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Everything posted by Aramyth

  1. I have about 40 days left on my subscription. I'm leaving because I'm bored and I can't stand how the world that they've created feels so static and boring. It's a killer for me,
  2. One of the main things that I found I enjoyed much better in Guild Wars 2 than SWTOR is exploring and their environment. I ended up wasting hours away just running around checking the world out. I found a really cool spot where you could dive off an extremely high diving board and do flips into the water below. It was pretty damn fun. SWTOR the planets just feel to static to me. SWTOR has a better UI than GW2. Other than that they are different games, still MMOs but different enough that you can exactly compare everything. I like both, but I did cancel my swtor sub to play GW2. (I have 2 months left of SWTOR subscription so we'll see I guess.)
  3. I was going to sub sub and right before it wore out I started playing more again and infact I said I was still going to unsub, but my subscription ran out right in the middle of playing. So I resubscribed and now I don't want to leave, even with GW2 creeping up around the corner.
  4. The people who work on server stuff aka transfers and merges are not the same people who work on the Rakghoul rent. Jeez.
  5. You are trying to gather samples to find a cure. You just happen to catch the disease, since that's kind of what happens. lol
  6. I re rolled on the Fatman before the giant queues started probably about a month ago now. I'm staying. However if server transfers happen, as much as I want to bring over my commando I am hoping they won't let people transfer to Fatman. We just need to start populating another server or two.
  7. Not sure if there a minimum, probably around the range of Tatoonie in general, but it's definitely not 40 for the dailies.
  8. I love it when people talk about the engine like they know what it can and cannot handle just because it's an out sourced. You can bet your last couple of credits that Bioware can fix whatever they want in regards to the engine. People cried and cried that they wouldn't be able to fix ability delay because of the engine. Well, they did. I seriously doubt Bioware doesn't own versions of Hero Engine that let them modify the engine directly as if it were in house. The FPS issues will get fixed.
  9. And then there is this: http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/8035242/img/Anonymous/TakestheCake.png
  10. You have to remember the changes to commendations/exp/medals etc were all with the idea of Ranked Warzones being in place, meaning people weren't going to want to leave Warzones because of their rank. With the way it is now, there's no reason to stay, even though I personally do.
  11. With the changes made to commendations trying to keep a decent mount of Warzone Medpacs and Adrenals is eating up all my commendations. (with gaining an average of 60ish commendations per round.) With the decrease in commendations and the increase in price, it seems like they are pushing for us to to not use these as often. (not to mention you can only use a medpac 1 time per being in combat.) I also don't like the removal of the vendors inside Warzones. What was the point in this change? I suppose this is just a rant because it will more than likely not get changed back.
  12. I wrote up a post for another thread that got locked during hitting reply and post. lol :roll eyes: Therefore, I'll sum it up in a few sentences here. I pre ordered the game the first day you could, and therefore I've been playing since day one. I'm a full time student, work part time, have other obligations, other social time, homework time, I commute 4 hours every day and I like to try to get my 8 hours of sleep etc. My highest is a 47 Commando that I stopped playing because he was on a dying server. I now have a 37 Gunslinger on another server. Between that I have ten other characters between 40 and 18. Their perception of 'valued customer' is flawed.
  13. People whining about queues is what caused this problem to begin with. If people just shut up and sat in them the first couple of weeks we would have less more populated servers. If you keep whining about it Bioware will open more severs. XD
  14. Aramyth

    Dear Tanks

    When I'm on my Gunslinger I want to scream at possible healing classes who spec for DPS in WZs. A good healer or two is the difference between a won Warzone and a lost Warzone, but people don't seem to get that. Commando's have an even better advantage because they can do some heals on the move and have their skill that you can't interrupt them. But DPS > Healer. Also I try to protect healers as a Gunslinger, but it proves to be difficult sometimes, never have I gotten a heal in return for it either.
  15. Simple enough solution here. Create two friend lists for each faction. In order to whisper to someone of the opposite faction you have to add them to your friends and they have to accept it. Then you can both see each other on your friend list, whisper to each other and that's it. For people who don't want it there can be a check box in preferences to automatically decline all opposite faction friend requests. However I'm sure some people would find some way to turn this into a griefing tactic.
  16. You have no idea how this stuff works right? They can do whatever they want. They have the means to do it. Technology, man power, money etc but they won't do it because server merge == the game is dying and bad stigma. People jus reroll on a more populated server. You will have more fun. The game feels like an MMO. Just do it.
  17. I tried it briefly before the last expansion. I got to level 3 and just didn't like the atmosphere of the game. That aside I just enjoy the freedom of being able to use them if I want to. I like doing coteng under leveled. It's more fun.
  18. This change is ridiculous. I've never seen these limits in any MMO I've played. What about the PvE people who like to try to content before the recommended level or do heroic 4's with two people etc? Really those were the most important times I used med packs. Other than that it was just when my group took an AoE and the healer is topping of the tank so I pop a med pack and now you can only do this once? It's lame. I don't like it.
  19. 1.3 - Stars Wars: Huttball Edition - When you create your character will you will auto level to 50. - If you pick republic you will be automatically switched to the Imperial version of that class. - All planets removed except the Fleets. - All content removed except Huttball.
  20. Trolling or not. 1) The Hero Engine is capable of day/night cycle with the click of a checkbox and a slider and has been since early 2000's. 2) They used skyboxes to keep the iconic feel of each planet, it's not a technical reason for why there isn't one. It's that some idiot in a suit who knows **** all about games said IT HAS TO FEEL LIKE STAR WARS GUYS. So the developers have to listen.
  21. They have no choice. It's really the only thing they can do. Server Transfers means, more people are just joing to go the the small handful of populated servers we have now. (they could limit this, but they probably don't care to.) Server Merging means the 'game is dying' and it would look bad. Cross-server LFG is really the only option.
  22. In LoTRO players just created what we called the GLFG channel, and you could join it if you wanted. The Fatman has one as well.
  23. While I agree that it sucks to start over you will be happier in the long run if you do. I left behind a level 48 and a 36. I'm now 30 on a new server and had no regrets. If server transfers/merges happen I will have my characters to go back too.
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