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Everything posted by Sziroten

  1. The only whining person her is you.... and from a "working", non warcraft generation point of view.... Bioware always wants you to level all different classes on either side because it adds to the overall experience and knowledge of the game. Technically you only need to get to coruscant... just find someone which helps you getting through your class quest on the starter planet and the few minutes getting to the place where you can collect your part and 3-4 hours investment should be workable for a someone with a job and a live .....
  2. Sins are tons of fun but so is most other class when played correctly. Most classes have very simple defense mechanism against stealth classes though people just don't use it because they are lazy... stealth scan, area abilities with no cooldown.... all things you don't want to face as a "lone" wolf but of course... if you lose/ heal yourself as a cap defender and I'm oneshotting you with spike and shadow strike.... go qq more please. Surprisingly.... any dps class is able to dish out more damage than what you see from most players during warzone pvp. Sniper with 100k dmg and other pitiful performances shouldn't be taken as comparisons when you got a class, played by a good player.
  3. Assassin is getting intersesting past lvl 20 when you can vanish and your other little toys. Lvl 41 is a blast because of spike and I never regrettet leveling it up to 55, however my other darkness assassin seems kinda lacking or I just didn't get the hang of it. Sniper is absolutely deadly in a 1 vs. 1 against any class except another sniper maybe... . Their increased stealth detection makes stealth classes pretty much useless and the best offense against a sniper is to break LoS. With exfilitrate at lvl 51, they are nasty folks but so is operative. I currently enjoy a low lvl Powertech Advanced Prototyp and usually end up on top of the damage and... usually in protection as well. Nothing better than keeping your single taunt on cooldown on the enemy sniper .
  4. Just enter any huttball game... . I'm really not sure that people actually are angry because they are stunned... or because stuns seem endless because huttball = lagball where as turning your character to "face" an enemy takes longer than any stun anyone could throw at you.
  5. Classes in SWTOR are better balanced than in a lot of other games.... Btw..... stealth scan > stealth
  6. Sorc, sniper, merc and powertech pretty neat to play, other classes are getting their "useful" things only few lvl short to lvl 30 or above. Merc and sorc may come out on top because they can heal as well... (had 5! mercs which threw ae heal around... was a real pain). Overall damage yes though I think sniper would win regarding single target dps because it's just sick how fast people drop.
  7. 1. my guild mate... 2. most "effective" player (next to me ) 3. guard/ taunt dmg prevented 4. heals
  8. Vonwegen cc'en... ich bin endlos froh der Agenten Droiden "stun" ne kurze Erholungszeit hat, hab ich in einem der letzten Hammer Stationen doch gefuehlte 20x die zweite Kanone rausgenommen nachdem der Tank meinte immer mal 1 Schlag drauf machen zu muessen. Mir ist darueber hinaus bekannt das Tanken gerade am Anfang durch den fehlenden AE taunt etwas muessig sein kann.... man sollte allerdings doch wissen was guard ist und wenn man schon drauf angesprochen wird doch bitte in irgend einer Art und Weise reagieren nachdem man von mehreren Leuten ueber 2 Boss Mobs hinweg darauf angesprochen wird (in einem normalen Ton).
  9. Something like this could be implemented via pve arena's, starting off with 1 hard mob it increases the number up to an unbeatable amount, however the group is getting coins for each mob they killed which can be used for "prestige" appearance gear with no stats.
  10. Before they released the game they said you would have a limited of 5 dark/ light jedi per side on each server max.... then christmas happened..... It was a trade off for being by far superior compared to any other class and could have sparked an ongoing competition to be one of the 5 (see above comment) on your server. We all know what became of the complaining... jedi = starting class and lost any special thing apart from an optical glow stick. Congratz on that part... not to mention that bounty hunter couldn't even hunt jedi in the beginning because terminals wouldn't give out names and jedi player had a head start. They also cried all over the forum about losing xp due to a bugged sight view by npc which put them on the board but had no problems posing as padawan in bestine in from of the starport... . If I remember correctly.... permadeath was only permanent if you would die more than 5x a week which was increased the higher you got and any jedi player always could log onto his second character to undo his fault.
