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Everything posted by Cordelia

  1. Yes, it is a lot of fun but to say it has very little repetition is just not true. Apart from the class stories you have to go through EXACTLY the same quests again for each zone. The replayability totally relies on making alts but you still have to level through the same content again.
  2. This is exactly the sort of things I used to love doing in an MMO . There is far more to a decent MMO than just quests and pvp. I knew TOR was never going to be like SWG , I knew it was themepark but even I didn't expect it to be this limited. Space is another prime example, totally on rails and no freedom of movement. It's like most of the game, it's either play it Biowares way or don't play it at all. I'm also switching my 6 month sub to monthly as I am not confident BW will add any of the elements I would so dearly love to see in this game.
  3. I was hoping for an Elder Scrolls MMO one day. All I can say is be careful what you wish for.......
  4. If you think it's worth $150 then I would question your perception skills. I'm not saying anyone is fooled just that now we seem to accept $150 is the norm for a CE, to many people that's an obscene amount of money particularly for a game.
  5. Totally serious, especially as they are practically half the price of the ToR one. Even though I bought 2 of the ToR CE's (one for a friend), I consider them extremely overpriced for what you get. I can't believe we have been fooled into thinking $150 for a CE is the new norm.
  6. I bought 2 of them so I knew exactly what I was getting. However, I don't think I would ever describe it as a 'bargain'. It's funny how people thesedays have convinced themselves paying $150 for a CE is good value. WoW did far better CE's and for significantly lower prices. The trend seems to be continuing with the CE for GW2 being well over $100 again, although in that case you never have to pay subscription fees so it could be said to be better value.
  7. The game hasn't become like that because of the cross server tool it's just become mainstream. Your average WoW player from 2005 is very different from your average WoW player of today. They expect different things but that isn't the fault of cross server, that's the change in the MMO genre as a whole.
  8. I'd be interested to hear how it killed the game for a lot of people. Don't give the usual BS about destroying community. There were a lot of people outside of guilds or who played odd hours who never got to experience content until the cross realm group finder tool. The tool didn't destroy WoW, in fact it enhanced many peoples enjoyment of the game. The fact you might get the odd person who behaved badly in a group is no reason to deny the tool was successful. You might just as easily get an idiot from a same server tool or even from your own guild. This myth about destroying community has persisted far too long, In the whole time I used to use the tool outside of playing with guildies I can count the bad experiences on the fingers of one hand.
  9. I actually agree with you. The sort of growth being forecast is unsustainable. The world's resources are already being stretched to the limit, imagine how that will be with 15 billion people on the planet. Looking on the positive side that's more potential players for TOR
  10. Not totally true or we wouldn't be over 7 billion and still going strong
  11. Best : Tatooine, Hoth, Voss Worst: Nar Shaddaa and Belsavis
  12. Lol are you crazy. That's from December. We are in June now, things have changed massively since then. The game lost 400k subs according to EA's own figures. Even the 1.3 million subs figure is well out of date and will be much lower when they publish the next round of figures.You don't have free server transfers in the 'fastest growing MMO of all time' lol.
  13. Excuse me? Did you say fastest growing MMO of all time. Is that why we just had server transfers on an unprecedented scale. It's one thing to support the game but to support it blindly in the face of reason is quite another.
  14. Someone else who actually see's sense. The whole server transfer thing has been a distraction from the underlying problems in the game. People didn't leave because of low population, we had full servers for the first few months, they left because they were unhappy with the game. Of course, it's nice to have busy servers again but that's only because the population has been shifted not because the game is attracting new players. The biggest problem is if you don't enjoy making alts this game doesn't offer much else to do.
  15. Lol. It says a lot about a game when people are cheering because they have to queue to play something they pay for. What a strange world we live in. Remember it was queues that got us into this mess in the beginning.
  16. Buying raid gear IS a pay to win model. It would be buying a piece of gear that gave you an advantage. No MMO curently does that and I don't imagine this one will be any different. If you can buy gear at all it would probably purely cosmetic, certainly without stats.
  17. Not quite... I got suckered into a lifetime sub with that. But yeah, every time a new ship comes out you have to pay for it there.
  18. This already exists in many MMO's, admittedly apart from WoW they all went F2P
  19. If it's only vanity items like in WoW I think it's OK. But no Pay to Win features please.
  20. I nearly always pick body type 3 for both male and females.
  21. I know what you mean lol. I gave up on my first imp character for this very reason. It just felt wrong even when you know it's only a game. So I made another and decided to go totally dark, same thing happens again except I ended up neutral. So now I accepted my Sorcerer is lightside and even excuse my IA being light by justifying it as you can be part of the Empire but not necessarily evil I found if you answer honestly you always end up neutral, so now I just choose the answer that gives me the light/dark points depending on which way I want to go.
  22. Yep, many of us thought it was ludicrous they went same server only. We could be wrong, but I think in a few months we will suddenly hear how they have decided to go cross server LFG after all.
  23. We already have to do that whenever we speak to an alien for a quest. I don't see how much difference it makes to hear our own Wookiee roar, for example. This is Star Wars there are many more species than coloured humans who just speak Basic. Plus I find the often repeated phrases our characters currently speak far more annoying than any alien VO could ever be.
  24. I used to enjoy large scale world PvP but I just hate things like battlegrounds, arenas etc. I guess now I enjoy PvE more but if they introduced some massive PvP world type conflicts I woulld definitely participate in those.
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