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Everything posted by Sziroten

  1. Sziroten

    T3-M4 pvp

    Auf ToFN im Random = T3 Random.... mal gewinnt man ueberlegen, mal verliert man unterlegen und ganz selten mal ein spanneneds Game. Danke an den der mich gestern auf seine Igno gepackt hat nachdem er mit 2 anderen an dem Tor stand wo kein Gegner war wahrend der Rest des Teams 4 mal in ne komplette 8 Mann Truppe reingelaufen ist und letztlich das Tor verloren hat. Wenn von verschiedenen Leuten 4-5 mal angesagt wird das man links! Unterstuetzung braucht und die selben 3 Leute an der rechten Tuer rumcampen dann sind mindestens 1-2 davon PvP-Idioten, das koennen jene dann schlucken oder nicht, vorallem wenn die Begruendung zurueck kommt das der Gegner ja sicherlich getappt haette wenn sie dort nicht zu dritt "gedefft" haetten
  2. Genauso ist viel zu oft war das es speziell in BG's rumlaggt.... siehe Video auf der Seite vorher.
  3. Anstatt auf Argumente einzugehen laesst du dich so trollen..... . Du bist scheinbar nicht im Stande eine "Diskussion" zu fuehren sobald es nicht in deine Richtung geht oder Leute nicht mit dir einverstanden sind und automatisch alle die nicht einer Meinung mit dir sind = Premade Spieler obwohl ich dir jetzt schon gefuehlte hundert Mal gesagt hab das ich ein fast auschliesslicher PUG Spieler bin was du wieder und wieder komplett ignorierst weil das ja u. a. bedeuten wuerde das du eben nicht die Stimme der "armen" PUG Spieler bist sondern ein sinnloser Wichtigtuer der eigene Inkompetenz auf dem Ruecken anderer (in dem Fall PUG's) austragen will. Du redest nicht fuer mich also hoer auf damit gebetsmuehlenartig deine PUG Gospeln runterzubeten.
  4. Marked is the only advantage a 4-man premade has over random composition. What does prevent random pvp player from aquiring the best pvp gear (which we do) What does prevent random pvp player from playing together rather than follow private "objectives"? What does prevent random pvp player from joining a common Voice Chat for the time of the warzone? The reason why this probably didn't get tons of official replies is because everyone has the possibility to get better, get the best gear and group together if they want to. People playing solo chose to do so and facing the downside is natural and entirely logic. It's a similar ridiculous request as wanting to solo current flashpoints/ operations because you chose not to group with other players. Splitting queues won't solve any problem: 1. you can queue solo and end up in the same warzone 2. better skilled and objectively oriented player will still dominate less skilled/ non objective oriented player 3. if you don't belive and you play since release, take off your googles and realize that you have dominating matches in low brackets with a full random group and you are getting roflstomped with a vs. a full random group. The only point which sounds reasonable is the one about matchmaking. Not allowing 3 or 4 healer in one group would certainly help though it is not the same as for queuing up for flashpoints because you can queue up as a tank but you don't have to fulfill the role of a tank in a flashpoint. This means that the options to queue as have to be linked to your skill trees which could be too difficult to implement.
  5. Sziroten

