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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by LordKivlov

  1. 500k never done by anyone? I play with a guardian that has broken it a few times. There's no medal for it sadly, only for the 300k.


    However, I want to roll a melee alt and can't decide between sentinel and guardian. It appears that you're doing good damage, but it more looks like you're just stomping on low levels in the video. I know for a fact that guardian measures up at level 50 and scales very well for dps, especially since singularity-sweeping people is absurd and crits for 5.5k.


    Has he posted a video where he's fighting level 50s? It just really doesn't feel like sentinel measures up to anything, especially since I basically ignore their sith counter-part when I'm playing my medic.


    Toss up for me since I feel obligated to use leap and taunts to protect baddies in pugs which will lower my damage, but if sentinel just does less over all then ... I know a balance patch will (attempt) to fix it but.. hmm

  2. Honestly, if you want massive damage, go play a guardian. They out damage us in PvP in full champion gear because they're not subject to being interupted like we are. If you want good, solid damage with some utility on the side, then you play the commando.
  3. Concussion charge is your main defensive ability. Not taking cooldown reduction on it is fairly silly. You're skipping an easy 3% damage increase from Assault Specialist in favour of healing. You're not going to be able to keep yourself alive in a pvp match any easier than if you went for a 3/31/7 build nor will you have nearly as much ammo available because of parallactic combat stims.


    This would be something to roll if you wanted to maximise your commendations out of a game by getting the 75k healing, 2.5k heal crit on top of your damage commendations. doesn't provide the utility to your team a hybrid build up to trauma probes does, nor the full offensive ability a 3/31/7 build does or the healing a full healer build does.

  4. I used a rifle until about lvl 23 because I could not stand the animation for Stock Strike (slapping someone with the side of my gun, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!?). With the rifle you at least use the STOCK of the gun and do a proper stock strike.


    Anyway, I did switch out. Huge difference. No...really. Its massive and highly noticeable. Made killing mobs much eaiser and upped my PvP damage by a good 30k per match.


    Yeah, I look like a punk with a gun that is about 2/3 the size of my toon, but oh well. at least Im slayin folks in WZs now.


    Sorry for this but


    No wai, you mean using the weapon intended for your class is better than using the weapon for another class!?

  5. Pretty much. Unfortunately, our end game gear isn't Crit or surged focuses so you're going to be spending some money and time taking enhancements out of the helmet (48 surge on champ elim) and putting it into others (30k a pop).


    I personally prefer to stack power for PvE since you'll have at least 30% in decent gear and will be trading off the odd ammo regen for higher damage (since you'll hit roughly 40% if you went for crit instead and deal a few hundred less a hit). Aggro is an issue since a lot of bosses drop at least a portion of your aggro when they punt the tank and chain critting makes it difficult to guage where exactly you are on the aggro threshold.


    Alacrity should only be used for healing, never for dpsing.

  6. *sigh*


    In my very own personal opinion, avoid Alacrity like the plague. Try to get Power, Crit or Surge.


    But to be completely honest, focus on have your gear up to date (as long as it has Aim) and don't get picky about stats until you are like level 50 =)


    You want alacrity as a healer. It makes your heals faster for those "oh ****" moments.

  7. Just like the title says, why do I agro every enemy I try to sneak around? Arec is even worse then myself. I literally dismiss him so he won't agro the enemy. Do I have to get more cunning? Is that what cunning does? I always pick my stuff based on Amor and damage, cunning is usually far down on my list, if that's the problem I might need to change the way I'm picking my equipment. Lvl 21 btw


    Companions can't pull something by proximity. Only you can.

  8. I'm also curious about how people are using the AS spec in pvp. I'm usually Gunnery but I switched over like 10 levels ago and did a few Warzones. I felt like I was out of ammo more often and was doing less overall damage.


    I also don't really see where the "More Mobility" argument comes from. Sure, you're putting out some DoT damage, but you'll still have to start spamming charged bolts and/or full auto to actually kill people. Maybe I'm just stuck in the Turret mindset of Gunnery spec and I don't know how to use AS properly.


    The mobility argument comes from hammershot dealing more damage to burning targets + plasma cell dealing a decent amount of damage. You have Assault Plastique (inferior in every way to demolition round in my honest opinion because it's not AoE like sticky nade, is delayed damage and cannot be charged up or benefit from any armour penetration that grav round / ap cell brings.) and Incendiary Round to use while you're running around.


