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Everything posted by Sziroten

  1. A friend of mine isn't participating in pvp as much because of this issue. I don't have too long loading times which is why it doesn't bother me as much.
  2. Playing warzones is entirely optional, you don't have to, nobody is forcing you. However upon pressing the button and joining it is not only anymore about yourself. It's the same as joining a flashpoint/ operation with similar principles and the only reason why people are keep on being bad is because there is no penalty. Nobody can kick you as long as you make a step every now and then. Yes, maybe Bioware has to implement a "dummy" warzone where people can just join... there is no start, no end but player can teach other player as to how they can improve themselves and I'd be happy to participate in trying to teach new player how they can play a warzone effectively. (btw. one of the reason I created this thread was that I believe people would welcome a pure training warzone with no goals but getting better and increasing the fun factor for everyone.) The bottom line is.... do "bad" player really have fun being bad or do they just don't know any better? Wouldn't it be more fun with just some effort to create together with the other team an interesting game which you win or lose but is not based on which has the worst player not understanding the "basics" and defend their node the entire tie with 3-4 people farming medals? I don't believe that people like to play bad, being called out and not improving themselves because it takes little to no more time investment to make huge improvements with ease.
  3. Reducing the amount of times you have to log in between characters to craft a single item would be most welcome. I'd already be happy by allowing/ unlocking any other maxed out crafting/ gathering/ mission we have on another character which is part of our legacy. In this way, you could be logged in with whomever but craft/ gather everything though it would be still limited to 5 companion. (This limit could be increased by 1 or 2... btw. ) I'd welcome a legacy bank in which options are being unlocked every 10 legacy level. If it would be possible to have a fixed slot for every resources you can get from crafting and whenever you collect it on one character you'd had it automatically in your legacy bank rather than your inventory with a limitless stack amount. I like your valor idea like you wrote it down.
  4. I guess whoever played EQ2 as a scout class knows about this. For those who don't, it's an ability which let's you negate damage when falling from great heights. However the "cool" part I found was you had to "train" falling from low heights to improve your skill to be able to drop from greater heights and so on. It didn't had any real use from a gameplay perspective, however it was something you did when you were bored/ waiting or simply for the fun of jumping off somewhere and it felt like an achievement when you maxed it out and were able to jump off a high tower without taking any damage. Now we do have force user in Star Wars which generally do jump off heights without taking any damage (outside SWTOR...) but also non-force user could improve their roll ability when jumping off heights. There could be further use for this as to create another SOA encounter requiring a minimum safe fall level to reach the next platform etc. . Yes.. I do miss things next to leveling/ flashpoints/ operations/ pvp....
  5. way too long..... Warzones are about: a) killing other players and farm medals any way possible b) playing as a team to win the match without looking at medals at all I'd like to be queued with b) though due to the low amount of people playing like this Bioware should open a new bracket 10-54 where people take it as a challenge to beat a higher level rather than qq'ing about it on the forum.
  6. Bioware would have to invent a PvP schooling for those which don't understand principles of a warzone but rather qq on a forum about how utterly overpowered "organzied" teamplay is vs. their own headless chicken run each and every time the window pops. If your group has a problem facing a 4 person premade... the problem is in your organzisation, communication and at last... each individual skill. We faced a premade with 2 operatives and 2 assassin the other day and we won by 20 points (civil war) while having 2-3 people standing on our cannon "defending" the entire game. There was little to no communication required because people plainly understood what is required to win, people were get stunned, only one person was capping and so on but that's already too much requirement for the chicken faction. Ps: I'm a random player
  7. As being very skeptical about these new brackets before they have been released... I think they made the right cut, however I don't understand how it qualifies that someone at lvl 49 has like 4k more health than when he turns lvl 50 and just because of one ability at 51 you should be shafted like this? Anyway, brackets are fine as they are, the only thing they should add is allowing you to exchange ranked from lvl 10 and buy your lvl 55 pvp set from lvl 10 as well (though not usable until 55).
