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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Stupiddrummer

  1. So now your upset cause of a little inconvenience at data crunching?


    Hell, you will never be happy till you get what you want and screw the rest.


    It's the best compromise for both sides and if you have to jump through a small hurdle to get the data so be it.


    i could analyze my dps now by writing down all my dmg and sticking it into a calculator, but i wont cuz that's inconvenient. Making it a little less inconvenient is an improvement, but not by much.


    The way i see it is - i want combat meters. You dont want me to have combat meters. Why dont you want me to have them? It's not like i am depriving you of anything.

  2. If that was true then what you are getting is enough to analyze your play.


    Congrats! You're getting what you just asked for.


    They're half assing it. Players that really want that data are going to get it how they can. It would be nice if they made it a little more convenient than giving me an out of game text file.

  3. I personally, as well as my wife and fellow guildmates all think the game rocks. Our first toons have just reached 50 and we're still exploring, wiping on hard modes, and generally enjoying figuring out boss mechanics for ourselves. BioWare has done a great service to players like us who can handle hard content while choosing not to be legends in our own minds. We find it's easier making friends that way.


    you seem to assume they cant accommodae both our styles of play.

  4. So you can spam it? No thanks.


    This is the tool we need to do the thing we claim to what to do, right? Analyze performance.


    You want to weave your e-peen. If you didn't, the above logging would be enough, so don't even bother denying it.


    see, another baseless claim.


    all of these responses are based on assumptions. You assume that im going to waive my epeen and spam logs. i just want to analyze my on play.

  5. No, they're predictions based on how this stuff always goes in MMORPGs. Players do this stuff all the time. If you give them the ability to do so here, they will.


    Still too assumptive for you? Fine. Given the tools, I'd do this myself. I'd want to know what a mean DPS rating for a hard mode should be, then recruit around it. I can't wait.


    Baseless claims. DPS meters dont hurt people. people do.

  6. Ya ... too bad it's their game.


    and it's too bad they aint getting anymore of my money.


    It's their game, but theyre taking it in a direction that will accomidate casuals, who will leave after they hit 50 (if they get that far), while ignoring the hardcore players, who stay well after lvl 50 for more indepth, end game content.


    by ignoring hardcore players you do a disservice to the game and the game's community.

  7. We're still waiting for you to take the time and go read them in the last 93 pages.


    If you can't put forth that effort then I see no reason to put in any effort for you.


    dude. i. have. read. everything. I am going to go vomit up my dignity now for saying that.



    If i am understanding correctly (which i clearly am not) Combat logs will lead to damage floors - aka - "LF2M +2k dps only" and scrutiny against those who are "not pulling their weight."


    Both of those are claims are baseless assumptions.

  8. Ahh intelligence. Rarely seen on forum boards.


    I was going to say:




    Then you came to the debate late and you'll have to do some personal reading to catch up. The pros and cons are in those past 90 pages. Get to reading as it might also help your own argument.


    again, i've been in this since the very first thread.


    It's not about personal preference, it's about the health and longevity of a game i would love to see succeed.

  9. Sorry but it doesn't work that way. You are the one advocating a change in the status quo, you provide a logical argument why it's needed.


    FACT: combat logs and combat metrics are useful in endgame.


    FACT: combat logs and combat metrics help min/max your character


    FACT: combat logs and combat metrics turn regular players into egotistical e-peeners.



    FYI One of those wasn't a fact

  10. OR you could just go with the new MMORPG that is apparently not driven by trends, numbers and statistics.


    This one as a matter of fact.


    But the great move from BW will allow you to do this on an individual basis in real time and on a group level "out of game".


    I love change.


    if i wanted to play an RPG without numbers and stats i wouldn't be playing an RPG.

  11. As soon as cold hard facts are submitted to support their use. Guess what ... cold hard facts don't exist either way so no one wins this argument.


    FACT: combat logs and combat metrics are useful in endgame.


    FACT: combat logs and combat metrics help min/max your character


    FACT: combat logs and combat metrics turn regular players into egotistical e-peeners.



    FYI One of those wasn't a fact

  12. The amount of abuse people in this thread get who don't want a real combat log tells it all. You will get your combat log, just not in a way it can be abused in game towards different minded gamers.


    why is it abusive to say an irrational argument is irrational?


    Being in favor of combat logs, it would be hard to argue that i am one to ignore facts.

  13. Can one assume that you have read the entire thread? Including the thread that preceeded this one? Logical opposition is everywhere. No one can teach someone to see something they don't want to see. Thus we are at an impass. Besides, it's all opinion anyway.


    ive been posting in this thread since the first thread.


    No logic. The fact that no one offers any logic when i specifically ask for it is very telling.

  14. One wonders why you would find enough to interest you in a game developed by and populated by so man illogical people. Being a man of logic, as you so obviously are. ;)


    one wonders why you would choose to use such a goram annoying font color.


    And because i really like Star Wars.

  15. But you have heard LOGICAL arguments against combat logs. You've merely chosen to belittle them as personal heresy.


    I've chosen? Is it my choice that an argument is not grounded in empirical evidence? Is it my choice that the basis of the argument is emotion and irrational fear.?


    I'd love to hear a reason why combat logs hurt the community, besides "they just will."

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