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Everything posted by Cordelia

  1. I'd love the fleets to go but maybe not for the reasons others might. I hate how similar looking they are and how the Republic's is a rust bucket. I would love our Capital worlds to be where we all gathered. Coruscant is so much more beautiful than that ugly fleet station. We have vendors, the GTN, cantinas etc. We could access shuttles from the spaceport to take us to various FP's. Maybe the devs avoided this because the whole two cities idea has been done to death in other MMO's e.g WoW. EQ2. But it would be a vast improvement on the fleets.
  2. Ah I remember those days, how we complained lol.
  3. Depends how you define 'best' I guess. The first 6 months i played it were the best experience i ever had in an MMO, before or since and I've played most of them at some point. But I think mainly that was due to the fantastic community and as you say the great crafting. I think also the JTL expansion was another thing they got right. I absolutely loved the variety of ships, the different upgrades for them and of course the combat. This is why it saddens me in TOR space combat is no more than a mini-game. But I'd agree there is a certain amount of nostalgia and viewing it through rose tinted glasses we are all guilty of.
  4. Obviously whether someone thinks a game sucks is personal opinion. Population is no indicator of how good a game is, but it does show there were enough people still willing to pay to play it. I was merely pointing out it didn't shutdown because it sucked but because LA/BW/EA would never have allowed it to co-exist with this game.
  5. Actually, it closed down because of this game. There was no way they were going to allow 2 Star Wars MMO's to co-exist therefore the license wasn't renewed. No coincidence it was shut down just before the launch of TOR. There was still enough population to keep it going even after 8 years.
  6. Yes please, SWG 2 in fact Half joking, I would like that but I also enjoy levelling, questing and the story in TOR. The crafting and space combat is the biggest let down for me though. When my 6 month sub runs out in June/July I might change it to monthly depending on the frequency of game updates.
  7. Why are you so against cross server LFG? If you are fine grouping with all your friends you don't need to use it. But for those of us who want it, why deprive us of something that will only bring more people together and enable them to experience content they might otherwise not have the opportunity to do so.
  8. Oh you are right. I forgot the 5 people I see, if i am lucky on a planet. I went to create a new alt the other day, there was not one person on Tython apart from me, and no it wasn't the middle of the night.
  9. I find it hard to believe that on servers with less than 50 people on the fleet that they would never have met everyone. BTW, you could meet MANY more new poeple with cross server LFG, and I guarantee you won't have met many of them
  10. Don't get too excited. It isn't cross server.
  11. They probably secretly manipulated SWG's demise Just don't let them near Hello Kitty Online.
  12. Hmm, so your solution is we all move to The Fatman because there and ONLY there with a huge population will the same server LFG tool be any use. Why must people endlessly repeat the same lie, that cross server LFG will destroy communities. It didn't destroy it in WoW, the community was already pretty vile and the LFG tool just exposed that. The tool in itself is never bad, only the people using it. Same server LFG has never worked and it won't work here. I would love to see this wonderful community of yours you are so intent on protecting. In reality it's an ideal, certainly not most peoples experience of this game. Cross server LFG is the only hope to save ToR now.
  13. It certainly makes the BEST MMO, but not necessarily the most successful. I loved SWG, we all know it had one of the best communities ever in an MMO but it wasn't particularly successful. (Yes, it hurts me to say that ) The other elements you mention such as housing, crafting etc I also agree with, a good MMO needs to allow the player freedom, to feel they are part of the world. We need something to do when we want a break from questing such as exciting space combat, complex crafting, adrenaline pumping PvP, even housing. Even something as simple as day/night cycles adds to your immersion in the world, for example. I think obviously the absolute ideal would be a combination of sandbox/themepark. ToR could have achieved this if it had merely added the sandbox to the impressive questing in-game. Maybe there is still time, we shall see.
