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Everything posted by gocard

  1. But they obviously do. I've never been scammed, but I see a problem that people are having trouble with, and a solution which is so, so, so easy to implement with basically zero downside. Just do it. Also, you wrote "brought" instead of "bought". But I understand. Sometimes simple mistakes are made when you try to do things quickly.
  2. They shouldn't implement seatbelts, or airbags. People should just learn how to drive better. Remove the damn decimal values and people will stop using this as an excuse for getting scammed. No one ever complained about getting scammed on the GTN until they introduced the price per unit and added decimals to it.
  3. They should remove fractions. Show price per item in full integer values only. Problem solved.
  4. gocard

    East Vs. West

    Actually, I'm pretty sure Left is East and Right is West when defending in Voidstar. But better yet, it would have been nice if Bioware went to the trouble of adding distinguishing traits to each side that would allow PUGs to better communicate with each other (like snow and grass). Maybe coloring East doors red and West doors blue. This way you could call out "Red" or "Blue" incs. For any naysayers who are gonna chime in with "but <red/blue> is confusing because <whatever logic they want>" just swap those for whatever color makes you happy, the argument will still be the same.
  5. Is 20fps bad in this game? I have a core i5 and that's what I get during a heavy fight. On my previous computer which had a core2quad, it'd drop down to 5fps. A few times it dropped down to 1fps. So 20fps is pretty playable
  6. i can confirm this. I had the same question and tried it a couple weeks ago and the effect did not persist when I applied my outfit. I then immediately returned the chestpiece to the vendor.
  7. I hate the idea of spending resources on what is essentially an entirely new game. GSF (and the space mission on rails) share nothing with the rest of the game, except that the name above your ship is your character's name. If you wanna play a space sim, play a real space sim. Neither GSF nor the space missions on rails games should have ever been created, and they definitely don't warrant further investment.
  8. Maybe switch DNS server configurations on your router to use Google or OpenDNS instead of Comcast. It's a bit anecdotal, but I had intermittent internet connectivity issues when using Comcast DNS, where it would fail to resolve host. Once I switched to OpenDNS, I rarely ever saw those problem. I've since switched to Google DNS, and haven't had any issues with that either. I figure OpenDNS and Google can run and maintain DNS servers better than Comcast. OpenDNS has instructions on how to configure per computer, or for your home network: https://use.opendns.com/ Google DNS instructions: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using?hl=en The only diff between the two is the ip addresses you enter.
  9. Guard too OP? It's range should be reduced in PVP warzones only (like 10m, or maybe even 5m). For all other classes, if that class is too OP, apply a percentage reduction in healing or damage (or a percentage change in damage or healing received). For example, if sorc heals are too OP, apply a 10% reduction in healing in PVP warzones only. Sure, sometimes its the mechanics of the class that make it OP, but if you apply enough of a reduction, it won't feel so OP anymore. Take this example to the extreme. If you apply a 100% reduction in healing in PVP warzones (output is 0 hps), then would anyone play sorc heals anymore? So obviously there's a middle ground somewhere. And you can use PVP only tweaks to boost other classes as well, by apply a percentage damage/heal increase as well. Mercs are made of glass because of their class mechanics? Well, if you boost damage or heals enough, it might be worth playing. Or maybe give mercs a 15% reduction in damage received in PVP warzones only. This provides a mechanism for putting all classes on a more even playing field without needing to provide the same abilities to all classes. And it provides a way to allow the developers to balance PVP without disrupting the balance of PVE. So they should balance PVE first, and then apply the percentage damage/healing increase/decreases to PVP. And once implemented, you could conceivably tweak PVP without ever requiring a patch, or without even needing a server restart. The game could even dynamically adjust the settings based on gameplay data.
  10. You guys went from "highly experienced" to "very strong and experienced" to just "commando dps". I think I'll wait til the price gets a bit lower.
  11. gocard

