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Everything posted by Sparklehorse

  1. Thank you sincerely for this information. It is very much appreciated.
  2. Yeah same here. I've been playing MMO's now for over a decade and this community has made me sadder than any of the others and I've played almost all of them. I used to think the worst community in MMO gaming was the EVE community, until I came here. At least in EVE, the people that complained and bashed CCP did it because they actually loved the game and wanted it to be better, even if most of their ideas were rubbish, they came from a positive place. I've never seen a game where so many people in the community actually wished for it to fail because of a grudge they hold against the developers or for whatever other reason some of them have. Don't get me wrong, these developers have disappointed me time and time again since launch but I don't hold it against them personally and I certainly don't wish them any ill will nor do I want this game to fail simply because I didn't approve of DA2 or the ending of ME3 etc...
  3. Oh sure I'm not arguing there won't be the random assortment of idiots that will cry about anything and then there are those that are just looking for something to complain about or to bash Bioware with. We have tons of those in this community...cough...Goretsu...cough. My point is, even if they did everything perfectly to schedule, those people will still continue to behave that way, regardless. Saying something like "we're gonna try and get them going by x time" would still have been nice for those of us that like to schedule our time wisely. For example, should I go to the gym this morning, or wait until the evening, etc. I'm not complaining and I understand why they don't engrave things in stone. Just saying this is sort of a different case because I'd like to think the majority of people who actually care about the success of the game enough to test new patches are intelligent and reasonable enough to handle any delay or server issue that might spring up in the early hours of testing. I'm an optimist, what can I say?
  4. I'm not sure there are enough people excited about this that there would be a "flood" on the forums. No the smartest thing to do would be to actually give a time frame in this case so that people could actually plan around the testing. People who care enough about the game to actually download and test on a PTS are also more likely to understand when said server has issues in the opening hours of testing. Well one would like to think so anyway.
  5. How exactly is this thread even relevant when we don't know what destination servers we will be allowed to choose from? Remember the first transfers, the free ones, will be "guided/controlled" by Bioware. This means that they will decide where we go and that probably means Fatman and the other only good other server won't be destination servers. It also means if you are already on one of these "good" servers, you won't be allowed to transfer off. My guess is they will move people from light servers to standard servers first. At any rate, we really have no idea how these will play out so it seems we might be getting a little ahead of ourselves.
  6. Timeline is a dirty word around here. AKA, don't hold your breath.
  7. Here again is a classic example of them thinking they know what is good for us better than we do. We've begged for server forums since launch. Wonder how long it will be before they finally admit they were wrong on this one as well.
  8. I'm not sure they should be so proud about their sub numbers considering many of those subs are just active until the free month runs out. I haven't played more than 10 minutes in almost a month and if transfers don't happen before my free time runs out, I won't be resubbing. I'm sure they are happy to be able to say, "well at least we still have 1.3 million subscribers," unfortunately, they don't admit that only the .3 are actually playing the game.
  9. The best thing about them, other than giving you something random to do when you're tired of everything else, is that sometimes they encourage you to do things that are outside of your normal gaming box. Achievements are something I never tended to get excited about but Blizzard nailed it in WoW with this. The smartest thing they did was tie rewards to certain achievements like pets, mounts, titles, etc. While the achievements themselves (ie. epeening my achievement number) were never important to me, the collector in me couldn't resist completing the ones that rewarded me with nonsense pets and toys that eventually filled my bank. The only drawback was you always had those that whined about some that they percieved they couldn't get. "I hate pvp but you make me pvp to get this cool mount..." etc. In short, it's a system that, when done properly, can add much replay value to a game and adds those all important goals that mmo players yearn for.
  10. I hope there is something noteworthy announced but at this point, I am just as exasperated with "soon" as everybody else. The only announcement that really makes any difference at this point is, "We have solved the population issues and this fix will be implemented tomorrow..."
  11. This is odd, my sub was supposed to expire on the 5th. I went to check it, as I had every intention of canceling until they get the populations sorted out and it turns out, I'm subbed until the 19th. I guess I am a little relieved by this. I really don't want to cancel. I really want Bioware to get this sorted. I suppose I'll give it until the 19th. Surely they will have done something by then... Surely...
  12. Yet we sit here now, spread across way too many servers, begging for transfers that should have happened months ago...
  13. Pretty much sums it up. Sandbox games are a different animal altogether. I understand SWG had a good community. I hate I missed that but the only other sandbox that exists today (with any player base to speak of) is EVE and the community in that game is horrific. I can only imagine how this community would have handled a sandbox game... It would not have been pretty.
  14. There are a few of us still left. Though in hindsight, their handling of that situation should have been a warning sign of things to come.
