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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. eh, i'm happy to say i made it to rank 52.... but it's indeed VERY tedious. the only thing i do is pvp (and i am pretty bad at it so i can't really stand more than a couple matches a day) and maaaaaybe 1 uprising a week. it's sooo boring these days, my sub is running out in 2 weeks, so i need to go and fix that... but with how boring the game's being atm it seriously kinda feels like a waste of money atm x.x:(
  2. It will truly be a eye-opening day for you once you realize you do not represent "99%" of players in this game. Honestly, if that were truly the case no one would be playing this game right now. Again, if the experience this game offers is not to your liking, you have no one but yourself to blame for sticking around. Any rational person who is not having fun would have left years ago.

    until january patch i feel i'll be doing minimal G.C. effort lol and trying to figure out if i can play the secret world..... all those zombies damn it >.> lol

    oho oh oh oh i watched Rogue one, so awesome, much better than ep7 in my opinion:)


    It's ... a ... ... SPOILER!!!


  3. Make sure you tell them how you really feel. for example i'm going to say you all don't listen to your customers ever and rng was a huge mistake that you are clinging onto with by a finger nail. (Because if you didn't hear they're gonna kinda but kinda not go back to comms for gear lol)


    i'd love to, but when i was finning it out the limit on the last question was 50 characters =( :(

  4. Honest question, have you done all the operations as different roles? I'd imagine they would be different as a healer or tank as opposed to dps. Or doesn't that matter, is it still boring regardless? I've only ever done sm, I've never seen HM.


    yes, with the exception of 2 bosses in NiM DP i've cleared all ops in SM, HM and NiM as dps and as a healer. i have a tank of each available classes and i have tanked all SM and some HM, even some easy NiM bosses, but i just do not enjoy it. same can be said for melee dps, though perhaps i like vigilance guardians.


    yes it is different at first, now that these things have been out for 2+ years it just doesn't matter much because i know the mechanics (except some nim and perhaps hm revan, master blaster and coratanni). thing is, i catch myself falling asleep while raiding now and then, it's that boring. SM and all HM except tos and rav that is. and u just can't find a good pug for those lol

  5. No need to bite, I'm honestly not trying to troll.


    EA slashed BW staff when this game failed after launch. With minimal staff BW had to decide on which parts of this mmo to focus on. They couldn't keep creating content at SOR/ROTHC levels so they looked at metrics and asked the people what they wanted. A vast majority wanted story. All this is well documented, it's not me making it up.


    In other words BW did what they needed to do to keep the game alive. No point pumping out raids or pvp maps when there are dozens of mmos doing exactly the same thing. They needed to create a niche market and they have. FWIW I really hope you guys get new ops sometime next year.


    ... lol.... we need to survive until then and not quit before then because of this retarded grind LOL

  6. Okay correct me if I'm wrong, but you only want to do the operations if it gives you guaranteed loot from each boss because the operations are so stale that you really don't want to do them anymore anyway? Why do this to yourself? Isn't raiding supposed to be fun?


    Why not do something else until new ops come around instead of torturing yourself?

    eeeee well, NiM ops are still somewhat fun to a degree because i've only cleared them a couple of times each. but to get there i need to re-gear myself. and if i have to grind old and boring stuff over and over to get back to that point, i will. and do something else? like what? story that i've already done way more than enough? pvp? yes i do pvp, in fact more than i raid at this point? GSF? not even if every match would guarantee piece of gear. heroics? those are even older than our raids, flashpoints? been there done that. i've done this entire game several times over. that's what a lot of people can't stand that there is no new end game content that would make it fun to play again.

  7. Sorry, with all due respect, I am not biting. *snip*


    well to be fair, people have been wailing for more story ever since Makeb. there is nothing bad about the story that we get, it's more that BW can't multi-task too well. and if it focuses on ops, it fails with story and then other way around.

