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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. Another note: if you dismiss me this quickly and provide no counter-argument, then I wonder how well-founded your point of view is and how much of it is merely trying to enforce "my point is the one true one and no one else can be right".


    I have not played on the APAC servers, yes, true. Why? Because I am based in Europe, you can't blame me for having played on the EU servers instead of the APAC ones. Instead of dismissing me, which weakens your arguments, you could have explained the situation on the APAC servers which would have altered my point of view. Instead you provided no counter to what my assumption was, which leaves me believing that my deduction must have been correct.



    From another thread

    I need to make a point here... why does everyone think there aren’t many APAC players?

    Sure there aren’t as many as the US or EU... but APAC isn’t just Australia... it’s Asia, pacific, Australia and NZ...

    There are certainly more than 100 people playing from Australia and NZ... I know about 20 NZ players and 60 Australian players... there are many more I don’t know... it’s only been since this happened that I discovered 3 people who have been posting on the forums that live within 10-15 mins from me and I live outside of any major cities...

    Then add the Asian players... and pacific players... ie Hawaii and other pacific locations

    There are far more people living in just Asia alone than America and EU.... Add the rest of APAC and it dwarfs the US... Obviously there aren’t heaps of Asian players compared to US players... but it only takes a tiny fraction of the Asian population to play swtor and there are more players than you think...

    I have a few friends in India and Indonesia who used to play with 280-300ms ping on the west coast and for some reason they put up with it... but now it’s impossible for them to play at all because they are into the 400-500ms range...


    India population 1.324 billion (2016)

    China population 1.379 billion (2016)

    Australia population 24.13 million (2016)

    NZ population 4.693 million (2016)

    Quote : “Asia-Pacific, with over 4.5 billion people in 2016, is home to nearly 60 per cent of the world's population.”


    North American Population

    USA population 323.1 million (2016)

    Canada population 36.29 million (2016)

    Mexico population 127.5 million (2016)

    European population (total) population (2015)


    As you can see... the APAC population dwarfs the NA and Europe combined...

    Of course there aren’t as many of us playing swtor because they removed our servers... even when we had APAC servers there weren’t as many on them as the US because lots of Asia-pacific connected directly with the US because it had better ping.. so there would still be a percentage of those players who have stayed through swtors naturally declining population for the whole game...


    There may not be as many APAC players now as in the US and EU... but that doesn’t mean we have so few that Bioware should throw us away or not take us into consideration.... and this is something EA does a lot (and other NA producers)... why do you think there are so many “Asian” only gaming companies now... the NA/EU gaming companies are missing out on at least half the globe’s players because they treat our region with disdain... like Bioware are doing now... I would say a higher percentage of APAC players hate EA as an entity than the US/EU players combined...

    I think sometimes Americans and EU write off our region because you don’t understand it and some of you have a superiority attitude towards us...


    So let me finish by say... those of you who are making stupid statements like there are only 100 APAC players need to stop... you are not helping matters and frankly... you make yourselves look conceited and foolish


    So Icy states that population in the APAC region of the world is higher than what is in the States and EU combined so she seems to be coming to the conclusion that there were more people playing this game from APAC than playing the US and EU before the APAC servers were dropped.



    You do realise they closed the APAC servers when we had more people than what the whole of the American servers currently do...


    Maybe this will give you insight to where Icy is trying to come from.


    *Disclaimer* I am in no way stating that population density directly relates to actual player base statistics.

  2. Even if the writers say he survived the fall and escaped the station they'll have some explaining to do to players who have only gotten into the game in the time since the FP switched and allowed you to simply kill him in battle without knocking him off the edge. A lot of people probably don't even know he originally couldn't be normally killed. At least that's what I've heard, I had no idea till a few months ago when a guildmate mentioned it to me. Harder to rationalise surviving a killing blow against him in single combat than a fall into darkness below lol


    Malgus didn't fall in to darkness below. We pushed him over the railing and he fell into the reactor just as was done in RotJ.

