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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. And you think Sorcs should do as much damage as Marauders?


    DPS specs will never do the same DPS and nor should they. You have to take into consideration things other than DPS and DCDs. Skills matter, abilties matter, perma stealth effects things, the ability to self heal or not to self heal affects things, mobility effects things and attack range very much effects things.

    Ranged classes shouldn't do as much DPS as melee classes, ranged has better up time than melee does.


    I do agree their DPS is too low, they never should have nerfed their self heals or their bubble, in fact they should have buffed them. And if force management is such that you cannot maintain an on going cycling rotation, that it absolutely needs to have that addressed without question.


    Numbers on parsley mean nothing. They are exceptional cases, they are often the best of the best with inordinate amounts of crits landed, they are by no means the norm nor the average.


    okay a few things:

    1) NO, we don't want to do as much as a mara. we do want to however do as much as I.O. mercs do and for lightning to catch up to arsenal lol. (i'll admit i don't really know which one is the sniper dot spec, sorry about that. only talking about what i actually play myself). reason for why? sorc & merc are both ranged.

    A. merc - heavy armor, sorc light armor, so merc less squishy.

    B. if you don't play I.O. right u can run out of ammo sure, but madness you will run out of force if you play it right. no sense at all lol.

    C. mercs also have reflect as a defensive, that also gives a nice boost to dps should they pull aggro or stand in fire here or there lol. while the sorcs have the oh **** panic button with a 3 min CD that literally makes u stand still and do nothing for 8 sec. so in this as well mercs got the winning hand.

    D. for damage output: the BEST madness parse (dummy 2.5mil, sure not as good as ops examples, but for hte sake of same conditions will do) 9388 (http://parsely.io/parser/view/294589/0) vs BEST merc I.O 10767 (http://parsely.io/parser/view/286398/0) , and lol the WORST I.O. parse of the same 2.5 mil dummy : 10028 (http://parsely.io/parser/view/272683/0) vs the worst madness parse: 7118 dps (http://parsely.io/parser/view/279074/0). see what i am getting at here??????


    2. As for parsley: no, it doens't JUST have best of best. sure the leaderboard will probably only show u the best, but that doesn't mean that only the best actually use it lol.




    NO, we do not want to be on par with melee burst specs, we do however want to be on par with the other ranged dot specs. How is that too much to ask for? plz explain if i'd being dumb in this desire.


  2. I find this part REALLY funny: "Changed Deathmark's periodic damage boost from 10% to 15%" . Eric, Keith and whoever came up with this. This kind of change can only be accepted, AFTER YOU FIX THE LONG EXISTING ISSUE OF THAT DEATHMARK BEING EATEN UP BY OTHER SORCS AND ASSASSINS. jeeeez.

    and that aside, it's been stated more than once over the years, the spec is force negative = you can't do your best at all or you'll run out of force and be stuck doing nothing except spam vindicate over over. or even better - saber striking boss lol.

    I got this feeling that if you could FIX these 2 major problems the spec would already do better. Buffs have to come AFTER fixing existing problems. i thought that kinda made sense, but maybe i'm wrong >.>

    As for this:


    3 i am tired of these community where people that dont play NIM give some sort of recommendations.

    1.Running NIM does not in fact automatically make you a better player than someone that ranked pvp, or perhaps just doesn't have the interest in doing NiM atm. it's that attitude that makes the hm / nim community smaller and smaller. that people always look for people who already cleared it. skill of hte person does not hinge on him having already cleared this or that lol.

    2. and lol, just cause someone hasn't cleared some content, doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to an opinion. learn some manners.