    If you're moving all the time, then you're not using one of the main reasons to go AS which is the cooldown reset on HIB from charged bolts/full auto. I did fairly good damage as an AS when I specced it but I spent a lot of my time tab targeting and incendiarying people and hammershotting to snare randoms while tossing APlastique on healers and then HIB/CBolting them. I didn't really feel like I was doing a lot, but the damage numbers were there at the end of the game because I was fudging them by spamming everyone.


    I specced back into Gunnery yesterday and have been consistently critting for 3-5k depending on level of grav round sunder and whether I have the expertise buff. It just feels so much more useful for killing healers. The only downside is when you get an intelligent melee on you that locks you out of grav round with interupt and stuns is that your movement abilities won't be as effective as they could be if you got to stack grav round and you don't have a (fairly unreliable) snare on hammershot.

  9. As a 41 Gunnery Commando, I find that I could wreck people during release week but as more and more people get to 50 and are getting geared up, they are starting to focus me a lot more and the burst damage from the geared people usually drops me in seconds.


    Hide in the corner and hope that the melee classes don't notice your or you will become a smear on the floor. Our escape mechanics are a joke and we just have to hope that we kill them before they kill us. If concussion charge is up I can usually do fine against a lone melee but if 2 or more get on me I pretty much just prepare to hit the respawn button.


    Essentially this. The current state of balance in PvP has melee absolutely wrecking targets when they get on them. With roughly 20% expertise, I had a 46 IA kill me in 2 stuns. My stun break was down so he essentially had free reign to kill me since he caught me without a teammate nearby. Even if you do live through their initial stun (leaves you at 60% hp, less if you're lower level), they have interupts and large amounts of sustained damage.


    What you need as a commando to do have an effective match in a warzone is a healer watching out for you, a good vantage point where you're less likely to be noticed and where you can knock people off of if they attack you, or a tank to baby-sit you with guard. You CAN go rambo style and kill everyone if they ignore you, but it happens less and less often as people are learning what each class is capable of and as people are gearing up.

  10. While leveling, you kind of want whatever gives you the most aim, armour and anything really. once you hit 50, you don't really have a choice for what you take. You get your single DPS set in PvE and your single DPS set for PvP.


    PvE you want power and accuracy because it will give reliable damage which makes aggro spiking less common which in will make it easier on your tank. For PvP, you want burst to kill people quickly but sadly the PvP gear has power and accuracy on it instead of crit and surge. Oh well, you still spike huge damage with accuracy/power gear on when you crit.

  11. Armormech to make gear while leveling then either biochem or cybretech when you hit 50 for something useful (unlimited medpack, persistent stims, bombs etc.).


    The gear patterns that drop from instances just aren't as good as the utility biochem or cybertech provides in the form of additional abilities/heals.

  12. Thanks for the help but do you know if assault specialist would be better than gunnery for PvP or should I focus on healing more than dps in PvP? Also the group of friends I'm playing with has a healer so I diddnt want to go to far up the medic tree


    There's a debate going on in the PvP thread. Generally it's Gunnery burns a target to the ground and ASpecialist kind of melts the target but can damage a lot of people to pressure healers. I personally prefer gunnery because I can drop a healer very quickly and consistently crit over 3k (usually 4, sometimes 4.9 if I have expertise buff) with demo round.


    That's not to say you can't hit hard with Assault Plastique, but you don't have the same kind of burst.

  13. I sit and cast Grav Round with melee hopping around me all day. As you cast the Grav Round, you auto-face the enemy. As long as you continually hammer the Grav Round button, you will never have to move, and you will auto-face the enemy the entire time.


    My entire strategy against melee is "stand here and shoot you in the *********** face".


    Those melee are retarded and bad at the game if you're casting grav round while they're in melee range. Their interupt is low cooldown and if rotated with their charge (which also interupts) and stuns, you'll never get a cast off unless you juke them.


    We do not do well against melee as gunnery, AT ALL. They're designed to stop us from doing our job and they do it very well. We kill people very quickly at range which is our job and we do it well. If you're face tanking someone, one of you is playing your class badly.


    Also, they're not EXACTLY the same. Bounty hunter's mortar volley (death from above) hits earlier than ours. This makes a significant difference because our damage is backloaded and theirs is spread out. If we manage to catch someone, it's suddenly 3k damage whereas the bounty hunter is consistently hitting you.