  14. I love Tatooine as it's the only planet where I feel I have some freedom. It's an illusion but a nice one all the same. Alderaan is beautiful too, it's like being in a rather lovely painting. The mountains off in the distance always make me want to travel there. I just wish they weren't just backgrounds and you could travel to anywhere you can see. I also the love view from the taxi near the spaceport on Coruscant, looking at the buildings and the beautiful sky beyond. I really get the feeling I am on the republic's capital world. If only we could see such views with a day/night cycle, I think it would improve the atmosphere immensely.
  15. This is exactly how I feel. We are well past the stage of worrying about cross server LFG tools damaging a community. Most servers don't even have enough players to make a valid claim to even have a community now. Server transfers won't solve the problem either, unless you pile everyone onto just a few servers and then a same server LFG tool might actually work. Other than that same server LFG is pointless, BW forgot one thing, a tool is useless if there are no people to use it. Cross server LFG might have actually done something to help with the problem and stem the tide of people leaving. So really the OP is thanking BW for dooming their own game. Congratulations.
  16. I hate to say it but isn't that SWG I agree with pretty much all your suggestions, this game definitely needs more sandbox elements. I particularly miss the 'robust' crafting system as you describe it. Considering it is something I spent a lot of time doing in other games, especially SWG, and here I just abandoned out of sheer boredom. It's almost unheard of for me not to craft in an MMO, I think that speaks volumes about the game. Luckily, I really enjoy the levelling and story but there are only so many alts one can make.
  17. It isn't much of a tool if you have to manually go through the /who list and message each person to see if they want to group. It's only marginally better than asking in general. No one uses it because it isn't automated and therefore time consuming. Also, what if the only 4 people on it are all DPS ? An automated tool saves you the the hassle of forming a decent group setup .
  18. Well, as I said, if it is server only LFG then it won't make a blind bit of difference. A tool is only useful if there are people there to use it. The game will continue to suffer without cross realm LFG.
  19. .....Server only LFG tool ? Damn, that's next to useless , I was hoping for cross realm. How will a server only LFG tool help if the server is pretty empty, or in many cases ,very empty. I really hoped LFG would breathe new life into running FP's but without cross realm it's just pointless. The 'it destroys community' argument is pretty irrelevant when there is no community to destroy,
  20. I hope that isn't the case or if it is they are at least open to the possibility of changing their minds. The game demands and deserves a much better space combat experience than currently implemented. If their idea of 'exciting' developments for the space game is co-op missions then they have seriously miscalculated. Nothing less than a complete overall will be sufficient. If they miss this opportunity to do something truly exciting then I think ToR will have missed the MMO boat and will just become another niche MMO that had so much potential but never fulfilled it's early promise. Yes, I truly believe space is that important to a Star Wars game, a mini-game just won't cut it.
  21. Please add Wookiees. The models are already in the game and the speech would be very easy to do
  22. To me that would pretty much be the 'Holy Grail' of MMO's. If someone can successfully combine the story driven questing of SWTOR with the freedom of a sandbox world they would be on a to a winner.
  23. I agree the VO and story made me care about my characters too, much more than I have in any other MMO. But will you really listen to every non class quest conversation for all those 7 other characters. I bet you won't be able to resist the spacebar after you have done the same quests on each planet more than twice.
  24. These are ridiculous statements to make about a game unless you have a crystal ball. It's a good game but to say it's the last MMORPG created worth playing is stretching things a bit far. I don't agree it's revolutionary either, apart from VO, which is more of a novelty than anything, it brings nothing new to the genre. Class abilities, talent trees, questing etc are all pretty much standard MMO fare. Obviously, I enjoy the game or I wouldn't be playing it, but I don't think it's the best MMO ever either.
  25. Yeah, I wish it would show a comparison for all companions. As it is now, if a piece of gear drops for Qyzen and you have Theran out or someone else, you have to dismiss Theran get Qyzen out, compare the gear then resummon Theran. Summoning and resummoning companions just to check gear gets a bit old after a while especially in flashpoints where a lot of gear might drop and you aren't sure if your companion needs it. Before anyone gets too overexcited about needing for companions, this is only when I might duo with a friend not in a full group.
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