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Everything posted by Crazykidddd

  1. My suggestion was in fact a solution oriented comment, as opposed to your nonsense. I see there's no point commenting on these when it's all dim witted players who just desperately want their carries. If the prospect of having diff q's for solo players and premades bothers you then none of us can help you, there's something wrong with the way you think. And all this is even disregarding the fact the devs have already tried making it this way but failed to make matchmaking perform it's function properly, however the idea has already been implemented, I'm just asking for it to actually work as intended instead of just taking longer to get a pop and the match going through anyways.
  2. Your response in no way addresses what I said, it just sounds like you want to hear yourself speak so it's ironic you talking about logic when there's none to be found by you. I'll try again slower this time: Put premades against premades, that's not a penalty of any kind, it's a step in the right direction for both parties, premades aren't bored ganking pugs who die in 2.3 secs and solo q'ers aren't getting stunlocked in a 6v1 zerg on repeat. Then make a separate q for people who are playing alone and want a fair matchup. Get it now? It's not about taking things away or dismissing coordination, it's about making matches fair which is something anyone would want regardless of which side of the balance they're on, whether it's to not bored or not get rofl stomped while being unable to move bcs you're stunlocked.
  3. I have a simple solution for your q. Premades vs premades and solos vs solos as mentioned by anyone with two brain cells. Oh your premade q isn't popping? Drop the carries and q like a real player.
  4. The 15 min lockout to begin with is nonsensical and was pushed by pve tryhards. The fact it affects players who get dc'd or kicked because of the 398479587495684759275238976 bugs this game has, and scales up to 6 hours is pure and utter insanity. whoever came up with this needs to be checked.
  5. I got kicked from a match because the speeders weren't letting me on, I tried /stuck then clicked again but it did nothing. Now I have a 20 min lockout and if anything else happens it's gona one hour. WTF
  6. Assassins got nerfed, that happened, now we are left with the worst movement in the game for a class that needs to stick to their target for mediocre damage. I would suggest making the Shadowcraft implant reset Phantom stride on death or give it 2 stacks of PS for starters. Next, please remove the extra force cost on Reaping strike for the util that reduces its cd, its more of a nuisance than anything else. Finally, reduce the cd on force speed to a baseline of 15 secs for assassins. It is one of our most crucial abilities and shouldn't require us to take a util point for it. I have a lot more I would like to add regarding the individual specs but this would already be a great start.
  7. All assassin specs are doing well atm, tho the dps specs need some changes (revolving around mobility primarily as well as buffing certain crucial abilities that seriously need it)
  8. What I'm saying is that tanks who want to play as tanks (aka guard people, live forever etc.) need to wear a shield, and that shield needs to heavily decrease damage done ( by at least 30% upwards of 10%). if you're not running a shield you should not be allowed to guard anyone and your damage reduction needs to be heavily reduced. I'm not saying these are the exact changes that should come about, but the point I'm trying to make is classes should be divided by roles. Tanks live forever but do no damage, and dps should be a lot squishier but deal heavy damage. Tanks atm fill both roles, that's the problem.
  9. All I'm seeing is juggs doing way more damage, and sorcs with mediocre self heals at best (compared to ops or even anni maras who easily hit upwards of 3mill healing)
  10. While madness does have great offheals, it's damage is now where near broken, and in order to make full use of it's offhealing you need to actually play in a skillful way by los'ing and kiting properly as any mad sorc who just stands out in the open will get shredded. Furthermore, it's damage requires a buildup and the use of force lightning which (apart from doing horrible damage and being affected by armor) requires you to stop moving, so once again unless you're skilled at managing your cds, most often what will happen is you're going to get jumped by multiple enemies and get buried, as any pt for example who uses the stun tactical can lock you down while melting your health. Every time some class change comes about people cry about it and then try it for themselves only to realize it's not as simple as they thought. Another thing to consider is, without death brand, your offheals really aren't anything special, and certainly don't deserve any nerfs, so it's really just a question of making sure Death brand doesn't reset more than 2-3 times as mentioned and making it fall off on death. However to do so would require Death Brand to be on par with halted offensive, in the sense that the damage needs to be worth losing an aoe ability which also dot spreads. If Death Brand isn't hitting for at LEAST 30k (upwards from ~21k) then the tradeoff is too big. And yes, I've dueled madness sorcs using engi sniper and the only cd I needed was my Shield, nothing else. It was a massacre and the sorc couldn't do anything.
