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Everything posted by ProsaicProse

  1. Free is free - it don't get any better than that, unless they start paying people to play. I'm not sure there is much one can complain about there, sorry.
  2. I would guess this is an error at the moment - I'm getting the same thing, despite having bought game time cards since December. If it isn't an error, I'm not going to be happy.
  3. I don't see anything on that cartel coins page except a link telling me to subscribe, despite having game time left on the account (game time that I've never let fall off since December via Game Time cards.) Am I missing something here?
  4. To SoonerJBD: Lol yea. Sort of what I was sayin' earlier.
  5. The first speeder piloting and I think a couple social emotes. I believe that's about it.
  6. The issues seem to be tied into the arsenal spec, and yes, I've noticed most of the mentioned issues as well with my arsenal merc.
  7. There seems to be a lot of RP happening Imperial side. Can't speak much for Republic.
  8. Ahh, so a couple people actually do get it. At least partially.
  9. It sounds like consistent story telling to me. On Revan's fate in the Foundry... The fight ends predictably, regardless of how "powerful" Revan can be, and it's a simple snap shot of his ongoing life. Take another of my favorite Sith in the game.. Darth Jadus. In the end, trying to make some sort of overall comparison between force users based on such snap shots is pointless, imo.
  10. Revan's "power" level at the end of chapter 1 says nothing about the character as a whole in the greater Star Wars universe. It's a snap shot of part of the characters life. Characters in Star Wars go through their various defeats, victories (and comebacks). It is impossible to make some sort of overall "power" comparison between various characters in the storyline(s) because the story is always on going. Take the Old Republic - it's an aspect of the overall Star Wars Universe that isn't even finished being told. Making comparisons is meaningless.
  11. Yea, but if you follow most of the story lines in the Star Wars universe, you'll notice various characters, even ones widely considered to be super powerful, go through their victories and defeats. I don't think anyone outside of the story writers themselves have that market covered, so when I hear players going on about "fact" and "canon", I think they are off base.
  12. That's the problem with arguments like these - anyone can cherry pick game mechanics and story elements when it's convenient, because such debates are subjective and open to interpretation.
  13. He's not tough enough? Then go do it on hardmode!
  14. One thing I sort of found amusing about this debate is how often people bring up the Foundry fight as some sort of measure of Revan's power (or lack of), then neglect to also bring up it was a 4 on 1 fight. It took 4 players at the prime of their power to defeat him - he's 1 guy.
  15. Err.. use the channel (/rp) players specifically created for this, just type: /cjoin rp
  16. I thought Ebon Hawk already had an /rp channel. Why not use it? Just /cjoin it. As far as I know it reaches server wide, per faction... as in; one faction can't see the other factions RP channel, but it's viewable on all planets if you're the right faction.
  17. It's HK-51. That's reason enough for me to want to have him.
  18. Pick your server for the server community and server type itself, rather than the ping time. In most cases (unless the latency is REALLY bad) it won't matter much and will likely be unnoticeable.
  19. Well thanks for clarifying the spoiler. I'll be certain not to miss it now.
  20. Well, previously, it was just a random name on the patch notes that had no meaning, until someone made a big deal out of it in this thread and said it finishes CH3. Ironic.
  21. You know, I didn't even know it was a spoiler until you pointed it out here.
  22. If no one else rolled need on it, then it's not much of an issue. At most, a minor etiquette breach for not asking beforehand if it's alright to need it for companion. Now, if the others actually rolled need on it because their main character intended to wear it, that would be a different story.
  23. Fresh blood, fresh perspective may not be a bad thing. The ability to write and do so well isn't limited to one person, or a handful of people.
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