  3. Endgame isn't the problem, raiding is, if a lot of people start queuing tomorrow pvp is instantly popular and something worth investing in, literally all it needs is people genuinely interested in doing it (why those people don't seem to exist is a different issue)


    Raids aren't like that, 8 players willing to do an Ops don't guarantee you will actually be able to do that OP, you may have 4 that like SM Ops, 2 that are into HM, and 2 that are NiM raiders, these 8 raiders are not going to play with each other even though they all like raiding, and this excludes the fact that there's no NiM mode for the latest bosses, constant nerfs, and the fact that someone that was already doing NiM raiding has to go back to a lower level to get the gear they need, or even do other content to get the gear they need.


    IF this game looked like it was investing in raids properly it might not help the game in general, but it wouldn't hurt it either, as it it raiding hurts every other aspect of the game.


    This idea that raids are super popular in another game so as long as we force people to do them they'll grow to like them is absurd, nothing is stopping non raiders from playing those other games, that have more and better raids.


    And it doesn't look like our raids are attracting raiders from other games, and generating either more population or more profit.


    Actually, peoples attitude can be the problem. If you were to grab 8 random people and say go raid, yes, you may have the problems you suggest. Luckily there are these things called guilds where like minded people tend to congregate and enjoy the game. Every aspect of the game.

    Where are you coming up that the idea is to force people to do Operations? I see some here saying that to kill off Operations entirely like the OP suggests, would probably hurt the game so much that it would not be able to recover. Others are posting that the focus to one aspect of the game has caused our predicament. A fraction of the community comes here to the forums regularly and some try to push their own agendas which quite often runs contrary to a lot of the others playing the game.

    I could also say that if you grabbed 8 random players and said queue up and pvp, you would have just as big a mess. Between ego's, actual skill, and the clueless, you get as many problems if not more as you seem to think you would from your raid example above. It's toxic in there. I see it all the time. It isn't as cut and dry as you are trying to portray.

    I haven't noticed our pvp attracting many players from other games either. All types of players are bleeding from the game. Saying our plight stems from one thing or type of thing, isn't realistic. It's a compound problem.

  4. True, it is speculation. They could scale UC's on item rating and rarity, we'll see.


    And thanks for the compliment! Sorry if I was mean to you before.


    As the value of cxp rendered does take in to account the rating of item being disintegrated, I would feel comfortable saying that this is good speculation.

  5. Completely false. For one, camping spawn points was corrected. Secondly, valor (this is not WoW) was rolled back on players that were valor-trading, which had nothing to do with camping spawns. I was the highest valor-ranked republic player on my server at launch. I knew players (mostly imps) that were valor-trading, and their valor was reset.


    Yes, the HeroEngine is an absolute joke. I PvPed in Ilum from launch to the moment it closed. It was a slideshow and it was largely unplayable. Don't take my word for it though. You can listen to BioWare yourself:



    It's funny listening to this now, as they promised Ilum World PvP would return. That never happened, at least not the way they described it. Ilum was re-purposed for Gree and one part of Ilum was changed to a FFA zone, like Outlaw's Den. Faction-based open world PvP has never been possible since.


    What's probably even more sad is I'm not sure any of those guys, other than James Ohlen, even still work on SWTOR. They all either left or were fired.


    Incorrect. While they did fix the camping, they did so after many had already left in disgust. To omit that paints a false picture of the times. Yes, it is a subpar engine I'll grant you that but it was not why so many left during the Ilum incident. Secondly, I never mentioned valor trading. I was speaking about the valor gained from the spawn camping and that was not stripped from the players which caused even more people to leave the game. Over half my first guild left because of this so I remember their complaints well.

  6. You'll see that 18 hours is exactly what it will take to grind up a high level rank of CR is what I mean.


    15% of not much is not much. I haven't even got that 25% bonus from legacy either.


    Yes but prior to the change in duration, the victory message would instantly be the other side when the old ended. If not instantly then at 4 and winning shortly thereafter. They had to change the rates when they changed the length for so dramatic a change in turnovers. As mentioned by other posters, the victory message has shown maybe twice since the maintenance was finished on some servers. Aside from the auto-victory at server start-up that is.

  7. This game has never been "massively multiplayer." BioWare's unstable alpha version of the HeroEngine cannot even handle more than 20 players in an environment. Why do you think Ilum World PvP was removed from the game a month after launch? It's because this game couldn't support large concentrations of players in a single area, and that was at best 50 people in one area fighting. The game was literally unplayable and would become a slideshow. That doesn't sound like a traditional MMO to me. SWG was more stable than that, and that MMO released in 2003.