    Rage Quitting

    1. player leaving while waiting for the game to start = no penalty 2. player having disconnects = no penalty 3. player leaving a running game = lockout + pink aura The current system doesn't force people to give a **** even though they made a commitment by queuing for a warzone. There is no guarantee that you will get a winning team but having a lockout will bring people to at least try because they can't go anywere or they crash their swtor application repeatingly.
  6. How about having 1 pvp set which you can optimize to increase specific stats though you'd have always a fixed amount of expertise. To prevent people from not wearing it or mixing it with pve mods, make the expertise amount (2013 currently) a requirement to enter a warzone... problem solved.
  7. Das Problem ist das "manche" teils mit so lala Gefuehl in 90% am oberen Ende der Teamwertung anzutreffen sind, egal ob nun als PUG oder in ner Premade aber eben.... nach Magiras Spezifikation ist ein PUG Marauder mit 10k damage in 15 Minuten ja viel gluecklicher als.... jeder Andere und gehoert damit absolut zur PUG Norm
  8. I'm not asking for it today for tomorrow... people have been asking for this since well over a year and while EA/ Bioware may not be moneygrabbing monkeys they add a lot of fluff to their cartel market which does enrage people hoping for some... content, especially pvp content. It's like your boss can't pay your salary but buys a new car on the same day... there are things you do and things you don't. Playing on the right server is essential to the game experience, we are not talking about trivial things like the greyscale of the revan armor. It is utterly not! understandable how you can transfer with 1.3 your char by hand to the PTS but aren't able to do the same with 1.4 and not so afterwards until only recently. There is no logial explanation for this and was never given by Bioware so if they want people to understand why they make certain decisions it is essential for people to understand why they made this decision.
  9. Fair question would be if it would have hurt EA/ BIoware to give one round of transfers for free... like... you get 14 days from today and whoever wants to transfer in 15 days and the future has to pay. This has been asked for a very long time though I guess it would require courtesy to do so but when a company has to charge you pennies for a simple hair change... I guess I wasn't surprised not having a more player friendly approach.
  10. In the end... no one cares if Bioware is running to EA .... well, we weren't fast enough so all our player ran away but at least we followed OUR schedule to implement the system and it works fantastic! . It's important to understand what a majority of your players want and there are a lot of pvp player in the game... I see it everyday since release... warzones are popping like popcorn, I have to wait much longer on my dd to get a flashpoint, not to mention an operation. It's not a "minigame" like space, it became a huge part of SWTOR and Bioware has to take care of it just as they have to take care of server transfers.
  11. Ich PUG taeglich und teils mit nem Kumpel..... das Problem von Magiras Argumenation ist das er 1. jeden als Premade Pruegelknabe vermutet der nicht der gleichen Meinung ist denn wenn er abgefarmt wird muss das fuer alle anderen PUG's natuerlich genauso sein und 2. sich die Welt bunt malt mit Behauptungen das Premade Spieler ja eh kein Leben geschweige denn Spass haben am Spielen sondern nur darauf aus sind PUG's abzufarmen... 24/7 und Bioware da doch bitte sofort etwas unternehmen soll!!!! du schuldest mir ne neue Tastatur...
  12. gear lvl 49 29k health same gear @ lvl 50 25k health... 3-4k difference by one single level Definitely tuned down as soon as you hit lvl 50.... .
  13. Yet you have a programmer taking 1 day for something others need 1 week or 1 months. Is it therefor verified that taking 1,5 years to implement server transfer is reasonable while other games did have the very same principle in place? It's not about rewriting history or re designing the wheel... . It takes money and time, no doubt about it but the "waiting time" is running out and has run out given the people leaving the game in its process. For example... why didn't we see any new PvP content since 1.2? Why are we still sitting at pre-season rateds? Is it so hard to create some more huttball maps or is it not requested (which it is) or is it too expensive etc. ? Knowing that something is difficult is no excuse to never state when you will put it in place and as a company you are entirely ignoring and stupid for hurting your own business by keeping silence for way too long. There is a very good reason why Bioware isn't letting the cat out of the bag regarding 2.4... . There is a very high possibility that what they intent is not what people want and it is not making you "pulling your eyes out because of pure awesomeness" but rather a serverwide facepalm and quitting round right after. Given the number of times Bioware guys want to sell their super awesome speeder/ axe etc. via CM... you know that I'm not far off the truth. You know that SOE also thought that NGE would be the most awesome thing ever to happen to an MMO and look how that turned out.
