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Everything posted by Aramyth

  1. I mostly play FPS games and MMORPGs. I play the occasionally RPG like Skyrim or Final Fantasy but I much prefer the RPG aspect in an MMO.
  2. Thy just need to allow server transfers. When introduced allow the first one or two transfers to be free and then each one after that costs a certain amount. I would love to be able to move my Commando from the lousy PvE server my friends (who I no longer play with) to a busier PvP server.
  3. I don't think I will, but not because SWTOR is the best MMO. It's because there is nothing else I want to play. I never played WoW but tried, and have no interest in it and I am not going back to any previously played MMOs. So unless Guild Wars 2 does anything significantly awesome that will attract my attention, I am just going to stay here for a while.
  4. I was going to stop my subscription because I'm busy with the last 2 months of school for this year, looks like this is some added motivation to keep it that way. It's unfortunate that they are throwing out a a lot of nerfs. No matter how you twist it, nerfs will always make people upset, and with good reason, but you just get used to the changes and continue playing or play another class. It's just ****** on BW's part to throw out so many nerfs at once. Would of been better to keep people buffed and make content more challenging, but whatever.
  5. Unfortunately, no. I really want to though. 1) World is too static and too linear. The planets don't feel alive. Everything is far too static, from mobs not moving around a lot, to the skyboxes, to every planet feeling so disconnected from each other that it doesn't feel like an MMO. 2) PvP - Warzones are pretty good. Expertise is a joke. And Illum needs help, needs more objectives, reasons to split people up, etc 3) Crafting - feels there is no point in any of the crafts except Biochem. 4) Companions - A lot of the companions personalities are lacking. I also wish we had more options with them and even more quests and better AI. (Personally, I'd like to have the option to not use my companion and not feel like I am gimping myself while doing it.) 5) Performance - SWTOR makes my computer run extremely hot (around 80-90C) and my FPS is rarely above 30FPS. 6) Scoundrel - healing as a scoundrel is a joke and needs to be fixed. [quote=Terebor;3240601 - the worst Chat system ever (ffs i have to add to FList to see lvl and class ***) r rofl No you don't.
  6. I'm a 26 year old male from Ontario, Canada. I play with my best friend, SHE is 29. XD
  7. That's how it goes. If you're a DPS, and you pull aggro too much, you're doing it wrong. Raw damage will always generate more threat than taunts/threat skills, so it's up to the DPS to figure it out. I play a healer, if you're a squishy melee, pulling aggro and it's too hard to keep you alive because you take so much damage, you know what happens? I let you die.
  8. Do you really need a threat meter to tell you how to play? If you have a meter, you'll have a numerical value telling you to use a taunt on a mob before you lose threat. If you don't have a meter, you have a visual indicator (the mob turns to face who it's attacking) and then taunt. The difference, if you're good, is maybe 3 seconds max. This is how we played FFXI, a game where mages had so little health they died in one hit on most boss fights. You know what they did if they pulled aggro and survived? By golly, they stopped doing high damage for a few seconds. Holding threat isn't JUST ABOUT THE TANK, it's about all members in the group being aware of what they can do under the threshold of the tanks ability to hold threat. DPS classes are designed to be able to pull threat off tanks easily with high damage, because this isn't just about the tank, it's about the whole group. If you're a squishy melee and you're getting hit, 9/10 it's your fault.
  9. The spoilers are making me want to get through the story line faster. Gosh. I like both Jaxo and Dorne. Although, if Jaxo had been an option I probably would of went with her to begin with.
  10. I've never really read the flavour text on Crew Skills, but why delete it? Just leave it there now.
  11. I was trying to solo a heroic+2 on Tatoonie and I was killing just fine, but fairly slowly and had to play it safe by keeping 1 mob CC'ed with Conussive Round. I had a group of two players run back, smack the mob I had CC'ed, take the objective and keep going. Like really?
  12. They should just remove Expertise from gear. Simply as that.
  13. People absolutely crack me up. 1) This was probably planned to happen around this time during the design phase of this game aka years ago. 2) The people who posted this and just made it active are not the same people who are working on Ilum or any of the other in game bugs. Remember the development team consists of people in different positions, espeically programmers are not just clumped into one title of 'programmer' where they do it all. There are all different types of programmers ranging from the guy who makes buttons work to the guy who does server programming. You guys need to wake up.
  14. Not sure I like the idea of a population cap. In theory it makes sense when there is such an imbalance of imperial vs republic players but, as said before in this thread, it takes away the idea of 'open world'. The servers should definitely be rolled back if people have gained and insane amount of valor that would normally take at least a month to get. That's ridiculous.
  15. Even when I'm the top healer, I rarely get voted for MVP. It's usually the person with the most kills or most damage that gets it. I guess healing isn't important.
  16. I don't see how the animations goofing up has to do with him being level 12. lol
  17. This is one thing that I am not sure why I wasn't in the release version. The data for even your combat is already there, they just need to print it to the UI.
  18. I like the voice acting. I think my Smugglar and Imperial Agent have perfect voices. I like that my Jedi Consular is Nolan North, that's kind of awesome. I listen to all the quest dialogue unless I get distracted by someone talking in party/guild chat. The people here who assume a majority of players skip/listen to ge dialogue is funny, there is simply no way for you to know that. I played LoTRO and never read any of the text for those quests. I read some for the main quest but others? Never.... In FFXI I read everything, I still remember the stories in the game even after several years an I am hoping SWTOR will do the same.
  19. If FFXIV can survive on P2P, so can SWTOR.
  20. 6.5/10 Smooth launch. Item modifications are nice. Skill trees seem to be well designed. Fun classes. Decent graphics, would be better if we had high resolution textures and a day/night cycle. Story/Voice Overs. Warzones, fun and a good idea but need changes to make them much better. If the graphics glitches were fixed, the ability delay and the FPS bug didn't exist, I'd give it a 8/10 or 9/10.
  21. The loading screens are once per planet. I think loading a bit longer initially is okay for not having to load again the entire time you're on a planet. They feel a little long but it's not so bad I suppose. As for you and your wife separating during quests, that's kid of your fault. My best friend and I level together and we do everything together, even class quests.
  22. The same sort of thing happened to me. I planted 2/3 bombs on my team attacking and got zero objective points...
  23. I want to be able to make the two bars we can move from the bottom horizontal and smaller.
  24. Now I didn't read 11 pages on this subject so I don't know if someone else suggested this, but the fix is simple. All that need to be done is a Need for Companion roll, which will be under need and over greed. You will still get those fools who can't grasp the need/greed concept but this should fix it for a majority of players (unless I am having too much faith in humanity on this one.)
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