    DPS Powertech

    And spam the **** out of shoulder cannon for "burst".
  12. This is why you should throw them at overheated droids at Coruscant, DK, or Nar Shadaa. Because there's typically a big group of people throwing them at the droid, so your snowball buff gets overridden constantly. Also, you can throw it at your companion and clear the buff. This works well if you're standing around fleet waiting for stuff to pop.
  13. Yes, the snowball cannon makes em drop. Absolutely get the snowball cannon. It makes a world of difference. Here's why... Here's your opening rotation for optimal PPS (parcels per second): Life day snowball -> Life day snowball cannon -> Life day snowball cannon After that, you'll want to use life day snowball whenever it's off cooldown. Then your filler is life day snowball cannon. Rotation priority list: Life day snowball Life day snowball cannon Also, go to Coruscant, DK, or Nar Shadaa and throw them at overheated droids to earn decorations (again, cannon works too). Dulfy is your friend: http://dulfy.net/2015/12/15/swtor-life-day-2015-event-guide/#Overheated_Life_Day_Droid
  14. When enough people are rolling, and rolling for long enough, it becomes more and more likely that someone will end up with an "unlucky" streak. I wouldn't just chalk it up to RNG. The problem with RNG is not that you end up with streaks, but that it can be predictable (NOT random), and therefore susceptible to hacking.
  15. Why not just balance around PVE? And then if a class spec is overperforming in PVP, apply a percentage reduction in healing and/or damage to only that particular class spec in PVP warzones. That way the mechanics are the same in PVE or PVP, but the classes are closer to balanced in both. I realize that percentage reduction in healing or damage won't fully equalize certain specs. Sometimes its just the nature of the abilities that make it overpowered. But at some point, if the healing or damage reduction is enough (take it to the extreme, if healing or damage was reduced 100%, meaning they output 0hps and/or 0dps, would that class still be overpowered?), it wouldn't feel so overpowered.
  16. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1ae8di
  17. You asked for it. You got it.
  18. I think this is the best advice. If you want to be most efficient with your time, do this, or a slight modification of it, which would be to just go through your entire class story, and then start PVP (so you'd be around level 48). Doing this, the rotation you use when you start PVPing will be the one you also use in 60s. You can then optimize all your keybindings and mouse bindings to what helps you perform best in PVP. If you start PVPing too early, you could end up putting useless skills (because they're not used at higher levels) on prominent keys, and the muscle memory is hard to combat when you try to change up your keybinds. Do the PVP weapon rotation thing until 3.3 rolls out to store up coms, so you can be fully geared when you hit 60.
  19. Haha, I didn't think about server transfers. It's not something I regularly do. In fact, I've only done it once. So you'll forgive me if I didn't think of that scenario. Ok fine, that's one difference. Any others? I honestly don't see much difference after that. This is the first difference anyone has brought up. So if there's other obvious stuff I'm missing, please, tell me. If there aren't any other differences, let me ask, do you like the idea of legacy gear, or do you wish Bioware never introduced it? If you're ok with it, does that mean you're for legacy gear and against legacy datacrons only because of server transfers? If you're curious about what I think about all those crazy tangents that you want to jump on, then just reread what I wrote here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8173692#post8173692 You sure you want to have said that? That actually helps my case. Right now, with legacy gear, you DON'T need to have collected all sets of gear on ONE char in order to have all other chars benefit from that gear. (The legacy datacron equivalent would be if all your chars got the benefit of a datacron as soon as any of them got it. No one has asked for it to be this easy to get.). The restriction that legacy datacrons need to have been collected by ONE char before sharing means it's more difficult to share stats than the already existing legacy gear. And reemember, the only reason people bring up legacy gear is because of the remarks that the sharing of the stat boost across legacy via legacy datacrons is too OP (that's why some have said, just give legacy to the codex entries but not the stats). We bring up legacy gear to show that this stat sharing already exists, and ISN'T considered too OP. The fact that legacy datacrons stat sharing is harder to achieve than legacy gear stat sharing should further diminish the sense of "OP"ness.
  20. This was an issue back during the time of ranked 8v8. So I'm assuming this means they're bringing back ranked 8v8.