  11. This is only an issue if you don't know what you are doing, taking more damage than necessary, pulling adds due to knockback etc. . A simple... I know this flashpoint should be more than enough to shut everyone up. However if you die because you are standing behind a 1mm high wall and the game makes you LoS for the healer which told you to stay differently... it's time to grow up and apologize because not always are hints and tipps just for the sake of an argument but actually good tips for some players.
  12. The thing is... I'm usually "negating" more damage with my taunts (as a full dps skilled shadow) than tanks are doing with guard while being one of top 3 in dps. Bad tanks will always guard a healer which isn't always the target being shot at.... and usually don't use taunts or any of their important features to weaken the other team. Don't try any fancy 1 vs. 1 but learn to minimize the effectiveness of the entire enemy team with taunts, stuns etc. . Understanding which one is the current focus target is very important, understanding which class/ player can do the most damage is another large benefit in negating damage even though some of that negated damage will never show up on the screen. It is better to prevent a player from dying than trying to kill another player in situations, especially if you run up to a node where there is a 1 vs. 1 going on and your member is on the losing side.
  13. So we are both pathetic... and while a lot of your concerns/ corrections are perfectly valid it would have had an entirely different touch if you wouldn't have mentioned Noxxic at all.
  14. Does any PvP player really care if they added a new operation with 2.4 (as.... PvE player are being fed with repeated and re-scaled content). I can only hope (as I'm mostly a pvp player) that they will add something which can "touch" the description "big" for PvP content, otherwise even I might lose interest.
  15. why limiting it to huttball... ? I joined a losing 250/400 civil war.... we had snow, middle was a little fighting going on and I followed an operative which went grass where we killed both defenders, he capped and we defended that cannon until the end with the help of everyone. One of many scenarios where no chat/ tactic is needed but a little observation can serve in your favor. However I could have quit and join another losing team...
  16. Sziroten

    T3-M4 pvp

    2.4, 2.5 oder 3.7..... es ging darum das man jetzt das Geld fuer Server Transen einstreicht und spaeter dann Cross Server Queues nachreicht anstatt Cross Server jetzt einzufuehren und wer danach immer noch das Beduerfnis hat den Server zu wechseln dies dann mit einem spaeter implementierten Server Transfer machen kann. Well played... Bioware
  17. A big advantage over force speed is that you don't need to roll 3x in a row.... you can roll, walk = reg, roll again and so on so properly used you can cover a distance much faster than any sorc with force speed..... not to mention the energy probe which can be used to gain more energy = more rolls. It's enough to prevent other people from capping in civil war or novare... that's enough and just because operatives have no energy doesn't make them useles... stealth popping/ healing probe.... etc. . To the guy which said being 1:0 behind in HB isn't a problem... that takes into consideration that your team is as good to compensate this and afaik is facing a worse team... Giving Roll a cooldown or making tactical advantage directly useable for for a single roll... doesn't leave operatives helpless, they still keep their "oh ****" escape.
  18. einer der Gruende weshalb ich sowas vorgeschlagen habe. @Magira 1-6-1 geht ohne Probleme insofern in der mitte gleichwertige Gegner aufeinander treffen. Wenn das eigene Team natuerlich zerpflueckt wird dann bringt auch 1 Person mehr dort rein garnichts. Dagegen kann es sogar sein das, nimmt man O+W ein koennen jene die in der Mitte gestorben sind direkt dort hinfliegen um zu deffen und sind damit schneller dort als die Leute welche aus der Mitte nach O/ W rennen. Genauso geht S6-O2 (in Novare) wobei einer derjenigen die nach Osten gehen sofort rueber zu Westen rennt um den dortigen Capper zu unterbrechen.
