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Everything posted by Sziroten

  1. I wonder how you can talk about L2P if this current issue is not the same you are trying to get around in your thread. Please read and see the pictures with crafted lv 54 chest etc. pieces. Bolster doesn't make any sense past lvl 49 not even taking into account PvP gear.
  2. Sorry to say but this seems to be a L2P issue. You have a stun, you have a gapcloser (they have a stun, they have a force run) very early on. Later on you are getting additional stuns (force grip) and additional knockback, defensive abilities (which you should use) ..... . Until Sorcerer aren't getting their bubble stun/ knockback stun they are fodder and when they get it, you've get more defensive cooldowns, stuns etc. and after all this, why should a sorc not beat you in 1 vs. 1... as that would mean that the classes seem "balanced"?
  3. Sziroten

    How to play PvP

    Dinge die ich quasi taeglich und bisweilen in fast jedem BG sehe sind: - gemeinsames Tappen ausserhalb von Novare Coast... man tappt nicht schneller ausser in Novare Coast und es ist immer! besser einen tappen zu lassen und die anderen halten Gegner davon ab diese einen zu unterbrechen. - nicht markieren von Heilern Heiler sind immer jene Klassen die es schier unmoeglich machen einen einzigen Tank/ DD umzubringen, egal wieviele Leute auf diesen einpruegeln. Deshalb, checken wer gruene Spells castet und diese per Rechtsklick auf deren Avatar unter Markierungen marken. - jeder haut auf ein eigenes Ziel Eventuell sind alle scharf drauf die 1 vs. 1 Marke abzugreifen doch es hat keinen Sinn das jeder auf ein anderes Ziel einhaut. In Verbindung mit gegnerischen Heilern endet dies dann meist zu 100% toedlich. - stunnen..... stunnen? Stunnen macht relativ wenig Schaden, sollte trotzdem im Repertoir eines jeden Spielers vorzufinden sein. Gestunnte Gegner machen keinen Schaden und koennen andere Leute nicht vom Tappen abhalten.
  4. ka... ich hab 3 Kopfgeldjaeger bzw. hab den dritten uebers Wochenende gestartet und ist nun 21 oder 22 (Heiler) und ich seh in keinen der Brackets eine Abstinenz dieser.
  5. Well it's obvious that Bioware removed expertise from War Hero to prevent people with War Hero to stomp other people in the 30-54 bracket. However they should have removed expertise from battlemaster as well. What is not obvious is the following. When hitting lvl 50 you are being screwed over. I had almost 29k health on my shadow at almost any time during lvl 35-49 by only using the crap planetary mods. When I hit lvl 50, I bought the 58mods, had vastly better stats outside the warzone but inside I have now 24k life, less expertise and.. less bonus damage. What is even less obvious is that lvl 54 crafted gear outperformes the best pvp gear (which has a very slight advantage over the best pve gear).
  6. Thank you very much and good luck to you
  7. While I don't see different Lekku animations or even the Lekku language.... why on earth don't you let us wear "masks" and hoods up just like any other race? No mask/helmet prior to the campain armor would allow Lekku to clip through. Additionally... if it's not too much work.... . Make a standart version for wearing hoods up with the Lekky coming out like in SWG. that's 2 fixes...
  8. Ok my bad then but somehow I'm pretty sure having 10 "lekku" rather than 2 wouln't be any less of an issue and also... I think they look great as a race!
  9. I used my paypal yesterday and got the coins as soon as I hit the "pay" button... and it has been like this since I started using paypal in relation to SWTOR.
  10. Thanks for posting this.... and I'm kinda suprised but also not really surprised. It's just another "oversight" for no reason or the result of a bad decision. Am I correct by saying that 25% should consider the bonus you are already getting and add 25% to that total or am I completely out?
  11. wenn du das sagst.... Der Event kommt wieder und jeder Spieler hatte die Moeglichkeit mit einem Char sein woechentliches Cap zu erreichen ohne jemals ins PvP Gebiet zu muessen.
  12. any heal > no heal stealth > no stealth (this includes vanish) gap closer without a cooldown > gap closer on a cooldown So since marauder are not heal classes, you can spec for stun/ root immunity along with being able to make an equivalent number of rolls as sorcs force speed can run before it's put on a cooldown. Pointing out a bug which is still used by some cover classes players currently doesn't make it any less of an advantage on life servers. (needs to be fixed)
  13. Ich muss heute arbeiten, mich stoert die Wartung keineswegs aber wenn ich den naechsten Feiertag zufaellig an einem Wartungstag habe... na dann aber sowas von!!!!
  14. Willkommen auf dem Planeten Erde mit unterschiedlichen Zeitzonen unterschiedlichen Laendern und Feiertagen. you are not alone
  15. I dare you to think about what would happen if Bioware would punish things like this. He didn't steal any account, he didn't use any glitch... he didn't do anything forbidden he wasn't allowed to technically. This issue is as old as guild banks in any mmo do exist and how people still blindly trust others and lose tons of items/ effort in the process is a L2P issue. Let me make it clear for you with an example.... . Officer A doesn't like Member B so he waits until Member B takes something out of the guildbank or even tells him to only to kick him out of the guild + ticket with a screenshot of the guildbank withdraw window. How in the world can former Member B prove that he didn't do anything illegal, that he was "told" to take the item or whatever. There is no way this is not going to create many many more problems and the people you tried to punish will make use of this system just as they do now just in a different way and you are left with the vey same problem.
