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Everything posted by GhoXen

  1. Learn to use your companion? Just turn off the DPS abilities and all Quinn would do is healing.
  2. BioWare seems to have spent more time and resource on Sith Warrior class story than any other class. There is a lot more content and replay-ability. I'm nearly done with my class quest, and at the moment I'm just as tempted to roll another Sith Warrior of opposing alignment as any other class I've yet to play. I think it's fair to say that Sith Warrior is the only class where choice and alignment truly matters at certain points, and the consequence is not merely transient.
  3. A pair of these curved babies: http://www.torhead.com/item/eYhdBMm/dread-battlefield-commander-lightsaber http://www.torhead.com/item/5J6s91S/dread-battlefield-commander-offhand-saber
  4. I've seen a level 30 Jedi "Master" before (aka. finished all 3 chapters). Apparently her level 50 boyfriend ran her through all the class quests right from the starting planet.
  5. Here are a few things you should be aware of when playing with a companion, or for any pet class in other MMOs. Don't expect the game to do everything automatically for yourself. You are supposed to issue commands to your companion just as you are supposed to manage your own rotation and cooldown. 1. Turn on/off abilities depending on circumstances (i.e. turn off AoE abilities and swap to single-target stance when CC is present). 2. Turn on "Passive" when your companion is standing in hostile AoE. This forces the companion to return to your side, at which point you can turn off "Passive" to resume attack again. 3. Bind "Attack" to a key, or if you are comfortable with Ctrl+1 then use that. Tell your companion to attack your target, or some other target. In fact you can keep your companion always on "Passive" and issue "Attack" manually if you are into that. 4. Use those offensive/defensive cooldowns.
  6. What BioWare may actually do is indeed adding an additional AC to all the existing classes. Compared to all other options, this is probably the most cost-efficient choice. Since it's simply a different AC, they won't have to make additional story content for the new class.
  7. Most of the events that happened in KOTOR2 were behind the scenes. The only people in SWTOR who may actually know who Exile was are probably just Revan and Scourge by now.
  8. I see little reason to fix this. Most of the mods are BoE in the first place - even the ones awarded via quests and commendations. As for the ones which are BoP, usually the gear they are in are obtainable only by specific classes (i.e. PvP gear), and unless your alt and main are of the same class then you won't benefit from it. I suppose the only scenario in which this technique is useful is when you have a raiding main whose raid group is farming content with a lot of spare loot nobody wants, and a non-raiding alt also at level 50 who handles only dailies.
  9. People who want to play exotic species is a minority, yet the work required to make all the gear and animations work on a single exotic specie simply outweighs the benefit. The majority of players prefer humanoid-species whom they can more easily relate with, as such more work is done of those species. Had BioWare introduced species, chances are those species will have: 1. awkward animations, 2. nearly all the gear in the game do not show up, or only show up in a very limited number of forms, 3. no proper VO, only alien gibberish. Only in such circumstances can the amount of work be justified. Yet if that had happened then I'm certain there will be even more complaints. As a result BioWare chose the safer option of not introducing those species as playable characters at all.
  10. Hahaha, this is so so so very wrong. You need to do more research before making completely incorrect assumptions and embarrass yourself on the forums. In terms of gameplay the ACs are indeed what can be considered as two different classes. Indeed even some specs in a single AC can offer vastly different gameplay. Marauder is a good example - all three specs offer quite different focuses and play-style.
  11. Near launch I said that I hoped the game could get another year in development. People whined that they'd cancel their pre-order if the game gets delayed beyond 2011 and never touch it again. Pressure from both EA and people like those forced BioWare, and now those people who cried the loudest have left the earliest.
  12. It's the epic mods which are too expensive to pull out. The leap from pulling out blue to epic mods is simply massive.
  13. I started Alderaan at level 38, and now I just finished Taris at level 42.
  14. I agree. The first time playing through Republic/Empire content is absolutely fantastic, but after that the only interesting part of questing is the class quests. Indeed the only reason I'd level additional alts is to experience those class quests. Faster leveling speed is definitely one solution. I just want to experience the various class quests without the need to grind side-quests I have done several times already. ADD: On the other hand I feel I'm absolutely spoiled. In WoW the content was completely repetitive (lolclassquest), yet people still managed to make many alts. Of course, leveling is a lot faster in WoW with heirloom gear. A single flashpoint usually gives you 2-4 levels.
  15. They are useful only for questing (i.e. dailies)/clearing trash in Heroics. I personally often can't notice much of a difference with or without them. You might as well take them off your bars just so you don't grow reliant on them.
  16. I took a break in Feb, and came back right after 1.2 was released. When I first returned, I was pleasantly surprised that ability delay was no longer an issue, at least I wasn't able to detect any delay whatsoever. However after the latest couple small patches, somehow ability delay is now back. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen it's rather annoying. Perhaps it has something to do with current server load? When I came back to the game the server I was on was low on pop (Oceanic PvE), but since the transfers the delays have returned. My fps and latency are optimal, so I can only conclude that ability delay has returned.
  17. It's not based purely on RNG. The good missions were supposed to be few, otherwise the supply of metal will be too large.
  18. It doesn't work that way. The reason BioWare added so many new servers was because at launch the tears of people waiting in queues flooded all the way to the moon. The tears and rage back then was a lot worse than it is now.
  19. Fun fact: the word "transfer" was not used a single time in that article. Great title.
  20. Fail post. The TC needs to either: - Learn to read; - or stop misstating clearly incorrect information. Mergers =/= Transfers. Transfers involve players moving from one server to another without changing the actual servers. Mergers will always involve some servers ceasing to exist. Mergers are the last resort. The population problem will be solved, but a lot of people will be upset when characters run into name conflicts on servers, and some players may willing stick with a guild on Light server instead of being dictated to merge.
  21. It's pretty bad, but not the end of the world. The question is whether the situation will worsen or improve. It's quite normal for a newly released MMO to lose a significant portion of its launch subscriber base, WoW-included. Some MMOs are killed by this, others become stronger.
  22. WoW beta had more bugs than SWTOR open beta weekends. GW2 beta had more bugs than SWTOR open beta weekends. WoW had more bugs than SWTOR at launch for far longer. I wonder if the tears of GW2 players will flood all the way here when GW2 launches.
  23. Let me guess, here's what you want: - Weak level 20 guards at outposts on level 20 planets instead of level 50 champions. - Quest NPCs, vendors and Taxi NPC all killable. - Quests for both factions in the same areas, easily allowing players to run into each other. - Quest objectives potentially shared between factions. - Starting Planets/Capital Planets/Faction Fleets can be raided or sneaked into. - Reward system for world PvP. Not necessarily unique rewards, but a different method to obtain rewards instead of WZ/Rated WZ/Ilum. Oh, and to prevent, or at least discourage too much ganking: - Much longer flag (e.g. 1 hr) for killing players 10 levels lower on PvE servers. - Reputation/Bounty system for players who gank low levels players too frequently. - Bounty rank reduces over time. Too high a bounty increases PvP consumable costs slightly (20%), and/or permaflag on a PvE server.
  24. 1. Juyo 2. Vette for general questing, Quinn for soloing Heroic quests. The gear between the two is mostly interchangeable (strip one, gear the other). Quinn is viable for general questing as well, but it's inevitably slower. Vette can't help you with Heroic quests, you'll most likely die.
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