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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. System is trash as it rewards low skill effort and punishes higher skilled effort. In PvP it encourages afkers and farmers to ruin ranked even more.


    Put loot 248 on all MM Bosses instead of vendor blue random trash. For PvP set bolster to 250 so gear doesn't matter and have separate PvP fast PvP gearing to remove farmers.



    Keep GC for casuals if they desire.

  2. Thought I'd chime in. Been around since 3.x. IMHO when 4.0 and kotfe hit, I had one heck of a time trying to gear my characters. I ended up scrounging and grinding and stealing creds from my alts just to buy the ridiculously priced advanced purple mods to even make it through kotfe chapters as they grew increasingly more difficult the further along I got. I have 19 alts on Harb, over half of them are doing kotfe and 2 of them have finished kotet. All my max level main and alts had a mish mash of purples and blues between 203-228's. I could find no other way to get better rated mods as the vendor gear was good only to a certain point and the crystals, etc were a pain to earn.


    When 5.0 hit, and GC came, I saw an opportunity. Yes, I did have to focus on one character at a time. I started out grinding heroics and a lower level flashpoints cuz they'd be faster. It was a grind, yeah, but I had a goal - highest rated gear and reach max GC level. With PVP finally open to everyone (and I now didn't have to worry about switching back and forth between pve/pvp gear or having to wear pve gear in wz's to grind for pvp gear), I dived head first into PVP. My GC level skyrocketed and reached max level GC in about a month. I never geared so easily, so cheaply nor so fast vs how I was trying to do it before. My main, a Sin tank is now in near complete 248's, and several of my alts are being geared up.


    I have a good friend who figured out the system near instantly and did the gsf and pvp grind and in a matter of weeks he reached max levl GC and max rated gear. Took him 2 weeks if that to earn his T4 gear.


    You guys wanted things to get harder after 4.0 made playing a lot easier. The Devs gave it to you in the form of gear grind. They gave you something to do, a goal to work towards. You complained and they did what they could to accommodate, appease by adjusting crate rng, component awarding, boosts, loot drops, etc. Heck, look at the huge CXP token drop rate on Iokath! You again start to complain, and they tweak GC some more. You continue to complain. There are now several ways to obtain gear, and mods 245+ rated can be crafted now.


    The main thing I see that is making people leave is the lack of things to do after you've reached lvl 70 and obtained your max rated gear. You get bored and burned out running the same thing all the time. GC is the lesser evil. Bugs, etc are the least of the evils.


    My 2 cents and observations.


    Before you earned geared by doing challenging content and it rewarded it. I was rewarded and got gear easily doing the challenging content. Now you are rewarded by grinding face roll content. Also, PvP was about skill vs skill not component Simulator 2017 full of deadweight. How is that harder other than rewarding lesser skilled grinders. I'm sorry but this is just bologna if you think GC made things better by rewarding low skill effort which examples litter here. That's why game gearing is a joke. Just no.

  3. My question is how did people gear their alts before GC? And if they just removed it today how would they gear their alts? Did people honestly roll on non-BoP gear for an alt while playing their mains? Must be lovely when trying to gear a main. I just don't get the big deal about it today. I think RNG is a terrible thing that never should have been introduced into the game but I'm okay with it applying to GC because you get crates from anything. No matter if its just playing Bounty Brokers or Dread Palace. I just don't get the method people geared their alts that was stolen from them and never has been returned. If they do make the crates drop gear more reliably then shouldn't only specific things offer CXP say like running NiM or Operations. But getting BiS from doing a few heroics... that just doesn't make sense and why would anyone run anything else.


    I geared my alts pre 5.0: 4.0) Running NiM Ops to get BiS after they finally fixed the debacle of NiM loot then. 3.0 by doing Rav and ToS HM. Now I don't even have a main in full BiS and I have killed every boss in MM and the new Op. Pnly people who benefit from the system are reg farmers who Spam EV and KP. That you get trash from Non final MM Bosses is a joke along with almost half the loot table missing from final bosses.


    So yeah I geared way better in previous expacs.

  4. I love how this thread and others like them have moved along. What was once:


    We don't need a server merge cause our population is fine


    has now turned into:


    We don't need a server merge we do everything you need to do in our guild


    down the road a bit more will it be:


    I don't need a server merge I just log in and hang out in my stronghold trying on outfits


    It's funny cause it's true XD

  5. Wow. Just... Wow. I think it's pretty clear who's opinion really doesn't matter. Intolerant is as intolerant does.


    Thank you for proving my example and fitting the bill of that statement. Irrational defense when no realistic one can be given is expected. Truely it should be really clear what is not mattering at all. Ignorance is as Ignorance does. But I digress as no actual contribution was made and thus a response to this is really not even necessary. But there is no need for further dialogue for such low priority. :)



    Fix the issues about guildships and names and merge them soon before it's too late. Which it maybe soon. Procrastination only hurts the game more.

