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Everything posted by gocard

  1. By your definition of legacy datacrons, you're grouping all the bonuses as one "item". Well sure, we can do the same for legacy gear. If I got a set of willpower gear, and strength gear, and aim gear, and cunning gear, then yeah, now I have stats which every character can use. In fact, legacy gear is more forgiving than your notion of legacy datacrons because I DON'T have to collect every set in order to start having alt characters benefit from them. Anyway, I think the reason people are posting in this thread is that they are indicating that they don't get enjoyment from replaying datacrons. If I were a Product Manager at Bioware, I'd take a look and see if legacy datacrons could increase the engagement/enjoyment (which probably leads to revenue generation) and see if it's worthwhile. You seem to think it won't, which is fine. But you seem to be on a mission to dissuade people from expressing this sentiment and providing this feedback to Bioware.
  2. I don't get your point. This is what you said: You even highlighted "EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER". My vanguard picking up the willpower datacron does NOT mean each and every character gets a class appropriate stat bonus. My vanguard still gets the useless willpower bonus. So does my mercenary. Maybe you should rephrase and let me know what your point was. I interpreted your post as, legacy gear doesn't benefit every character, only the classes that can use it. My response is, if I pick up a datacron, it doesn't benefit every character, only the classes that can use it. Legacy gear and the idea of legacy datacrons are VERY similar, in my opinion. That said, I'm able to see both sides of an argument. Just because a precedence has been set (and I do think it's hard to argue against the opinion that a precedence has been set with legacy gear) doesn't mean that they should do it. I'm for this because while the datacrons were fun once, I don't think there's a lot of replayability in it. It's also the reason I like 12x XP. After running through all side missions the first time on each side, the real fun comes in running through other storylines. And the real fun comes in PVPing against other characters. And in running Ops with other characters. All of those things are either fresh or much more dynamic than side missions and datacrons. The element of fresh content or the element of surprise and volatility that comes from playing with other players is what would keep me around. If datacron and side quests are actual deterrents to me playing a different class, then I'm more likely to unsub. Legacy datacrons and 12x XP lower the barrier to try out a new character, thus opening up a whole new line of content. And if you feel like that still takes content away, well, you're still free to do the content (which is why they're adding a toggle to 12x XP).
  3. Yeah, GW2's crafting resource management is really nice.
  4. I never understood why Troopers have different weapons and animations than Bounty Hunters. They could have saved themselves some work by making mirror classes completely mirrored. It would also make discussing classes easier. I've only played Shadow, so I need to Google search every Assassin ability name and translate it to Shadow when people are discussing rotations in the forums. I wonder if the aesthetic differences were worth it. Does it really make the game more enjoyable/engrossing by having different animations for mirrored classes? If they hadn't put in the work to different animations for mirrored classes, would they look back and be like, "we should have made them different"? My inclination is, no, although I admit, I could be wrong. This is very hard to quantify.
  5. Is that right? From what I've been told, Aim and Cunning do nothing for Jedi Knights and Consulars. And Willpower and Strength do nothing for Troopers and Smugglers. Cunning does help Troopers as a secondary stat though, and Aim helps Smugglers as a secondary stat, and Strength helps Consulars as a secondary stat and Willpower helps Knights as a secondary stat. Actually, I think the legacy datacron naysayers have mentioned this as a point that you should only be getting the 2 stat datacrons that are relevant for your class, thus cutting the number of datacrons you need to get by like 40% or whatever. Let me know if I'm wrong.
  6. Your argument was that one character shouldn't benefit from the progression of another character. When people mention that money can be shared, you said that's ok, because it's not duplicated. Legacy gear is not duplicated, but that point is moot, since you can't log into 2 chars at the same time. One character can't "use up" the gear and prevent another char from using it. In essence, both characters can use the progression without the detriment to the other character. The only "loss" is that you have to transfer it. If that's your argument, then fine, make me jump through a small hoop to "transfer" my legacy datacrons. Make me click a button that says, transfer datacrons to character X. Would this happen for legacy datacrons? When I get an Aim datacron for my Vanguard, does that get translated into a Willpower datacron for my Shadow? I'd think not. It does happen for legacy class buffs though. I mean it's not a "piece of gear", but then again, datacron bonuses aren't a "piece of gear" either.
  7. Going a bit further, how about anything that can be stackable be stackable to 65536. That means materials, grenades, stims, etc.
  8. Stats on Legacy gear. My imp wears gear my pub earned. And if you say that you have to transfer the gear so only one char can use it (not duplicated across all chars), let me ask, when was the last time you were logged into two characters in your account at the same time?
  9. Find it in here and copy and paste: http://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl?start=768
  10. gocard