  14. Just did over 320k damage in a warzone. We absolutely demolish people if played right. Keep yourself on the sidelines and above your enemy and you will dominate them.


    it's less "if played right" and more if your opponents melee are a bunch of mouth breathing, dirt eating, poop eating morons. If they get some intelligent melee that go after you and lock you down then there is nothing you can do but use instant casts.

  15. Hammer Shot hits three times, once for ~25%, once for ~50% and once for ~25%. Those numbers might be wrong, but it's definitely three hits, with the middle one being the largest. It is interesting to note that the three hits for Hammer Shot appear to roll independently for avoidance, but not for the proc on Plasma Cell.


    Also, I would recommend against a Hybrid build, especially for PvE. You really want to get the top 31 point talent in the tree if you are going more than 10 points in it. The bottoms of Assault and Combat Medic force you to spend a lot of points in their related cells. But you can only have one active at a time, switching requires a 1.5s cast, so that's basically causing you to lose talent points, where as if you went up to the top of a tree you don't really have any wasted points.


    Most hybrid specs are a solo PvP kind of thing. The only real hybrid I can come up with is a Combat Medic, Gunnery build. Mostly because gunnery still benefits from Combat Support Cell. But the problem with hybrid specs is that it's easier to justify spending one more point in your primary tree, the one with the most points in it, than it is to spend a point in a secondary tree.

    Figured it was 3 and my eyes were just playing tricks on me.


    And yeah, was just curious to see the numbers from when we get parse since you'd have more activations on HIB.

  16. Since you're convinced we can't figure out how the game works without having our hands held by the devs it's clear discussing this rationally with you is impossible.


    note: TTK for the SAME player SAME gear SAME mobs different specs would eliminate all the variables except what the specs provide.


    i.e. precisely what it is you're looking for, but apparently too blind to see


    Except it doesn't account for a long PvE fight where one build could do less damage, but have better over-all ammo conservation and over that entire fight, leave you doing less hammershots and more damage in total. For shorter and burst fights (like PvP or minibosses, trash mobs etc.) it will work fine but you generally want to maximise your damage on the longer fights since trash folds like a wet paper towel and so do the mini-bosses.


    Generally why when people theory craft, they test over 5+ minute durations.

  17. It either rolls all three hits before-hand and ignores whether you actually do anything with it or not, or it's a flat proc off of the activation of the ability. It seems silly to roll on all three which is why I'm leaning towards activation proc. There's 4 (Pretty sure it's 4) chances for hammershot to proc if it is individual so you've got essentially 64% chance to snare someone but it doesn't really feel like that. Feels more like a 16% chance to proc to me, couldn't keep it up 100% of the time while running from someone spamming hammershot at them.


    I really wish they were a little more clear with things like this, or have provided some target dummies and combat parsing from the get-go to test things on. Unrelated, I would like to test a HIB oritented hybrid AS-Gunnery build for pure PvE but I can't :(

  18. The force shield does count as healing, and if specced into has no cooldown and can be put on multiple people at once. So he throws that down on everyone and then throws out his AoE heal, his HoT and other such heals and he will beast mode you in total healing done.


    Commando healing is really good but you suffer from our lack of escape mechanisms where the jedi/sith can sprint and shield themselves whenever trouble arises. You're forced to face tank them if you want to keep healing otherwise you gotta dodge around and use your instant heals to buy time between cryo/knockbacks.

  19. Grav Round, though it sounds a little annoying after a while, is fine. Like it was said above, the less flashy it is, the less it looks like we're doing something in PvP.


    I just want a fix to mortar volley. It's so hard to hit someone that's paying attention with it in PvP whereas death from above starts hitting almost immediately, ours is 1.8 seconds into the animation before it hits for the first time and the third hit is while you're casting your next ability.

  20. armor. Your weapon isnt as important when u r healing. Besides sata buffs of course.


    Tech Power makes a huge difference in both healing and damage. But for leveling, I would say armormech is the best since the gear you craft far outpaces anything you get but once you hit 50, you'll want to look at switching to biochem (Unlimited Medpack, stims that last through death etc.) or cybertech (bombs that deal 2-5k damage, stun, snare, incap, etc.)


    I got a medium armour helmet that looks fairly good (pattern drop from hard mode). I'd say it's on par with the third tier of PvP, at least with the second tier. But those bombs and medkits are way better, imho.

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