    Ilum failed because of the ability to camp spawn points, and thereby gain massive honor. This was not corrected fast enough nor were the ones doing it stripped of the honor. Many left because of this. It wasn't the engine. Just subscribers leaving because of slow reaction times and lack of corrections. Couple that with the completely rng battlemaster bags and the exodus was massive.

  8. This is still unclear to me as well.


    In the roadmap they mention that they will become a legacy currency but in another part it says that when you gain currency you get tokens in your inventory. So I'm not sure if it will be a legacy currency and the legacy UC tokens just serve to hold on to them in case you hit the cap or if the tokens are what makes it legacy and each character still has their individual limit.


    I've asked the question but never got an answer so far.


    My guess would be that it will work like the Command Tokens. A UC line will appear in your currency tab and be available to all characters in your legacy. I'm also betting that although the limit may be increased, it probably will not be by an amount many players would be happy with. That of course begs the question of whether the UC will appear in your Stash as the Command tokens do or if they will just appear in your currency tab. I'm hoping the first because if not, the potential to lose is too great.

  9. SWTOR has gone through several progression revisions. GC is hardly the first or even the most dramatic. This is merely an excuse to ignore the fact that the endgame content team does not have the manpower to create raids in a reasonable amount of time as well as other content.


    My comment was meant as an addition to the other post describing how resources that were initially budgeted for other parts of the game had to be diverted to do damage control. It was not meant as any form of an excuse. Just to state that you missed significant issues in your assessment.

  10. I disagree with your hypothesis that it was the raid that was the reason behind the lack of content. More likely it was the server merges that drained BWA resources. And now that server merges are being implemented, once complete they will be able to move on to providing actual content. They gave us what content they could over the course of the past year: couple of story chapters, part of a new raid, a new FP, class balance (for what that's worth), and new GSF revamp/balance. All while working out the technical and logistical issues that prevented server merges in the past.


    Let us not forget that a lot of time and resources have been spent on revamping the GC system as well. I would imagine that a lot of things were postponed due to recoding things to bring us to our current incarnation.

  11. You'll find out next week when double CXP is gone.;)


    Everything you can do to accrue cxp also feeds the DvL meter so not sure what we'll see when the double event goes away.


    Like others have posted. I'm noticing the meter crawling once the victory state ends. Really need to adjust the rate gains for it.

  12. Just logged into the game since the update. I like how they have added several dyes for direct purchase now to the cartel market as well as old items that I've been trying to obtain for a while such as the Gamorrean Axe and Cathar Honor Sword.


    Yes, the additions are nice but one thing concerning dyes I noticed was although they added Black/Black, White/White and White/Black dyes, a rather conspicuous absence is the Black/White which seems a bit odd to me.

  13. Ok, I just logged in for the first time since the patch.

    How is this legacy credit storage supposed to work?

    Do we deposit credits or do they automatically go into the storage for your Alts to use?

    When I log with an alt I can see the Alts credits and when I look at the legacy storage it’s exactly the same as the Alts

    With every character I login with, the legacy credits only ever mirror what that character has and never accumulate like I’d expect with legacy credit storage.

    What am I missing or is this working as intended?


    Here is an excerpt from the Roadmap discussing Legacy Credits.


    Quality of Life

    As a reminder, Quality of Life (QoL) is a term we use to reference improvements we make to enhance your gameplay experience. QoL improvements include changes to existing game systems, improvements to the User Interface, simplifying ways to do things in-game, increasing the speed of mounts, adding Legacy Perks, and more.

    A cool change we are delivering with A Traitor Among the Chiss is the ability to add Credits to your Legacy Bank. You will retain the ability to have credits on your character, so this will work very similarly to how you use your Guild Bank, but it’s for all your Legacy characters. After reviewing your feedback, we decided to limit currency changes to Credits and Unassembled Components as those provide the most positive and impactful change.

  14. Are you really asking that question? I mean really? Here you go, just so it's nice and CLEAR FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND;


    If you're going to quote someone, and tie it into a specific quote from Eric, you could at least have the courtesy to represent the quote accurately for the part that it pertains to. Get it now? No don't bother answering that, I doubt you do.


