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Everything posted by Forgon

  1. Touche. However, in that same position, the motivation for such casual MMO players vary. In my case, I know the primary reason for about half of those remaining 10 is because its Star Wars, with the game mechanics and restrictions having little to no affect because they can immerse themselves in a Star Wars game with a Star Wars story. That is all that matters to them. The other half vary a bit more from it being the current game to play with F2P to being recommended by another friend, or being an rpg they want to play, or even being just something to do to kill time. I think you are right in that some may catch on later on and to the idea of there are better F2P models out there but I think the portion BW is targeting (unless I am off, which I could be) is the ones who are not concerned with the MMOs in general they should play but this MMO ( a Star Wars MMO) in particular which they cannot play otherwise (since SWG is gone). In those cases, at least 1/3rd of those 15 I mentioned earlier are not initially interested in playing other F2P MMOs, regardless of how good they are. Now perhaps I know more people willing to play this game for free exclusively than the average person and there may be more savvy MMO players in general but that's an argument for whether or not the audience they are targeting is significant or not.
  2. I would guess after this arc but it depends whether or not they would want this to kick off the second half of the season after a holiday break.
  3. I never did Ilum, always thought my computer could never handle it. Since it is supposed to revolutionize it (which was needed), I may give it a shot. May need to run SWTOR Unleashed just to get my RAM at a decent enough framerate to play there though.
  4. I am interested in seeing this when info comes out. Personally, I would like some early demo footage to be shown so players can start giving more feedback to fine-tune this early but that is just my opinion. I am assuming this will be a 3D flight sim with multiplayer components and at the very least PVP space combat with enemy ships. That alone will definitely excite players. My only question is whether it will be sandbox or themepark based though. How big could they make space maps of just.... well space? Will there be areas to travel to throughout the galaxy? Will regions be a segragated "map" that a seat on your ship let's you freeroam for light years across to different areas and jumping from planet to planet is a choice to lightspeed across regions? Will there be hidden enemy fleets for PVE too or the ability to fly to certain "hotspots" directed by the game for PVP? A lot can be implied based on how they want to improve the space game: Sandbox or Themepark.
  5. To be fair, I know of a total of 15 people personally who are interested or are playing the game FTP and of those 15, only 5 of them have actually played an MMO period (although they all have played multiple). Those other 10 are the portion of potential players he refers to I believe and also the one of two major portions they are interested in netting into the game.
  6. It is a Star Wars holiday celebrated by the Wookiees (like Chewbacca) about every 3 galactic standard years (which is about once a year in a wookie's lifetime since they live for about 300 or so years). It has evokes a similar feel and idea that Christmas gets such as being with family and is (like the name implies) is about the value and respect for life. It originated in the Star Wars Holiday special and (while the special has been made non-canon) Life Day has been cemented as an official in-universe holiday.
  7. Question: Is there any timetable for the quality of life features that are awaited for the game like the desired hood toggle, chat boxes, and/or voiced emotes? I love the ones you added but others like /laugh or /lol, /yawn, /sigh, /taunt, etc are all silent and the hood and chat box issue has been spoken about to death already.
  8. What the above posts have said. Some Dark Council members are relatively new and have never met the Voice since the Emperor has spent decades in seclusion, deferring to the Dark Council to manage the Empire in his stead. Others, like Marr for instance, likely knows but makes no attempt to call him out for it because its to his benefit to play along. The best way I imagine Baras seeing this play out is like this: 1) Proclaim myself to be Voice of the Emperor Emperor's response: None due to being in unknown seclusion and Voice (which houses his spirit) being trapped. Dark Council's response: Several options. -Believe me to be Voice of the Emperor and unconditionally support my will. -Know I am not Voice of the Emperor but recognize my value if they go along with my scheme. -Know I am not Voice of the Emperor and turn my Council supporters on the dissenter. Dark Council dissent: Darth Vowraw--has no gain nor will to allow me to win. -Kill him and label him as an example to those who challenge me as the Emperor's Voice. Profit! The Emperor's Wrath was the only wrench he did not see in the machine.
  9. I would support the following: Sith Warriors: Lightsabers, Vibroblades, Techblades, Vibroswords, Sith Inquisitors: Lightsabers, Vibroblades, Techblades, Vibroswords, Electrostaves (Assassins only) Bounty Hunters: Pistols, Dual Pistols, Rifles, Sniper Rifles Imperial Agents: Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Pistols, Dual Pistols (note: only for ACs without a focus on the vibroknife) Jedi Knights: Same as Sith Warriors Jedi Consulars: Same as Sith Inquisitors Troopers: Rifles, Heavy Cannons, Pistols, Dual Pistols, Sniper Rifles Smugglers: Same as Imperial Agents Obviously, this wil take a lot of work as a lot of class mechanics and animations need to be reworked for this but I think it could be doable. Bounty Hunters and Troopers need more variety. Soldiers are more than just rifle and heavy cannon users, and bounty hunters are not normally restricted to pistols for weapons. The Jedi and Sith freedoms irk me slightly but they are not that bad since I think given the choice, most will go with lightsabers anyway.
  10. Eh, I like the prequels, in soemm cases more than the OT. Either way, this new ST will be interesting or not based on what they retcon and what I retcon it to (not a big fan of most things happening after Episode 6).
  11. Rodians spoke basic, I believe, twice in the EU (although they had an impediment) and now with TCW, we have Rodians that speak basic perfectly except for a slight hiss in their voice. We even had an episode with Greedo kissing a Twi'lek.
