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Everything posted by UTlNNl

  1. All I can say to the first point is that I would imagine it would be more fun to do with NEW heroics. Playing old content in a new manner is still playing old content. Playing in a new manner can certainly be fun. But surely you'll agree that defeating and looting Lord Sundar can only be done in so many different class/companion combinations before getting stale- to a much higher degree than actual new content would. In your opinion, do you think that a decline in subscriber numbers now that the story is out was not at least an influence on them to try to give more incentive for people to actually stay subscribed?
  2. I didn't even say that operations should be their main focus. I said that they should at least give as much as they used to.
  3. No, something is "new" if it was released in the latest expansion. Kotfe story is new (and I still consider it to be new even through I've played through it three times). Star Fortress is new. Planetary Heroics are NOT new. EC, KP, EV, TFB, SNV, DF, DP, RAV, TOS are NOT new. I don't see how this is difficult to grasp. I never at any point said that something stops being new once you have completed it once. Content becomes a grind when it is no longer fun to repeat. The story is not fun for me after the first play-through. Operations are fun for me after dozens of play-through's. We have all done 1.0-3.0 content to the point that it is no longer fun to repeat. If you think repeating 1.0-3.0 daily missions, operations, story, etc. is still fun, then you are Bioware's ideal customer- they'd never have to make anything new and you'd still pay $15 a month to play it. If Bioware's intent was to focus on players who can play through the same story over and over without needing any other reason to stay in the game, then this is a change that I simply will continue to protest until I can't post here in January or whenever my sub is done in the hope that they would actually make new, fun, repeatable content.
  4. And as my sub is running out, I like to see why exactly people think this 'new direction' is good for the game. It comes down to people either admitting that they enjoy replaying daily missions introduced in 1.0 while waiting for more story or just telling people to leave if they want SWTOR to at least give as much focus to actual grouped content as it used to.
  5. Don't reply until you've finished writing what you plan to say? You said on page 4: I gathered from this that you play for the story, dailies, and weeklies.
  6. 1. In other words, they introduced nothing in 4.0 that is fun to do after you've completed the afternoon's worth of story. You have to go back to content introduced in 1.0-3.0 to have fun. I see. 2. LOL
  7. If doing dailies over and over is fun for you, are you happy that the only new thing you got in that department in 4.0 was Star Fortress? edit: you keep editing your posts after I've already replied to them.
  8. It isn't a grind if people have fun doing it. A lot of mmo players have fun doing ops- even over and over again. If you have fun doing the same dailies and weeklies over and over again, then that's fine- it's not a grind for you. But I would venture a guess and say that most people find dailies to feel like a grind.
  9. I have two questions for you: 1. In your opinion, is there any new and fun content to do in the game in 4.0 after you've completed the afternoon's worth of story we got in 4.0? 2. Why do you think they had to introduce the subscriber reward program?
  10. This. Why do people think they're introducing a subscriber reward program? If anyone thinks it's for any reason other than subscriber numbers absolutely plummeting now that everyone has seen all of the currently released story with absolutely nothing new and fun to do while waiting for the remaining chapters, then I would say to them: LOL.
  11. No, completing an operation does not make it recycled. Content becomes recycled when it was introduced in an earlier version of the game, then tied into the mechanics of a later version of the game. This is different from actually making new content. Talk to anyone who's beaten an apex operation boss at tier- they'll tell you that doing it again with their group does not feel like a grind. It feels like a grind once it's on "farm," everyone on the team has min/maxed gear from the instance, and there's no longer a challenge in completing it. That usually takes several months.
  12. There are two problems with this. The first is that the current grind is 100% recycled material that we've all already grinded on before. The second is that Ops are endgame grouped content- the thing that MMOs have always put forth as the real challenging (pve) content. Daily areas will always be terrible.
  13. Ops are generally fun to do over and over if you have a consistent raid group that can progress through the harder difficulties- as long as you're not stuck with the same operations for a year. Min/maxing your gear from the HMs and NiMs was always a bit grindy, but doing the operations themselves was fun.
  14. There's a big difference between unnecessary grind that has missions that can be done repeatedly and content that is "replayable" in the sense that it is actually enjoyable to do so.
  15. The difference is we've been paying for the same two latest operations for over a year (and the two before these for a year), and been paying for the same 5 warzones + huttball for 4 years (with one reskin of huttball and arenas thrown in).
  16. This should have been given no hype or announcement. Then it wouldn't have been a letdown.
  17. Must have Crest of the Dread Master and Wings of the Architect to recruit >=D
  18. My list from most dreaded to most enjoyed: (worst) Voss Belsavis Makeb Alderaan Ilum Yavin Rishi Ziost Taris Tython Nar Shaddaa Corellia Ord Mantell Hutta Quesh Coruscant Tatooine Balmorra Hoth Dromund Kaas Korriban (best)
  19. It's almost like difficulty increases with the level of the planet or something crazy like that.
  20. Bill Gates goes to grocery store. Bill Gates inspects potatoes. Potatoes listed in order of price: low-to-high. First Potato: $1.08 Second Potato: $1.08 Third Potato: $1.09 Fourth Potato: $1,090,000.09 Bill Gates picks up Fourth Potato, proceeds to checkout. Cashier asks: "Are you REALLY SURE you wanna buy Fourth Potato?" Bill hastily interrupts: "YES, ALREADY" Bill swipes card and purchases potato. Transaction approved as Bill has necessary funds in account. Bill comes home. Inspects bank account. Balance is $1,089,999.01 lower than expected. Bill blames the label-man.
  21. After that lovely discourse, I simply can't imagine how that happened.
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