  15. Truth is, we don't need to see the sub numbers to know the bottom of the barrel is swiftly approaching.
  16. Can they make all of this happen a month ago? Two?
  17. My sub runs out Tuesday. I have one friend remaining and he and myself are the last two officers in our guild still subbed (he actually still logs on, I haven't since May 18) and I now have to debate whether it is worth it or not to stick around and wait. I haven't unsubbed yet, I'm going to give it one more honest go at some point this weekend but I don't have much hope. Last log in (which I admit was a couple weeks ago) there were 20 people on fleet during prime time and this server had a que in the beginning. Too much gone wrong here and I have very little faith anybody in Austin has any idea how to fix it. The sad state of populations and their inability to address the hemorrhage in a timely manner is further proof that something is terribly wrong from the top down. It's like watching your house burn down and only turning the water hose on in time to save the downstairs bathroom closet. The heck is going on in Austin?
  18. I make it a point to not try and enforce my view of what is fun and not fun upon everybody else, it is a game after all. MMO's should strive to provide content for as many players and player types as possible. This means there will (and should be) many activities I love to do as well as some that I don't particularly care for. For example, I don't think so much of myself as to assume that since I don't like player housing, it shouldn't be included for those that do. Again, it is a game and as such, much more can be gained from a policy of inclusion and not exclusion. There seems to be a lot of "I hated this in another game so it shouldn't be here" in this community. Quite sad really.
  19. It's not that complicated. They split the game world up into so many different planets sending everybody off in different directions then made the only viable means of forming groups for flashpoints standing around on the fleet spamming the local channel. No global chat channel for forming groups and a tool that nobody liked to use. They were warned in beta btw, many many times. We created a global chat channel on Space Slug but after the initial crush of people it fell out of use. Nobody wants to spam "Join our global chat channel to look for group," repeatedly. Again, we asked, no we begged for a global lfg channel that was auto-joined on log in if they were going to refuse to provide a viable LFG tool and they didn't even do that. They got it right for the instanced pvp (whether you like it or not) allowing us to que and to go on about our business of leveling and crafting while we waited for our "pop." They did not provide the same for those players that like to do pve content, run flashpoints (instances) or for the heroic quests on the various planets. They soon found out what people had been telling them since beta. People will not do things for themselves. Player created global chat channels don't work. Standing around in fleet to look for groups for flashpoints is not fun and did not work. Again, hindsight is always 20/20 but there were , literally, hundreds of posts prior to release warning of this exact outcome and then thousands after release, yet, here we are, six months in and still no viable LFG tool. When you combine this with the travesty that was removing ranked pvp right before 1.2 and now you have a double whammy. PVE players with no reason to play combined with PVP players with no reason to play equals, screw this game, there's nothing to do. So the game felt dead even when the servers were full and most people just skipped all the group content in the interest of leveling faster and convenience. I think if we knew how many people that unsubbed in their first month never saw the inside of a flashpoint, we would be shocked.
  20. The only thing that will keep me here past 6/5/12 is server transfers. I haven't logged in for almost two weeks, it's just too depressing. There is no way 1.3 will be out by mid June, it isn't even on the PTS yet and the content it is promising is not enough to keep me anyway. The only thing these devs should be working on right now is transfers and getting the servers alive again. That needs to have happened a month ago.
  21. I don't buy into the whole, "it's legacy that keeps them from being able to do transfers." This is no excuse for them allowing their game to deteriorate into what it has. Legacy was something that could have waited. It is, at it's core, nothing more than a way for them to add content that should have already existed anyway and to create time and credit sinks that wouldn't have been necessary if the other content had been strong to begin with. Transfers, on the other hand, were time sensitive. Note that I used the word "were."
  22. My sub is up on 6/5 and as much as it saddens me to say it, I won't be resubbing. I just can't justify it any longer. I've been a long time supporter but even I have my limits. The only thing that could change my mind is some concrete information from the devs on when server transfers will occur or even better yet, actual transfers happening. I feel they have had plenty of time to do this and what is happening now is concrete evidence that these devs just were not ready for an mmo. 50 cents a day is a reasonable price to pay for entertainment, I've said that for months and I still believe it. The key is the word "entertainment." Currently, on a dead server (which used to be very popular I might add) and there is little to no entertainment to be found anywhere. I would say I'll check back in 6 months but I have very little faith that anything will be any better by then due to the developers insistence on not listening to the community (x-server LFG, open world pvp, etc) on top of their refusal to communicate to the community exactly what the Hell is going on. I'd really like to be able to justify continuing to pay for this game, I really wanted it to succeed but reality is finally setting in and there simply is no reasonable rationalization for paying for a game that is no longer fun, particularly when the most fun to be had requires other people and there are no people to be found.
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