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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Stupiddrummer

  1. No, individual combat logs for tuning and performance are great. Anything beyond that is unnecessary and a crutch for players who never learn how to actually play the game or their characters and rely on flashing lights to do it for them. Real leaders lead fine without gadgets.


    so my dps friend and i shouldn't be allowed to compete with each other to see you can do the most dps?

  2. once passed the novelty of the story, the game will not survive if endgame is not "serious" and competitive.


    This is the story of many MMO. After a few month, leveling alt, enjoying the story, what's left is endgame raiding and PVP.


    I really want this game to grow and last years and years, but i know it won't if it does not embrace the competitive nature of player.


    Why is wow so succesful: competitive nature of endgame (and arena)

    Why is starcraft 2 so succesful: competitive, esport, tournament

    Why is Counter strike/Modern Warfare so succesful: it's certainly not the solo campaign, more about the competitiveness of the multiplayer.





    Sad story is that the people here refusing competitive gameplay (damage meters, player ranking) in SWToR are those who will be the first to unsub the game once they finish the story.


    People that really want this game to succeed and plan to stay sub for years understand the need for good, challenging endgame and tools such as damage meter, macro, ...



    I honestly think the dichotomy is between MMO vets and MMO newbies.


    My friend is playing SWTOR as his first MMO and i practically blew his mind teaching him why his auto-attack didn't cost any energy. Mind blown even further teaching him keybinds.


    Now if i tried to sit and explain why instant access to combat metrics are important to the overall health and longevity of the game, he would probably sit and drool at me like a baby.


    And without that knowledge, he still blissfully enjoys his terribly inefficient gameplay. Which is fine. But he is in no position to argue against things he does not really understand.

  3. this game has no place for detailed metrics, competition, or even multiplayer, for that matter.

    If you are playing this game you are playing it for the story and the voice acting.


    This game has a shoehorned-in end game, very similar to the shoehorned-in space combat.


    If you're looking for serious end-game play this game is not for you.

  4. i couldn't vote in your poll, but if i could i'd vote YES to real combat logs.


    I want to know my dps output on the fly so i can test variations without having to alt-tab.


    i played WoW for 5 years, and if i learned anything about dps meters:


    No one cares about your dps.


    No one cares about my dps, except for me.

  5. [*]Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?


    Lvl 42 Smuggler Gunslinger


    [*]Did you enjoy the story?


    Kinda lame, imo. Yahtzee does a good job explaining it in his SWTOR review.




    Basically, i was super invested in the story on Ord Mantel, but after i got my ship i lost my motivational to do anything.


    [*]Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?


    Yes. I like the cover mechanic. I don't feel like i do less damage than other classes, but i do feel weaker. I like that i feel weaker though. Im not a solider, or a Jedi, I'm just a regular dude with a solid set of blasters.


    [*]Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?


    I like playing a non-force user in a force-users world.


    [*]Do you still play the class? If not, why not?



  6. Back peddlers are spawn that fill up the subscription numbers to make the game look good, cannon fodder for half decent players to slaughter and game for decent players to crowd around and laugh at while running circles around them.


    I heard walking at half speed is better then running fullspeed doing everything you can do while backpeddling... SEEMS LEGIT.


    haha, this is awesome.

  7. Hot Pursuit: Adds the chance to gain a buff that allows you to use Charged burst while not in cover.


    I am specced sharpshooter, but i put two points into this talent to try it out.


    The name is misleading, because when you leave cover, you still have to stand still for 1.5 secs to cast it. However, i found that it works great as an opener:


    leave cover - gain Hot Pursuit - Cast Charged Burst - enter cover - Cast Charged Burst (which is instant with SS talents).


    So basically, i get two charged bursts for the cast time of one. Followed by a 1.5 sec Aimed shot, this is a ton of damage for 3 seconds casting.


    Anyone have any feedback/experience with this talent?

  8. Being an altaholic, I finally got around to making my gunslinger. To be honest I've been worried about it because of how much negative feedback there is on the forums about this class. Is this a case of bads being bads?


