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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by LordKivlov

  1. That's odd, I've seen posts claiming that they only kill ops half the time and its not fair.


    Oh, I forgot to say, they are level 41 facing down level 50 ops.





    Honestly, level 40 ops, jump you and you lose 50% health..are you wearing the gear you [claim] to have? Do you actually die to a level 40?


    Because if you do...P.I.C.N.I.C.


    Do I die? No. I stun them and climb up on something and kill them because they're ****** and level 40. The point was they shouldn't be dropping me to half with one ability when there is such a large gear disparity. There are scoundrels on my server that agree that they need to be toned down, why can't you just accept that your ability is overpowered, needs to be nerfed and something else changed so they don't become ******?


    I could see this kind of damage being acceptable on a low armour healer like sage, but when they strike a heavy armour target (who takes a damage capability reduction statwise for our armour being heavy), they shouldn't be bursting me to 20% HP instantly. If over a few GCD, they did that, then fine, I can react to that but when I'm that low by the time I can break the stun and tech-override a heal or knockback, then what the ****?


    On top of this, you have an insane amount of healing and shielding making you incredibly hard to kill if I do somehow live through their first attack. In most cases, they just vanish if I ever get advantage and then I just have to run or wait for inevitable death.

  2. ITT: Operatives/Scoundrels trying to defend their class.


    I'm one of the most geared commandos on my server, if not the most geared. Operatives at level 40 were dropping me to below half with their opening 2 attacks. The level 50 drop me to 20%. I can pop my stun break, cryonade and try to run but you have all the same stun/stun breaks I have plus a ranged interupt to stop heals or damage. And if all else fails, just vanish and run up and kill them.


    You think this is balanced? In what world is that balanced that you can drop the tankiest non-tank class to less than half HP with 1 button? My roomate is full tank spec in equal gear to me and he gets dropped to half almost as quickly.


    That is some serious imbalance with your opening attack when you can sustain 2-3k crits every GCD after that because your backstab has a 180 degree hit arc. That needs to be toned down a tad and if you disagree, then you're just blatantly defending your class because you don't want to get nerfed.

  3. I disagree about full impact bolt, but mainly because I'm using the 4 piece set bonus. It's free, it uses a global cooldown, use it when it's up since most of the time, you're at 3 charges minimum if your rotation is going smoothly. (Which it usually is because you're getting 1.20 ammo regen and damage + another 1.2 if your next ability is grav round. Rarely ever have to hammershot with this set bonus).


    But if you don't have the set bonus (which is very easy to get! Do your dailies, chaps) then the above is spot on.

  4. As a vanguard, you should be using your taunts even if you're DPS. If you see someone not attacking you, taunt them. You get protection points (worth medals and medals are worth commendations and valor) for doing it.


    Also, I laughed at suggesting full auto to slow a target running away. They're gone by the time it begins firing. Cryo them first if you're going to do that or just chase them with hammershot and stickynade.

  5. vanguards dont get a knockback

    Commandos dont get an interrupt.


    Vanguards get an interupt, a stun, a pull and a leap.

    Commandos get a knockback and a stun.


    List all the differences, not just the ones that prove your point.


    Bosses require you to interupt their abilities or your tank dies. Who wants a commando DPS when they can't add that level of protection to their tank? Interupts are off the global cooldown as well which is fairly ******** since you don't even have to stop your DPS rotation to interupt mine for 4 (6 in some cases) seconds.

  6. If anyone was curious, the reason only our helmet and gloves have surge on them is because it hits diminishing returns very very very very quickly. Having it on more than 2 items is wasting stat points that would get more benefit from power, accuracy, or if your crit isn't at soft cap yet, crit.
  7. I don't think they will do anything for you. Gear is so easy to come by that by the time they respond, you'll have 8 duplicate chest pieces.


    For future reference though, look at the stats. Eliminator has higher DPS and lower survivability for the DPS Commando and Combat Tech has higher endurance and lower power/crit for the tanky vanguard dps.


    We serve different roles and our stats reflect that.


    Eliminator - Commando DPS

    Combat Medic - Commando Healer

    Combat Tech - Vanguard DPS

    Supercommando - Vanguard Tank

  8. Plasma grenade costs too much ammo to use unless you use Reserve Powercell with it or are hitting at least 3 targets. It does a little more damage than grav round overall so you may think it would be worth it on 2, but you don't get the 15% crit from PvE set bonus that grav round does, the energy return on crit, the sunder armour stacks or any of the other benefits.


    Once you get your 4 piece PvE set bonus, you're laughing. High Impact Bolt becomes free so you're essentially rotating between grav round (regenerates ammo), Demo round and full auto (regenerates ammo). It's really easy to sustain top tier with minimal hammershots by using HIB whenever it's up, full autoing whenever it procs (because it's 3 seconds, get double the time for regen) and refreshing grav round in between demo and full autos.


    We really are a simple class to play once you get your rotation down.


    And to the comment that says full auto without curtain of fire is a waste... you have no idea what you're talking about at all. It does roughly 3000 damage for 2 ammo (ignoring crit which can bring it up to 6000) over 3 seconds, so you regenerate 1.80 ammo during that time. Pretty much pays for itself, and does so if it crits. It puts it back on cooldown and then you grav round for the proc to use it again.