  19. I remember Jedi tears all over the forum about perma death and pretty much everything else what prevented them from becoming a Jedi Master because... for the sole purpose of stupid luck they should be rewared with the strongest class in the game which can take literally 10 people on with no problems.
  20. omg... NO! or are you so shortsighted and literally say... screw all you other classes and agents... you bloody know you'll get YOUR event 2020....
  21. Some will do that, others will actually suit up and put in some effort rather than bail just because the other team scored after 30 seconds in Huttball. The most used "pseudo" arguments are: 1. people having a disconnect are at a disadvantage People disconnecting are staying inside a group for flashpoints, why couldn't it be the same for warzones? 2. people don't like the warzone/ team they are queued up with Leaving a warzone before the timer runs down is valid and should not result in a deserter buff... . They could give a 10 second "immunity" window after you joined a warzone during which leaving has no effect to you. The most "stupid" argument used is: I'm leaving because it isn't fun for me Really.... it isn't fun to lose with a bad team... but it's more fun for people not leaving having to deal with bad people and morons which are leaving sometimes ridiculously after the other team scored first/ tapped 2 cannons first because in their "eyes of wisdom" it's an automatic lose? Grow some balls... you signed up for a GROUP play and for the same reason you aren't dropping a flashpoint/ operation group you sure as hell aren't supposed to drop out of a warzone... so get me finally a deserter debuff to enhance everyone's PvP experience because people are being "forced" to play something they signed up for.... or people are rid of these people at least for some time (during which their deserter debuff is active). people calling themselves "PvP" player and dropping at the first sight of a win they will have to fight for.... b*tch please.
  22. So what do you expect really by jumping into a group of 4-5 enemies...? If you aren't doing a self sacrifice to prevent a capping so your teammates do have some time to get there and help out.... what are you doing?
  23. Meine beliebteste Taktik mit einem Kumpel ist immernoch das er die Leute wegzieht und man selber tappt. Nur weil jemand vor dem Tor steht heisst es nicht das dieser jenes immer im Blickwinkel hat, vorallem nicht wenn er gerade rote Schadenszahlen ueber seinem Kopf aufsteigen sieht. Darueber hinaus... in PUGs lohnt es sich bisweilen oben genannte "Standarts" fuer sich auszunutzen wenn man mit 1-2 faehigen Leuten ins BG geht. Insofern siehts dann so aus: Alderaan: 1-6-1 (bei inc ansage kann einer aus der Mitte rueberlaufen) Huttenball: sofern man den Ball in der eigenen Zone faengt besser wegschmeissen als vom Gegner vor der eigenen Grundlinie gekillt zu werden = Autoscore fuer das gegnerische Team, rest so wie oben beschrieben, zudem geh ich hier auch mitunter auf offensichtliche DD's wie sniper etc. da heiler und tanks dem Balltraeger nicht dermassen viel anhaben koennen Novare: W 1; O 1 ;S 6 Voidstar deffen: Healer fokus/ Tor im Auge behalten, Stealther zusaetzlich markieren Voidstar angreifen: entweder wie oben oder alle eine Seite... Stealther tappen sobald die anderen weggezogen sind oder 2-3 eine Seite (inkl. 1 Stealther) selbes Spiel... Hyperraumtore: mitte, kugeln holen und dann geschlossen rauslaufen... wenn moeglich 1 stealther den anderen pylon cappen Problem ist hier das viele obiges versuchen aber an sich selber oder besseren Gegner scheitern.... . Hat man in der Hinsicht keine Probleme sollte man das ausnutzen, wenn man 2-3 mal daneben greift aber schliesslich eingestehen das es so nicht geht und dem "Standart" folgen. Darueber hinaus behalte ich das Leben von demjenigen im Auge der irgendwo die Kanone/ Pylon bewacht.... so ist man nicht zwingend auf incs angewiesen bzw. kann man z.b. im Buergerkrieg und noch besser in Novare die anderen Kanonen ueberwachen um zu sehen wo sich der Gegner hinbewegt.
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