    3. no one is forcing you to even read the forums if you can't accept the fact that we're all equal here in the sense that we're all paying customers regardless of our preferences in game and therefore equally entitled to express our opinions. :D:D:D:D

  3. You are just crying to make your class fotm. I agree that dot sorc (not lighting sorc since it has good dps) needs some buff but from what i have read in this thread you guys want to make this class super fotm: good force management + huge dps scale. And as a both ranked and unranked pvp player iam concerned about fighting new fotm classes. Bioware made serious mistake by listening merc whiners, now i dont want them to make same mistake with sorcs. Advanced prototype pt is also in a bad position but no one cries so much about buffing them to god mode. One class cant have both perfect force management and huge dps scale.


    P.S. later ill send here screen shots with telekinetic/lighting sorcs dps to prove my point that lighting sorc doesn't need buff to dps, and it's a skill matter.


    P. P. S. Thinking only about pve adjustments is a wrong way of making class balance, both pvp (ranked and unranked) and pve must be considered. It's same if i play on pt, and will start to whine on forums that pt must do much more dos than other classes. In this case people will laugh at me lol. Your selfish messages may ruin class balance changes.


    dude.... are you okay? ... comparing hte sorc to a merc is kinda really not right.

    1) all 3 merc specs are actually viable, while sorcs have received big heal nerf, lightning is apparently the worst parsing spec in the game and madness which far behind top dps specs is getting +5%.... to 2 abilities... HAHAHAHA.... except it's really kinda more insulting than funny.

    2) unlike the merc spec madness has huge issues :

    - being force negative if u actually do your best and try to do as much dps as u can.

    - death field stacks consumed by not only other madness sorcs, but even hatred assassins. what's the point of buffing it if those stacks are instantly gone if your raid team has 2 madness sorcs or a madness sorc and hatred assassin?

    3) and lastly, we don't ask to be made as OP as the arsenal merc.... we just want a proper buff, not something that will be most likely barely felt by most of the players, outside of the top 10% of the sorcs lol.:D:D

  4. Aside from the listed changes, the team is looking into the "Force negative" nature of the rotation also. It is possible changes could happen there for 5.3 as well, but nothing is settled yet which is why I didn't include it above. I will let you know if/when I get more info.



    good to know u're thinking about it, but really +5% to 2 abilities:eek::eek::eek: will not do much of any change to anyone except the maybe top5% of the sage / sorc dps madness / balance htat is. we kinda need at least 1 spec that's u know.... actually GOOD lol. :D:D

  5. I think you get the 10012 from the average dps of the optimal stats post. From reading all of the Dev posts and all of the previous buffs/nerfs I figured the target dps was somewhere around 9500-9600. Which is now all but guaranteed as to the target that they are using. Therefore, if you look at the 5% windows the top 12 specs from this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=918622 are overperofming (in their mind).


    This will only bost the top parse by 170 dps if all dots are under deathmark and they aren't. I don't run the spec any longer so I don't know the percentage of each dot under deathmark.


    u mean 9500-9600 guaranteeted for those people that can actually parse 9.3-9.4k at the moment lol. fair enough. still after what was done to corruption / seer and the lack of attention to lightning / telekinetics.... this kinda feelz.... small. much like the pyro pt buff. except the pt actually has one already good spec lol:D:D:D

  6. I am working on getting the "July Scheduled Maintenance" sticky up either today or tomorrow, which will have the date for 5.3 in it. Spoiler alert, it's July 11th :rak_03:.



    can we have the madness / balance changes some time this week then please????:D:D:D since u insist to nerf corruption / seer, then don't forget that u promised us DPS changes too:D:D

  7. best idea outside of leaving this poor class alone maybe

    well there is that. but lol. it is indeed a sad tendency: they always seem to either buff something and then realize they over-did it. and then they over-nerf it and then it starts all over again. after 5 years of the same fact, i'm not even bothering saying leave it alone, that is just not going to happen lol.:D:D

  8. A ~20% healing decrease (averaged based on usage) across all skills when hps output was not the biggest issue to begin with. This strategy overnerfs raw output while not properly address the problems with sorc/sage healing.


