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10 Good
  1. Haha! I guess I gotta start stacking expertise then.
  2. Good to know me and my friends aren't the only ones who are enjoying this game. How does a poster get disrespect and bad feedback on a post expressing their love for the game? The forums here are ridiculous.
  3. Ahahaha! Funny... There really are nice and funny people on the forums xD
  4. I'm sorry D: I did take offense to it, and I shouldn't have overreacted. I just dislike the other guy's comment that said this game was going downhill cause of spontaneous kindness. The nerve to be able to assume something that stupid.
  5. Oh, I have... but the forums on WoW might have more ignorant players than on this game's forums.. but they have WAY more nice people than idiots... I used to post a lot on the forums on WoW.
  6. And this is why I never post on the forums... The Old Republic forums are by far the worst forums in history. It's full of the most ignorant, meanest, and inconsiderate players. Edit: Also, I know this game has some serious bugs (besides the Killiks and Colocoids xD) but I know they'll be fixed soon... BioWare has been taking care of the more serious ones first. I have faith in them.
  7. See but that's where you're wrong... I was doing "Same Server Battlegrounds" and I met somewhere around five new friends. I bought some new PvP gear, did some Hard Mode flashpoints and got some more gear. I literally just alt tabbed out of the game to express my love for this game. Edit: Duh this thread is pointless... I'm just trying to express my love for this game.
  8. BioWare, I am absolutely in love with this game. It's got it's bugs but, BioWare has been fixing bugs left and right. I have faith they'll fix most of the bugs soon enough! I am in love with this game! Sincerely, a Sith Marauder.
  9. Not to antagonize, but you can always press escape once. Escape only closes the top window (or the most recent) without stopping your casts-Unless you don't have any other windows open. P.S. I just remembered that if you have more than two windows open, it the newer one always closes the oldest one. Still, escape proves useful.
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