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Everything posted by Crazykidddd

  1. WHY??? I don't understand, you guys have seen what happened in 6.0 with wins, it makes everyone very frustrated and breeds incredible toxicity in PvP. Not only that but you are forcing pve players who haven't A SINGLE CLUE how to pvp into matches where wins are necessary in order to complete weeklies for their gear and ruining the matches for everyone else instead of letting everyone gear with content that they like. You guys say you want to fix pvp toxicity yet are the cause of a lot of it. Please fix this and let the weekly be awarded without wins so people can start enjoying themselves and not want to cancel their subs because they have better things to do than repeat the same thing over and over without any reward worth a damn thing.
  2. Back in 2.0 carnage marauders were a force to be reckoned with, it was an ultra fun spec that did exactly what it was meant to do: be a deadly glass cannon, and I loved it. Flash forward to almost every single patch since then, carnage has been either complete garbage or basically flat out unusable, especially for PvP. In 7.0 you guys gave carnage marauders a "speed demon" feel, the problem is that this speed demon (who's only slightly faster than the other specs due to all having access to predation and the other useful buff to carnage's speed being only a 3 sec duration), zooms around trying to kill people with wet noodles for weapons, and has to constantly use its auto attack just to keep up the 5 stacks of increased crit/speed bcs of the miserable 3 second duration of the buff (which I would be fine with if that was the only issue), but more importantly to be able to use anything bcs you run out of rage every 1-2 abilities. Even the utility that allows you to have infinite gores during berserk is absolutely useless bcs you have to sacrifice your dps with auto attacks in order to increase your rage beforehand so that you can actually use gore, and even then, you might get 2-3 uses per berserk for an ability that does VERY mediocre damage. Anni and Fury both have way better dps AND utilities AND survivability than it, not to mention that basically all of its tacticals are useless (small bleed on gore, really? the bleed is more worthless than cauterized coronary which no one seems to use bcs the dmg is so low. And the ability that allows your massacre to deal aoe dmg after a smash is worse bcs both smash and massacre deal pitiful amounts of damage.) I understand that asking for a complete revamp of the class requires a lot of time and effort, though that is not what I am asking. 2.0 kept it simple, ravage and the auto crit on force scream (now devastating blast) both dealt a LOT of damage during the gore window (now Ferocity). Ravage is now that thing that you use when you have no more rage, and the auto crit on devastating blast just hits hard enough to be worth using, but has absolutely nothing special about it. It seems to me that the baseline for the spec has been created already but what is sorely lacking is a tactical that ties the whole spec together. Again, the main issues with the spec, in order of importance, are: 1) You're always out of rage, you have to use auto attack ALL the time just to be able to do something which means you can kiss any kind of rotation or desire to set up for burst goodbye. 2) All your abilities deal miserable amounts of damage (relatively speaking). Even with the new utility options for massacre, it barely hits for more than the other spec's basic vicious slash, and only due to the fact that it causes an ataru form strike. This is very sad, especially for an ability that costs as much as a "hard" hitting attack. Please, lower the rage cost of all abilities or find a way to implement a tactical that would make the spec worth playing first of all, and then fun to play as well and not feel extremely clunky as it does now. I personally really like the idea of having carnage be a speed demon as that's basically the job it used to have in 2.0 as well, but please increase its damage output. Maybe reduce the rage cost of all of carnage's main abilities by 1, and make a tactical that goes something like this: "Ravage now builds 3 rage. Using Massacre reduces the cooldown of Ravage by 3 seconds and grants a stack of Ravaging Offense, increasing the damage of your next ravage by 25%. Stacks up to 4 times." Alternatively, you guys can make Ravage back into a channeled ability (only for Carnage) like it used to be and have this tactical: "The cooldown of Ravage is reduced by 6 seconds. Ravage roots the target and is immune to interrupts, and using Ravage with a stack of Ferocity increases it's critical hit chance by 100%."
  3. Hi, I find myself deleting a lot of items from my inventory constantly and wish there was a quicker way than having to drag them all out one at a time and having to accept the item toss warning each time.
  4. Even getting stunned twice in a row is a problem in pvp tho, any two stealth classes that want to focus you means there is nothing you can do, you're just gona sit through stunlocks which gives them more than enough time to kill you, all the more so for premades who just want to mess with people, its impossible to be able to enjoy yourself. I think resolve needs to activate after one hard stun and last at least twice as long as it currently does.
  5. The biggest problem with resolve is it takes forever to activate, lasts all of about 10 seconds and you're back to stunlocked. Most of the time you die by the time resolve bar hits white, and by the time you rez and come back its gone, so useless.
  6. I just had a match where I got cc'd 4 times in the span of ~15 secs by an assassin and juggernaut. What you guys are essentially telling us is that having any sort of skill in this game is nearly useless bcs all you need is the armada of stuns some classes have and you're good to go. You guys need to fix resolve or just plain remove hard stuns from pvp before you lose all of your player base. Even getting stunned twice in a row in pvp is insanely stupid.
  7. Lol believe me I know, but the Energized Blade tact is so much fun to use in regs, and pulls crazy numbers too. Just very frustrating having the buff fall off so often, it would make it fair for pvp and wouldnt change anything in pve.
  8. Hi, so I find it very annoying that the duration for the tactical's buff to your dot dmg only lasts 10 seconds before falling off. In pvp there is almost no realistic way of using it because you get stunned once and its basically over. Please can you guys at least increase the buff time to 15 or 20 seconds or make it a permanent buff that expires on death? It would allow to to enjoy using it instead of getting mad everytime it falls off bcs someone stunned you. Also, the ramp up time to get back to 4 stacks everytime you kill someone and have a couple seconds of delay before being able to use rail shot on a new target is stupid.