    My first warzone ever on this char, a level 10 gunslinger, I topped the damage charts with 220k, about 70k farther then the next one. Now I'll admit I wasn't facing a pro team that focused me right away, but I still had to play right to survive. I found it extremely easy to kill people, even soloing the 2 sorcs. What's with all the complaining? Gunslingers are pretty sick...


    I'm lvl 40, so i dont know if things change drastically in the 50s bracket, but I find that i am consistently wrecking people in pvp :D


    sharpshooter, btw

  9. Lack of peen...so the great but few waggers are peenless and un-happy. The fact they can not merely peen waggle the great unwashed disturbes them...this is golden...this is great...LMAO:wea_01:


    personally, i'd love to see the best players on my server "Waggle their peen" because i would see them and think that one day, it will be me waggling my peen. Even if i never do get to that point in my play, it gives me something to strive for.


    I'm lvl 39 and i'm looking forward to my...um...faster mount?


    at lvl 39 in WoW i was dreaming about the day where my druid might possibly wield the hand of rag.

  10. No. Because I learn that being elitist, by:

    - destroying all other guilds that seem to catch you in progress by offering a guaranteed spot/loots in our 100% successful raidgroup to the best players of these guilds

    - ruining the open world boss tries of other guilds either by pulling extra mobs/sending the horde "brother guild" to kill their healers/tanks

    - disbanding the most successful other guilds & having their officers & guild banks transferred to us


    is totally and utterly lame. We got the bragging rights of clearing vanilla Naxxramas when next guild in line was struggling at the previous raid content. We were 6th in europe & 13th in the world at Illidan. And for these show offs, we ruined the fun of a lot of people.


    I saw the worst that loot can bring out to a person (or a bunch of persons) and realized that I dont want to do that to anyone. Its just a game, not a life or death competition. After that experience, I dropped wow, got a job, a life and now I m spending extra time in swtor, happy that it is a game that doesnt attract this crowd. I answered 'no' at your question because I feel that through this experience I grew up & became a better person.


    Your experience is definitely worth noting. However, you have to admit your guild is certainly an outlyer. I played on Mal'Ganis (elitest jerks' server) and we had maybe 3 guilds total on the server that beat vanilla Nax40.

  11. - "Immature"? 100%. But it is the attitude of the real hardcore gamers that spent every sec of their life in the game and strive to beat every crazy encounter.

    - "Crappy guild"? A whole server would disagree with that since we were considered the "best" in the server and everyone wanted to join us.

    - "Those guilds" are the ones that aim for the world/region/server first kills, the ones that so many people seem to want them around here in SWTOR. These people will come like bees to the honey if your dream for harder/challenging content becomes true.


    And again, it was the most moronic thing I ve ever done.


    Do you regret it?

  12. Honestly, alot of people in this thread don't get it. The OP is right, this game needs more of the good Hardcore crowd, not the arrogant ******es that think they are the ****, but the ones that drive the websites, make theorycrafting, make videos, drive guilds and drive events! It's THESE people the ones that make the base of the community! Community makes MMOs guys! I mean there's a reason SWG limped for 4 more years after NGE... it was the very community that held the last line of flesh that game ever had.


    The hardcore crowd factor however is something that not many people get, since it's really not seen as directly as other stuff. Like a poster at the second page mentioned. The reason WoW got so popular was cause the hardcores spread good word of mouth to the rest of the gaming world. Word of mouth is one of the most, if not THE most powerful advertising tool in the entire world of marketing and these people were doing it for free.


    Hardcore people drive games guys.... but they need a reason to stay as well, and the good thing about it, it's it really doesn't have to be physical. It could be something behind the scenes like an actual "nightmare" mode in raiding. Something that poses a challenge and gives them the means to go after the bragging rights. Alot of people say "Hardcores need shinies nobody else can get to play" NO that mentality was created by WoW.... if you look up other MMOs before WoW, the hardcore playerbase went for stuff that wasn't even gear related.... sometimes it was extremely hard boss kills, or grinding alot of classes till you unlocked the ultimate class ( ala SWG ), or maybe grinding this mob so many times for a specific item, even at times taking a town or city for a period of time. It varied from game to game, and the neat thing about it was that it was optional to the casual player, as in 100% optional!


