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Everything posted by Sparklehorse

  1. That was from yesterday, they are supposed to begin again this morning.
  2. Really wish we could get them rolling this morning. Hard not to get impatient.
  3. This is not what is going on at all. In fact the transfers yesterday were primarily from light servers to servers that were already at Standard or better. Please stop spreading misinformation...
  4. Yeah same here. That's why we need to get these server transfers going again. I know it's early in the morning but it's definitely twilight on my server...
  5. Time to get those transfers going again!
  6. I just hope they get this bug fixed and get these things rolling again early and often tomorrow.
  7. If they don't continue through the night, I'm sure someone will say when the last batch of the night has gone out.
  8. I'd stop just short of calling this a large project...10 servers isn't that impressive to me. Since you have Bioware's employee schedule on hand I'll just submit to your wisdom...oh wait... Seriously do not understand people who take pot shots in threads and have no idea what they are responding to. People who pick fights over off topic posts in thread are almost as dumb as people that assume they know what a person does for a living...but not quite.
  9. Yeah, Joveth is the entire staff...gotcha...
  10. I think that the majority of the staff probably doesn't start until 9am. That's pretty standard...
  11. It's still not even 9 am. in Austin Texas...just sayin'.
  12. As a poster stated earlier. It's not even 8 o'clock in Austin Texas right now. We should at least give them all time to get into work before melting down....
  13. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who sees this as completely acceptable. This is the right way to do this. Move those in the most need first. I'm willing to wait in line behind players that never get to experience a good population because they will benefit the most. My server is almost dead now but it's been a slow death and I got to play for months with a decent population. It really does make one Hell of a difference.
  14. Those are the least of this games worries at the moment.
  15. I know it would be stupid to reveal the entire list of servers but they could go ahead and tell us what the first destination server is, as well as the list of first origins so those of us that like to schedule our time wisely will know if there's any reason to bother being at the PC tomorrow.
  16. Looking forward to it. I hope they put the "list" up tonight and don't wait until tomorrow. Either way this is the first step in what we can all hope will be a huge leap forward into the future of this game. Combine large, healthy, servers with a good group finder and suddenly we have a triple-A title.
  17. It's better than what we have now but if you think you are going to be playing with the same caliber of player once it goes to live... It can be good or it can be great, completely up to Bioware at this point. Let us hope they are taking the PTS feedback seriously and aren't as willing, this early, to declare it a success as the OP is because it still needs quite a bit of work.
  18. Let's reinvent the wheel while we're at it?
  19. So many people not "getting it" in this thread. Simple concept really. Tank ques for an instance with bosses that hit for 21k and tank has 18k HP. All of the emotional nonsense aside, this is numerical. Bioware gated the content by using gear. This means that no matter how good a player you might THINK you are, it doesn't matter when the rubber hit's the road. When that boss hits you for 21k and you only have 18k there isn't a thing anybody can do for you at that point. The numbers just whooped your butt. People can throw red herring after red herring into this argument but it's all about numbers. Call each other names all you want but it doesn't make a bit of difference if you aren't geared for the content you aren't geared for the content. Again I didn't make these rules, Bioware did when they designed the encounters and gated them with gear level. Now you tell me who the A-hole is. The person who asks that Bioware create a tool that allows people to que only for content they are geared for or the tank with 15k HP that joins your Denova group?
  20. I'm sorry you feel like you can make such a judgment about my character from one simple post. I could turn this around on you and ask you why you would expect to be able to do the hardest content as soon as you hit level cap when the rest of us spent weeks farming gear that was content appropriate and then why you would force yourself into a group as a tank to try and tackle content your gear just cannot handle but I won't... If you can't see why that is an imposition upon strangers then there's not much I can say to change your mind. It's nothing personal at all. I didn't gate the content using gear, that was Bioware and if your game has gear gating and believe me, this one certainly does, then you have a responsibility to take that into account when creating a group finder. It's obvious, from your post and the tons of others that some people just don't "get" this concept and there will be many people who do exactly what you did. They will que for everything that is available (why wouldn't they) and then the group that gets them will be stuck with them. A run that would have taken an hour will now take double/triple that time if it is even possible to finish. As a tank, you should be more aware of what your gear is and isn't capable of more than other classes. For example, why would a person join an instance with bosses that hit for 21k when they only have 18k HP? You accuse me of being mean and the cause of you not having fun and I say exactly the same to you good sir. It is NOT fun trying to heal a tank that doesn't have the gear for an instance. You should try it sometime before you start raking people over the coals. I would be happy to run gear level appropriate instances with you, I love playing with people too. I que for everything, even though I vastly out-gear everything in that group finder precisely because I am a group minded player that enjoys meeting/playing with people, just as you say you do. Don't assume, just because I point out a huge flaw in an upcoming feature, that I have an elitist agenda, or that I think I am better than you because my gear is. That's ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous releasing a group finder with no gear check and then expecting the community to police itself in the matter...
  21. Wow those are some good ideas. Somebody should steal those and put them in a Star Wars game.
  22. I'm all for them blazing their own trail but when it comes to mmo's there are some features that are expected now and for them not to deliver those in the name of not being like WoW, well you need only look at how successful this game has been up to this point to see how that turns out. I don't think a lot of people realize how dumb it is to scream "DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT GAME DOES!!!" Yeah, you know, that game that has millions of subscribers and provides something for every type of player, has been around for almost a decade and keeps on going strong. Now I'm no big fan of WoW myself but it is absolute folly to release a new MMO without features that are now considered staples in the MMO world. The proof of that is in the sub numbers for this game right now. There are many ways they can differentiate and distinguish their game from all others (note I did not specify WoW because I can't for the life of me understand why people have such childish, personal vendettas against a video game) without sacrificing features that many players have come to expect. They tried it, it didn't work. Now they are struggling to include those quality of life features before the ship completely capsizes. For the sake of those of us that still want to see this game succeed, let us hope it isn't too late...
  23. There currently seems to be no gear check with the group finder. This means that fresh 50s can que for the hardest flashpoints regardless of their gear. This will lead to many people being kicked and many groups being formed that are undergeared for content. I hope this is only a bug but after 4 groups last night with only one able to actually get anywhere and 3 that had to be completely disbanded due to not being geared enough for Denova, I suspect this is by design. Might want to rethink that...
  24. How do people not get this? It's a very simple concept. When you hit 50 you are NOT ready to run hard mode Denova. Now do you want the group tool to allow you to que for this so you can be rejected and kicked when the group is finally formed? or Would you rather the tool understand that your gear isn't sufficient and to leave this option greyed out until your gear is good enough? So do you want a good tool that allows you to que for what your gear is capable of or do you want 3 random players to berate you and kick you from the group once you get there? Quite simple...
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