  6. Sorry, you are mistaken about a great many things. For starters I have been on this server since launch and have always played all aspects of the game (I still have cargoholds full of the old FP specific gear). For that matter I have characters on many of the NA servers including ones that are really dead like POT5. There is no point in responding further to your bias so I wont. Have a nice day.


    If you were here from the beginning you would now that is blatantly not factual at all. Being in denial of the state of the server and about being the one mistaken about pretty much everything. There is no need to respond any further to such denial and bias so have a nice day. :)

  7. Pugging has always been weak on this server. Pugging on JC is dead now. You will need to find a guild to run anything above basic group content.


    Pugging used to be plentiful and not weak with lots of pugs and set groups throughout the day. Then came story story and then people left and anyone coming back is thrown off by the servers state. If you had played back in 3 or 2.x you know this is true completely wrong. Even set groups are super scarce these days. Server is riparino.

  8. That is some of the worst "napkin math" I've ever seen on the SWTOR forums. Quite an achievement.


    Not to mention blatant lying. Normal wait times are about 10 minutes at the fastest and average about 15 minutes on JC. Ranked is dead. MM FPs barely pop even as a tank. MM Uprisings don't either. MM raiding is two guilds and some spare people. Fleet pugs are active only during a very narrow part of prime time. Only people who want the status quo are solo players who want to be king of a dead castle. There is no need for both SL and JC at this point. Or just move JC into Harb so we can have an active server again. :)



    Until then JC is a wasteland.

  9. And what is wrong with picking a spec as a personal preference?

    Just think it the other way around, if spec A is far superior in damage, why would anyone choose B other than personal preference? (i assume A is sustained and B is burst for you)


    The main focus of a dps class is to do damage, but how you do it, or the utilities/buffs you get in every spec should be different enough to let you pick between them (but that is a different topic of discussion), if not you have wasted time and resources in something very few will take.




    Actually Anni had always higher potential output than the others specs, not saying that it performed better always, some fights were designed not to be sustained and worked better with burst.


    Except that we have been at the point Carnage is great for every fight while Anni is only good on some so there is no need to play Anni at all.

  10. To be fair, they don't announce exploit fixes (which this is an exploit) in patches. Now whether it will be fixed I cannot say as I'm hopeful but skeptical since it's been reported since before 3.0.


    Also that's the rough draft of what to expect, 5.4 patch notes won't be live till the Monday before patch as like most patches.

  11. One thing that would help balancing conquest, is making operations reset if you quit them before last boss. Some guilds are hoarding conquest points by running only last bosses with all their alts. I did the same last night with just one guildie, and we managed to get almost 100k points just the two uf us, in a few hours. I consider it cheating, but hey, if everyone else does it, why wouldn't I.


    So fudge over people who care less about Conquest but use lockouts so they don't have to reclear the same crap on a second day if they ran out of time the first day. What a genius idea to fudge up raiding more cause of some idiotic grindfest that's been pretty dead since 2014. /s

  12. Not sure exactly what you are trying to say here but HM/VM fights have not been healing intensive for quite some time, which is why the devs are nerfing healing output. Hell, there are only a couple of NiM boss fights that 2 competent healers actually need to pay attention to...


    I haven't healed master blaster with the new tier gear but from what I remember, the last burn phase of the fight was the only time the 2 healers had to actually pay attention. With the new tier of gear, I'm guessing that would be even less now. The only time the healers were put under any significant stress were when mechanics were not done properly, ie mechanic check, not healing check. If that is what was wiping him, then the group needs work on mechanics.


    The whole fight is about positioning, more than anything else. So without knowing what was causing the wipes, hard to say if it was healing or mechanic related. If everything was perfect with mechanics and you still couldn't keep people up, then obv that is a healing issue. But without more information, it's impossible to say. Raw healing numbers on that fight don't tell the full story. The fact that they were relatively even only shows that either both healers are bad or mechanics are being missed. My money is on mechanics until we get more information.


    Missing dps checks are obvious. Why the raid is dying, requires a little more investigation. Telling the healers to heal harder, isn't always going to fix the problem.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm a supporter of nerfing heals across the board, heals has been overtuned for a while now. Provided it's done right.....


