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Everything posted by Squatdog_nz

  1. LOL@all this... 1- You can't top the damage-meter when you die within the first minute. 2- Recount also showed the DPS pulling aggro, failing to interrupt and standing in fire 3- Damage-meters were a great bonus to raid damage because it kept the DPS monkeys alert and focused as they tried to maximise their rotation, instead of pressing auto-attack while they ate a pie and watched TV.
  2. This. I am genuinely amazed that some people on this thread clearly don't understand the difference. Combat logs are an integral part of virtually every MMO, while damage-meters are usually a third-party option.
  3. Because it's the only possible explanation. LMAO@opposing the implementation of combat logs (which should have been in the game from the start) solely because you feel that players MIGHT be able to parse them into damage-meters that somehow 'discriminate' against people... The mind boggles.
  4. The really incredible thing here is that most of the people vehemently opposing combat logs clearly don't even realise what 'combat logs' are ie: an important feature in virtually every MMO Here's a couple of combat logs from way back in the dark ages when I used to play WoW: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y74/Squatdog/WoW%20BS/scourgecloseup.jpg This one was particularly relevant as it was in WotLK beta and demonstrated to the devs that Scourge Strike was broken and hitting for a ridiculous amount at lvl63. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y74/Squatdog/WoW%20BS/Fieryftw.jpg By analysing the combat log, it showed how in this case it was possible to chain-proc a large number of hits of single attacks. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y74/Squatdog/WoW%20BS/zk2.jpg Celebrating those special moments. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y74/Squatdog/WoW%20BS/cthunwipeftl.jpg ...and of course analysing those not-so-special moments. Thanks, C'Thun!
  5. LMFAO!!!! A spammable 'poll' with only 225 respondents, probably much less than the number of people viewing this thread?
  6. The supreme irony here is that Blizzard's biggest mistake was letting itself get browbeaten by a tiny, vocal minority of Bad Players until most of the content was nerfed to the point it could be farmed by a colony of Rhesus Monkeys. They tried to make a fresh start with the last expansion (after the debacle of WotLK) by having stair-stepped, challenging content, but the Bad Players squealed and cried until Blizzard caved in and gave them what they wanted. Namely, free epics.
  7. It honestly amazes me that such an important game feature is essentially being held hostage by a vocal minority of Bad Players who are motivated entirely by petty selfishness. I did my first 'operation' today as a PVP-specced Operative. Did I put out good DPS and help my group beat the enrage timer? I DON'T KNOW. Is my damage output significantly better now that I've respecced to PVE Lethality? I DON'T KNOW. What kept hitting me for 4k+ crits in the last Huttball match? Was it the Sniper or one of the five Tracer-spamming BH's? I DON'T KNOW. .
  8. You are clearly unaware of the hilarious contradiction contained in that sentence. You ARE the vocal minority. Look at you endlessly spamming the thread with gibberish and denial rather than have a functioning universal combat log in the game.
  9. The tears of Bad Players are DELICIOUS. "I can no longer abuse a broken game mechanic to prevent the other team from capping? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!1" WORKING AS INTENDED.
  10. The PVP system is laughably broken now and encourages AFKers, botters and Bad Players randomly mashing abilities to get 4 medals. Meanwhile, Ilum has gone from flawed but occasionally very fun, to completely worthless. This.
  11. LOL@all of this... DoTs are now WORKING AS INTENDED. You lose.
  12. That's because American accents are very easy to perform; all you have to do is pinch your nostrils shut.
  13. Most of the Imperial characters have British accents which vary depending on which particular area they are from. Some of them have a pretty extensive theatrical background. Here's the guy who played the Imperal Agent (and did an AMAZING job, incidently): Robert Carvel Attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Graduated in 2003 with Ben Whishaw, Edmund Kingsley and Kate Miles. Obtained a BA (Hons) English degree from the University of Sussex (2000). While there he appeared in student productions of "Murder In The Cathedral" (Archbishop), "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" (Valmont), "Cyrano De Bergerac" (Ragueneau), and "The Duchess of Malfi" (Ferdinand). Nominated for Best Actor in a Musical at the 2008 Olivier Awards for his performance in Parade at the Donmar Warehouse, London. Longlisted for Best Actor in London Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2009 for his performance in The Pride at the Royal Court Theatre, London. Longlisted for Best Actor in London Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2010 for his performance in Rope at the Almeida Theatre, London. Shortlisted for Best Actor at Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2011 for his performance in "Matilda" (RSC/West End). Winner of Theatre Award UK for Best Performance in a Musical, for "Matilda", 2011.
  14. I'd like to say the following: 1- Thank God we finally get a combat log and (eventually) a damage meter 2- Bad Players are going to be very upset. 3- WTB Recount!
  15. A pair of Operatives tag-teaming someone from stealth is HILARIOUS, in a Looney Toons way.
  16. I am honestly amazed that the game went live without a combat log (or target of target, but that's another story) as it is such an indispensable feature, especially when answering the all-important question of "what just hit me?". A mod like Recount is incredibly helpful for assessing and fine-tuning performance, both in PVE and PVP content. The only people vehemently opposed to it are a tiny, vocal minority of Bad Players who want to freeload their way to free purples and don't want people to realise how terrible they are. Gearscore, I can do without.
  17. Not for ranged strafing when you 'keyboard turn' for a nanosecond so you can strafe away from your opponent while still hitting them.
  18. But,but but...according to the Bad Players on this thread, Operatives are so massively imbalanced that they can easily solo any class in the game!
  19. So what you're saying is that unless full BM Operatives get the jump on someone from stealth with double trinkets and crit every attack (while the opponent doesn't have their CC-breaker available) they get slaughtered 1v1, even when the opponent starts at one third health? ie: what actually happened in the video Nice going!
  20. Operative is decent but needs a moderate boost to it's sustained DPS, survivability and gap closing ability. This could be as simple as increasing the range of Sever Tendon to 20m, beefing up a couple of sustained DPS talents (I'm looking at you, Culling!) and maybe increasing the duration of Evasion by a second or increasing the healing done by Revitalisers. Lethality could do with a talent having a resistance to DoTS being dispelled.
  21. LOL@all the Bad Player tears... DoTs are getting fixed next patch. You lose.
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