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Everything posted by mike_carton

  1. Unless I'm misunderstanding what stories you mean, those stories are not available in veteran and master mode difficulties. They all play in only one - standard - easy difficulty mode.
  2. This doesn't sound like a genuine question. More like someone who is jealous other people are getting good gear and wants to highlight that to BW so BW will nerf it.
  3. Can you elaborate on what "normal class stories" you're running on veteran mode? There is no such setting for class stories as far as I know. The setting you can opt for by right-clicking the character portrait does not affect the class stories. Doing the KOTFE/KOTET on VM or MM is not easy. I'd first do them on Story Mode to get a feel for them.
  4. There is no doubt that Seer/Corruption are under-performing. But, in this case, that is not a euphemism. The difference from Combat Medic/Bodyguard is not much. You could even 8 man all legacy (before Gods) VM Ops easily with 2 Seer/Corruption healers. But it'd be nice to see a balance pass to bring these 4 Disciplines up to the effectiveness of Saw Bones/Medicine.
  5. Well said. I want to highlight this: This is so true. With some team compositions, you might not be able to get past a boss no matter what. You can see it there in StarParse where the [boss+Adds HP] / [DPS] just exceeds enrage timer. Pure math. This is not fair to paying customers (the players) who main these Disciplines.
  6. Deleted my previous post after re-reading OP. Hope this patch works.
  7. This was my reaction as well. I can't believe they left for the day without fixing this. Something like this in other companies leads to everybody staying at work, managers ordering pizza and sandwiches in, and team getting it done and putting solution into place before going home.
  8. They're not only being auto-claimed or auto-granted by the game, some of those auto-claimed or auto-granted rewards are disappearing into thin air. Many players - including I - lost 200cc that way; others lost other rewards. I'm at 198K+ for total CQ on a legacy for this week. Anything I do now will put me over 200K and give me 8 GS points triggering another potential auto-grant and loss of those rewards.
  9. Yep. I lost 200cc that were auto-claimed by the game into the ether. I'm not playing. My subscription is up for renewal in 3 days and I've never been this tempted.
  10. I finished up the story on several of my characters in the waning days of 6.x to get them ready for 7.0; these included a variety of Disciplines on both factions. I didn't have any difficulty issues with completing Ossus. Must be new in 7.0 due to the companion nerfing and Presence scaling.
  11. What progress?! We've regressed. We were far ahead on the last day of 6.x than we're today, at least in terms of the following: - Gear - Gearing process - Abilities and Combat Proficiencies - Character damage, tanking, healing effectiveness - Companion effectiveness - Conquest - ease of doing it, rewards - Crafting relevance - Prices of materials etc impacted by Conquest changes (Plans, SRMs, ...) - PvP gear dead-end - User Interface
  12. Weren't these supposed to have been fixed?! At least the patch notes say they're fixed.
  13. Why does it read like you forgot the sarcasm tag?!
  14. So, fixed 200 things and broke 200 other things?
  15. This is Ruffian: https://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/ruffian/6500000/all/live/0/ Lethality: https://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/lethality/6500000/all/live/0/ But a dummy parse is not the same as a real fight and some Disciplines have greater disadvantages in fights with mechanics than other Disciplines.
  16. Companions have been nerfed in 7.0 expansion. They also seem to have modified healer companion AI; during combat, on more than one occasion I’ve seen a near-full-health healer companion continue attacking some mobs rather than heal a near-death player character. Then there are issues with how they’ve started reducing the Accuracy, Alacrity, and other stats of players starting with 7.0. The same old content is now more tedious, less fun, and takes longer to repeat for the n-th time. But it’s all part of The Vision; at least, we have that.
  17. Agreed. The costs for these implants and for FP gear upgrades (DIS) are unreasonable.
  18. Fortunately, there is no such thing as missing a Flashpoint. Any and every Flashpoint is always available for doing. There are constraints like - character level required - difficulty level you can do it on (some don't have a Story difficulty) - ease of finding a group (Colicoid War Games is not in the group Finder) But these constraints are flashpoint-specific, and are always applicable to the relevant Flashpoints. You can do any FP any time.
  19. The original Guild Wars - still running - did this more than a decade ago.
  20. Seer/Corruption are not doing as well as they did in 6.x; what’s more, 1.3s GCD is out of reach for all Disciplines (even TK/Lightning) for all practical purposes at this point due to the miserly tertiary stat budget. So, my healer target is 2053+ Alacrity for 1.4s sec with the rest in Critical. Zero Accuracy. Mastery stim. Didn’t try a high-Alacrity build this expansion.
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