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Everything posted by Bojangle

  1. I like these ideas but to take over the character should not be implemented. Sorry but this isn't KOTOR as much people want to try and make it. It is an mmo and should only be able to control your own character.
  2. Nice! I won't see you on the battlefield though unless you are on the same server ;P Love ToR!!!!!!!!
  3. First of all if this stuff bothers you then I would love to see your list for Tera, GW2 and Rift because I can think of sooo many more worse things for them. Also you do realize this is a game and not real life right? How many npc's in Tera, GW2 or Rift "move around"? Or them pulling out mounts out of the blue the same way. For #11 get a better pc because I can see the ship just fine through the screen. It doesn't fade in for me as it is already there.
  4. What communication do you need? They have been giving out information a lot more then all other mmo's. Is it me or are people so spoiled here that they forget how other mmo's are? This goes back to the Friday updates before launch. God people cried and complained if BioWare didn't have one yet GW2, Tera, Rift, etc. NEVER gave updates like BioWare did. Also those same games have very minimal communication. Tera the devs don't talk about anything or give any updates or communication.
  5. You must be new to mmo's. Last I checked I can solo every mmo out there to max level. BW did a great job and is fine. Sounds to me like you don't really know the difference between coop and a mmo. Res Evil 5 coop mode and ToR hmmmmm. Completely different style.
  6. I think the game is still awesome. These forums are just full of people who whine and cry, yet it is one of the best mmo's out there right now. Look at some of the current mmo's. AoC, Warhammer, CoH (likely closing down), STO, LotR, Tera, Aion, GW2, EQ2, Rift, etc. GW2 was all hype and I got bored of it extremely fast. Only good thing is that it is free monthly. All the others have a lot lower subs even the f2p ones. It cracks me up those who say this is more of a coop game than an mmo. LMAO they likely are new to mmo's. Please tell me which of the other mmo's aren't the same way then? You can solo level every single mmo out there and fast. This game is very story based yes, which is awesome because you actually feel part of your character. As for those who still cry about content likely aren't familiar with business in general. ToR had a direction set and was going to pump out a lot of content during this dry time. Problem was a lot internal issues were going on which needed to be dealt with first and to set the new direction of the game. You can't just pump out content if they aren't sure which direction the game going to head. Well now the game is set on the direction and content will start flowing again. It isn't easy making a huge direction change like this. People just need patience and if they don't have it then simply cancel your sub and give it a try later then. Tera just barely now is giving new content out and they had very little to begin with. AoC once you left the starter zone you basically were screwed because they released without much content except the starter zone. So to me as of today, I am still loving the game. Love being away from orcs and goblins and all the fantasy mmo's. I still have faith in Bio Ware and this new Operation sounds like they put a lot of imagination in it. So we'll see.
  7. Exactly. And that is why I felt ToR did an awesome job of not making it feel so bland. There were a lot of quests involving things besides kill x and get y. You had to save people, plant bombs, turn off gasses, etc. But it was just go there do it and return. The cut scenes, environment, etc. made it a lot more enjoyable. But there is no other system really. The Secret World even does this and there is no levels. People just need to realize that, that is how it is. I would love for a complainer to come up with a better system that will get people to max level without running short of quests.
  8. It's weird. Technically yes it was Rakata then now campaign. BUT that doesn't mean BiS for your character. I was looking awhile back when people still raided here that for the Sith Inquis, it was combining a lot of different gear. One of the pieces was an orange one. Being decked out in Rakata/Campaign didn't produce as much dps as this other gear. I wish I remember the link but the gear scaling for your class wasn't the best. You still wanted some though.
  9. I am! Been here since we could make accounts to the forums day 1. Also did Beta the last 3 months of testing also. Still loving the game and have no plans on cancelling my account.
  10. Well look at the questing systems on all the top mmo's. ToR's is by far the best. There are tons of heroic type quests which are fun mini instances, a lot of objective type quests which have cool cut scenes, etc. Not any of the other mmo's do anything like that. Heck I actually have a few other alts maxed level because I can handle the quest system and seeing each new story line also. In WoW I played since beginning of Vanilla and only have 1 alt who is maxed. I couldn't take doing it all over again. Only reason I had the alt was to play with people from work. So sure it is easy for people to say, "New questing system" but no one seems to give any ideas of a better one. Why? Because if there was I am sure someone would have used it. This is why I think ToR has the best because you actually feel part of every quest and they aren't all kill x and get y.
