually has a personality (she'll get snippy with you if you get snippy with her), b) is quite competent at her job (Lana...need I bring up Agent Kovach again?), c) isn't ordering your character to do anything. Any mission control interference from her (in the form of "Okay, this is our target") is a mutual collaboration between her and the BH - and occasionally other companions. She also takes a backseat role for Torian, Gault, Blizz, etc. as they are each important in their own way.

    Lana...doesn't. :/

  11. In your game, on the mini map on the bottom left are some bars. If you scroll over it, it will give you a time in milliseconds (1/1000th of a second) that it takes for you to communicate with the servers.


    If it is 10-20 it means that you are connecting to the server almost instantly. If it is 333, it means it takes a third of a second to connect to the server.


    Oh! So that's what that is! Okay, thank you so much for explaining it to me. :D Mine seems to be fairly minimal. Right now it's at 96. So it takes...what, about a tenth of a second to connect to the servers? Works for me.

  12. I'm on the West Coast, but I've been playing on east coast servers for a while now...with this latest update, I still don't see any difference? :confused: How do you measure ping?

    ...er, I feel stupid for asking, but what the heck is "ping," anyway? :o

  13. And do keep in mind, they also said

    ...That also occurred today and we have officially moved out of our West Coast location. Our testing showed no impact on the gameplay experience, but we expect some of you playing on formerly West Coast servers may see higher ping times. We’ll use the next two weeks to smooth out any kinks and resolve any performance issues encountered.


    So they will be working on lowering lag times. It just might be a bit of a bumpy start. :)

  14. It occurred to me during warrior replays of kofte/kotet etc, that Quinn has a lot common with Lana; tenacity, loyalty, pragmatism and the importance of your character. As much as I don't like how the story centres around Lana it seems that she would/ought to get on extremely well with Quinn.


    Warrior: *wakes up from a nightmare* Ugh...what a horrible dream--

    Lana: *sitting on the warrior's bed next to her* Are you okay?

    Warrior: GAH! ...what are you doing in here?

    Lana: I was worried about you. After all we are best friends forever and we're so close I know when you're having a nightmare so I was worried about you and decided to watch you sleep.

    Warrior: ...what.

    Quinn: *sits up next to the warrior - of course they're sharing a bed, they're married* Excuse me?

    Lana: *ignores him* Are you okay, Commander?

    Warrior: . . . could I be alone. With my husband. *death glare*

    Lana: But I'm worried for you.

    Quinn: If you'll excuse us, my lord!?

    Lana: *leaning closer* Are you sure you're okay??

    Warrior: I'd be better if you were gone.

    Lana: :( *very slowly shuffles out of the room*

    Quinn: ...does...that happen often?

    Warrior: More times than I care to admi--


    Warrior: GO. THE HECK. AWAY.

    Lana: :( :( :( :( *shuffles away again*


    ...yes, they'd get along famously! :p

    In all seriousness - yeah, I can see them getting along. They are rather alike...which makes me wonder. Why do we despise Lana but like Quinn? (Or despise Elara, but like Quinn? Elara's a stickler for rules and protocol too, wound tight until you manage to get her to calm down a tiny bit - rather like Quinn.)

  15. Its not just eyes its outfits as well. Theres a sparkle effect on the Dark Disciple vestments from the DS vender that makes it absolutely obnoxious to wear...


    Yep. Can confirm. Anything metallic suddenly looks like glass greased with oil.

  16. hHahahHAhAHAahHhahHAHhahHaHha i did it ten characters all transferred in the span of...about an hour.


    Quinn: Lesson learned: never procrastinate until the - nearly literal in this case - eleventh hour?

    You clearly have not seen my homework ethic. 10:30 PM on a Sunday!? AAAAHHH I still have a quiz and a discussion to get done before the midnight due date!

    Quinn: *FACEPALM*


    ...ahem! Back to sanity now.


    *pats the Grand Admiral on the back* There there... :D


    For myself I've always felt Quinn's betrayal had much to do with loyalty. Whether WE like it or not, from Quinn's perspective he owed Baras a LOT and Quinn is not a flighty person at all. It wouldn't be in his nature to defy Baras in that moment but I do believe he rigged the droids in such a way they were beatable, even if doing so jeopardized his own life. And I find odd beauty in the fact he would have rather died a 'deserved' death at our hand than getting whacked by Baras for defying orders. I'm weird. :D


    I guess I can understand the Quinncident...I had just chalked it up to a different headcanon - Baras was threatening the warrior's life and gave Quinn a choice ("Either give your wife a mercy kill or I'll torture her and you for the rest of eternity"). So I'm still struggling to either accept this new information, or work it into my own headcanon, or just throw it out the window. XD For me, it throws Quinn's character - or what I thought was Quinn's character - into a different light, and I'm not sure I quite like that light yet...

  17. I am tempted to play through the warrior story with a male warrior just to see what being friends with Malavai is like.


    Wish I could tell you. Unfortunately, my uber-LS male warrior is not on good terms with Quinn. :o I think the good Major facepalms every time Leas lets Republic soldiers go, or is nice to Vette, or starts radiating light-sidedness so hard he sprouts a halo and begins barfing rainbows.

    It won't last. Leas will fall to the dark side...


    ...so badly he'll make Anakin look like a pansy. :eek: I don't think Quinn approves of random cruelty any more than he does of barfing rainbows. He likes pragmatism. Leas will eventually even out, but...in this storyline, Quinn has a definite reason to attempt to kill him instead of just "I'm more loyal to Baras than you, sucker." (Bitter? I'm not bitter. Who said anything about being bitter.)


    ...not sure why that's spoiler'd, other than for dramatic emphasis. :p And Quinncident.


    @Nightfrogger. Shame on you. :p Purple Quinn was SUPPOSED to be helping me write down which outfit goes on which character so I can get them all right back after character transfers...and now he's all twitchy and very very nervous after seeing that picture. OKAY FINE, QUINN, YOU'RE RELIEVED OF DUTY. Go be with your wife aaaaaaaand he's gone. Whew, he took off fast... :D

  18. Today is the last day for transfers before mergers, I'd get on it.


    Yeah... working on it now. :o I forgot to renew my subscription all last week...somehow the forums didn't kick me out, though. Strange. Oh well! Subscription renewed, now I'm going through each 'toon and checking their wardrobes and getting mail I haven't gotten yet. They will be transferred. *hyperventilating* they will bE tRaNsFeRrEd AHAHAHA--

    Quinn; Ignore her, my lords. She gets over-excited.


    Quinn: Except for the part where you're doing it at the last minute. Was that according to plan? *watches the frenzied cackling for a while longer* ...evidently it doesn't matter. *facepalm*


    By the way, that stray cat's still hanging around. No word on any potential owners, and a lady who said she might be able to take him ultimately had to say "no, sorry, can't take him." He's gaining weight, however (which is a good thing! The poor kitty was rail-thin and starving when we started feeding him), and he's quite comfortable and happy around our home. Yay. :D We're going to try and get him fixed (if he's not already; it's...hard to tell with him) soon. And now the dentist that we go to - his entire office is looking out for potential owners, because my mom brought pictures of Kitty and they all fell in love with him instantly. :D We're going to give this kitty a good home. And soon. Halloween is not a good time for unwanted stray cats in our neighborhood. >_>

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