  21. It's not contradictory. You aren't following logic correctly. Your argument would only make sense if I PREFERRED mailing legacy gear over legacy datacrons. First of all, I'm FOR legacy datacrons, and I've used legacy gear as a reason for it. I'm pro both of those. Also, I'd actually prefer not having to mail my legacy gear (in fact, I "don't". I use legacy storage now. But I consider that effectively the same mechanism as mailing). That said, I actually said I don't really care with regards to credits. It's nice, but whatever. I'm fine with transferring credits. And I think the effects of legacy gear are the same as legacy datacrons, but not the mechanism of transferring behind it. Just like I think the effects of mailing credits is the same as legacy bank, but not the mechanism behind it. The end results are the same, but how they're accomplished is slightly different (one being instantly available, the other needing you to manually transfer). Your argument is that the effects of mailing credits and legacy bank are the same. But you're arguing that the effects of legacy gear and legacy datacron are not. Again, I call BS. Your analogy is not apples to apples. The proper analogy is, Player A has spent time to accumulate coms for BIS gear for all classes. Now ALL his chars will have a class appropriate set of gear. Why is this the right analogy? Because Player B has spent the time to find ALL datacrons, even ones not usable by him. It makes all the difference. How can you not see this? Let's return to what you said here: Let's say that Bioware removed legacy gear, and instead, allowed each and every character in your legacy an identical set of mods when they're earned on one character. Lets put the restriction that those "gifted" mods are NOT sellable. Why not sellable? Because that's how collections work, and that's how legacy datacrons work. You can't sell a legacy datacron. And you can't sell collection items because that would give players an infinite money generator. So what would be the difference in game play between legacy gear vs identical gear being gifted to all your chars. My argument is that there's only a difference if you can log in to multiple characters at the same time. Tell me why I'm wrong.
  22. I haven't had any connection issues. I play week nights from 8pm to midnight PT. Could be a lot of reasons for your disconnects. Are you connected to your router via wifi? Could be that your bandwidth/network speed drops when other devices spring to life or interference from other devices. When you surf the web, you probably won't notice those drops. Even if you watch Netflix, you might not notice a drop, due to buffering of video. But you can't buffer a video game, so a home network that feels reliable for those other things might not be reliable enough for game play. I had this issue when I shared a house with some friends. I ended up connecting via my cell phone's data plan (I have unlimited) and played (PVP WZs) without issue Maybe there's a weak link in the route from your computer to the server. I would imagine using a VPN like the one linked above could help with that. I had this issue when playing a different MMO back in the day. Are you using your ISP's DNS servers for DNS? This could be an issue too, although less likely. I would imagine once the lookup happens, it should be able to maintain the connection. But dumping my ISP's DNS for Google or OpenDNS is one of the first things I do when I set up my home network. They're just way more reliable. I'm just saying, try a few things before jumping ship.
  23. I guess this is where I differ. I think it's pretty similar. The "effect" of legacy gear is that all characters can benefit from the stats available on that gear. The difference between each char having an identical set of that gear vs legacy gear is the act/mechanism of having to transfer it via mail. The effective result is the same, since you can't log in to 2 characters at the same time. That fact is key. You can't ignore it. If you could allow your friend to play one of your chars while you played the other at the same time, then yes, legacy gear would be "effectively" (meaning the end result you experience) different than a permanent stat increase for all your chars. It would be like saying me giving you $200 in cash is a far cry from me giving you a $200 check. Yes, the mechanism for which the money is transferred to you is different, but the effective result is the same. You end up with $200 in your pocket. So when I see you saying that transferring credits via mail is a close replacement to legacy bank, it seems contradictory. The "effective" difference between using a char to store credits vs having legacy bank is the mechanism of transferring credits via mail. The "effective" difference between legacy gear vs permanent stat increase is the mechanism of transferring gear via mail.
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