  11. This is the problem, people with the "run to the most op class" mindset. And yes, people who are baited into playing tank because they are op in warzones ruin the match for everyone in the sense that half the matches since 7.2 are filled with 3 tanks on one team if not more. And these are tanks guarding tanks, and every person you're fighting also ends up having a guard while you get stunlocked on repeat. If this is your idea of fun you can keep pvp, theyve taken ranked away and now theyre ruining regs for us too (legit 20 min q's to end up joining the matches late over half the time, but I won't even get started on that). No way to have fun in this game anymore, theyre just running it into the ground. Tanks who aren't wearing a shield should not be able to guard anyone, they also need a nerf to their cc abilities and at the very least a big nerf to their damage. You wanna last forever? you shouldn't be doing any damage. However until these devs play their game and realize how broken pvp is, people need to stop running to everything that's op in pvp because they want tot get carried.
  12. It would be a buff in itself, allowing you to use the sustained tactical and still get 100k+ crits, without it reaching 160k+ However I do agree they should get their roll heal back
  13. Honestly they should just remove the engi burst tactical altogether and make the util in your tree that increases it's damage by 25% go up to 50% instead.
  14. Assassins do NOT need a nerf, they've already been nerfed into the ground, l2p issue. Juggs do NOT need more cc, they have a stupid amount of it already for the amount of dmg and burst they put out, again a l2p issue. Sorry not trying to be rude or anything but I see posts like this talking about class balance by people who obviously have no idea what theyre talking about. That being said I agree with some of the other stuff mentioned. I think cc breaker isn't the problem, they just need to rework how the resolve bar functions. Imo the best thing to do is have resolve activate after one hard stun and giving you cc immunity for 10-15 secs. And yes, they need to make it so that premade will NEVER, not just less likely, but NEVER be matched against pugs. No pops? good, drop the premade and queue without your pocket carries.
  15. if this post is for comedy then you've struck gold man, I'm rolling. If you're being serious I'd suggest trying another game.
  16. PvP for long enough, you'll get there. Eventually everyone stops caring about objectives, they're boring and a complete waste of time. Plus unless you can give players a pvp mode (not arenas) where they can have fun fighting other players instead of afk'ing at a node waiting for anyone to show up then none of you have any right whatsoever to dictate how others should play the game.
  17. read the title
  18. I have already posted a bug report and one on this channel about this. Bolster is currently not working as you say and no one is being scaled down, you have 339 rated players with vastly superior stats. The problem is the devs don't gaf about pvp, it's incredibly evident. Nothing to be done except uninstall.
  19. I don't know what servers you guys play on, but on SF the queue times have been significantly higher than before. Now whether that's because pvp has become such trash that no one wants to play it anymore except for the progression junkies who just want to claim more useless rewards, or because the mm algorithm is doing it's job (KeK), the point is 7.2 has effectively killed pvp. The point of pvp is all about competition and fighting other players. If your definition of pvp is queue with friends, afk at node and stunlock anything that gets close and continue to afk then therein lies the issue. People who are bad at pvp love the update because it allows people to get away with not doing anything and the people who actually put time and effort into improving are now simply getting rofl stunned by 5 ppl on repeat. What a wonderful patch.
  20. I duno man, for myself and the snipers I know of, we have no issue kiting, and as long as you use your defensives right, you shouldn't be able to get stunned as easily as you say. Obviously some classes have the right burst and/or tools to have an advantage in arenas, but if played right sniper can be a monster as well. Maybe start with engi? it's got fantastic burst, great kiting and heavy CC potential. I agree with you that during roll you should be completely immune to everything, which is not currently the case. And they need to make that new implant they made with the passive healing once every 4-5 secs at least. 10 secs is just nonsense.
  21. I guarantee you I've checked myself and it's not the case. Btw it's not just about an ability's damage, but also about them having higher tertiary stats as well.
  22. Instead of putting it away I'd suggest trying to get better at it. As a slinger you can't be leapt to, and while there is a lot of movement buffs for melee atm, your job is to get in a position where you are going to be a nightmare to attack, forcing ppl to play stupid or waste their cds just trying to get to you. Slinger is a class that requires more skill than just spamming massacre granted, however to say they have no defensives is silly. They have a plethora of ways to keep ppl at bay, and with the right utilities you are able to kite people to infinity and beyond. If you're playing arenas and sitting in the middle of the fray tryna cast your abilities and wondering why you're getting jumped, it's because you need to not be doing that unless you have a healer you can peel for. My advice would be to work on your positioning as a sniper and also your ability to kite people, which is pretty much your job in arenas, survive long enough to give your team time to pick off targets.
  23. Doing as much dmg as people with better stats than you is a question of skill. The point here is that pvp is supposed to bolster down gear with an IR higher than the PvP max which is now 332, but it isn't. Whether they do dmg or not their gear still offers them better stats in pvp, and that's the issue.
  24. As the title implies, people who pvp atm with an IR much higher than the supposed new 332 limit have considerably better stats. (And no it's not because of gold augments.)
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