  16. 100% crit for selfown..... 1. Es ist kein Bug wenn dein Team oder das Gegner Team in der 2. Runde schneller die Tueren capped als das andere Team in der ersten Runde. (das ist der Grund fuer das vorherige Abbrechen) 2. Es gibt keine Kompetenz Ruestung ab lvl 50 da Kampfmeister nicht mehr erhaeltlich ist (und bei Bolster sowieso nicht wirkt) und Kampfhelden ebenfalls nicht mehr erhaeltlich ist bzw. Bioware die Kompetenz runtergenommen hat bzw. selbst mit Kompetenz beim Bolstersystem nachteilig waere!
  17. Schade das viele Leute immer vergessen das sie nicht alleine auf der Welt sind und bei Beruecksichtigung aller Feiertagskalender ev. am 29. Februar dann jeweils eine Wartung gemacht werden darf. Jede Wartung kann irgend einen Feiertag in irgend einem anderen Land betreffen, mal drueber nachdenken bevor man nur wieder sich als Zentrum des Universums sieht.
  18. You should use the 30% power proc relics + one click power buff relikt.
  19. In case you would give it a cooldown (like other gap closers have....) how would your DPS ops be screwed when you didn't have a gap closer prior to this? They should allow you to skill for a "better" gap closer (2 rolls instead of 1) in your DPS tree but not as a general rule for any kind of operative.
  20. You know why people are closing their doors? It's because people.... people are sometimes chosing the easiest way to put themself in a better position. This is why new people or "normal" members for that reason should have only limited access (though not necessarily) to any guild bank. There is no legal ground because this guy could just argue that your own guildleader told him to do exactly that. You have no evidence that this didn't occur do you? Guildmaster and Officer have the responsibility to protect each member which usually means that they will give out items from the guildbank though member are open to put anything into the bank.
  21. Advice coming from a guy playing an operative and doesn't know basic functions of his class oh yes... and that's totally how it should be, own 2-3 guys without problems because your lvl 51 skill and it's totally the same for all classes right?.. Operatives have stealth, heal, gap closer/ increaser, "leap" (due to cover options are not restricted to the same level in huttball for example)... I totally don't see how any other class and healer for that matter could say anything like this. Force Speed does have a cooldown, Force Leap does have a cooldown..... the roll needs one as well. You can "jump" to higher platforms already, using the cover mechanics and you being able to heal yourself + stealth is an advantage you don't seem to grasp.
  22. die du teilweise nachvollziehen kannst *.... Schau mal nach was es bedeutet in nem PvP Gebiet zu sein... Deine Meinung interessiert herzlich wenig wenn Bioware die Quest als PvP flaggt und dich ins PvP Gebiet schickt um dir zu sagen... (2x) da kann es zu PvP kommen. Schlicht und simple zu verstehen sollte man meinen. Der PvP Anteil an der Quest ist das man PvP betreiben sollte wenn man beim Abgeben gehindert wird, ein Prinzip das auf jedes einzelne BG zutrifft. Sinnlos mit dir zu diskutieren da du dir alles so drehst wie DU es siehst anstatt verstehen zu koennen das Bioware anderer Meinung ist und darueber hinaus begreifst du immer noch nicht das in keinem einzigem BG niemand zum PvP gezwungen wird sondern nur ein "Means to an End" ist um zu cappen/ den ball in die Endzone zu bekommen. Bioware hat Dummheit, Faulheit und Ignoranz schon einmal geholfen, es sollte nicht verwundern wenn sie es wieder tun. Andere Spieler "lieben" zu PvP'en zu der Quest, jeder wie er mag aber natuerlich hast du das Recht auf deins, andere aber nicht auf ihres.
  23. 2-3 Leute koennen den Chat beleben waehrend 80 Leute problemlos questen etc. . Schwerlich der "Grossteil" der Spieler die sich hier aufgeregt haben. Nochmal fuer dich, wenn dir Ruf wirklich so wichtig ist dann mach die Quest mit mehreren Chars denn der resultierende Schub an Ruf ist wesentlich groesser als die 2 Quests im PvP Gebiet. (Ich hab keine der PvP Quests gemacht und bin jetzt schon wieder am Weekly cap mit den Rufitems und hab von denen noch jede Menge mehr). Das Event ist nun nicht zum ersten Mal draussen, ergo hatte jeder genuegend Zeit sich darauf vorzubereiten um wirklich soviel Ruf mitzunehmen wie moeglich.
  24. probably because you just don't know any better... however Star Wars Galaxies solved the issue with hoods in a very nice fashion... see here. The hood is wider than for normal heads and frankly I can't get my head around how Twi'lek are not supposed to wear hoods ... you gonna love this one or this one. Furthermore there are some things not making any sense I'm afraid.... As Bioware stated that helmets are not supposed to allow hoods for any race (not sure why...) all "helmets" we see with hoods are supposed to be masks. There is no mask which alllows Lekku to clip through until the black hole/ campaign "mask"... . So which one is it supposed to be?
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