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Everything posted by Bojangle

  1. Why does BioWare need to do anything? Have you seen WoW servers? Here is an example of one. http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/illidan 1/0.01 Are you going to tell people they can't play with their friends? Right now BioWare has even said Republic's skills/damage do more then their exact counter part on the Empire side. So you put a Sage and Sorc dps in the same gear and use the same type of attacks that match each other, Republic's dmg is by far a lot more. So people are switching to Republic for pvp reasons. After 1.2 when they balance them out, you will probably see more switching back. But until then you can't close out servers for classes. No mmo does that and yes Rift and WoW has a number of servers unbalanced. I am sure Tera Online and GW2 will also. Hopefully they will open up server transfers soon and then you can go to a new server that might make you happier.
  2. Emeda you just seem bitter because WoW is falling fast and will never be as good as it once was. In fact ToR so far blows Cata out of the water and even most of Wrath.
  3. ToR will keep growing. Won't hit the 13 mil mark but it will grow. People cry about some of the servers being dead, when in fact they aren't. This game people actually like making alts and trying new stories. Since there is only 2 operations for now, a lot of people could be leveling alts. So just because if the fleet population doesn't meet your standards, doesn't mean people quit.
  4. You do realize WoW has never taken hits like this when AoC, Aion, Rift, Warhammer, LotRO came out right? WoW never also rushed their content or expansion like they did with Cata. And logging onto WoW this weekend to see, it was even worse and this 2 months now after launch.
  5. Awwww did I hurt your WoW feelings? Yep WoW is losing a lot more subs then in the past. And nah sorry but this game isn't losing subs like you think. Good effort though.
  6. I definitely agree and my fondest memories and best times in WoW was Vanilla and BC with needing attunements, aq doors opening, server events, challenging end game, etc. But I can bet now though if it stayed like that, it would hurt more to their pocket. The majority today simply don't have the time anymore. Jobs, spouses, school, social activities, kids, etc. Back then you had to raid 5-6 days 4-5 hrs a night. Most guilds still didn't see half the stuff because they either were bad or didn't have time to put in like that. But I definitely miss those days and wish there was a happy medium. What really ruined it though was making the same raids but having normal and HM. That is just lame. It really gets you bored of the place pretty quickly. I loved it when you had to do MC before BWL then BWL before AQ40 and AQ40 for naxx etc.
  7. Not only that, WoW is is dying fast now and each new raid they have added in Cata has been worse then the one before it. If you look at wowprogress.com you will see sooo many guilds that used to be tops not anymore or gone. They simply don't care anymore. Wrath the only things that saved that was re-adding Naxx again, even though it was a joke, it was still one of the best raids made in Vanilla. Ulduar was great and ICC was ehhhh. Not horrible but for the final raid I expected more. The H LK fight was good though. Cata started with BWD, Throne and BoT. All 3 were extremely boring, no real theme to it. Just walk in and the bosses were all there, and basically just flat out not fun. Firelands comes in and is even worse then start. Start off clearing r97e732897432894 trash mobs before a boss spawns and all other bosses are just spread around in the same area. Now comes the final Deathwing one. And WOW just when you think it can't get any worse. It does. There is some challenge on HM, but the whole place is boring and no imagination at all. GW2 will actually be a big hit to start but fade out fast like GW1 did. Free online play is exactly what you get. I will say GW gives you a lot for it being free, but it will get old very fast. They won't keep pumping in free content like the paid mmo's do. But in the long run, ToR has way more potential because they will keep adding stuff and doing expansions whereas GW2 won't be doing that so much.
  8. LOL awwwwwwww. And no the servers haven't died considerably. I have made toons on quite a few servers and deleting them to see and servers are good!!! Go back to WoW where it is really dead now and raiding is a complete joke now.
