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Everything posted by TurokDarkstar

  1. Surely it still has a diminishing return? I imagine a full battlemaster could get away with sacrificing 50 or so expertise (assuming that it is indeed needed in the 1000~ range), and you an always make up for the expertise loss by sticking an expertise crystal in your saber.
  2. Interesting... If the numbers equaled out or were slightly higher, I'd much rather have a passive damage buff than a limited activation ability.
  3. From the title, I expected a different question. Why does a race born with no eyes wear blindfolds? What are they covering? Do they do it for style? How do they know what's stylish?
  4. I think people who leave warzones should have the Rakghoul infection permanently applied to their character and them personally in real life. We shall know them by their spikes!
  5. The jokes on you! I've been killing Imperial players all week long! =P
  6. World PvP is: Greifing.Ganking.Zerging.Killing lowbiesUnfair. World PvP is not and should not be: Fair. You running decoy was clever and creative given your factions disadvantage.
  7. So many things are wrong with this.
  8. You die so quickly because marauder is your anti-class. It's also the sage anti-class, and the assassin anti-class, and the operative anti-class, and the healer anti-class, and the sniper anti-class, etc.. etc..
  9. The problem is the development teams vaunted "metrics". Perhaps our damage at the end of warzones impresses number crunchers, but it isn't meaningful if we can't kill someone before he caps that node, plants that bomb, etc.. I use to think we needed beefer DoT's, but what we really need is the ridiculous "lol2k damage over 9000 seconds" tick times reduced to something reasonable.
  10. TurokDarkstar

    World PvP

    An MMO deserves equal attention to both it's PvE and PvP gameplay, else it's not going to last very long. The intentional segregation built into the planets needs fixing. Obviously asking them to redesign the planets is out of the question, but perhaps world pvp could be given a little incentive. Perhaps Wz comms for player kills, more Rakghoul-esque events that get both faction's 50's clashing with each other on the noobie planets. Edit: If PvP remains in controlled environments such as Warzones, expect your PvP community to slowly dwindle until they're completely gone.
  11. No fix, not sure if they realize its even broken.
  12. Click the link, "From the horses mouth" in my above post.
  13. We need less cartoon colors. When we try to escape the onslaught of browns, we end up with sunshine yellow, Sky-blue, and leaf-green. I end up looking like a clown. I've literally stopped leveling my shadow. Like my sage, the only option for DECENT/PASSABLE looking gear is BM armor. At least those sets aren't brown or one of the cartoon colors. Give me some dark, mysterious, sinister looking sets. I mean, you put in the morality system for a reason, right? Let us show off our true colors (that hopefully aren't brown).
  14. That's a weak argument, and one that should never be applied to PvP. In fact, I couldn't be happier if they eliminated all rewards, comms, gear and expertise from the PvP side of this game. The only carrot PvPer's should be chasing after is victory. Now that I think about it, this would do wonders for the PvP side of this game. We would weed out all the gear grinders, PvE'ers and players that hide behind superior gear. All that would be left is skill. Ah, but I dream..
  15. +1 World PvP could literally save this game from utter mediocrity. I want to see gank fests! Lowbies getting killed by geared 50's, fellow guildies coming to avenge their fallen noob brethren, surprise attacks from superior numbered forces, using terrain to gain a tactical advantage! All the things that make PvP exciting and dynamic! Warzones should NOT be our PvP. Screw all this controlled environment borefest, give me some chaos!
  16. Starts on Nar Shadda I believe, but you won't find any enemy players there. The first time you see another enemy player will probably be on Alderann. Maybe some on Hoth, and a handful on Voss. That's pretty much it. The planets were mostly designed to keep player factions separate from one another.
  17. His point was that this change would drive a nail into the coffin of sages. Right now all we have is our 2 second root and 6 second snare to stay alive.
  18. From the horses mouth . The 15 million GCD's, low DoT damage and terrible 31 point skills are fine.
  19. Why don't you adjust each class individually instead of hurting all classes (especially those with very little competitive dps) with an unnecessary change to relics?
  20. Perhaps Bioware could realize that the implementation of orange gear is a convoluted alternative to a simple social slot?
  21. I have two problems with TK, and what you said about it's PvP viability. 1. You must rely on your team and hope that they won't rely on you. You end up becoming a parasite to your team. Although not ideal, sometimes a sage will find himself in a position where he must defend a node long enough for his allies to show up. A telekinetic sage cannot do this as well as a balance sage -- if at all. My point is, you need to have very strong or at least some 1v1 or even 1v3 abilities/tools in order to contribute to your team, instead of solely relying on them. It's hard enough for a balance sage to accomplish this, a telekinetic sage simply can't do this unless the enemy team is full of incompetent players. 2. You're in the same boat as a balance sage. You're still squishy and you must rely on kitting for your survival. Unfortunately, you don't have all the instant cast abilities that are available to balance sages. Even ridiculously high alacrity ratings won't save you from heavy melee dps. You need to attack while on the fly or your dead. As much as we all want to see some viability come from TK, it's just not in the stars currently.
  22. Are you capable of soloing or at the very least harassing enemies in a 1 on 1 situation while guarding a node, defending a door, etc.? Just seems like your trading in your dots, utility and mobility for better burst that's still not on par with other dps specs/classes.
  23. Everything, in fantasy, it has to do with everything. Race often determines allegiance, ability and profession. Orc's are evil and unredeemable, Romulans are conniving and arrogant, etc.. It's a way to weave stories without spouting off a ton of unnecessary expository dialog. When the camera pans towards the smiling Romulan and the unnerving music starts to play, we know that good-for nothing SOB is up to something based on what we know of his race. So yeah, this does hurt lore. But meh, whatever.
  24. Wut? That seems a bit contradictory. It's one group that has an over-inflated sense of worth oppressing another group. Don't know how well a couple thousand sith would stand up against the might of the Imperial military or a popular rebellion for that matter. Wat? Jedi are in opposition to competent leadership? If you ask me, killing military officers on a whim is a pretty clear sign of incompetence, or insanity at the very least. Wut? Corrupt politicians stand-out in the Republic. They're met with scorn from both your companions and extra-characters. Overall, however, the Republic strives for an ethical democracy. Corruption and unethical behavior is the reason for the season in the Empire. Wat? The sith are worse than a Saturday morning cartoon villain. They're comically evil, and all their schemes are so convoluted and unnecessary as to make Dr. Evil blush. I'm still waiting to run into a class story where the sith attempt to destroy the republic with frickin laser beams attached to a sharks head. I apologize for the nerd rage, but the Sith Empire is just so cartoony to me. Less to do with factional loyalty, and more to do with terrible backstory.
  25. 3 days after 1.2 came out I had gotten more BM pieces than after two months of grinding it pre-1.2. They may as well make the gear free, it's that easy. I'm not complaining though, the idea of a gear grind in PvP never sat well with me.
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