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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. Pretty, pretty please do so, because without it, KOTFE will only be 1/3 of the fun it could be, since we will see only 1 of 3 answers or play in permanent fear of the start of the fade out. I’m wishing so badly for this, I even would be glad if it would return /come as option I have to buy from the cartel market.

    You want to see the rest of options, replay KotFE with another character. The only reason to replay one common story is to see different outcomes with other characters. If you check out every dialogue option with your first character, there is no element of surprise when you play another toon


    That's cheating in a certain sense and missing the point of the expansion, you know? It's like replaying matches in FIFA. Seriously, your choices and story don't matter once you change your decisions because you want to have a perfect ending instead of choosing what your character would do in a particular situation and dealing with the consequences. It's the whole point of RPG to take choices in accordance with the character's personality and to face the unexpected.

  2. Also, it has been mentioned before that once the new story has been started, you wont be able to go back and do old missions, does that include the dailies?

    It was precisely said to be STORY missions like your class missions.

    "Every unfinished class story, companion story and the other storylike quest lines (like Rishi/Yavin, Ziost) will disappear and cannot be finished anymore."

  3. No they will not. Now all Companions will simply just be better at Crew Skills the higher their Influence is.


    So what happens to crafting bonuses from the ship droid parts? Deleted or replaced with something that will work in a new system? Legacy perks to crafting bonuses will remain as they are?

  4. ok I've seen the stream twice now -- enjoyed it too -- but I need one thing clarified

    - and yes I know, read the thread; I have, but it is a long thread folks ... so my one specific questions on companions, don't worry, I'm not asking for spoilers LOL --

    ok, just tell me straight up guys, because I am seriously going to strip all my companions of their gear ---- I have a particular red/purple robe on Kira I want to save, spent a lot of coinage on the mod, so yes I want it back, or on her (and not particularly fond of Kira, yea I'm a strange Jedi, I know) ... what do I do?

    leave it on her or take it off -- it's too valuable to me to lose -- if it makes no difference, I'll leave it on (same goes for all the other companions) but .... give me a straight answer please -- should I strip (and maybe sell it off) or keep it on ?


    "read the thread, I have"

    Nope, you clearly didn't. Eric said that your companion gears will be mailed to you once you lose access to them.

  5. I highly doubt that. My bet is on this specific model being designed in that particular manner and no one else. Of course we can see more NPC characters with their predetermined hair and hoods in the future.


    If I'm not mistaken a player character can have up to 40 different hairstyles. These hairstyles are of different length and shape which means Bioware would have to code hoods to work with each hairstyle apart. Hoods would have to "know" where to cut each hairstyle in order to make it look good (I have zero knowledge about coding so this is just my stupid explanation why we have bald heads under hoods in SWTOR).

  6. Bastilla is an iconic character, yet the portrayal in the game doesn't resemble her at all. She looks like a random NPC with a common hairstyle. Actually, she looks like old Kira Carsen. Not a big deal but it would be cool to see some corrections to her look. Make a new hairstyle that resemble KotOR Bastilla and sell it on the Cartel Market as well. Profit for both sides :) Or at least put Bastilla in her original outfit.
  7. Keep it up, Eric! Finally we are getting some clear answers.


    Question #2/3 - Are you specifically talking like "in your cantina or on your ship" type conversations? Or just dialog directly with that Companion?


    He meant dialogues in the cantina/ship/stronghold AND companion's missions (such as going with Vette to meet her sister on Nar Shaddaa in the vanilla game).

  8. Phew, I thought it would be one of those topics that have been discussed zillion times but fortunately it's not.


    This thread would suit better in SW Discussion, not in General Discussion (about SWTOR). That is why I got a wrong impression.

  9. Can we please get another Double XP week or possibly month to level our level 55s to level 60? So we have our toons ready for the new expansion? I know SoR is pretty quick, but its annoying to have to run it so many times to get to 60 and other ways just take more time.


    Or you know, simply increase the cap of 12x XP to 60 ... would even be more awesome. Still don't get why you haven't implemented that.


    Because it only takes max 4 hours with skipping to level up from 55 to 60. Don't overreact.


    We won't see Double XP Weekend as long as we have Epic Story Boost. They would collide with each other. Bioware won't allow you to do one quest and get 5 levels :p

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