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Everything posted by rasputein

  1. I went Jaesa, go with dark custom 4, Darth Malak Armor (makes her ***** look HUGE) and the Malak Jaw casing gives her a really cool robotic voice.
  2. Well they used to have better support, but it went out the window to cut costs...and atm there are ALOT of bugs going on in the game, so what they have for support is pretty taxed...sucks I know but he squeaky wheel gets the grease so start making some noise.
  3. Id keep your ticket in and start calling customer support, you might have to keep at it for abit to find someone to help you but its probably worth a shot, don't be shy about asking to speak to a supervisor or someone with a better grasp on the English language.
  4. Sorry it turned out that way, but in all seriousness you most likely wont get a response for weeks or a month and when you do it will be a automated generic response telling you they know about it but no ETA on fix, my suggestion would be to call, but I also wish you luck on that, as the call center is outsourced and most of the time you end up with someone who has very poor English and really no clue what you are talking about, although you could get lucky....what lv is your toon now? If you havnt put too much time into it it could be faster to just relevel with the leveling speed now days
  5. See I guess this is where we differ on MMO's, imho the story (leveling arc) is a means to a end, having a good story like star wars in a bonus in my mind, its all the other end game stuff that makes a MMO to me, and that's the stuff that star wars just falls flat on, don't get me wrong, you can go back through my post if you would like, star wars is fun for a couple weeks to a month, at that point you have ran out of anything fun to do in the game. I think this is a view shared by a lot of gamers, evident from the low population of people playing star wars and its relatively low replayablity (dieing out after what 4 years?)
  6. Yes we do all understand that they take place during different times, that's not what is being discussed here.
  7. Population wise it has 1 good populated server, the rest are light. And Im not sure about how long it will be around, it going could go on awhile but I think its hitting cruise mode. Id give it a shot, just buy a 1 month sub (don't go for a long sub) at the very least the game is fun for a month and who knows some people like its current style (I personally don't like the dumbed down version)
  8. Well considering Marvel puts out about 10 movies a year im sure one of them had a advertisement during it...you cant even compare the hype of star wars to ant man, its not even in the same category and since this is the first star wars movie since the game was released id think they would want to get a boost from it.../shrug
  9. id try and 1 month sub and see if you like the new changes alot dont so i wouldnt buy a long sub right off the bat. Have fun
  10. if all that happened in the next patch id fire up a 6month sub, but it isn't going to happen:(
  11. Ya they dumbed the game down to far, made the combat laughable, made all companions the same, and like you said, changed the way a person sets up there toon, so like you said, besides progression (note: they made the game so easy progression is laughable, and you can be in top of the line gear and have it optimized in a week or 2 if you work at it, a month if you are lazy) and whatever dress up outfit you wearing everyone is pretty much the same. This game is great for a couple play through (class stories) and a 1 time trip through the nex xpac, after that it has no staying power, wish it did but it just dosnt right now.
  12. yes mounts would be nice, although there seems to be plenty of portal points, im still lving again (have 1 80 but its been since it first came out so I needed to relearn game) so I don't know how it is later on.
  13. Ya I just got back from watching the movie for the first time (loved it) there was a total of 4 video game trailers/advertisement...2 games from EA....no swtor trailer.
  14. sucks that you couldn't get a decent response. Best of luck to ya.
  15. ya they came, subbed for a month finished all the content in 2 weeks, maxed out and optimized their gear and got board and left....well maybe it wasn't quite that fast, maybe a full month if they got there operation gear
  16. id be willing to bet my last dollar that you never get more "extensive" companion stories.
  17. Harbinger is the only server with a decent pop, game is in a death spiral atm, hopefully it can pull up soon but idk.