    There are currently two major issues with sorc/sage healing compared to the other classes:


    The first is that due to simple and overly-forgiving force management combined with over-utilization of 'smart' healing abilities, they're much easier to play at an effective level.


    The other issue, which is what sees sorcs rising to the top particularly in ranked pvp, is the high mobility and lack of necessary hard casting due to most of the healing being loaded into instant and 'smart' abilities.



    The proposed changes will have a severe negative impact healers at all skill levels. If it does knock sorcs and sages out of 'fotm' status, it'll only be because the healing output is so far behind the other classes.


    Any metrics you have showing that sorcs have a significantly higher output than the other classes is due to the fact that target selection and resource management are a lot more forgiving than other classes which allows inexperienced players able to put up bigger numbers than their skill suggests.



    With all of that being said, here is my counter-proposal with explanations for each item:


    • Increase the cooldown of roaming mend by 5 seconds (15 to 20s)
    • Reduce the base force regenerated by consuming darkness from 40 to 25
    • Increase the force regenerated by consuming darkness by consuming 1 stack of force surge to 15 (up from 5)


    (for the)DevNotes: The 5 second cooldown increase to roaming mend will increase the time between burst windows and force healers to think creatively both about what to do with the 3~ extra gcds between mends as well as think more carefully about it's usage as not to waste the potential. The end result is a 30% hps decrease for the ability and approximately a 4% hps decrease overall.


    It's impossible to make roaming mend ineffective as a single target heal (unless you nerf it by more than 50% or prevent it from hitting a target more than once), but this strategy forces players to do more casting (particularly infusion in single target) between mends.


    The changes to consuming darkness make resource management important. Overall force management will be tighter due to the decreased force regeneration of consuming darkness with force surge stacks (by 5). This will reduce sustained hps by a further 5% or so due to the added consumes needed to maintain force. In addition, the steep decrease in base the base regen of consuming darkness will make using it without force surge very costly in terms of healing downtime.


    These adjustments address both the sustained and burst healing targets, but do so in a way that creates a noticeable skill progression for the class. The maximum healing will go down moderately while the average healing outputs will probably drop sharply to become more in line with other classes at relative experience levels.

    agreed. absolutely THE best idea we've had in this thread. :D:D can we have this instead of this intended nerf plz?:D

  9. Based off the Parsely parses of the Sorcerers who placed in the top 1% on Anni Droid in EVHM (the 1st boss) Dark Heal's average heal was 11995.099476439790575916230366492 (2291064 uses / 191 casts) not 15k... which is 9260.8875222630543996733980597177 HPS for the duration of the cast (avg heal / 1.2952429718646 which is the GCD for a sorc healer with "optimal stats" according to http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=918622&highlight=stats)


    No, why shouldn't the heal we rely on to maintain our force be ACTUALLY worth casting HPS-wise. Why that would make too much sense. The ability to do things on the move is useful in PvE, but has a much much MUCH bigger impact in PvP and should not apply when considering how to "balance" its HPS. I understand the definition of "balance" I just don't agree that Sorc healers are out of said "balance" currently and also see no reason to touch Innervate, or any of our skills for that matter.

    Just because we have abilities that heal multiple targets doesn't mean they'll be worth it to cast. So just to make it clear: You do know that Revivification has an "fi" in it, and that it's basically worthless to cast outside of a few instances where you can hit EVERYONE with it, and it's getting a HUGE nerf as well, right? Right now - based off starparse ratings - we do NOT do a MASSIVE amount more healing than the other classes, so any attempt to "lower healing to a reasonable amount" would just serve to cripple the class. It's already reasonable, whether you want to admit it or not, and to go any lower would be akin to giving us band-aids and telling us to mend gushing wounds.



