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Posts posted by Stupiddrummer

  1. L2read full post.


    while combat logs can lead to determining what may or may not be the best spec, it is by no means absolute. You can play and build your character how you want, being completly ignorant of combat logs or the best build choices.


    If you still forfill your role and no one is complaining there should be no issue what or how you play.



    I pvped in Vanilla WoW as a resto druid and played later pve'd as a feral. Both of those specs were the opposite of what you would want for those situations. But i did my job and performed well and no one cared.


    I didn't use dps meters at that point, either.

  2. Doing stupid things while playing has nothing to do with recount/combat log. A good player can play his role perfectly fine without them. A bad player would be removed from the group. You don't need a full group combat log to tell who is bad.


    you're right. you don't need a combat log for that. Adding a combat log wouldnt change anything.

  3. It limits the game for people who don't like to min/max. It leads to a certain spec becoming the "best" and anyone not using it gets labelled as "bad" regardless if their spec is adequate for the roll or not. I like to play my way, and I thank you for not dictating how I should play to meet your expectations.


    if by "limits" you mean "doesn't effect."

  4. Whether you realize it or not, that is a VERY selfish thing to say. You are basically saying, "I'll play how I want and I don't care if the group suffers because of it." Are you telling me that the other players in your group are nothing but NPCs? Does it not matter to you that by you not pulling your weight you are ruining their experience?


    i've asked him that question twice now, with no response.


    I think i've played Left 4 Dead with this guy. You know, he runs ahead of the group while i have a hunter ripping out my chest.

  5. 1. In a raid group of 8 or 16 people, the task of coordinating and syncing all those different personal logs becomes unreasonably high.


    2. It is just as easy for a group of people who dislike logs to form an "anti-log" raid as it is for a group of people who like logs to create their own "pro-log" raid.


    3. Having the logs public prevents people from sneaking into a "pro-log" raid and then lying about their performance with doctored logs or pretending to be unable to upload them. If everyone has a public log, then it's quickly obvious who's data has been tampered with.


    4. If there is no problem in the raid, chances are, no one is going to be checking a log to flag the weaklings. AKA The logs will only really need to be consulted when an issue arises.

  6. two server... exact same game


    one server with damage meter

    one server without


    can you make a wild guess and "guesstimate" the life span of both of them


    if the contet is challenging enough and well made the server without DPS will last way longer then the other one, if you dont see it you are just blind it's a question of logic not of inventing


    to find the perfect built without matematic help take longer ergo content will be more challenging for a longer period ergo people will stay longer


    so the problem is that the content right now it's too easy and even without the meter we cleaned it already and you want a Damage Meter? are you just crazy you want to make it shorter and everything that they will pull out shorter and shorter?


    people keep having no clue.


    this is a content problem, not a dps meter problem.

  7. Sure, it's fun for you, but usually not fun for the lower level player that get's constantly killed in his own "major city" or fleet by the outnumbering/bored faction, which is what usually happens, one persons fun often enough is the other persons grief.


    my first world pvp experience was a raid on Thunderbluff in WoW. I had a lvl 10 taruen and the place was being hit by lvl 60s. i of course poked my head out to see the action (and may or may not have attacked), and got one shotted.


    Not a big deal, i rezed. tried to get as close to the action as i could without getting killed And it was a lot of fun.


    I continued on later in life to hit 60 and do the same thing they did :D



    But really, why split up factions and not encourage a way to cause friction between them.

  8. This assume that everyone defines fun by optimal group performance. I'd take a challenging near miss over a barely-contested faceroll everytime and I am pretty sure that I am not in a 75% minority on that.


    The consideration occurs while forming groups and setting expectations not, by measuring one another and punishing others based on your viewpoint of how to play the game. I'd also point out that many of the pro-public loggers are fine with quickly kicking folks on mere numbers with little but some harsh words to go along with it. Yes, this does happpen and there is very little consideration involved with it.


    no if any person's individual idea of fun ends up being debilitating to the point that it affects the whole group you should leave. Meters or no meters. You are wasting 3 other people's time.

  9. I'd really like 1... There is no reason not to have one as it not only saves keybinds and room on the hotbar but its the norm for almost every stealth class in most mmos


    if it makes you feel better, the "cover bar" is really just skill bar 5. The only difference is it automatically switches to 5 when you go into cover (still really useful, imo).


    So i don't imagine adding a stealth bar would actually add another bar to your existing layout.

  10. It doesn't matter if you aren't having issues, a lot of people that really shouldn't are. What the **** do you think engine optimizations are in the first place? Maybe it's not working right for certain hardware. That's why it needs to be optimized.


    Additionally, you're full of **** if you say Ilum runs at anything above 20fps in larger battles regardless of your configuration. That's a problem


    hahaha. this is awesome.