  9. Been playing since end of Oct for beta and I am loving the game even more. So many new things to be coming out and so many opportunities in time. People simply don't have patience and have short term memories because WoW, AoC, Warhammer, Aion, Rift, etc. all had some major issues at launch. The first 6 months is usually used for hashing out the major bugs, fixing classes, and trying to add some extra content. Once the majority of the big bugs get fixed, there will be lots more focus on content and pvp etc. Pros for me: Amazing graphics Community hasn't been that bad overall yet. Questing is actually fun Sound All the planets I have loved You really feel part of the game because of your decisions Enough content to hit max level Has 2 end game raids and many flash points Added a new flash point that is just friggin amazing. (Kaon) BioWare still wants peoples feed back and get very involved still even though some don't feel that. I really see BioWare making extra efforts whereas WoW they didn't want to hear it. Cons: Wish it was a little more open to exploration. Planets are a good size yes, but WoW you feel you can explore 100% of the game. Maybe the flying mounts now make it seem that way, but places like Nar Shadaar I don't see them allowing you to use a flying mount and explorer. Some major Operations bugs could be fixed a little faster. Bugs to where you can't defeat a boss. LFG feature imo should be added at launch. I know so many debate this but I am not saying cross server ones. Just same server. It has been a big part since introduced and just feel like it is something that should already be there. Overall I am still loving the game and don't see me stopping anytime soon. I go back to WoW on weekends just to do a LFR and just change it up for a couple of hours and I gotta say, I was on a populated server and it seems semi dead now and then joining LFR 80% of the time is a joke and has tons of kids in there with all the crying, whining, pulling boss while doing trash, wiping on the easiest content ever, even easier then naxx 25, etc. But still when I log on waiting, I just sit there bored because there is nothing I really want to do while in que.
  10. I still think it is WAYYYY to early to talk about an expansion that probably may be 2 years out, but at least the game is launched now. I can see them adding 1-2 more classes but what? Jawa fine. But what will they be? Or do you mean they will keep the same 4 classes but add new races? I think 1 more class should be in the mix but what type? A Brawler? A force Sensitive class where they just use the force but no light sabers? Of course new operations, increased level, and our own personal class story continues which I think these are givens. I know they will be working on a fully new space where it will be similar to JTLS where you can pvp, but I feel it will be faster paced. I think that in its own would be a expansion in itself or a mini one. The gambling center I bet will be fully functional. I have a feeling it may be working before then but if not then I feel it will be in an expansion. Likely another planet or 2. More open areas on some current planets too. New profession gathering and crafting.
  11. I don't know what to tell you but the server I am has stayed in the "Very Heavy" field and I made toons on other servers just to see and they seem pretty decent. Are you upset that you are on other planets like for example Alderaan and no one is talking? That happens when people are leveling. They are engaged in the story and maybe not seeing the chat window. I know how they have the chat window on ToR and how it hides at times, that it makes it easy to not see people talking or want to talk yourself. Also make a new toon on WoW, Rift, Aion, AoC, or Warhammer and let me know how gen chat is on each zone. Pretty much the same. I will say at launch a lot more chatter yes, but tba, leveling an alt I still seem some convo going on from time to time on each planet. Not as much but it doesn't really mean anything. Rift, AoC, Aion and Warhammer at launch had no one talking at all which was weird. Some of the most boring ever. Rift picked up a little after a couple of days but that game was just way too boring for me.
  12. Ahhh I see. I don't know. I prefer having both sides different looks. It makes the other more unique. Plus in any of the movies, books, etc. did both sides look alike? Even the weapons and vehicles and ships were different. It does suck though if one sides tier gear or crafted gear looks better then the other side. heh
  13. SWG you couldn't tell who was with whos faction either since everyone was in certain gear. If not wearing the heavy best armor you still couldn't tell unless they dressed like a storm tropper. The only way you could tell was their name was in a different color. So please don't tell ToR to do something SWG didn't even do. I definitely agree about going into the enemies base which you actually can on certain planets, but since the main "cities" are up in space in the fleet, where did you want to attack? The starting zones where people are lvl 1-12? Yeah go show em up tough guy and kill the lowbies. See there isn't any really "Stormwinds" or Orgrimmars" where all levels hang out in. Like I said they are in space. But I do like that idea and maybe down the road they will create capital cities where all levels hang out and sneak up and attack from there. Definitely was fun in WoW. But for now you can do it on Hoth, Tatooine I believe, Belsavis? and Alderaan. Not 100% sure but I know I have seen rebels and rebel bases on those planets. You do need a big group also if you want to get in.