    Based on the same parameters as above (above 1% parses, EVHM Anni Droid):


    The average tick of Progressive Scan was 6335.7149028077753779697624190065 (5866872 healing / 926 ticks) over the course of the cast it had an average of 9.5463917525773195876288659793814 ticks (10*(926 total ticks / 970 potential ticks)) leading to a total average heal of 60483.216494845360824742268041237 (avg tick amount*avg # of ticks) which mercs spent and average of 1.9923926532993707628865979381443 seconds casting (2.087063578510140 the channel time with optimal stats from the aforementioned stats thread*(926/970)) and an average HPS of 30357.076650873064441461514066008 (total heal / average time spent channeling)



    can i just say these numbers are way long? >.> can we has a tl;dr plz? :D:D

  10. No problem:




    Dark Heal

    No 4.86% nerf → keep it at ~15k per GCD


    Dark Infusion

    Boost heal by ~18% → should heal ~16k per GCD (~21k per use)

    Don't nerf the Resurgence bonus for Dark Infusion → keep the -0.5s activation time



    Nerf heal by ~20% → should heal 14k per GCD (~23k per use)

    Keep the 20% faster channel duration for Innervate


    Roaming Mend

    I completely agree with BioWare's 25.22% nerf


    To sum it up

    The nerf of Roaming Mend is justified because it's way too powerful for a single GCD heal. Roaming Mend at least must be channeled for 2.5s and can be interrupted. Rather than nerfing Dark Infusion & Dark Heal, nerf Innervate to make the Sorcerer less effective while moving.


    errrr .... no i like my innervate the way it is lol. dunno about nerf on roaming mend.:D i know there needs to be some nerf. but maybe a bigger CD would work better? >.>

  11. the devs keep doing mass nerfs like this and they might not be working for bioware long.


    let's keep in mind that this is NOT the final version (hopefully). If they indeed intend to take into account player feedback, they will realize that 1) they nerfed mercs in the wrong place and 2) this nerf for sorc is too big and should be possibly done through other abilities lol:D

  12. Totally Petition Devs Live stream Nim Brontes or DP Nim as suggested, party composition:


    2 PT tanks

    2 Sorc/Sage Heals

    2 Lightning Sorcs

    1 MM Sniper (they are actually good on Brontes)

    1 Gunnery Commando


    You can do it! You got the BURST! Now let's see the dps stay alive.


    totally this. but lol. can we have a balance sage there too? :p

  13. A ~20% healing decrease (averaged based on usage) across all skills when hps output was not the biggest issue to begin with. This strategy overnerfs raw output while not properly address the problems with sorc/sage healing.


    There are currently two major issues with sorc/sage healing compared to the other classes:


    The first is that due to simple and overly-forgiving force management combined with over-utilization of 'smart' healing abilities, they're much easier to play at an effective level.


    The other issue, which is what sees sorcs rising to the top particularly in ranked pvp, is the high mobility and lack of necessary hard casting due to most of the healing being loaded into instant and 'smart' abilities.



    The proposed changes will have a severe negative impact healers at all skill levels. If it does knock sorcs and sages out of 'fotm' status, it'll only be because the healing output is so far behind the other classes.


    Any metrics you have showing that sorcs have a significantly higher output than the other classes is due to the fact that target selection and resource management are a lot more forgiving than other classes which allows inexperienced players able to put up bigger numbers than their skill suggests.



    With all of that being said, here is my counter-proposal with explanations for each item:


    • Increase the cooldown of roaming mend by 5 seconds (15 to 20s)
    • Reduce the base force regenerated by consuming darkness from 40 to 25
    • Increase the force regenerated by consuming darkness by consuming 1 stack of force surge to 15 (up from 5)


    (for the)DevNotes: The 5 second cooldown increase to roaming mend will increase the time between burst windows and force healers to think creatively both about what to do with the 3~ extra gcds between mends as well as think more carefully about it's usage as not to waste the potential. The end result is a 30% hps decrease for the ability and approximately a 4% hps decrease overall.