    I read the rest of your post. You're an idiot. Get off my forums with your ****** misinformation. You'll never be able to maintain a proper, ammo efficient (which is better than squeezing out an extra 10% damage on your HIB) by letting **** that is 1 ammo or free (depending on set bonus) sit on cooldown.




    As for low level commando. Spam grav rounds... so many grav rounds. You're going to be fairly inefficient without demolition round, curtain of fire, or your set bonuses from level 50 pve gear so just spam your best ability (which is GR).

  9. Reusable bombs that can crit and stun or snare or root... so good. Cybertech is definitely the way to go for leveling. Biochem will give you a reusable medkit for roughly 8k healing, a great stim that lasts through death and adrenals which makes you a pretty rough target to fight in PvP.


    So pick your fancy.

  10. The 2nd boss in esseless needs to have 2 interupts otherwise he wipes your group. Make liberal use of bacta infusion and trauma probes and overcharged otherwise you'll be constantly out of the top tier of ammo regen.


    Another thing is you don't have the shield that consulars get so your melee can't be derpsauce McGees and stand in every AoE like they can with other healers. If your DPS is playing intelligently (have fun with that in pugs) then you can heal it really easily.

  11. Probably haven't been any because you really only spam grav rounds until they're low and then spike damage with sticky->grav->demo (All 3 hit at the same time, can't anticipate that kind of spike damage as a healer).


    Kind of boring to watch, but pretty fun to play. If you know of a program that doesn't **** on your FPS as much as fraps does, I may be able to post a short video demonstrating 99% of what you do in a warzone.

  12. The reason it's a healer stat and not a dps stat is because DPS need slow abilities to maintain 4th tier of ammo regen. Casting faster won't do a whole lot other than run you into the 3rd tier much quicker. Healers need it because there can be the 'oh ****' moments when you need your heal to drop just that .2 seconds faster to keep your target alive.


    Either 1.5 is the GCD and Alacrity lowers it (Since every ability is 1.5 at the lowest) or it's 1 second and you won't ever reach 33% activation speed from your gear because of diminishing returns. So either way you look at it, it's still the same.

  13. Combat medics are very team oriented. If you want to live, you need a baby sitter for when people jump on you. With a guardian pet that guards and taunts people, you can pretty much heal until you get bored.


    Without your guardian pet though.... going to need some fancy footwork and a lot of sitting up on ledges in Alderaan or pillar humping in The Pit or Voidstar.


    Also, not getting combat shield (1 point, immunity to interupts) is absolutely asinine. No offense but that's just giving up the single reason why everyone hates fighting combat medics. You shield yourself and you're pretty much unkillable for the 15 (12+3 from set bonus) seconds your shield is on you. On top of that, you're skipping the 20% healing on yourself in favour of 2 extra ammo. They're both large cooldowns, but the 20% healing when your shield is up is a must for PvP. That 2 extra ammo every 2 minutes won't help.


    To the above post, if you're going to go for healing utility, go all the way to trauma probes otherwise you're just nerfing yourself. You trade out damage by going for trauma but you make up for it with much more healing power than you do by doing the build you posted. Honestly, a geared combat medic with full spec deals enough damage with nades, hammershot and charged bolts with supercharge that you really don't need to go hybrid spec anyways.


    http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/#::ef2ef6ef5ef4e7fefe4fe4f12ef6 is what I use when I play healer, you can float the points from Heavy Trooper for the improved field aid but I find I don't use it in PvP as I'm pressed to be healing multiple people, not removing a debuff that will wear off quickly anyways. Maybe in rated or in small-number duels it'll have more usefulness.


    The reason I don't use the +2 ammo on recharge is I rarely drop low enough to need that extra 2 ammo and the 20% healing on myself when I'm shielded is far more important.

  14. combat medic is 3 seconds on your reactive shield, not -5 on concussive charge.


    To anyone that reads this, go get your 2 piece set bonus from PvE. 15% crit on Grav Rounds and Charged Bolts. Hands down better than the 4 set from Eliminator.

  15. Tanks are not doing so hot...why? because there is a lack of a threat meter. a Threat meter is a tool that helps the tank do his job correctly, how can DPS know how much aggro they are doing until its too late? then the tank has to go down hunting that one guy. and healing causes a lot more threat than people think. I think that an optional threat meter would be a great asset to tanks everywhere...and it would make for a much smoother Flashpoint experience.


    No, a threat meter is a job that lets DPS be derpsauce mcgees and just look at a bar instead of thinking critically about their criticals.

  16. So, I've noticed in pvp in this game, if you mash a button, say slash because you're dumping focus, or any abiity really. It will never go, I mean it will eventually, but your character will sit there and derp out first, like your animation will keep reseting and the attack will never actually go off. Anyone else notice this? I come from WoW of 7 years as a rogue, where spamming a button was fine because it would go off once you got energy.


    Any ideas, or am I just losing my mind?


    You're using something that's off GCD or otherwise instant cast which derps up the rest of your abilities. This is a major issue for everyone, especially healers that have nature-swiftness like abilities.


    Pop next cast is instant, derp derp derp... **** would've been faster to just cast it.

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