  11. Oh God please like you are going to even develop a game or someone is going to use your ideas. Fair enough about the SWG thing but still a big NO for t hat crafting. It doesn't fit with this game and how exactly could you do that crafting without using your own harvesters all over the place? Sorry but I don't want people cluttering the nice ambiance with that stuff. IMO and I am sure most will agree, PvE and PvP are the 2 biggest reasons people play mmo's. RP is such a minority. If RP was so big then there would be a lot more servers then just a couple. And you can't balance that in. It is up to the community. Why should BioWare be to blame for the lack of it? Be the one then to set up events etc. But overall I would not want to be forced to any type of RP or server and trust me, many will agree with me on this. Hence why they have separate servers for RP. I still feel though PvE/End game is the main/majority. AoC, Warhammer, Aion and Tera were all geared for PvP as the focus and those games ended up as busts. But there will always be pvp and pve complainers. I am not hard core of a pvp'er so I don't really know what these guys want. They say WoW's pvp sucks and ToR's sucks yet I find it enjoyable the warzones/bgs. So if a game can do an amazing end game yet have amazing pvp, then you have a winner. But please just because you may like RPing, and that is good for you, but the majority don't want RP so trying to balance that in there will not sell. And I don't have to give ideas on what I would do because I am not the one saying they need to change things but not give ideas on what you think.
  12. Fact of the matter is gaming is a hobby that costs money just like any other hobby. If you can't afford a $15 a month sub yet pay at least $49 for a game, then maybe gaming is for you. Not a knock to those in financial issues but this is a hobby. Can I go collect coins, stamps, sports cards for free? Nope. Gaming is also a form of entertainment like going to the movies, out to eat, amusement parks, etc. Maybe don't go out to eat one time a month or if it is fast food maybe 2 times a month don't go and BAM there's your $15.
  13. I am actually surprised at people saying "a better quest system". ToR has the best one out to date. An actual story line with you being able to select responses. And not every quest is kill x amount. A lot of them have objectives. All other mmo's i just auto accept quests because there is no story or anything. Those who want a better questing system I would love to hear then your ideas for a questing system that will level you 1-50 or 60 without having to kill x and bring back y etc.
  14. Ummm SWG is still out there. Go play the EMU's then.
  15. Sorry but no thanks to your ideas. I am not a RP fan and if you make a game to be RP based you will likely not get much out of it. Also you can't blame ToR for the RP friendly. That is all based on the community. There are RP servers and if you aren't finding much of it then that is you and the communities fault. You say your questing system will be different then going to kill x and bring me y. Ok then tell us your questing system. You don't have one do you? It sure is easy to criticize a system but awfully difficult to give your examples on how to do it then. SWG like crafting no thanks. Don't get me wrong it is a good system but not made for the mmo's of todays. And please get over it. SWG is GONE. I loved it because it was my first real mmo, but overall there weren't many options of games and SWG was too dependent on the community. 0 content. 0 end game. Only socializing, crafting and pvping. Thank God ToR is nothing like it. I actually feel like I am playing a Star Wars game now.
  16. 1) Make the Operations a lot longer with at least 8 bosses and make HM and NM a tad bitter more difficult. 2) Add day/night changes to all planets. See LotR and WoW and how they do it, it is actually something pretty cool. 3a) Revamped Illum by now for world pvp. 3b) Add attunments to get in the operations. It adds extra content and makes people actually appreciate the place more having to work to get inside.
  17. It is only possible because the amount of money ToR took to make vs Tera is a huge difference. All that aside how is even 500k subs not profitable and 50k subs could be? The only way I see that happening is if BioWare has A LOT more resources to pay for then Tera does. Like employees, servers, rent, etc. Besides the cost to make the game, I don't see much differences in resources. 500k subs at $15 a month == 7,500,000 a month 50k subs at $15 a month == 750,000 a month. So if the 50k is profitable then that means BioWare is spending over $6 mil extra on resources which I really don't see. And yes in reality Tera like doesn't have 50k subs, but I will bet anything they aren't over the 250k-300k mark.
  18. I agree with you here, but DPS meters are used for more then just that. Some people like to use it for themselves to improve on and see where they are at in the mix. Comparing to others the same class and same gear some want to see where they are at and what may they be doing wrong. There have been times in WoW where I thought I was tearing it up. Nailing all the cool downs etc. yet looking at the meters I wasn't as high as I thought. So I talked to a fellow mage to see what I was missing or doing wrong and found out there was a couple minor things that made a difference. Had I not had meters, I would never have known. Sure you can say a "good player knows what to do", well yeah but also a good player knows there is also always room for improvement and I am a damn good player and know my classed I play very well. Sometimes you might be off on something though and having meters to let you know doesn't hurt one bit. Just helps. Also if you are doing a pug 8/16 man Operation and someone is not even close to the others and are just basically being carried, then yeah it let's people know they need to remove them from the group. So there is more to dps meters then just flexing e-peens. But I do understand people at times use the dps meters in a way not really intended.