  14. Im 55iger gibts genau das gleiche Problem wie in den kleinen Brackets... weshalb deine Behauptung bezueglich Premades/ Boslterbug Using etc. logisch nicht an dem "Problem" liegen kann das dir so sehr am Herz liegt. Bei PUG's vs. PUG's gibts genau die gleichen Erscheinungsbilder wie PUG's vs. Premade... mal gewinnt man, mal verliert man und manchmal entwickelt sich ein interessantes knappes Spiel.
  15. folgt man einer der besten Powertech DD's im US Gebiet geht nichts ueber reines Advanced Prototyp
  16. No and that you do is hopefully due to mmo people talking how male playing female characters are creeps. I've got 16 characters... there is really only so much customization given by Bioware and when creating a character I'm only asking myself what I feel at that moment is better suited for said class though usually I'm not getting married to any of my companions or have any other "relation" related discussions. It's pure customization for me.. .
  17. http://imgur.com/a/sEpm0 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=654222&page=3
  18. That's the fallacy in your argumentation. We are now 1,5 years into the game. People have been asking for server transfers since... pretty much spring 2012. They came up with server merges eventually at which point they had lost a huge amount of players because they didn't implement server merges fast enough. From an overall point of view... history of SWTOR is proving that "doing it on Biowares timetable" isn't for the best of their game, not to mention that Bioware themselves agreed that their previous way of releasing content every few months did not meet player requests which is why they changed it. Not to mention that we are hearing since release of the game that "soon" we will be able to transfer our characters over to PTS. The point is... technical and financial aspects have nothing to do with how fast it is needed to implement to keep your player happy and if you find out later that it is more costly and requires more technical work than anticipated... it is entirely your fault, even more so if you apparently didn't even think about the possibility. Therefore your argumentation, that it will take time and is not just a snap with the finger is correct, it doesn't have any meaning in terms of player satisfaction and requests at all. A Client does care how long you need but there is no Client in the world which is satisfied by being postponed every other months since over a year.
  19. There will never be no qq'ing... . It would just shift from one to another subject, in this way it would probably class "fixing". That's why it is required from Bioware to put "Trohpies" in the game but rather than making it about stats, make it about visuals, titles, leaderboards. I guess someone truly successful in pvp would rather see his name on top of the list rather than having fully maxed out gear like everyone else. Even with gear... progression goes only so far and what we see for purely rated gear is afaik cosmetic differences. PvE on the other hand is different. PvE is built up in a way that the game is throwing stronger and stronger enemies against you with more and more difficult scripts. Now you can also strip PvE players from a gear progression but, different from PvP, you don't face different mobs everytime you enter a zone. As soon as you managed to figure out the script it's a simple following of procedures rather than having to adjust your skills/ playes in a way to beat the encounter. This could only be achieved by having a large amount of different scripts for each individual mob.
  20. PvP fame shouldn't be about stat gear at all... 1. give everyone the same standart starter armor which has expertise on for free. (best pve gear is worse than this set) 2. make cosmetic items bound to pvp rank/ achievement based (rank 100 = gold blinking armor yay) 3. implement many more maps and make them unlockable via pvp ranks = next to gathering cosmetic items the second reason to pvp frequently 4. make unlocks legacy wide 5. implement leaderboards for virtual e-peen meassure = no qq'ing about pve armor at all! = no qq'ing about premades stomping randoms because of bolster = 100% skill based pvp
  21. Had 2 people going left on Voidstar, lost against a single enemy which hacked the door however and they left instantly = easy roll through for the other team though we prevented them from hacking the mainframe. Quitting a warzone is fools play and shoult automatically give you only already lost warzone slots to think about if it was worth it.
  22. The Novare we won was faced against 3 healer (operative, sorc and mercenary) because they were focused down the moment they stepped into sight. The Hypergate afterwards... people were marked but not focused and our guys standing in a crowd getting roflsmashed by two Juggernauts over and over again + we played against a premade in Novare but played against randoms in Hypergate.
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