    It's impossible to make roaming mend ineffective as a single target heal (unless you nerf it by more than 50% or prevent it from hitting a target more than once), but this strategy forces players to do more casting (particularly infusion in single target) between mends.


    The changes to consuming darkness make resource management important. Overall force management will be tighter due to the decreased force regeneration of consuming darkness with force surge stacks (by 5). This will reduce sustained hps by a further 5% or so due to the added consumes needed to maintain force. In addition, the steep decrease in base the base regen of consuming darkness will make using it without force surge very costly in terms of healing downtime.


    These adjustments address both the sustained and burst healing targets, but do so in a way that creates a noticeable skill progression for the class. The maximum healing will go down moderately while the average healing outputs will probably drop sharply to become more in line with other classes at relative experience levels.

    VERY THIS. this actually makes sense and seems sensible. in fact prob the best suggestion in the whole 19 pages of this rant-fest.

  14. Remember way back, when you all pointed and laughed at snipers as Orbital became Lolbital. Guess who is getting laughed at now? Honestly what does the change to revivification bother you for? It was already a bad ability, unless you're in a heavy melee group or with a bunch of ranged stack it shouldn't have been used period. So no real change, use the stacks for consuming.




    Packs now get Dath to come back and heal with you and we'll call it good. :rak_03:


    lol u realize that before this we've already had the force storm nerfed to crap AND death field range as well? lol. so yeah we've already been at this point before.

  15. Wow they nerfed madness and lighting as well...Good job, good job, i apllaud. So nerf for the dps jugs are in queue? they clearly overperforming atm, needs to tune them down. And buff snipers and operatives guys! Y forget about them every patch!


    well to be fair, so far they've made the glass cannon be a noodle. the actual changes to the DPS specs haven't been posted yet. :D:D but it better be a good buff if our self-healz are being lowered again.

    (when your dots heal you for 100-300 hp per tick........ out of a 130k hp pool... yeah that's useful. REALLY..... not)

  16. I will of course wait and see if they do something to buff balance and TK for sure. but if not... well.... FFXIV looks very pretty and actually has NEW content every expansion. And that is indeed very sad, since i've never actually unsubbed over the last 5.5 years (or so)... atm really considering it. Like what is this tendency of: oh, they nerf this class... hmmm what is the fotm? let's re-roll that. I've never understood that and never followed it myself lol, but lol...*** did revivication do to deserve more nerf? it's very bad already anyway.:eek::eek:
  17. They basically slapped Merc and Commando with a feather but crushed sorc heals with a freakin ton of bricks. I was not expecting that. We will know if they over did it when a single OP or Marauder global sorc heals in arena which is what I am expecting


    don't they always do it? it's like a circle of:

    nerf sorcs>

    omg they're too weak now - buff them again>

    oh crap we buffed them too much for our liking - nerf them again.


    i recall not too long ago sage healz needed to be buffed, and now of course let's back them down.

    couldn't even bother to start with the dps buff :eek::eek::eek:

  18. But in how many op encounters does AOE really come into play? In most cases, you're talking about a single target, or target to target swap situation. So, other than a few encounters where that dps may come out on top due to adds and such, it mainly comes down to the single target damage in the end. Currently, I can only think of a few of the HM/NIM encounters where I would spec MM on a sniper. The vast majority of the time it's either Vir in most cases, or Engi in a few. Taking your example into consideration, even with the AOE present in lightning spec, an Arsenal merc will shred a lightning sorc in almost any op encounter and is much in need of a nerf. Again, maybe not quite as big a nerf as they are proposing, but that spec is currently op for burst ranged without a doubt. IO currently out performs Madness by a mile in almost any raid encounter. So again, how much does AOE really matter in PVE? Unless you're concerned about getting trumped on trash pulls...... Almost every NiM raider I have played with is familiar with all the specs on their toon regardless, so it's not like you don't have options regardless of class, unless you're a sorc at the moment.....