  19. Why are you all bent out of shape and mad at BioWare? You do realize WoW, AoC, Aion, Warhammer, LotR, Tera, Rift, STO, The Secret World, etc. all don't have meters either. They are all 3rd party addons not supported by the company. Sure I agree that in todays mmo it should be an interface feature to turn on and off, but as of now obviously no one feels it is something needed right now. Same reason threat meters aren't made the norm yet. But I won't get mad at a company for not adding this since NO ONE has yet. Or at least none of the top mmo's that I know of. "Oh and a good meter tool will tell you who broke the CC." Ok now you are getting a little out of hand here.
  20. Sweet! Sounds like maybe they are prepping and getting ready for the new Operation/Content in general. Just doing little things like that. I would bet more things like this will continue to happen up to the release of the new stuff.
  21. Actually they are doing quite well. They have subs, quoted for a top guy at BioWare, under a mil subs but over 500k. Even at the minimum of 500k subs is great. Tera has way less then 500k, Rift from last I heard was at the 200k-300k mark. Once this hits f2p, I would not be surprised to see subs back in the mil in time. I will even bet a decent amount of those f2p people go back to sub based or become subs if they are new to the game. Those who think BioWare and the game is fail or want it to fail, then why even play still? Go play your Tera with the 50,000 population there.
  22. You do realize a LOT of major issues were going inside BioWare right? From firings to top people leaving etc. The game lost all direction. So how were they supposed to produce content when the company was in chaos. They now have the structure in place and back to business as usual. We all know the new direction for the game which is a HUGE change. So that means things changed likely from what the programmers may have been working on to doing other things. So what they have been showing now is the new content actually coming and yes it is coming soon. I would bet sometime in Sept. Maybe early to mid. If this chaos never happened and things were smooth in the office, then I am sure there would have been a lot of content out by now. But things happen. Get over it. I will say I actually am glad there was this long break because I was able to level a few alts and see different story lines and decide if I want to keep my sorc still my main or not.
  23. You are talking strictly end game raiding which is not the only thing out there at max level. I agree fully on how short and easy all 3 operations are and we geared out and cleared them all long ago to where now our guild called it quits and not sure if most will be back. WoW's end game takes longer because at least they still have a lot of bosses. Granted after 7 or 8 HM bosses in the first 3 raids of Cata I couldn't take the lame and boringness anymore I quit raiding. Wrath wasn't all that but ICC only took us like 1-2 days tops on HM. Cata still had a little challenge on some HM bosses where ToR only took maybe a night or 2 on some of the hard ones with competent raiders. But overall there are other things to do.
  24. I am a hard core raider and was really looking forward to the end game here. So for people like me the Operations were easy and quick to finish on all difficulty levels. So from that stand point we have nothing to do, but there is still sooooooo much more to do. I am 50 and have yet to stand around bored and log 10 mins after. I know some of these or all are repeats but it is truth: 1) Make alts. Yeah i know this isn't for everyone but doing a new class on even the opposite faction is like playing the game all over again. 2) Datacrons 3) Level up all your companions so you get all legacy unlocks for their powers too. 4) Explorer all areas of the map on all planets. 5) Work on finding more codex/ 6) PvP or ranked PvP 7) Flash points - level up your social pts. Basically you do the same stuff like you would in WoW or any other game at max level.
  25. It is a reason I think. I really enjoy the game and feel the graphics, planets and storyline was well done. The gameplay for me works perfect and the flash points, operations and warzones I really love also. But a sci fi lore is a lot harder to sell if there was a no name IP compared to those of fantasy like WoW. Look at GW's, Rift and Tera. Not based after any movies or anything and granted Tera sucks and lost many subs, it still sold some games. If someone came along and made a brand new IP to do with sci fi, I don't think it would sell well unless Blizzard made it or it was based of a huge game of theirs. For example like Mass Effect Online. But yes since this is still Star Wars and to me has a good Star Wars feel to it, I keep playing. If it wasn't then I honestly don't know if I would stay. Like I said this isn't a horrible game and if they can keep pumping out good content and making operations maybe longer and a littler harder, I think they will gain a lot more subs beyond just the f2p people.
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