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Everything posted by Metaspark

  1. this guy speaks the truth. I don't even really participate in RP (I would, but I'm a bit shy towards engagement/focused on leveling) and I see it everywhere
  2. people actually pay attention to markers and attack you?! holy **** what server are you on and when can I transfer there?!
  3. Ahh battlefront, how I miss you...
  4. Name: Xhaltavia Allegiance: Empire (loosely), her master Class:Sith Inquisitor (Assassin) Personality: Sarcastic, usually nice to people that treat her well, but cannot stand even the slightest bit of racism, and is just as angered by underestimation due to her history as a slave Weapon: Saber-staff, the Force Armour: Whatever suits the environment and provides proper protection Likes: helping, people with open minds, aiding slaves Dislikes: racism, slavery, a very VERY large portion of the Korriban Academy, both students and teachers. Especially her own overseer Hobbies: relaxing, helping her master, aiding those in need Other information: Although she shares many ideals with the Republic, she has a very strong sense of loyalty and feels she owes much to the Empire for giving her a second chance away from slavery, despite the many sith lords and imperial agents that look down on her due to her status as an alien and an ex-slave. Before the empire however, her loyalties lie first and foremost with her master, the only person to truly look past her exterior to see a powerful and capable sith. In truth she would only see a real truce between the republic and the empire, and is not shy about vocalizing her beliefs. Despite this, she willingly serves the empire in its quest for domination in the galaxy, solely due to her extreme sense of loyalty. Were it not for that, she likely would have defected to the Republic long ago, or been killed under the accusation of treason
  5. I would have liked to kill Major Bessiker's son...my character reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally doesn't take kindly to racism and underestimating her for being an ex-slave... just as she said, she really is too kind
  6. so when I turn 50 I'm not allowed to join warzones to get the very same gear that you require me to have to join warzones? elitism is fun
  7. actually it needs to be a debuff. you can manually remove buffs by right clicking them
  8. though I do agree with your points OP, I would like to point out that the winner is random in the case of a tie
  9. It feels really good to know your efforts were appreciated by your teammates. Even if you lose, even if your team sucked balls, check the scoreboard. Chances are SOMEONE actually tried hard to win the game, and they deserve praise. Let them know "hey, you did really good, and I'm glad to have you on my team. Keep up the great work." You'd be surprised how much of a morale booster it is to see that people have voted you MVP. I know I felt great after seeing just a mere 2 votes for myself
  10. I wish I could, but I'm too much of an altoholic to have actually made it to end game Level 30 Sentinel that is shelved until they release server transfers Level 20 Assassin that is leveling through PvP, I will probably run through her class quests on Balmorra today Level 16 Gunslinger that I haven't had much desire to play lately Level 15 Assassin that I am leveling along side my friend, and the reason my level 20 assassin is PvP-focused: this one is doing all the PvE stuff Level 13 Powertech that has been sitting in a cantina on Dromund Kaas since around the tie I got my ship on my Sentinel Level 12 Sage that is doing about 50/50 PvP and PvE Level 11 Juggernaut that I really don't have much desire to play Level 6 Agent that I am very slowly getting through Hutta Level 2 Trooper that has suffered the most neglect, just waiting to get her turn
  11. yeeeep well, I thought it was funny...
  12. they have already said it's coming they have not said when
  13. I just have to point out that this phrase has absolutely nothing to do with "minor bugs that will quickly be squashed" it actually refers to isolated things, usually used when referring to cleaning when told by your pissed off mom to clean your room, i.e. "I want every nook and cranny of your room spotless!" /completely unnecessary off-topic post
  14. . <--- the joke \o/ <--- your head
  15. you are aware OP made this topic January 6th, correct? you know, 17 days after the game released? I'd say the no-life insults are quite valid...
  16. At least you CAN get your purple crystal with enough work... I'm still waiting on them to actually release my white crystal...
  17. an extension of this: PvP'ers that act like the game is supposed to revolve around them, and any time they get "shafted" in favor of PvE they threaten to quit the game because it doesn't suit them. Uh, duh? If you want a game where you can focus purely on PvP, go play a game that focuses on PvP note: this is an irritation extending from my time playing WoW, I've actually not seen it much here, just the normal "PvP is unbalanced" rantings... note 2: I'm aware it happens the other way around, but I've hardly ever seen it, so PvP'ers are made the example
  18. Seriously. Just played a game where no one planted a single bomb, and republic ended up winning because of the stupid "random team wins in the event of a tie. and by 'random' we mean 'not your team'" ********. Republics put up a good fight, don't get me wrong. But so did Imperials. I even managed to stop a bomb plant with my Shock with literally a fraction of a fraction of a second left to plant it. They came really close multiple times to planting a bomb, but we stopped them every time. Not even a single disarm. Yet when the timer runs out and our hypothetical objective score is literally exactly the same, "herp derp reps win! sorry imps, maybe next time! problem?" *********** really? why is it impossible for there to be a tie game?
  19. white/silver color crystals not available from launch Togruta not playable from launch response choices all being more or less the same thing response choices that all are the complete opposite way my character would respond repeated lines (if I hear "You have my complete, undivided attention" on my inquisitor one more time...) having to send my companion on mission after mission after mission just to get one available that I actually need, and then when they get back from THAT mission I don't even get the particular item I need Baron Deathmark. Especially when he taunts me for dying in a hazard because I've been stunlocked to oblivion edit for one more: never having a response to 2V-R8 to tell him "I'm a completely rational and well-meaning sith and you are doing your job just fine. stop kissing my *** every other word you say"
  20. this, not to mention it's very entertaining to train a large group of the opposing team as they try to kill you, completely oblivious to the actual warzone objective sure, they get their kill. but this isn't team death match, remember? SCORE ONE FOR ROT WORMS!
  21. What has happened to you in a warzone that just had you falling out of your chair laughing when it happened? Just now in a game of Huttball, the enemy gets a goal within the first minute of the match. For the remainder of the game it goes back and forth with no one scoring a single goal. With about a minute left on the clock, a sorc that was holding the ball decided to camp behind the gate at the side at their goal and wait the timer out. I guess I spooked him bad and he had his finger on to pass the ball, because as soon as I broke stealth and Mauled him, he dropped the ball, I intercepted, and Force Sped into the goal for a quick point. So the game is tied, and the ball respawns with about 20 seconds left on the clock. The enemy manages to grab the ball, but our whole team is wailing on him, and with 5 seconds left we snatch the ball for a victory, when the entire game it looked like we were going to lose just goes to show that even when the deck is stacked against you you can still win. so don't give up like a ***** as soon as the enemy gets a point
  22. I'm a lowly level 18 Assassin, so I'm quite sure I'm missing quite a number of key abilities to be successful I still do rather well in pvp. nothing more entertaining than scaring the **** out of a healer and watching as they fruitlessly attempt to keep themselves alive through all my damage and interrupts~ then again, I like to think I know my class a fair amount, and when to pick my battles
  23. I would pay (if the price is fair of course) for server transfers. I feel like a jerk defending all the cries against sentinels and their "brokenness" when my own sentinel is shelved due to being on a really REALLY underpopulated server...
  24. I look like a ******* defending Sentinels from all the people crying broken when my own Sentinel is shelved herself, purely because at the server she is on 20 people is A LOT on the republic fleet at high traffic time
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