    however did you guess? yup .:D:D i'm a sorc :D:D:D and i'm waiting eagerly to see if this time they'll come up with something good that DOES actually bring up the DPS and not just on paper. Problem is that even when 2 players play the same class / spec. They might actually not be as good as that 3rd one that made the leaderboard. What i mean is person skill (or lack of) usually influences the DPS u are capable of doing quite a bit lol. I'll go out on a limb here and assume that when they make them changes they either rely on data from some people selected to beta test them changes, or on the data provided by the leaderboard lol. In either case it's very likely that only the ....maybe top 5 or top 10% of any given class will actually be able to achieve that elusive target DPS.... and when everyone and their mother can level up a merc and do good DPS instantly, that's when u know it's OP lol. cause really, arsenal rotation is eazzy.... so doing good is not hard at all. so yes, some nerf might be needed (but as usual not as big as what it currently sounds like).

  19. T-1 is currently full.

    T-2 however is looking for 1 tank & 2 DPS (preferably ranged) they raid saturday / sunday 8 pm gmt+1

    It is a fresh HM team that will go through content together, learn together :D:D

    so if you are sick of SM, are good for HM but not experienced in it - welcome. or if you are experienced but don't mind spending time having fun with our crazy hamsterz while they learn to learn HM ops - also welcome =)

    or if u just want to join us for the social factor to have the chance to join up random events (sign up through the events page on forums) - also welcome. :D:D:D:D:D:D

  20. Apologies if someone else asked this already but, what kind of details do the Dev team need from players to be able to have helpful feedback at this point? For instance, in requests for:







    Playable Species

    Companion Interactions

    Direct Sales

    Cartel Packs






    You forgot OPS LOLOLOL:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  21. It's like 2:30am here in Texas, but I wanted to make sure you didn't keep asking until the end of time...If we were to do something like that, it would be the most expensive Cartel Market item known to exist EVAR, as you'd likely be the only player to actually purchase it. ;) But, if you'll promise to stop asking, I will seriously look into it. Deal?



    on that line of thought.... can we have the PT death from above animation back??? or at least make it look like hte vanguard one, just maybe different color. at the moment Deadly Onslaught looks extremely LAME!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

    thank you.

  22. <Indefinite> is a social casual English speaking guild on the Imperial side on the Red Eclipse server.

    We are a relatively new guild, only about 1-2 months old or so :D. We enjoy doing ops, flashpoint and uprisings together, Organize world boss and commander hunts.

    None the less we already have our Stronghold on Dromund Kaas and a guild ship, as well as the maxed out XP bonus and reputation bonus.

    We have a website at https://indefinite-swtor.enjin.com and we use discord for out of game text chat and voice chat. The guild is currently recruiting friendly and active people to join our ranks.

    As of a week ago, we've formed 2 teams.

    T-1 raids 7 pm GMT+1 Monday / Wednesday & T-2 raids at 8 pm GMT+1 Saturday / Sunday.

    If interested in joining or in getting more info, please leave a reply here in this thread, or send me a PM. You can also mail me in game on Ka'nata or Mint Heal or our GM At'lla.

    This crazy bunch of hyper hamsters and myself and of course His Majesty the Hamster Overlord (*cough* GM *cough*) will be very glad to welcome any and all new-comers... esp if you enjoy playing SWTOR with people.... it not be a singleplayer lol. :D:D:D

  23. It is a good idea. It would diverge some focus off pvp, and give extra incentive and value to raids.


    Attaching components to weekly and to bosses itself would be great. X amount for weekly, as it can be completed in any mode, so same reward for that. With different reward from bosses depending on difficulty and special little extra for end bosses.


    That be pretty good. Same principle for flashpoints, but with less rewards. Or maybe just no components on flashpoint bosses themselves.

    on master FP might be okay to drop 5 components on bonus boss and 5 on last boss? but yeah on veteran probably better no components except for the daily groupfinder reward =)

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