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Everything posted by rasputein

  1. Sound kinda like a Nazi propaganda officer, if I don't like it and it says anything bad about my beloved EA it should be illegal, banned and a capital offence, DOWN WITH ANYONE THAT DISAGREES WITH ME!!!!
  2. agreed with everything you said here, I had taken a long brake from Star Wars (when I left 55 was max lvl and Galactic star fighters where not out yet) came back mid to late Sept and have been playing again steadily, iv now finished all the content on multiple toons, have grinded out my gear to end game lvs, both PvP and PvE and iv gotten my star fighters set up, so in 2 months iv finished all the content released in the last 2 years and am on grind status (everything else is just the same OPs and WZ, nothing new here) so when my sub ends (think it just re-upped not long ago, I turned off the reoccurring now) that will be it until a decent amount of content comes out, adding a new robot pet that does nothing special isn't enough to keep me subbed. Ill keep the game on my computer and might check back in on F2P every now and again but in my opinion there just isn't enough meat on the bone to warrant a continued sub (and money isn't tight with me, I just wont give it away). In my opinion its like they are not even trying, I mean come on, you have the star wars title, the only star wars MMO, you should be making money hand over fist, if you where pumping out good quality material your cash flow would be endless, id throw money at you, I love star wars but this game...its just.....ok for abit. just as I little side note GW2 just finished downloading, time to take another look at it, its been awhile....cant Fing wait for Camelot Unchained
  3. yes it makes a huge difference, at the very least get the first set, its easy to get, and if you don't pvp much its fine for just getting your quests done.
  4. Top of my list either fix unstoppable or change the tool tip. At the moment the ability and the tool tip description are not even close to each other.
  5. MMO stuff...new pvp map or to get real Fing crazy here a full on pvp server that's 3 sided, Imps...Pubs...Zakul...and its open world battle for the control of each world (maybe whoever holds the most bases on each world), with a operation and flashpoints that ties to each planet, who ever controls that planet can do the operation and flashpoints, with 3 sides no one side can get too powerful and lock it down for themselves. (stolen straight from dark age of Camelot)
  6. spot on, maybe that's what in not doing right
  7. see it says very plainly your character will have completed all previous story content and all previous expansions, so its very reasonable to think and id say expected that you would receive the legacy buff that you get from completing chp 2.
  8. it says the same thing, you complete all previous chapters and start at lv60 doing knights of the fallen empire, see what really pisses me off about this is I have already received a legacy buff from a lv60 token, so there is nothing to make me think that I wouldn't with this token, I have zero intention of playing a operative, I would not have used the dang thing on a operative if I would have known this and was only interested in the buff, so the whole lv one up the hard way means nothing to me, I wouldn't do it, was just a convenient way to get the buff with some extra creds.../shrug ooo well live and learn
  9. it dosnt basically let you know any of that, it just says will complete all previous content, and the buff you get is from completing chp2...../shrug.. could very easily say "starts you out at lv60 with basic gear, all previous content is locked and not completed" there you go, short, to the point, no deception, no confusion.
  10. and ill bet busting his face in will most likely not take you down below 95% health, even though there will be 5 different cut scenes where even though he hasn't hurt you in the least bit you will look beat up and loosing while he talks crap about you.
  11. because the token clearly says will complete all previous chapters, and the buff is received from completing chp2 so its very reasonable to think you would get the buff, not even to mention the fact that I have received a buff from a 60 chr token. And your analogy completely fails, would be more like saying this truck comes with everything needed to tow a trailer, then finding out the tow hitch wasn't included.
  12. dealing with this gaming company is worst then dealing with a used car salesman, says one thing right up front, but you have to dig through some Fing help center topics to find out it dosnt really work that way, what a joke
  13. a official answer would be nice, im not sure why you wouldn't get the buffs, the tool tip on a level 60 token says very plainly that if used all previous chapters will be completed.
  14. I really wonder if this is right, I asked in my guild (very large guild) and almost everyone is getting buffs from the tokens, just a few guys are getting buggy ones (for example 1 guy got the buff from the operative but not the sin, and im the opposite, iv gotten the buff from the sin and not the operative) My brother on the other hand just started playing, made a marauder and bought chr tokens for the other classes and has received all the buffs.