    My point is that comparative to the rest of the fight and any other VM fight, the burn itself is a step up in healing for groups just starting out in VM. Overall healing perhaps not an issue but rathe that is newer healers being proactive with healing and synergy with the tanks themselves than output. Granted I said the more Dps the less the Healers have to do as with any fight. But if Heals are unprepared for that level of proactive healing it can be more difficult and lead to problems especially if Dps are a bit slow. But maybe it is mechanics but I give them benefit of the doubt and stepping into their shoes for a moment as another possibility.


    As for the whole overhealing thing, yes Heal checks hare gone but it's rehashed content anyways so I don't care if it is harder or easier it's still rehashed and that's after killing them all two expacs in a row post pre buff nerf whatever it changes every update but it's still rehashed content. Not like there's more than a handful of actual capable teams left anyways waiting for that NiM Tyth whenever or if lol. With such a casual and less skilled player base all the changes just highlight that more lol.

  13. Republic

    <Fortitude> - Kessel Run DMC - Apostrophe (Cunning Linguist) - 48/52 HM Progression - 9/26 NiM Progression


    And finally as of last night, finally put down Veteran Tyth:


    Took us way too long to down Tyth, but the team had some vacancies over the last few months, and we finally got the full 8-squad nailed down.... Time to work on the TWINS!



  14. Apart from raw numbers, you haven't given us much to work with.


    I'm assuming that you guys weren't able to clear it and you're frustrated that the "under geared" mando was too close to you with respect to EHPS...?


    Assuming you are both playing your class right, those numbers sound about right with respect to comparable healing figures to relative gear. Mando should end up higher than you given the same gear and skill level. Mando's will get nerfed soon, I am sure of it, so don't sweat that.


    I haven't healed MB in a while and can't recall raw numbers off the top of my head but that fight is a MASSIVE mechanics check, not a heal check. Probably still one of the toughest mechanic checks in the game. So if you can heal your group through most of the other HM/Vet boss fights, I would put money down on the mechanics killing the group, not the healers.


    Was there a particular phase that was wiping the group?


    Obv if you cleared it, then life is good and the numbers look about right.


    To be fair if they hadn't killed it, The burn phase is for a VM fight is pretty heal intense for a VM level fight and healer although it's inversely proportional to the DPS numbers. Especially since the previous phases aren't heal intensive at all.

  15. I am probably going to get blasted for this, but why not allow mixed faction for grouping for operations as well. I know I come from SWG and we had mixed grouping/guilds there. Though we didn't have mixed pvp but most of the pvp was done in restuss for the most part and the only instance that was specific was the Hoth one. This might seem stupid but it actually worked in SWG and it kept people together whether you were an imperial or rebel and you had less need for 2 guilds as you could have one guild for both sides, if you wanted.


    There may be specific flashpoints that wouldn't work well with this but since most have characters on both sides why not do something to combine the grouping/guild aspect.


    This is something that should have happened already especially with the Iokath Op. Especially with the whole faction mechanic.

  16. Really Simple Version comparing defensive capacity:


    A tank defensive capacity can be divided into 3 areas and which each one is good in 2 out of the 3 areas while having a weak area to do a different tank complement the weak spot thus encouraging diversity of play.


    CDs: DCDs in both quantity and quality comparatively


    Armor: Armor Rating and Damage Reduction in each category


    Mitigation: Boosts to its mitigation from passives or rotationally.


    Jugg: Great CDs, Great Armor, Poor Mitigation


    Sin: Great CDs, Poor Armor, Great Mitigation


    PT: Poor CDs, Great Armor, Great Mitigation


    None of them are complicated to play, and all 3 can be fun and can kill any of the content in the game.

  17. 246 earpieces implants and relics are almost as good as the 248 - the difference is absolutely minor and probably only makes a difference in 1 out of 100 cases. And you can buy them from gtn or ask another one to craft them for you.


    Yeah mod removal is expensive, but you don't do it all the time - usually you buy the gear with those little orange shields and put them into it - then you just swap it to the character you want them on.


    Besides that, I hardly know a mmo where you don't need to farm your stuff. In many you actually need to farm several weeks to just get one piece. And then they are mostly soulbound or stuff like that.


    You are basically saying that you want the very best gear that is out there and with minimum effort - probably best if you get a mail with a little box in it where all the 248 gear pops out once you reach 70?


    Then again, I guess the only thing you can always count on is that people are always unhappy - some will always see only the bad things.


    Wish you a lovely day o/


    Or just return gearing for PvE to Pre 5.0 sans higlighted Ops and Seperate but cheap gear for PvP ala 3.3. Can keep GC for casuals if they so desire. NiM at this point should drop all 248 on all bosses not blue trash no one needs or purple stuff there is plenty of and no one needs anymore.


    In any case those games you get it through actually challenging new content. Here you get a trickle and mostly trash for doing the hardest content that's also 2-3 years old. Or grind on faceroll content.

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