    The OP is right, the hardcores are needed in the community as much as the casuals and a community without hardcore players is like a government without leadership. If this game loses it's hardcore community, good luck finding RP events in RP servers and good luck finding great guild leaders and that's just 1% of the things that will happen to this game when these guys leave. That's my 2 cents!


    I've been following this thread, and it seems like the most relevant posts (like this one) are being overlooked.


    not to make causation out of a correlation, but i would argue that the "anti-epeeners" in the thread also share an aversion to reading.

  13. At the beginning of the game, it was horrible trying to go into cover. Then they did some fixes and it was amazing again.

    Now since the last couple patches, I've begun having trouble getting into cover as fast as before. A primary problem is the cover screen pops down, but it doesn't actually put you in cover until a few seconds later.

    sigh, they broke cover again.

    I hope they know and plan on fixing it.


    are you using crouch or take cover?

  14. Wow was the easiest mmo to release at the time. It had absolutely no difficult content (raiding at endgame for the same gear everyone else has is not content). WOW was the first mmo to hold your hand the entire time you played. It brought to the mmo universe nothing but a scourge of terrible gamers that merely want to be at the end as fast as possible so they can be the same like everyone else.



    my vanilla guild would like a word with you. we spent at least a month on the first boss of BWL.

  15. My thread sure has turned into alot of crying and nonsense.


    I just realized something though, in this game so far, I was able to level up, grind battlemaster and the best pvp gear, and beat every size and difficulty raid encounter...........in roughly half the time it took our guild to progress on one boss in Firelands in WOW: Heroic Ragnaros pre 4.3.


    That is just.........wrong.


    Oh well, I am only here as long as my guild is, and it doesn't look like much longer unless 1.2 news is dropped soon and then the actual execution of it is amazing.


    You have to realize some of us only play as long as our guilds do, people who have been playing together a long time, so you don't just bleed quality players, you will bleed entire quality guilds.


    welcome back OP. You have created this monster of a thread so you will also be given the task of destroying it.

  16. While the OP worded it quite poorly, he is touching on something that is actually at the very core of the issues this game has. First I'll say that I do come from a hardcore raiding WoW experience, but am enjoying leveling slowly and enjoying TOR's story immensely.


    There seems to be an increasingly popular sentiment in this thread by casual players lashing out in anger at the hardcore players who simply want difficult, high level game content to work towards. This stance is no less intolerant than the ideas they are bashing.


    In WoW, there were certain piecing of armor only accessible to the rank #1 pvp player on the entire server, or the the most high ranked players. Many extremely difficult bosses dropped items that on some servers only one person had, due to its rarity. Now, you might think "wow! only one player gets the item?! *** is the point of that?" The point of it is to give players something to dream about and to strive for. That one, single item causes thousands upon thousands of players to play more often with more vigor, hoping that they will soon attain it. It may seem like a trivial thing to add, but it is something incredibly important to players and touches on the psychology of why players keep playing the game and what makes them feel like their time isn't being wasted.


    Yes, it is true that a casual player might not have gear quite as good as a hardcore player. Is that a bad thing? Do you honestly drive around scoffing at people who drive BMW's lashing out in anger that they have a better car than you? No, of course not, and if you do you're acting irrationally. They bought that car with money they earned, just like a hardcore player will have put more time into the game than you, and earned their gear accordingly.


    Appeasing the hardcore players by adding higher level content and novelty awards/items with higher stats would be a healthy addition to the game, and not only to the hardcore players but to everyone who plays. The best thing the game can do is to have something that appeals to every type of MMO player. Right now, casuals have a lot of things in their camp, and now the hardcore players need a little love.


    Casual players don't like competing for high ranks? Then don't compete for high ranks. Don't like raiding nightmare ops? Then don't raid nightmare ops. But working to keep things these out of the game simply because they won't be able to reap the rewards is nothing short of pure, unabashed selfishness.



    Good post.

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