  15. strange because when it first came out (the chr tokens) I didn't get the buff and was super bummed out about it, it wasn't until after they fixed what they called buggy chr tokens (remember awhile back when we got the announcement to not use chr tokens because they where buggy) that I got the buff so I figured that must have been what they fixed. Hopefully you are wrong, otherwise I just wasted 3.3mil creds on the token.
  16. So I used 2 lv 60 chr tokens since they came out, both have been used just for the legacy wide buff with no real intentions of putting serious time into the chr (maybe if I get bored, but at this time im not really interested in either class just want the buffs) so the first one that we got for free for being a sub I used on a assassin, he is still in the dream stage of the very beginning of KOTFE, lv61, ported him to the fleet and their he has sat, I have done nothing with the toon and I HAVE GOTTEN the legacy wide buff from the assissin and in my legacy tab it is listed as the class being completed (all companions and the buff), now I got another token yesterday, needed 1 last legacy buff from the agent class, made a operative, lved him past the dream stage, he is lv61, ported to the fleet and is sitting there, but I HAVE NOT got the legacy buff from him and in my legacy tab he is not completed (no companions listed as completed conversations and no buff). Any ideas on how to fix this?
  17. /sign...except... That little part about premades, I cant see any reason to punish people who put together grps, if they bother you so much put together a grp to compete with them or here is a novel idea, create a guild with like minded pvpers....get a voice chat program, decided who is playing which classes in the grp and BAMMMM pre-made grp. But yes, anything to get some PvP love.
  18. ya this sums it up I guess, got 2 months left on my sub, but im actively looking for a new game atm
  19. The reason for this is because they havnt added anything to warrant the 15$ a month, no ops, wz's..end game content worth a continued sub, nothing to grind on until?........ then they say "hey if you sub until Aug <<< then you can play as HK for a hr or 2" so...lets recap, no they will not add endgame content to grind on, but if you pay them 15$ a month you can do the same thing over and over until Aug and you will be rewarded with.....a hr or 2 as a robot...lol
  20. ya if what was announced is going to be it for the next year I know it wont keep me subbed, I can very easily miss out on a single chapter of playing as a droid, I have a couple more toons to complete out, my ocd wont allow me to leave them not finished but id say ill have them done in the next month, month and 1/2 at most, and with nothing new to accomplish I think ill be gone, don't get me wrong, I love star wars and really WANT to stay but I also wont spend my free time doing nothing, I can always come back in 2 years (if the game is still going) and complete the content that they have added in that time in a month or 2. Cant wait for a real MMO like Camelot Unchained to come out!
  21. Not in the least, srry if this is and a hr of content a month is the only thing to look forward to then I wont be staying, need more end game content to keep me paying my monthly due, I have 2 more toons to finish out then ill be unsubbing and looking for something different, im sure ill check back in another 2 years and if the game is still going there might be a week or 2 of content to sub for.
  22. Do you guys think anything new/meaningful will happen to pvp in the next year? (open world pvp work, new wz's ect...) Do you guys think any new end game content will be added in the next year? (I don't mean fluff crap that will be completed in the first hr 1/2 of play, Im talking about new OPs, planets..ect.... not stay subbed for 6months to earn a hr of play as a robot type stuff) So what do you guys think, in the next year will we get any meaningful end game content?
  23. I bought a couple and ended up with junk gear on all, I mean sand people stuff coming out of gold armor packs, I though gold pack where for the good stuff, not 100k credit chest pieces, come on, this should be rare armor only.
  24. Its instant, so ill brake it down, I enrage, force charge (flying though the air like a bad*****) land, go to cast next attack and bam, instantly either pushed, choked, feared, slowed...whatever, no pause, no immunity, it dosnt work plain and simple, iv speced out of it and went with pooled hatred, it dosnt work at all in pvp.
  25. seems like you stopped reading at force choke. It dosnt stop anything, so yes it is broken.
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