  11. These cut scenes to ambush are become quiet tiresome now. You can tell when you're going to get ambushed, you know theres going to be multiple targets, you know they're going to be spread so you cant aoe and you know you're going to get ganked and you know when you res you're going to gank them.


    I don't even try anymore i just go make tea come back res and then gank them. Can you try and think up something a little more imaginative now, i mean 50% of cut scenes end in an ambush it seems.


    SS Gunslinger here. Happens to me too. Companion gets burned down immediately, followed by me, too.

  12. I normally don't police spelling and grammar, but the fact that you think people don't want open combat logs because they "suck" makes your "cuz" and your "your" that much more intrusive. Now I can't help but think what a Cheeto-stuffing, Mountain-Dew-swilling cliche you must be to simultaneously hold that opinion and type in that manner.


    i someone is mean to you in game, you can use your own logs as evidence that they are in fact, incorrect.

  13. In games like WoW with easily accessible tools that show everyone's DPS/HPS etc it allowed players to easily be exclusionary which was an unintended consequence of the tools, also known as blowback. Bioware is trying to avoid similar blowback by only having downloadable private logs that can be combined with other players who were on the same guild run.


    if you're being excluded based on numbers, then you probably arent going to be able to put up the numbers you need.

  14. There it is again. I'm now convinced you have no idea what compromise is or simple can't accept it cause it not what you want individually.


    Sometimes, you have to give a little more than you get and this is the best way to get both sides what they need and still not have the derogatory number crunchers throwing it around every chat screen they have access to.


    its a compromise when both parties benifit/lose mutually.


    In this case, you would lose nothing if Bioware gave us full combat metrics.


    giving us a half-assed text file still only effects me, and you still lose nothing.

  15. so you want addons then? recount is a 3rd party addon. blizzard does not give you damage meters or healing meters in WoW. what you should be asking for then instead of combat logs *which you are getting* is for BW to open the game up to addons.


    as to the first part of the above quote. i don't see how you could miss that loud notification or the big panel that comes up and blocks off the top half of your screen telling you that you leveled.


    right, but until Bioware allows add-ons, its kind of on them.

  16. What an absurd "analogy". This doesn't graft on to the current situation even a little. It's a mockery.




    Since you'll be able to do exactly that with what's being provided, what possible problem can you have?


    A meter in real time doesn't give you anything except a summation number. The answers have always come from parsing the data outside of the game, even in games with real time meters. Who do you think you are, Commander Data?


    You want to wave your "superiority" in the faces of others. Not because I say so, but because it's the only thing left. You don't care about analyzing performance. We know this because that's exactly what you're getting and you're still not happy.


    You are thoroughly dishonest.


    why is it absurd (haha. a mockery! by golly!)?


    i should be able to view in game data in game. character levels and dps are both in game data.


    im not going to reply to your insults though. keep it up though, its helping your argument.

  17. Bioware has made a few things I didn't like but I learn to accept that it what they thought was best.



    One thing I disliked was the way they tied the legacy system into all my characters with the same last name/title.


    I didn't like that but they did it so I learned to accept it and deal with it.


    right. and you can choose not to use legacies. just like you could choose not to use combat data

  18. It was pretty easy to troll the healing meters in WoW as a druid by spamming regen and regrowth. :D

    I do agree though when it came down to being serious about healing it did help out in more than a few instances.


    yeah, like trying to minimize you overhealing.


    for my druid, recount added so much more to our farm-status raids than just clicking on health bars.

  19. Cause I can live with compromise. I know there are those that do not need or want them or will ever have a need for them as well as they do not ever want that data even thrown at them in any way.


    Then there are those that want all the data they can get on not just them but everyone around them.


    When you have 2 sides on something as personal at this, you have to make a compromise. It's clearly something you cannot do or cannot understand.


    There hitting the most people in the bell curve of players and there doing a damn good job of it it seems.


    I'd say BW did their research and hit it just about bull eye.


    how is it a compromise, when it is over something i want, and you dont want me to have?


    maybe if what i wanted took something away from you. but that is not the case. i am the only one being deprived of anything.

  20. Now why is that important? Why is parsing a log outside of the game insufficient?


    Because you can't spam your e-peen after a hard mode. That's really the only reason. You want to wave your e-peen. Then you say it's a "baseless assumption" that this will happen. Hilarious.


    I know your type all too well. This is why we shouldn't have DPS meters. You guys ruin it for the rest of us.


    Ok. say your lvl 28 and you lvl up to 29. however, you do not know you hit lvl 29 until you alt-tab to bring up a text file that says you're lvl 29. I just want to know that information in game.


    and my type? how dare you. I used recount in WoW on my healing druid to maximize my healing output. not bash other people. how dare you.

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