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Everything posted by Howbadisbad

  1. Welcome to release paladins except even worse
  2. All of the patches on PTS have shipped as is. I doubt BW will change their routine.
  3. Burst and sustained damage nerfed again. Pretty much gg. The only Operatives will be healers in warzones now.
  4. 1. I seriously doubt you have played an Op because you just threw out the 'L2P' argument first thing with no evidence whatsoever. 2. This game is not balanced for 1v1, moot point. 3. Nothing in your post, even if any of it were true, would mean anything in relation to Operative's current balance problems.
  5. I advise you to not play Operative if you want to play a melee DPS that is not fundamentally broken. If you are keen on the whole stealth thing then you should go infiltration Assassin, they outperform concealment Operatives in every aspect of PvP and PvE. If I had known that Bioware would nerf Operatives to the point where there is literally no reason to choose them over another class, and then say that Operatives are FINE, I would have never rolled an Operative. I was expecting a class that played like a WoW rogue, but they are not even close.
  6. ITT: Certain melee classes shouldn't be able to close gaps so they can maintain uptime on their target in a game where everyone is spamming knockbacks, roots, and snares.
  7. Imo, Macros are just quality of life. I generally just string together things, like evasion then vanish would be a macro on my Operative, because if you don't evasion then it's gg.
  8. No, we can compare classes by how well they perform in comparison to each other.
  9. I think a good change would be to see jarring strike removed and replaced with something like 'expose weakness'. Then they get a 3s stun from stealth, which does no damage, as a seperate skill. It is pretty clear that BW intended Operatives to be like rogues, even though they didn't come close. We need to be reworked to have our stealth burst nerfed, and our out of stealth ability significantly buffed. I would personally prefer a rogue clone over their current state. One trick pony classes like Operatives are not, and have never been, viable for competitive pvp.
  10. Stop feeding Lordbishop please... His excessive punctuation, random caps, and Operative "knowledge" should have alerted you right away.
  11. BW employees should reply to well done question threads more often. Well done question threads not filled with lightsabers.
  12. If you have never lost a 1v1, you have not 1v1'd enough.
  13. This post contradicts itself so much. The poster also must have no clue how other healing classes perform, or how his own class mechanics work. I seriously think it was a troll post.
  14. Not sure if doesn't know how rogues work, or just trolling. DK's are a far more accurate example of Operatives.
  15. I am better at PvP than you, therefore your argument is invalid.
  16. Its called pillar humping Also if snipers are spread out enough to get 3 separate angles like this then they would get roflstomped.
  17. Getting knocked from stealth would instantly counter that. One trick pony teams are not viable for arena.
  18. Operatives are like MS paint and other classes are like Photoshop.
  19. In terms you can understand: Your "correct playstyle" does not contribute as much to the game as the playstyle of other classes. If we were balanced then our playstyle would be providing just as much help to our team as other classes. Playing a class "as intended" means nothing. The correct way to play a class is the way that has the highest chance of winning.
  20. I play an Operative and I completely understand what it is like being melee. If you think getting to a range class is hard on a Mara, you need to try on an Operative, if you are seen from 20m away, or get hit by a stray AOE, or are out of stealth due to being in combat, you are done. And even if we make it to our target, we deal less damage, and die far more easily than Maras. I am just angry about the vast difference in strength between Operatives and the other melee classes due to them getting shafted so many patches in a row. Not trying to get you nerfed.
  21. Assassin/Shadow Infiltation spec 14k damage in less than 1 second
  22. Melee class with no gap closer Worst sustained DPS in game Above average burst from stealth Lowest surviveability in game Average ammounts of CC Melee with no gap closer is the biggest problem.
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