  8. Du bist irgendwo falsch abgebogen. Geh nochmal zurueck zu dem Punkt an dem du auf die Schiene "Random Spieler sind immer die schlechteren Spieler gegenueber Premades/ Ranked Spieler" aufgesprungen bist denn nicht nur ist es verkehrt sondern du baust auf dieser Falschvermutung als Grundlage deine Argumenation bezueglich Premades vs. Pugs auf welche ebenso am Thema vorbeischiesst und absolut unproduktiv ist. Ansonsten bedank ich mich dafuer von dir als "unfaehig" betitelt zu werden der von Bioware an die Hand genommen werden muss um vor den boesen Premade Spielern in Sicherheit gebracht zu werden..... ..........NOT
  9. Wenn Bioware die schlechten Spieler rauspatchen wuerde dann haettest du keine Probleme mehr mit Random vs. Premade.... es ist allerdings schon interessant das du Casuals/ Spasspieler generell als schlecht bezeichnest bzw. irgendwelche Komplexe zu haben scheinst das aus was auch immer fuer Gruenden ein "Ranked BG" Spieler aus seinem lvl 20 Twink mehr rausholen kann als ein Random Spieler. Eventuell zuviele "Randoms sind doof" Threads gelesen? Ps: Da ich hauptsaechlich Random BG's mache, da ich wie man an meiner Signatur ev. erkennen kann, sehr gerne neue Chars hochspiele fuehl ich mich selber ebenfalls als Random und solange im taeglichen Random BG ansagen, markieren und fokussen kein Standart sind muessen wir ueber Random vs. Premades doch garnicht mehr reden.
  10. People don't like to take responsibility even though a dd has the same responsibility as anyone else in the group. Tanking in SWTOR is really easy and I'm enjoying playing one of my tanks but there are so many other classes to be played... that's why I haven't been tanking operations since... almost a year but did prior to this every operation my previous guild went to.
  11. there is nothing more rewarding ripping a higher lvl sniper a second hole with your own undergeared, underleveled sniper/ gunslinger
  12. OP claim is going hand in hand with the question "which class is the best" by 12year olds entering the game. It's the same in every MMO really... person A claims class X has no spot in top-end content only to be shut down by said class clearing Top-End content regulary. Same old same old...
  13. It's an MMO... not a day at work where you have to finish x amount. I'll give you a sample of a bad healer I've ran into doing mandalorian raider. 1. he ran head first into any enemy group he saw 2. he didn't heal a single time, the tank was constantly at 10% after each group 3. when I mentioned that he is the healer... having combat support stance but he continued to start throwing dead from above = pulling aggro. 4. after we failed 2 times on the first boss, he was kicked because he can't heal. If someone tells me that he is doing the flashpoint for the first time or it's his first time as a healer in a flashpoint you can point out obvious things. Not having healing stance would have been a first before any mob is pulled. Explaining to stack his 30 stacks to increase the healing % is another very easy thing to do. Furthermore explaining that casting the ae heal will increase any further heal is again very easy to explain and to understand. If this was at lvl 20 it was most likely Hammer Station or Athiss, L2P flashpoints really and with above comments it most likely would have been a breeze to go through the flashpoint. Not everyone understands the class right from the get go and above is explained in a fraction of a full minute. On the other side for OP, it's important to understand that all the skill trees are built in a similar fashion. You get talents and you improve existing talents but you have to check how they are being improved to understand that casting 1 heal makes another heal for free etc. .