  18. ya he is really brain dead!! he should just keep subbing for some future un-named, un-mentioned content that no- one has announced yet and he should continue to play the same old content that has been out for 4 years and just be happy with it!!! sarcasm off
  19. Ya I logged in last night to buy the Malgus armor before my sub ended and credit limit hit, was walking around the fleet and thought hey maybe ill play for a bit before I log back over to GW2, then I remembered I have done everything 1million times, ground out all my gear, optimized it and have every cosplay outfit I want...nothing left to do that I havnt been doing over and over and over and over.....so I logged out and went back to GW2..../shrug sucks, love the star wars universe but I refuse to be bored on my free time just for the sake of "star wars"
  20. The guild that my character is in, before and right after 4.0 hit had a regular prime time crowd of around 50 and a pretty steady 25-30 on at any given time....now it peaks in the 20's with a steady 10-12 on, today at primetime I logged in and 7 people where on, stayed for 2hrs it went up to 9 then dropped back down to 6....fleet seemed to sit at about 40-45 during the day and tonight it got up to 102 but sat most of the time I was on in the 80-90....not to healthy imho.
  21. I wasn't comparing online gaming resumes as you said nothing about your experience prior to my post (or for that matter nobody else did ) you are the only one comparing with your "iv been playing longer then you" statement, I was just stating (and giving some insight to my experience's) that I have been through a lot of MMO's, a lot of xpac, a lot of games that made it and and some that didnt and imho this expansion is terrible, it gutted the game, and worst, they did it all the while telling us that this is what the metrics said would work, and they said this with a straight face. The population isn't large because the xpac sucked and the "small vocal minority" is being so vocal not because we want to see the downfall of the game, on the contrary, we want this game to succeed, we want the game to be great, to be fun, for people to play it, not to be a barren waste land that a few people play by themselves. At this time with all the star war hype going on this game should be packed, its the only online MMO offered with the star wars IP.
  22. I really think that would be their only saving grace, get this crap xpac out fast, get it over with and work on some end game content.....Story is great, Story is what drives the star wars universe and why I love it so much, the history, characters, worlds, races, technology all of it....BUT WITHOUT THE PROVERBAL CARROT TO DRIVE US WHY STAY? With nothing to grind on why stay subbed? I can just save money wait for it all to be out, sub and finish the whole thing after you are down with it (a year from now, if you game is still alive) in a week. YOU NEED TO PUT STUFF IN A GAME TO KEEP US GOING, that how a sub works, if there is nothing to do people wont stay, nothing to grind on, no next teir to work on, no new operation to get down, no new pvp at all...plain and simple you will loose your player base if this is it.
  23. If you don't think this game is self destructing then you are not looking at the same game I am, the population is so low its pathetic and its dropping all during a time when Star wars hype couldn't be higher and during the holidays when people have time off, they are obviously not playing this game, so yes, its failing badly, think its bad now? its what 2months after xpac and its population is flagging, bugs are terrible, CS is atrocious and the game is boring with almost zero replay value and nothing to grind on, no preverbal carrot and what we are scheduled for a year of this? good luck keeping a viable population without some drastic changes.
  24. ya because this games population is so large right? The forums all full of praise for the great xpac right? People are talking about what great, supportive and timely responses they receive from the CS of the game right? Bugs, exploits and events are fixed/closed and implemented in a timely manner in the game right? /sarcasm off Im 34 years old and have been playing MMO's since dark sun and Ultima online and iv played about every single American MMO that has been made, this xpac rates up there with one of the worst, its killing this game off about as fast as iv seen from a popular IP. and yes, while Star Wars internet games might not be much of the Star wars pie, it still is a very large sum of money and im sure they care about how its viewed.../shrug
  25. While I don't know or even think you would get a response as a individual or a small grp Im positive that Disney cares how a large consumer base views a product with a IP owned by them, if enough people got together and enough subs where being canceled and enough factual mistakes were being made by EA/BIO (crap CS, buggy broken game, piss poor products) it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they did step in, what type of involvement they would have I couldn't even begin to say, it might be a nudge in the right direction or they could pull their contract and soon as it ended so a large portion of future consumers didn't get too soured or the IP hurt.....ALL IMHO
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