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Everything posted by LeSamourai

  1. Yep. I find a LOT of stealth stuff like this. The loading screens, the layouts of places, quest locations (quests in general), commendation locations, speeder points, etc. A lot is intentional, and not in a good way either. They could have done it in a more manageable and enjoyable format (no need to go through 2 doors and a load to get on your ship)
  2. It's just human nature. They feel the need to defend the game they play, otherwise they fear they might lose interest in it somehow (voodoo or whatever). Personally, I think the whole panda thing is just silly. It's not childish or anything; just silly. They are clearly catering to a certain group of people (anime/JRPGers), and there is nothing wrong with that at all; but you can't do something like that and not expect backlash in some form.
  3. hahaha noooooooooooooooooo way Jose Although, I'll admit some of the recent General chat sessions have made me yearn for some Barrens lately.
  4. My biggest gripes are: -not being able to search by item slot -slow to respond when refreshing a page -sorting issues (even when sorting by level req, orange items appear around lvl 1....) -issues getting kicked out when a companion comes back from a crewskill -not being able to see my character sheet to get stats on my mods (having to quit out, push C, remember what I need to upgrade/if its an upgrade, look it up....annoying)
  5. It was pretty rare cases only. I actually think the things they couldn't restore were items lost due to quest bugs, etc; not money. I know during that time period I submitted a few tickets for lost items during quests and never got anything back; couple months back during Cata, totally different response: items were returned within a few hours.
  6. No, because you don't blatantly troll almost EVERY thread with "Yea, I kind of liked the game, but it's got huge issues, so I canceled on 1/4/2012".
  7. I believe there's a setting in the options menu that does it, because I definitely have it whenever I mouseover stuff.
  8. Pretty much. People should be HAPPY: I haven't seen any idiots (kids) running around spouting racist/bigoted remarks lately.
  9. lol I know that feel bro I honestly got a little burned from my Inquisi (lvl 45), rolled a BH (lvl 36), and now I'm doing an IA (lvl 23). This game is AWFUL for altitis, seriously AWFUL. At this rate its going to take me a long *********** time to level to 50 lol
  10. +1 I'm having a blast so far (not without issues of course, but I can live with them for now), and I'll definitely be around for 3-6 months to see what the new content brings.
  11. lol I feel bad laughing about it, but this is a great thread. Hopefully it's addressed soon, because I know I'll be experiencing issues with it in the near future (BT3 on all toons)
  12. There is a place to respond when canceling your account. Constantly ****ting on threads and trolling isn't productive at all. That's why most people are so "negative" towards the "quitters". You aren't unique. We know people are quitting, that's life. Just write up what you feel and post it during the cancellation form; you'll be saving yourself and others a lot of grief.
  13. Yea, always make sure to push "M" and see if there is another instance. There have been times when I've been on during peak on Empire and gone "***" @ the amount of people...only to see that I'm in the smallest instance.
  14. Most of the 50s are a VERY small segment of the community (I'd actually be interested to see some numbers soon on how the community is leveled so far, as well as server balance), those more interested in end game/PvP/gaming the AH. Personally, I've been having a blast leveling up some alts. I could definitely have had a 50 by now (1x 45, 1x 35, 2x 22s), but I'm having more fun trying out different classes before I settle on my main (and I was in the beta, so I've sunk even MORE time than this already into the game lol)
  15. This is pretty much the biggest aspect atm. People are getting back into the work swing, back into school, etc. I used to be able to find 150+ in most zones on Empire during off peak (consistently very heavy server/queued); now it's more like 70-80 during off peak.
  16. I tend to do it whenever I can, especially to lowbies. I actually had some guy get mad at me the other day (lvl 50), he told me I distracted him when he was mailing something to a guildmate....big deal bro, big deal
  17. Pre-slicing nerf I had ~ 120k credits by the time I hit 25. On another character after the slicing nerf it was more like ~ 75-80k. Both toons I bought minimal stuff off the AH (usually cheap oranges if I could find them). Rest was commendation rewards only or drops. Another thing, don't waste credits on skills like Treasure Hunting/Underworld until you have some extra money (lvl ~30); you'd be surprised how much you blow on stupid little lockboxes that net you maybe an item worth 300 credits at a vendor (if you're lucky).
  18. Dude you make up SOOOO much bs. No one wants to read you trolling just about EVERY thread.
  19. He sounds like a bitter youth with nothing better to do
  20. lol I like how you are comparing a game that isn't even released yet (don't get me wrong, I'm excited for GW2) to released games. sigh
  21. There honestly is zero perfect MMO imo. I've had fun with several, but almost all had some serious issues that inevitably forced me to quit. I enjoyed GW PvP (seriously, some of the MOST fun PvP in the early days, staying up til the wee hours to hold off the Euro/Asian forces). I enjoyed WARO PvP at release (then it went to **** once the balance went terrible, plus performance was awful), and it had one of my favorite classes of ALL time (Witch Hunter) I enjoyed WoW in the early days (absolutely LOVED some of my experiences when I first started up roughly 2-3 months after launch, great times), and I also REALLY loved BC (awesome art styles, best next to Cata; plus the raids/dungeons were great/well designed) I enjoyed LOTRO to some extent, liked the lore aspects, but lots of issues (haven't tried it since it went F2P, have heard good things though) I have some good memories of EQ, but honestly I was a little too immature when I started it to grasp what I fully needed to do (was more interested in just wandering around, was horrible in dungeons/raids lol) edit: forgot DAoC, probably my fondest memories are from this game; but the server pop died down and I moved on. Although, I heard recently from some friends who still play it occasionally that people have started to pick it up again (still pretty dead though)
  22. Anyone else think the whole "if we let you un-socket mods from raid gear, people wouldn't continue to raid" is some serious bs? Gear is only a VERY small part of raiding for me. Sure, it's major when gearing up at the start...but after that, 99% of the fun is in working as a team/shooting the ****/downing big bosses/etc. I'm not going to just magically stop raiding once I get phat loot I can use on my orange gear. That's a silly idea Bioware. As others have said, it's an easy thing to remedy if Bioware is worried about people continuing to raid and use "raid" gear: just give set bonuses to mods used with certain gear dropped from raids. That way, if you like the look of X, but want your mods from raid gear, you can pull it out, but you'll loose the extra bonus. Socket it back, and you gain the bonus. Keep raiding for more gear to do this with = win/win.
  23. They don't really NEED a LFD. What the OP said is what they need: level/global chat. The issue is that only searching for groups on the Fleet will net you a select few people; the rest are out questing...and you can't reach them unless you go to wherever they are and advertise there. It's not as bad on Empire...but Republic, yea lol good luck finding anything past Esseles. I've seen the same couple people advertising for Hammer/Athiss/Mando/Cad for about a week now. I messaged them the other day and they all said they had either done the respective FP once, or not at all. Seriously, sad.com
  24. Emergency fleet pass or Flashpoint shuttle are by far the EASIEST ways to get back to the "hub". I agree, it's SUPER annoying there isn't a way to tele to your ship (even if its a 1hr CD). And yea, some of the quests are downright awful with the amount of running/speedering you have to do between the SAME places. And that was the ENTIRETY of the quest, literally NOTHING happened.
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