  14. Don't buy random dye kit packs then.... it's really that easy.
  15. Oh ja, super Idee. Wir haben letztens zu dritt schon 2 Stunden ohne ein einziges PvP Fenster verbracht... ergo scheinbar ist da bereits ein System in Betrieb das uns nicht zu den armen armen armen armen armen Randoms zugewiesen hat die instant umfallen sobald 2 Leute von der gleichen Gilde im Gegnerteam sind. Als Random PvP'ler braucht man nach wie vor kein TS, ausser man ist unfaehig in weniger als 2 Sekunde o3/w4/s1 zu tippen. Selbst wenn nur Randoms gegeneinander antreten tritt einer von 3 moeglichen Faellen ein. 1. man wird abgefarmt 45% 2. man farmt die anderen ab 45% 3. es entsteht ein interessantes Spiel 10% 1 und 2 sind taegliche Begebenheiten wenn Randoms gegen Randoms antreten.... und 3 ensteht sehr oft nur dadurch das auf der anderen Seite eine Premade parat steht. Die Wurzel des Problems ist nach wie vor die Spieler selber.... zu unfaehig zum Markieren, zu unfaehig zu fokussen, zu unfaehig die Objectives zu verstehen, zu unfaehig incs anzusagen/ sich selber einen Ueberblick verschaffen usw. usw. . Selbst wenn Bioware erlauben wuerde bei einem leisen Furz automatisch in den OP chat "inc Suden" reinzupasten aendert das am Spiel selber so gut wie garnichts... denn die Leute die vorher Ansagen ignoriert haben, werden dies auch weiterhin tun. Die Leute die zu 3 auf Grasseite stehen waehrend man versucht Mitte gegen 7 Leute zu verteidigen werden dies auch weiterhin tun, da koennte man auch als "Hive-Mind" alle zusammengelinkt sein und die 3 Pfeifen wuerden genau das gleiche wieder tun. Anstatt immer an der Oberflaeche zu diskutieren, diskutier doch wenigstens an der Wurzel und da spielt es ueberhaupt keine Rolle was Bioware aendert/ nicht aendert denn schlechte Spieler werden immer schlechte Spieler bleiben, ausser man aendert Bolster so das Spieler im BG genau die gleichen Werte wie ausserhalb vom BG haben und ein lvl 50 mit 15k health endlich endlich eine Chance gegen einen lvl 20 5k health Spieler hat.
  16. Alda... ich sachs dir... Ich hab dort mehr in der Spawn Zone gelernt als in all den BG's auf Exar Kun/ T3-M4 zusammen!... und dabei standen alle still. Ich zerbrech mir seit vorgestern allerdings den Kopf, welche taktischen Gruende es hatte von dem einzigen Assa in Voidstar die komplette 1. Runde (wir waren Angreifer) auf dem Kloh zu verbringen... das muss was tiefgruendiges gewesen sein das sich mir als jemand der auf nem PvE Server spielt einfach nicht erschliessen will
  17. Die Smileys sollten eigentlich der letzte Hinweis darauf sein das mein Beitrag ironisch gemeint war.... ansonsten... ich wohn und arbeite in einem Umfeld das taegliches Englisch voraussetzt und ich stimme dir daher gerne zu... Englisch ist nicht soooo schwierig, gutes Englisch darueber hinaus dann schon.
  18. how about that dread seed armor? Looks kinda cooler than a lot of stuff you can get on the cartel market?
  19. Not entirely sure what the purpose would be to re-level the same story... as someone who likes to play alts, there are 3 different spec for any class so why not try something different and use it to replay the story line as you already did?
  20. Any of you considered getting a Razer Orbweaver? I've been using it for some months and to me it's much easier than keybinding my keyboard as I can still keep pretty much most of the standart layout for guild window etc. . In this fashion I've mapped 2 quickslot bars and a single quick slot to my needs and it's pretty applicable for any kind of class and spec which is kinda important to me as I'm playing so many different classes/ specs. I'm also using the SWTOR mouse from Razer.
  21. No one has yet met the emperor in any story line. Will we ever see him? Well the thing is... either we see him only as playing on the Empire side as meeting him on the Republic side most likely would mean that he, for some reason, is getting too close to the front line. However seeing him in a "heroic" fashion helping us killing the dread guards only to vanish back to what ever backwater planet he is currently staying on, certainly had its interesting aspects.
  22. Sziroten

    T3-M4 pvp

    tl:dr Dort wo besseres Gear einen Unterschied macht setzt man es nicht ein, dort wo man eh schon "OP" durch den Walde pfluegt macht man sich noch "besser". I lol'd
  23. soweit ich mich erinnern nur "Wolf Pack" und die Chars hatten teilweise "deutlich" deutsche Namen....
  24. Kalter Kaffee..., spaetestens seit du mehr oder weniger erfolgreich steuern kannst zusammen ins gleiche BG zu kommen.
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