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Everything posted by ProsaicProse

  1. Strange. I've played quite a few MMO's that had few (if any) events at all. Perhaps the problem is expectations, rather than the possibility of having them?
  2. There also seems to be some skin tones (darker ones on humans) that don't seem to actually get lighter at all, so it does vary race to race, skin colour to skin colour. However, I've not noticed any difference in appearance between Dark IV and Dark V so far on Sith Pureblood, Human or Twi'lek.
  3. I wouldn't consider it a bug - it's more of a stylistic thing and clearly not everyone's tastes are for Bioware's art direction concerning character appearance. More choices on everything appearance wise would be better though! I personally like the big booty, though the chest shape from the side can be a bit weird and the thighs on the male a bit too long, but it's hardly that big a deal. Body 2 on both genders seems the most tolerable mix style wise for me. I've got more problems with the other body types for both genders. Female 1's face looks peculiar, and yeah - another female body looks like a man with lumps on his chest. Male 1 is odd also in that it's not just shorter, but the torso and head are strange and child-like. Though I wondered why female 1 wasn't also shorter, so females could have a height difference too.
  4. Looks like someone got blown out of an airlock somewhere.
  5. Yea, that's similar to what I was getting and a lot of other people on Balmorra General chat were saying the same thing.
  6. This is almost more entertaining than actually playing the game.
  7. Emergency restart. Sometimes you don't get a warning!
  8. I knew something was up when I kept running into INVISIBLE WALLS!!!!
  9. I would love to have more customization options, especially post character creation and access to all those armor appearance via orange moddable gear that didn't cost a fortune to move mods around on. Maybe crafting could be all about making those orange moddable versions of gear? I'd also love some chairs and couches people could sit on in cantinas and props they could use, place down, or simply hold. Chat bubbles to locate people easier in crowded rooms when they /say or /emote. Cross faction custom emotes.. and so on. Ahh well, some day maybe!
  10. Since this thread seems to be similar to the other and longer... I'll re-post my reply to the topic.
  11. I really like that article and it sums up how I feel about MMORPGs pretty well (as far as longevity and roleplaying is concerned.) Some of the longest lasting games I've played allowed a lot of the things this author mentioned to keep it going - content the players themselves can use to create and entertain one another. Mod added items, clothes, appearances, areas and simple things like props and usable items that you can sit, or lay on. Why did it work? Because it put the "social" into MMO's, and "social" lasts.
  12. Send the tauntaun herd to me, I have a stable ready for them.
  13. There is maintenance? Huh.. didn't notice.
  14. You know what would likely happen? Most people would join this faction and the other two would be sparse.
  15. It's true - the more you group up and deal directly with other players, the more you notice it on a female toon (preferential treatment and people flirting with you, often with other female toons.)
  16. With the number of times I've read in these forums about EA stock plummeting, it would have to be worthless by now. How is there any stock value left to plummet? I'm confused!
  17. Though I usually play healers, I'm not particularly keen on special treatment for them (or tanks) to queue in this game. However, I think if Bioware adds in something like "dual spec" that allows people to switch relatively easily between two set specs (and quickslot set-ups), then we probably see a more healers and tanks entering queue. As it stands now, most people will probably level and do dailies in DPS spec, so they have to redo their entire setup and spend a lot of credits every time they switch. It's too grueling (or just plain mind numbing) otherwise. Speaking for myself, it isn't worth the hassle to enter queue for some meager reward when switching and setting up quickslots is so much more expensive and annoying.
  18. It's hard to believe people actually get mad when the game developer applies fixes to the game... Just... wow. Lol.
  19. Imperial Agent, followed by Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight.
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