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Everything posted by LeSamourai

  1. Sorry but no. If you expected a largely "casual" franchise like Star Wars to be all about competitive PvP.....haha you were dead wrong. I don't know where you got that idea from, but you're better suited with one of the DOTA spinoffs (seriously).
  2. I'd like to pick it up.....but sadly they don't have it for Blackberry (I know I know, but I use them for work exclusively, I need to pickup an iPhone for fun). Oh well
  3. I agree. BW said the player would have free range over their choices...yea not feeling it so much as a middle of the road BH who just works for cash. I either have to be Mr Nice or Mr Sadistic...le sigh.
  4. I think a lot of people expected WAY too much from this game. It needs time and community input to grow. Yes, a lot of money/time was spent on it (and it shows), but no game, NO game is EVER perfect at launch, especially an MMO. I was actually mildly disappointed with the beta, to the point where I was reconsidering picking it up at launch. However, after taking some time off and playing it again during Early Access...I came into it with an open mind, just had some good ol fun making alts...and I'm loving it. Is it the best game or best MMO ever made? Not in my opinion, but then again I haven't found that MMO yet (and I doubt I will). But will it keep me interested for a year or so to see how they improve it (and potentially stick around longer if I like what I'm seeing)? You bet. The people disappointed in the game just need to realize the original intentions of the product: a largely SP driven story (yes, STORY in an MMO), with "hubs" and PVP/raiding. I remember when Bioware first was shopping this idea around when KOTOR was getting RAVE reviews; magazines were hinting that KOTOR2 was going to be an MMO "type" game (note: not a FULL blown MMO). Oh man were people excited....and I think those same people are STILL excited. There's just another group of people who didn't realize WHAT the game was going to be. They expected Star Wars in a WoW package...nope.
  5. You get medals for protecting (taking dmg for teammates) or healing (healing teammates) or killing (killing) or defending (sitting on the flag) etc. I can easily rack up 150k dmg protection a game off flag carriers alone, usually getting me top spot and a load of MVP votes It's a pretty fun class to play as a tank; can't say the same for Powertech in PVP (the heat ability seems REALLY gimped during hectic fights)
  6. Honestly it's just your server, or you are already level 30+ and not many people are around there. I went into the newbie zones on my server (both sides on a High Cap server) and it said there were ~ 90 on Empire and ~50 Republic. Hopped on the only US Heavy Cap server atm, and the newbie zones there had ~170 Empire and ~110 Republic. Fleets had damn near 200 on both sides...however, once you hit Nar Shadda it drops pretty dramatically. I was seeing ~60 on Empire and ~20-30 on Republic. Tattoine is even worse atm on my server, roughly ~30 Empire and hardly any Republic. As you can see, most people are in the under 20 range; just give it some time and things will even out; or re-roll on a new server for that epic MMO feel (because honestly, they have TOO many servers now, and most have barely any players)
  7. FYI, the latest nVidia beta drivers (from the 20th) gave me a HUGE jump in FPS; plus, they fixed a lot of the weird texture issues I was having.
  8. This, plus PLEASE fix character creation headitems. My Twilek lost her headband and there is NO way to get it back
  9. Yep, it's too they couldn't figure out a way to minimize loading, because it really does add up quick.
  10. I get it on Balmorra, big HUGE green beams of light. At first I thought it might be artifacts from overheating/dying video card, but it's definitely not. No other games are doing it and it's localized to Balmorra (only specific parts, mainly the spaceport area)
  11. Sure, and BW should have realized that FORCING someone to choose a PERMANENT AC before they even get a chance to play it is.....stupid. Let people get a feel for it first, THEN and ONLY then, require them to lock in a choice for AC. And no, I'm not a whiny "casual"; I've been a longtime member of the beta, and I've got altitis out the whazzoo. This is an issue I see that would potentially turn off a TON of "casual" gamers (read: not those who usually play MMOs)
  12. I had some issues on my IA (usually tank it with BH), but even then we still got it after a few tries. You just need good teamwork and a brain (I know right, an MMO requiring intelligence, whodathunkit)
  13. The ship is free, speeders aren't however (but they are fairly cheap). If you don't mess around on the AH you will have PLENTY of money just from doing quests by the time you are 25. I'm 22 on my BH, and I estimate I've had upwards of 80k credits so far; blown most of it on the AH on random stuff for me and my companion.