  8. A bit of perspective tho, we get more story in one chapter than you would with wow or Rift in an entire expansion. I believe the content is there, just not the content certain people want.

    eeeee should i bother stating hte obvious and saying: THIS IS NOT WOW, or Rift, or Terra or wutever. this is swtor. and i do recall our devs saying we'd be getting at least 1 raid a year.... and it's been over 2 now... so yeah, i'd say we might feel betrayed. of course all to a different degree, but i for one get bored from this kind of raiding, heck i don't even raid more than once-twice a month, because it's BORING!! i'm tired of the same old content. it doesn't matter to me if it drops 1 token or 5 tokens, because the content is old known and stale.

    and yet if the loot table was the same as always - 1 token per boss, i would actually do it again, simply because chances would be much better. than a bloodbath with 1 single token for people

  9. No, not going to wear this. This is you unfairly twisting my argument to make it a debate over who is elitist and my attitude towards raiding in general. Right or wrong those are side issues.


    The point of this thread is the op and it would seem raiders in general want preferential treatment for doing operations, because...reasons. In one breath your saying we are all players together and we are all equal, then we get this self-centred thread. Forgive me for feeling that some people think that certain content is 'more equal' than others with respect to gearing.


    well then i guess we're at an impasse, because i for one am not gonna wear THAT!

    it would seem to YOU that raiders was preferential treatment. Why? because we think that 1 token between 7 people is not good enough? Well, i'm really sorry to burst your bubble, but it's NOT enough. Are BW gonna change it? nah i don't think so, but then again they might.... that doesn't mean that we're gonna keep our mouth shut. it's not nice / interesting / pleasant having to grind same content for 3 years, and then get 1 single token out of a raid that might actually take several hours to do.

  10. at the end of the day, this MMO includes bits and pieces that suit a wide array of tastes. so that mostly everyone can find at least something he/she likes. however, i'm not sure they know how to balance it. When we had new ops, we rarely got good story, or new pvp. When we get new story - we get no new ops or pvp.

    no matter what they do in an expansion someone always feels left out. And when they feel left out, they will grumble and whine and complain. it's all simply human nature.

    But 2 years with no new content for either pvp or pve is seriously overkill.

    And yes i find insulting when i get lumped together with others simply based on our content preference lol.

    why would i go play wow? i'm a sw fan lol. the reason i started playing this game was cause i couldn't find any other sw rpg to play lol

  11. That's your interpretation but considering the fact that we've been getting yearly expansions and we can have up to 52 characters on a server, how much time do you think would be fair to gear u say 20 alts, when you have 52 weeks till the next level cap raise?

    Do you need gear to play ranked warzones? No

    Do you need gear to play HM and NiM operations? Yes

    in fact i do believe they might actually need gear to play ranked... because as far as i understand it, every little advantage you can have counts, and since there is no more expertise, the best gear will certainly be of help.




    This is such an arrogant and spiteful commentary from your side. It's full of bile, undeserved and says more about you than anyone else. I really don't understand why you insist on this tone, since all people are asking is not being gated from content they were already playing for 2 years.

    If anyone's being a special snowflake, it's you.


    well hon, to be fair, our ops are at least 2 years old as well lol, so if they add tokens to bosses like he asks them to, it'll still be gated behind 2+year old content :D but yes, i agree, that guys IS pretty volatile. i really don't like how people tend to generalize like this you raiders this, you pvpers that.... we all have a separate opinion, thank you very much lol

  12. What special treatment? Did you even read the op's demands? He is basically calling for 4.0 gearing system so he can all his gear in a week!


    I enjoy pvp, am I going to get a guaranteed bis drop after every ranked warzone??


    I enjoy flashpoints, am I going to get a guaranteed bis drop after each HM boss??


    Most the elitists have gone back to wow so they can once again feel worshipped by the plebs, so I'm not trying to have a go at the few of you who are left. But to ask for special or extra rewards for your chosen content you are supposed to find fun smells of special snowflake syndrome.


    yes i did read the OP, and from what i understood he wants the tokens to drop from every boss like they always used to. this does NOT equal to everyone get a guaranteed piece of gear from every raid. it never worked like that.

    and there you go again, most elitist this most elitists that, all raids want this or that.