  12. Just to clarify for the uninformed, the last time the devs gave a mention to this was back in September or October during one of their last Q&As. They answered my question and said it was a difficult problem to fix and have implemented but that the recent companion hide head slot and color match functions were a result of them trying to figure out a way to add hood toggle.
  13. Edited this for what I wanted. Also, along those lines: -more story -more legacy at higher levels -legacy level price scaling
  14. That sounds cool. Anything involving the rebuilding of the Sith Empire, the Revanites, or the ruins? Some companions, like Mako, have some pretty interesting comments involving the statues and buildings around and it intrigues me to know about their purpose and/or origin. Also, I got the implication the cave that the Revanites built upon was the same cave Revan hid out in in the book with his namesake. Any hint there?
  15. I question the purpose of Set Bonuses in armors. They should be removed as a feature, they do nothing to benefit the players. If there are to be set bonuses, let it be in having 12 mods you need to grind for, not 4 armor pieces that force you to stay in them. They have tried fixing it but it just seems a bit convoluted. I feel making all the green items they have into orange shells and taking out the set bonuses from armors will make everything easier.
  16. Personally, I am fine with it. It was the unexpected thing I should have seen coming. To be honest, as far as I understand the issue, Disney's strategy is buy the company, let the company do their magic with as little intervention as possible, other than advertising and marketing it, and then collects all the money. Since everyone in Lucasarts, Lucasfilms, etc. seem to be keeping their jobs and there are no signs that Marvel and Pixar have turned for the worse, I am confident everything will be fine.
  17. Some nice tidbits and interesting trivia. Is there anything new to be learned about companion ages? I know the ages are mentioned but are those their ages for when they are recruited, from the beginning of the character's story, or from the end of the character's story? Any mention or clarification on that with dates or anything?
  18. Considering among Darth Hater's cartel shop items it has "Purchase Chapter 4: Rise of the Hutt Cartel". It would seem the story IS going to happen within the next few months.
  19. An original Mandalorian Neo-Crusador armor would be cool. Also, the original Sith Trooper armor from the KOTOR games in different colors like red, silver, white, etc. Also, all the Sith Trooper armor sets NPCs wear like the white, green, and red variants. Or how about the armor set worn in all the CGI trailers by the Sith other than Malgus? Those are just the ideas I can come up with.
  20. Legacy unlocks with Cartel Coins makes it equivalent to Pay2win with all the boosts they give.
  21. Considering the pics and datamined files imply a throne like vehicle and the pics show the same dust effect from vehicle debris, I am betting its not an out of combat heal.
  22. Am I the only one noticing how the throne floats and the fact we have implications that the throne is actually a vehicle?
  23. I liked old Grievous and new Grievous but I think I am beginning to prefer the "wimpier" Grievous more. You don't see mustache twirling types anymore among the villain lineup (except on Disney) and Grievous still has more depth than those guys so he stands out. Once your skill tactician that wins your wars also becomes an unstoppable powerhouse in a fair fight against actual Force users AND does so against multiple Jedi Masters on the Jedi Council as well, you have a character who is less of a bad *** and more of a "jack of all trades plus some." It makes him look more flat and generic than TCW Grievous, imo.
  24. Should be stickied. The codex should be account bound so we can gather all the entries by playing all classes and stories and the missing ones should be added, some add some important lore for newer players interested in discovering it.
  25. 1. How do you think your Sorcerer spec is perceived by other classes? One of two situations: A sitting duck (literally) for classes to focus-fire first and get out of the way first in the match OR a far off caster-type turret class that is below notice compared to the healer/tank/mobile DPS in the fighting hot spot. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? Lightning Tree (All my opinion based on personal experience) Lightning Sorc has good burst but lacks mobility which kills the class. In normal PVE, the class functions fine for a ranged DPS. In Operations, the class suffers from being made useless due to lack of mobility during encounters where the class is forced to move around, with Shock and Affliction being our only tools when mobile (which can range from "every now and then" to "way too often" during a boss encounter). They are also weak tools while on the move and contribute little to nothing. When able to actually stand its ground and keep a steady rotation, the class functions decently but is not considered worth more or less than any other class. In WZs and pvp in general, the class functions absolutely horribly. Due to the cast bar heavy gameplay, interrupts and pushbacks on our cast time greatly hinders the class (which happens often) and the time to generate it by default allows opponents to easily break line of sight (wasting DPS on the casting time). 1.4 has boosted the usefulness on our tools to run from combat but doing so does not help us in pvp, where we need to defend/support objectives with DPS. The class often gets killed before any major casting can get done due to our squishiness and the aformentioned pushbacks and interrupts on our casting. Our rotation is strong and has a flow and rhythm that feels fun and exciting but the class gets killed when being kited or kiting in our DPS department and our lack of mobility otherwise hinders our ability to move around the ever changing PVP battlefield. In short: The class has good burst and potential but is grievously faulted by a lack of mobility which is the deciding factor (imo) on the effectivity of a class in pvp (factoring into their adaptability and utility in multiple situations during pvp as well as objectives from WZs). The class needs fixes to mobility so that our burst numbers become effective (if not comparable) for WZs and Operations. Thundering Blast and Lightning Striker in particular have too long a cast time and should either be allowed to be used while moving or have a method of allowing Lightning Strike to be cast while moving.
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