    8v8 ranked

    Is the gameplay so different between arenas that it warrants having a new one? I just don't feel like having a new "background" for 4v4 will make them any more exciting.
  11. How about Mass Manipulation Generators, Isotope-5s, Exotic Element Equalizers? I'm guessing those won't be as valuable (or have any value?) in 3.0.
  12. Does he say that there will never be legacy datacrons, or that legacy datacrons are not included in the upcoming expansion. I can't really tell from the summary "Datacron no legacy wide",
  13. I didn't hear the podcast. Did they say that legacy datacrons wouldn't be included in the expansion? Or did they say, that legacy datacrons is not something they plan to implement in the future?
  14. It still is effectively boosting all chars that can use it. When was the last time you logged on to multiple chars at the same time? As a compromise, would you be ok with legacy datacron stats being applied to only one character at a time, but can be xfered between them?
  15. Does this mean that anything that is not currently in the game, the devs have decided they will never implement? You seem to equate "not doing something" as an indication that someone is against an idea. It really isn't. I work as a product manager at a tech company. I don't do good ideas all the time because there are higher priorities. It doesn't mean that I am against those ideas. It just means that my team hasn't gotten to them yet. As a player base, shouldn't we be advocating what things we'd like the devs to prioritize? They are building the game for us. We are the user base. The fact that this request repeatedly comes up may be an indication that there is popular support behind it (I'm not saying it's definitive, mind you). And while you may feel that squeaky wheels are annoying, there's a reason they get the grease (I'm guessing it's also the reason you and branmakmuffin are so squeaky in your opposition).
  16. I don't feel like premades are an issue right now. I also don't feel like CC is an issue right now. My concern is that they aren't making CCs more tolerable for PUGs, since I doubt pugs will be able to effectively cleanse CC while premades will do a better job of it. So the result is CC is the same, premades get a little bit more advantage.
  17. Except, won't this just increase the disparity between premades and pugs. You can't cleanse your own CCs, can you? Will pugs have the presence of mind to cleanse each other's CCs? If not, then BW will have made the premade situation worse without addressing the complaints about CC. I personally feel like CC and premades are non-issues in the current game. This change makes me a bit worried that I won't be able to PUG as much.
  18. Will ability names be unified across mirrored advanced classes along with this update? I mean, it's nice that the advanced class forums were combined, but to truly communicate, you still need to look up each ability and figure out what the mirrored ability is called, which is rather painstaking because there is no good source to do that. Sometimes, the comments in swtor-spy or torhead will let you know what the mirrored ability is called. But that's pretty hit or miss.
  19. Ah, fair enough. I retract my condescension.
  20. Why is the arena scoreboard so prominently positioned? Are you worried you're gonna forget the score while you're busy focusing down an opponent? JK. I'm guessing you moved it there to highlight it in the screenshot. Otherwise, see previous statement.
  21. If you hit an off-node and draw 1 additional defender, there is still no numbers advantage. In fact, it seems to be the opposite. To your example, if you're harassing 2 guys at Point A, mid is still even because Point B (your pylon) still has 1 defender. It only becomes an advantage if you get back to mid while they keep 2 guys guarding node because they're worried about you. If not, the tactical advantage is with the other team. Here's how the battles break down: Point A: 1v2 (disadvantage your team) Mid: 6v6 (even) Point B: 1v0 (advantage your team, except you won't score a kill and send someone behind the gate) By hitting the off-node, you're allowing all 8 of their players to engage in combat, while only 7 of yours are engaged. That's a numbers disadvantage. So really, the only time to hit the off-node is with the goal of taking it (rather than to draw and "harass"). And you only really need to do that when you're behind. The exception to that is if you think that by hitting the off-node and drawing 1 defender with you, that the remaining 6 on your team has a better chance against the remaining 6 on their team.
  22. Nice job. You could check this thread and see where you stand: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=673743 Looks like you can claim the 4th spot in the top overall dmg category.
  23. And when you've captured 2 nodes, having the assassin guard the off node strategically gives your team the most advantage in regular WZs.
  24. Why complicate it? Total damage / time in combat. Yeah, people could try to game the system with dot and vanish, but their total damage would suck. And the damage from post-mortem dots, eh, I can't imagine it'd be large enough to have any profound effect on overall dps. This change would certainly give solo node guards the opportunity to look better on the end game stat sheet.
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