    Fine, you can not understand the import of your own words and yet you rail when someone quotes them.


    I read technical limitations as developer incompetence. I don't mean that in a horrible way, however when we have multiple achievements that can track class progress, although that is a likely a separate system to legacy perks, I see this as a limitation on developer time being available to implement a legacy perk properly.


    There is no other way to interpret those words other than that YOU "read technical limitations as nothing more than developer incompetence". You even tried to qualify that statement as not being intended In a "horrible way" but, you further posted as YOU seeing this as a limitation of the developers implementing a perk properly. That also supports your previous statement of incompetence. All I was trying to do was point out that Eric stated that the restriction was purposefully instituted, ie not through incompetence, but that he was unaware of it.


    If you don't like people taking your words at face value and not what you thought you implied, then proof read your work before posting.

  15. You seem to have missed the rest of the post, where I broke things down. I didn't miss that part. The part you are quoting from my post doesn't even relate to the part you decided to quote from Eric. I mean you can defend them as much as you like, feel free. I'm not on this occasion going to do so, as much as I think the developers that remain have their work cut out for them.


    This is about lack of process and lack of communication, a repeat of things that should have been resolved long before now, but somehow keep repeating. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking them, I'm questioning why this is still occurring, when it should have been resolved if the correct steps were taken in the first place.


    I wasn't defending. I was just stating what many seem to have missed. The restrictions were intentional yet many seem to gloss over that posting that the developers were incompetent. The developers were spot on.

  16. I'm not sure if this has been asked before, so if it has I apologize, but with the upcoming server merge how exactly will Legacy Storage be handled?


    Anything merged that goes beyond the capacity of the storage will be placed in a temporary overflow section that will disappear once the items are removed. You will not be able to place anything more in that vault until the temp storage is emptied.

  17. So now I've gathered my thoughts, I'm going to reply to your post properly and calmly. There is no confusion Eric, we were specifically informed the perk would work based on how many characters had reached CR300. That's an important distinction to be making here as the time it takes to level one character to 70, and then to gain CR300 is considerable when you factor in the CXP rates that still are not where the players feel they should be.


    I read technical limitations as developer incompetence. I don't mean that in a horrible way, however when we have multiple achievements that can track class progress, although that is a likely a separate system to legacy perks, I see this as a limitation on developer time being available to implement a legacy perk properly.


    There is one thing to point out that most seem to be missing here.


    Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.




    This isn't developer incompetence, it was intentional as stated by Eric. He was just unaware of it.

  18. If this is true it is total BS, we were told 4 characters at 300 with zero caveat about classes.



    In preparation for United Forces, the server select interface has been updated to only show five servers at a time. If a player needs to access a server which is not displayed, the scroll wheel will move through the list. Servers are displayed by last used, number of characters, and server name.

    In preparation for United Forces, the maximum Stronghold cap has been increased to 10.

    The Stronghold completion bonus for Conquests is now totaled from all active Strongholds. The bonus cap remains 150%.

    A change has been made to the introduction cinematics for all Strongholds to make them consistent. All Strongholds will play the cinematic the first time the player zones into them on a character. A terminal has been added to all Strongholds so that a player can re-watch the intro. These changes do not affect Guild Strongholds.

    Taxi points have been added to the Yavin 4 and Tatooine Strongholds to make traveling across them easier.

    Addressed an issue where some players Conquest objectives would not reset properly.

    Completing a Daily Bonus Activity now grants 200% bonus alignment (up from 150%).

    The Dark vs Light pop-up which indicates the status of the war now appears every 90 minutes (up from 30).

    When one side wins the Dark vs Light war, the victory state now lasts 18 hours (up from 1 hour).

    New Achievements have been added for gaining Command Rank 300 with each Class.

    New Achievements have been added for killing other players on Iokath while in other forms, such as piloting a Walker.

    The Commanding Legacy perk has been modified to allow a player to get a 25% CXP bonus for each character they have in their Legacy at Command Rank 300. This buff stacks up to 100%.


    The patch notes don't reflect the reality of the perk either so I'm guessing the "Oversight" excuse will be forthcoming shortly.

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