  14. I would? They look ridiculous with some of the armor types (seriously, check out the IA armor with the ammo case on the front....it's like a gigantic mountain of breast and then this huge box sticking out like 4 feet)
  15. See, this is the issue with having early access: people level WAY too fast, and then ***** out the whazzoooooooooooooo about not having people at their level.
  16. A really easy tip for people having issues with fire: the room is bigger than you think, you can go between the columns and hide back there while the fire tracks to you, then run out quickly before it gets in range. Basically if you do it right you won't even take dmg lol
  17. The only thing that bothers me is when fellow snipers don't "contribute" to the overall goal of the game. Yes, dealing tons of dmg helps; but bunkering down right outside spawn or in a random spot and NEVER moving....does NOT help at all. I was in a game of Hutball yesterday with 3-4 snipers plus myself; all the others just bunkered right outside spawn and sat there the entire game. I think they had a combined total dmg of less than 100k...I alone had ~220k. It just goes to show that not everyone playing the class is an idiot (although lots are). If you are smart about it you can REALLY turn the tide. Move around with your team, choose spots wisely where there are choke points (the flame traps), if the enemy is running towards your goal make sure to root the ball carrier/blind people, etc. Also, don't be afraid to run about w/o cover. You might think you are worthless when not in cover...but you couldn't be further from the truth. You've got a fair number of abilities that deal pretty decent dmg w/o cover, make use of them!
  18. My best advice: turn down your resolution. 1920x1080 is going to cripple your system
  19. Nope. If you pre-ordered from Amazon it was basically a free 1 week trial pre-release. Just gotta use your 'ol noggin'
  20. No, not 7 years. But probably 2 years. It's already functioning at a high level (more than can be said of most of the forumgoers here), WAY more polished than any other recent MMO was at launch. Plus, it has LOTs of stuff that WoW NEVER had at launch.
  21. Saying the game is a "WoW clone" is NOT a helpful opinion. It's the VERY definition of a troll. There are some users on here who are honest, most of them overlooked the features of the game (they failed to realize it was about the story/leveling and not hardcore 1337 item whoring or PvP facerolling)
  22. Yes, because EVERY game has to be polished at launch and basically refined to the point of a game that's been out for years. And then what would happen? People would complain that the game is "too set in stone", "not enough user input", etc. Lets face it, WoW was AWFUL at launch. It took YEARS of community input to push the game to the point it is now. SWTOR is already at a good launch point, it just needs some more time to refine itself. Give it a year and I imagine the vast majority of the issues present now will be fixed.
  23. He's just spewing ideas that make no sense because he's mad. Anyways, yes, there are a shortage of players at mid range level, and no, it's not because of the cap. It's because people that were in pre-release are already past that zone, and the newbies are...well, newbies and they aren't there yet. Either roll and alt if the heroics mean that much to you, or just sit around and wait until more people get to your level. Or, you know, just level up like a normal gamer.
  24. Yep, 5 days is bout what I was hitting in beta. It's just about the right amount of time. And lets face it: 5 * 24 = 120 hours. If you don't think the initial $60 investment is worth $.50 an hour, then so be it. But there is a TON of content in this game (make sure you see both sides)
  25. amen I think EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, should go read the launch notes from the BW Dr.'s They basically say something along the lines of "We are happy to launch this game, yadda yadda yadda, however, we realize that it's only in it's beginning phase, and it will take the communities input for years to come before it ever reaches the 'end'".
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