  14. You REALLY never did any research did you? SWG was not even close to one of the first mmorpg game. UO was around long before SWG and UO also had expansions. EQ was also out before SWG. Let's see. EVE, DAoC, oh god the list is too long just go here and look by date. http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/show/all/sCol/estimatedRelease/sOrder/desc I recommend next time just go to google.com and type in "original mmorpg games".
  15. What other mmo has a boring terrain that uses 1 jpg and tiles it throughout the planet?
  16. SWG was a great social game and was great world PvP but that's it. There was basically 0 content. I saw someone trying to say SWG's missions are the same as WoW's questing system. That made me LMAO. Going to the SAME terminal that just says kill this and you get creds is NO WHERE NEAR the same thing. There is no story line. You can just use the same terminal over and over again. Leveling you could switch classes daily and max out. Player housing worked FOR swg. People who cry and want player housing in ToR and other games are just clueless. SWG's terrain was so plain and wide open that it made sense for it. Plus the population on the servers were nothing compared to WoW so you wouldn't have 20k houses all around. But they add player housing and ruin the amazing landscape of ToR and WoW, I would be ticked. The only content in swg was the themeparks which were just tedious errand quests or they finally added that one thing on Dant where the animals were in cages and a broken turret that kept killing everyone. But all in all SWG was a social game. The community is what made it fun. I won't like I loved the game until the nge. I even didn't mind the village. The community hands down will always be the best in SWG then any mmo. You could just sit in a cantina and hang out and not do anything but socialize and still have a blast. No game now can you do that. So yes I miss it too, but when people keep trying to want things from that game into ToR I think it is a bit much. SWG is DEAD. Get over it. This game is not SWG 2 and I thank God it isn't. Move on. If you need this game to fulfill your SWG needs then this isn't for you. And God please stop asking for player housing like in SWG. It will NEVER happen here and I thank God again those people aren't the devs for the game.
  17. It depends on what you want to challenge. If it is ToR vs Vanilla/BC WoW then WoW wins hands down and will win against any mmo you want to bring to the table. Vanilla WoW and BC were extremely well done. End game was amazing. None of this lame HM or Heoric mode to just stretch current content out. They did it right in needing to complete tiers to go to the next raid. Added some amazing 20 man raids to help as well. Also the attunements where like none other. Especially events like opening the AQ40 gates. But if you compare ToR to WoW Wrath and now, then ToR gets my vote. ToR got me to pretty much quit WoW along with the fact WoW is a complete joke now and the end game is the most horrid to date. I love the potential ToR has as well and I will bet the next new operation will be like none other. Kaon already is the best 4 man imo. That place I rank with VC (deadmines old school) on the fun scale. Most of the kids stayed on WoW which is good. I logged on just to do a quick lfr and what a joke it was. All the crying and people pulling the boss while doing trash because they thought it was funny, people still wiping on the most joke of a raid. Give ToR 6 months, and lots of major bugs will be fixed and even more content. I love ToR and and ToR > Wrath/Cata and soon Pandas.
  18. ROFL about unsubbing. Just leave. All these friggin whiners about little things saying they will unsub if it isn't fixed now is just too funny. Come back in 6 months. But all we did this time was keep clicking whenever it was glowing. Didn't care n or s first. During fighting someone was clicking when it glowed. Worked fine.
