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  1. 1) i would like to see the idea of pod racers think would be cool to put in pod racing 2) pvp balance an gear etc 3) sure id go
  2. i like this too or something along the lines of this.
  3. 17 hour cool down doesn't make sense to me i suppose that who ever picks you up for that emergency transport just is worn out after there for he need to rest 17 hours lol.
  4. yes less tedious i would like to but liek when you go to one planet just to talk to some one then leave its like aww but yes less tedious.
  5. hey everyone i was just looking for some info on why is it that after coming out of a pvp arena my party disbands? im not sure if its a glitch or something but seem i always have to regroup the person(s) im with after again. anyways thanks for the help in advance!!
  6. to bad our ship cant pick us up anywhere lol.
  7. exactly it takes way to long to travel its a mission in itself
  8. yes i have used the emergency fleet skill which can be reused again in 17 hours which kind of bummed me out. i kinda wish i could just call my ship in or by using my robot to come pick me up anywhere i am haha. but ill have to look in to buying one of those fleet passes
  9. if there is a faster way that im missing out on please let me know haha.
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