  9. You guys need to fix this asap. It's become such a problem that you can't move anymore in warzones, hence the only thing that happens is you die over and over stunlocked. You guys want to fix the toxicity in pvp? Starting by making it impossible for players to be stunned to death, unable to move or do anything would be a great place. And that cc resolve bar is a joke, by the time it gets activated you're already dead most of the time, or by the time you heal up (which just wastes more time) and come back, it's gone, and the whole process starts all over again. Either remove stuns from PvP completely, or make resolve bar an actual useful thing to have because atm its completely useless. Most people don't even want to touch pvp because they know theyre just going to get stunlocked and ganked to death repeatedly, and I get that this may be a pve focused game, but you guys seriously need to do something about this issue, which can be fixed SO easily, because it's ruining the game for those of us who just want to have fun instead of being practice dummies for 10 seconds straight.
  10. No one is saying not to, and players who are great at PvP find it fun. Where I and many other people have a problem is that no matter how much effort you put in, you can't always carry a team of 8 on your back to get the win you need for the rewards, which are already very lackluster compared to pve. On top of that, even if you want to argue that getting bad teams and losing is part of the experience, it doesn't change that having to deal with those teams and coming out with nothing at the end of it is very frustrating, not to mention that most people don't have the time to play all day, and when they do come online to play, they are trying to enjoy themselves. Again, I understand that they're not about to just start handing gear out for free, but for those of us who only enjoy PvP, the system in place atm renders getting gear through PvP a long nightmare, and the alternative of running the same flashpoints endlessly multiplied by the amount of toons a person has, is way past the standard of putting in time, skill and effort that you are suggesting, it is just abhorrently long and tedious and makes gearing in the game a very painful chore that gets in the way of us being able to just enjoy the game.
  11. ^ This needs to be seen by the devs and something needs to be done, I would love to queue group ranked, it's unfortunate they are keeping basically all the rewards for the elite teams, makes absolutely no sense.
  12. They can decide a way to make it worth it for ppl to seek a win, however a loss should still count towards the weekly, otherwise we're right back to where we started. having to go through 40 losses when 10 wins would suffice is basically no better than where we are now. Maybe make 2:1 like before but with added boxes of gear for a win or something, or more tech frags per win (i dont even know if warzones even offer straight up frags). Point is there are tons of ways of making a win very appealing, but it shouldn't be to the point where it will cause frustration to the ones trying to get wins but getting stuck with bad teams.
  13. Not only is the endgame gear very expensive, but it requires us to either spam over and over the same flashpoints endlessly or to spend HOURS playing warzone after warzone hoping that you get a team that tries as hard as you to win so you could finish daily/weekly and get a measly couple hundred tech frags. It's disgusting and needs to change. Please allow us to receive normal rewards even without a win, and make winning a warzone x2 rewards and count x2 for weeklies. Right now you are causing players who want the rewards to rage quit matches when its a clear loss and cause other to join late and also generally making PvP a very toxic place due to the frustration of having to deal with ppl who are already fully geared wanting nothing else but to farm. I'm waiting on a miracle that this gets seen and accomplished.
  14. The cost of endgame gear and set bonuses is currently way too expensive. For a player grinding to gear a single toon, it's not so bad, however for the majority of us with many toons of different classes, it's just exhausting having to grind day after day in order to get enough for just a couple of pieces of gear and is really just a turn off from the game. Please either reduce the cost of gear by half, make the tech frags rewards way higher than they currently are or make it so that the boxes of gear we get from running PvP actually contain pieces of gear that we need based on our chosen loot discipline so that we can start having fun.
  15. Long Live Huttball, now please, PLEASE bring back Queshball aka the greatest warzone ever created. Also, nostalgia
  16. While I find that most of the people I talk to despise arenas (because of how unbalanced it is and bcs of the short duration of it etc.) the focus of my post was just to address how most of the 16 man warzones are all Ancient Hypergate, as if the queue is broken and plays it on repeat. Odessen litterally pops once every 2 weeks ( I am not exaggerating), Novare Coast pops once a week if you're lucky otherwise just about as often as Odessen, and while Huttball and Voidstar do pop regularly, Ancient hypergate still come up at least 2x more often than both of those put together making at the very least 3 out of every 4 warzones a Hypergate, that's not ok. As someone who only PvP's in the game, the broken queue is completely ruining the game for me, and I know it does for many other people as well.
  17. I basically only pvp and have noticed that apart from the overwhelming amount of arenas we get (which is annoying but I understand sometimes the lack of players necessitates it) the warzones don't seem to all have an equal chance of popping. At least 75% (MINIMUM) of warzones end up being Ancient Hypergate, which is the main issue, because it's the single most hated warzone in the game. It is a breeding ground for people to get ganged up on and for players who are just looking for kills to leave the pylons and cost the rest of the team the game. Please, PLEASE fix this. If it were up to me and a ton of people i speak to, Ancient Hypergate would be deleted, it's just not fun and everyone agrees, but at the very least fix the RNG or whichever system is in place so that we can play every warzone map and not constantly get stuck having to replay over and over the worst warzone in the game.
  18. ill take part in your tournaments, but already got a guild, if you're willing to let me enter the name is jack'frost
  19. I'm in empire on my jugg, nice guys, but diff on other toons
  20. I was obviously kidding, i've raped goat several times already, other than that we should have weekly duel tournaments on dk or something, would be fun
  21. Hey man, let me know at what time you'll be on and ill send you an inv to try you out, any pvp'er at heart is a friend of mine
  22. lol goat, if anyone wants to duel let me know the name is jack'frost, i'm sure i can do something about your "undeafeated" status
  23. it's true the lag is driving me insane, they need to fix that ****
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