    pvp matches or flashpoints are much shorter than ops. you can do more w/z or fps in the time it takes to put together a raid and then get through it (obviously i'm NOT talking about SM, that's just a glorified flashpoint at this point). It is also more challenging than flashpoints (of course it depends on amount of IQ in the team lol). but making equal rewards for having a raid vs a flashpoint is frankly ridiculous.

    i understand that there are people who enjoy flashpoints but don't like raids. same as some people like pve and others - pvp. but it doesn't mean that those activities require same amount of time and effort.

    also, even most raiders will agree that 4.0 was too fast in regards to gear progression. All he's been saying is that he wants gear drops from every boss, which really isn't that ridiculous a desire, that still doesn't guarantee you getting gear in a week. Maybe if your team decides to give you all the loot it could be done, but generally people enjoy spreading out the loot evenly.

    And like's been pointed out before - it's not like it's new content anyway, can you really blame us for not wanting to do same old stuff for the third year? HM i can understand, SM - please kill me now, it's not even remotely challenging. And there is nothing new there. not at all. they could have added some mechanics, instead it all got dumbed down to the IQ level of a 5 year old kid.

  13. just came back from watching it =) made a VERY good impression. the movie fit right into the slot that it was supposed to take if that makes sense. a little sad that the entire rogue-1 crew died, but well, i guess deep down it was expected. but this one was definitely much better than episode 7. K2 was an awesome droid lol, wish our ship droid had a personality like that hehe:D:D
  14. *sigh*


    Once again raiders view the entire game through the prism of operations.


    The suggested changes coming in January are adequate, let BW give it a chance to see how it goes before asking for even easier and quicker ways to gear up. I know this is a hard concept for raiders to understand, especially if you have come from wow where developers put you in higher regard than everyone else, but you guys are not the centre of the star wars universe.


    Why ask for special treatment for doing a supposed activity you enjoy?


    what exactly is this special treatment?

    And for that matter.... how do they put us in higher regard than anyone else? it's been over 2 years now since even HAD a new operation to begin with. You do realize that doing the same thing 2+times a week for over 2-5 years will get boring no matter how much you love said thing. With PvP it's not AS much of an issue, because even if the maps are the same, the player factor won't let 2 warzones ever be the same, simply because different people think in different ways. mobs however, don't suddenly grow a brain lol.

    yes you are right, this step is in the right direction, but even you can understand that when only 1/5 or even 1/7 bosses drops a token, it will be rolled off between EIGHT people, so no, this change does NOT make it easier than for anyone else lol. Indeed take your own advice and wait to see how they make these changes and how they behave after that.

    And seriously, stop lumping all pve players together ffs, we don't all think the same way and we DO NOT ask for special treatment, most of us want EQUAL rights as everyone else. :D:D

  15. That's what I couldn't tell from the summary of the LiveStream. If the token drops are generic (i.e., you can decide which slot you want to upgrade), i think that would work. If not, I agree, PVEers are going to be hosed.

    nope, it's for a SPECIFIC piece of gear. Like Eric said: if Revan drops the headpiece, that's what u need to kill in order to get that headpiece lol.... eh, my bad, chance to ROLL on the headpiece x.x

  16. That crow mission is a great example of how TSW doesn't hold your hand. You lose sight of it quickly and have to kinda guess where it went. There's no flashing purple icon that leads you right to where you're supposed to go. And that's one of the easier puzzles in the game... wait until you get to the paintings in City Hall a bit later...


    Great game. One of my favorites. Wish I had more abilities on my bar though. Maybe that happens later?


    oh dear, with my constant alt-tabbing, it might not be the best game for me then, >.>:D:D

  17. That sounds a lot like what I remember from it lol.


    Mind you, I have some friends who really loved it but they got bored with it after a while as well so I don't think I know anyone who plays it anymore.

    eh, it's just a bit of side project until BW gets SWTOR straightened out lol

  18. Youre choice but I hope you don't care about character customisation because when you choose a faction and gender, you basically get 1 face to choose from.


    I tried it anyway but I couldn't really get into it. Be interested to see what you think of it.


    lol so far my time played is 14 hours... though i really don't remember anything about htat game except bits where i was chasing some... crow or somehting? looking for some lost papers... but most of all and that is what put me off - ZOMBIES and other ugly things x.x

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