  19. ROFL. I love when people rate end game when the game isn't even a month old yet. You must be new to new releases of mmo because let me know how WoW, Rift, Warhammer, Aion, AoC, LotRO was 3 weeks after launch. Oh wait they didn't really have any end game. ToR will now have 3 Operations (end game raiding) which is already 99% more then all the other mmo's 3 weeks into launch. So 10/10 leveling 10/10 end game
  20. No it won't. You want a ghost town go play Rift or even WoW now. Ghost town galore.
  21. This is just a fail all over post. Terrible design? Yet you don't go in why you feel it is. But if you are talking graphics then you are poorly mistaken and in the very minority in thinking this. Maybe go stick to AoC where graphics seem > content and game play. Complaining about fully voiced over game which was said from day 1 of announcement. Fail troll is fail. PvP brackets? You do realize the game just came out so they are trying to let everyone be involved and engage in battlegrounds. People are still leveling and enjoying the game. Give it time before PvP gets revamped. They already said it will be done. Worst you ever experienced. LOL the game 12 days old and you are crying about lame stuff hahahah. You must be new to mmo's because you do realize WoW never had any of that, AoC pvp was incredibly horrible as is Rift's and LotR. The environment is not poor. Anyways the poster is full of fail and likely trolling. I realize this game isn't for everyone, but when people cry and complain about stuff 12 days after launch about huge things like pvp which they said will be worked on, just cracks me up. There aren't tons of 50's yet and people are enjoying the game first and then maybe a lot more world pvp will open up. If people are really that impatient and needs so much, then maybe wait 6months to a year before playing any mmo.
  22. I see all these good arguments for why there should be dual spec but haven't heard any good ones for keeping it out. All I see is "No thanks." Or. "It ruins the game." How exactly does it ruin the game? I see nothing wrong at all with Duel Spec. It only helps the community out because you always see people needing tanks/heals and if a person is specced dps but can tank, then that helps out the group to get going asap. Also it helps for pvp. Maybe some rather heal in pvp but dps for pve.
  23. ROFL I love posts like this. Game is fail how? Some minor bugs a couple days after launch? LMAO. You must be new to the launches of mmo's. I would have loved to see you at WoW's and all others launch. In fact I can see it now.... WoW 4 days after launch "domtriga - Game is fail". AoC 4 days after launch "same as above" etc. You know this game is a huge success when the only complaints people have so far are minor bug issues WHICH happens this close after launch, people complaining about the UI which BioWare has already said that they will be making HUGE updates to it shortly, LFG finders which likely will be in place shortly, etc. My advice is to not play any mmo until at least 6 months after launch if you can't handle some bugs at launch.
  24. All those things you posted likely will be in game soon. They already said the UI will be fixed a lot and more customizable shortly, I am sure a LFG system will come into place soon as well. Combat logs are addons. Addons I am sure in time will be made for this game as well. People really need patience. WoW is 7 yrs old. Did they have all of this when it launched?? LOL nope. Actually took quite a long time for those. There is a lot required for launch and these minors things are things that be added after launch. This launch was even smoother then Rift and obviously has 903709289423 more content then any other mmo at launch also. WoW had 0 end game at launch.
  25. I love posts like this. I take it you never played a mmo before correct? The only time leveling was hard and took forever was Vanilla WoW and then BC for 10 levels. Aion was a huge grindfest because they had so little content to where at a higher level you basically just had to kill mobs for xp to level. Leveling isn't supposed to be this huge challenge like an insane mode on fps game. If anything, I have encountered leveling in ToR a lot more challenging then any other mmo our there to date. It does not take 2 days. I had the first wave at 6am early access Tues and to date I am only lvl 40. And I have put in some hours. I am not skipping all quests dialogue so that adds time, but to say 2 days to hit 50 is just ridiculous. I think 99% of the population aren't going to play 48 hrs straight, skip all story line and just power level in flash points, pvp and quests. That's why you still barely see any 50's. Rift took me 4 days to hit lvl 40 and I played casual on that one. WoW you can level 1-85 in a week or less. Warhammer, AoC, Rift, WoW, Aion were all a lot easier then this to level in. Like I said, if you wanted some insane challenge in leveling in a mmo which NO mmo does, then maybe you should stick to console games where there are different levels.
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