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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by LordKivlov

  1. If you touch my Eliminator set bonuses, I will murder you >:|


    Honestly, I think Gunnery flat out dominates AS for PvE dps and they're trying to push you towards that for raiding. It looks like that too with the PvP favouring AS (15% on HIB) since you get many more procs of HIB and it's your go to ability for good damage.


    Sure it lowers versatility, but I'd like to see the glaring issues with mortar volley, full auto and many such other issues fixed before they start working on set bonuses.

  2. Why on earth are there 2 points in soldier's endurance instead of heavy trooper?


    Because I forgot to put the 2 points into Parallactic Combat Stims. You want 7 in assault specialist for the ammo regen. Notice that the build doesn't have all points allocated because I rushed through it like a baddie :(


    Also, you don't hybridize because you can only have 1 ammo cell active at a time. If you put points into one but aren't using it, then those points aren't doing anything and are just a waste.


    And where is this notion that AS does more aoe damage? You do less than gunnery because APlastique is single target and sticky nade is AoE. If you mean more AoE because you can spam incediary round on multiple targets, I'm going to smack you upside the head for being terrible at math.


    If you take the 4 piece PvE set over the PvP bonus, then your HIB is free when you're in Armour Pierceing Cell and Grav Rounds crits 15% more, so cell charger on top of a free HIB makes it hard to run yourself out of ammo. It's incredibly ammo efficient and is worth wearing 4 pieces of PvE gear in PvP.

  3. I don't think anyones said AS is bad? A lot of people here would argue it's better for PvP than gunnery.


    Both specs are situational. AS shines if you're being attacked, you can still do almost as much damage as if you stood still. Gunnery shines when you're not being attacked because then you're just dumping damage on people but take a massive damage hit if a melee jumps on you because they stun and interupt and just lock you down.


    My roomate is capable of completely locking me out of grav round for an entire duel if I don't get lucky with timing my juke of his force kick. We're very very succeptable to being locked down by a melee class (especially tanks because they get the most CC).

  4. Because Full Auto has such a terrible animation timing, your first hit with it isn't until a little while into the channel and then the snare takes a quarter of a second after that to actually slow them down. You need to be full autoing them while they're still snared or they're going to be right back to face hugging you.


    What full auto needs is for the snare to be additive instead of just refreshing duration (so you can get 6 seconds out of it instead of roughly 3.5) and for the damage to hit right when your bullets first hit.

  5. I'm a valor 61 battlemaster. I've been playing assault since valor 50.


    My typical warzones (unless during my solo queue I come up against imperial premades in my server's pvp guild) consists of 11-12 medals, 400k damage and 100k heals as assault.


    The burst potential as assault is higher than gunnery. Assault plastique/charged bolts/high impact bolt combo along with dot tick from incendiary round + plasma cell is going to do more than the equivalent gunnery sticky/grav/demo hit, with the only setup being to put incendiary on the target vs 3 stacks of grav round. I dropped a 16k health operative battlemaster in 1.5 seconds this morning.


    Assault's strengths are in its mobility (it takes at least 3 instant casts + hammer shotd) before you have to cast anything, vs having to plant your feet and put out two charged bolts vs any target you switch to as gunnery. Damage ramp up is much quicker.


    Ammo concerns are alleviated via reserve powercell and the fact that hammer shot hits hard enough to be worth spamming for dot procs and snars.


    The only thing I truly miss from gunnery is stockstrike knockback for survivabillity, but assault does get much quicher recharges on reactive shield.

    Mind posting your spec? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMckZcGrbzGuRs.1 is what I've been using when I play AS however I'd like to get the opinion of someone that actually plays it regularily on whether 30s on recharge cells would be better than Degauss. I quite like the lower timer because once recharge comes up, I can ammo dump and reload without any reprocussions but the snare/root break would be handy too.

  6. You don't feel like you're doing much as an AS because targets don't die quickly (with some notable exceptions regarding buff stacking but gunnery can do that too) but you do lay out some good damage numbers. If you take advantage of charged bolts proccing your HIB and use it whenever you get a chance, then you'll do well for yourself. I do more damage on average with AS but I don't kill priority targets as quickly (which would explain why I do more damage).


    An advantage you have is the 18 second DoT. If you're losing a point, or they're winning the fight. Drop that on everyone. That gives you roughly 18 seconds worth of respawn time for reinforcements to show up while they're unable to cap. Operatives and Mercs can remove the DoT from 1 person but it's worth it if you're going to die to keep them from getting the objective.

  7. Break the CC. stun them and start running. Put a decent amount of distance so that you can snare them with full auto (which they're just going to laugh off and run up and stun you again anyways.) If they break your CC, knock them back with concussion charge. If they vanish, pull them out of stealth as fast as you can otherwise you're dead.


    You really can't do much against an operative 1v1 because they have an interupt and you're starting the fight at roughly 50% hp. If you can juke the interupt, then you may have a chance because grav rounds auto tracks so they have to run through you to get a backstab off instead of just circle strafing and hitting you from the side (backstab has a 180 degree arc).


    Pretty much if you don't have cryo, knockback and stunbreak up, you're dead unless a teammate intervenes with CC, a heal, or guard.


    Not trying to be a downer, but that's the reality of it. Unless BW gives us something that makes us immune to interupts, or reduces the lockout, everybody can lock gunnerys damage down fairly easily while still pouring huge amounts of damage on us. If you do manage to avoid the interupt, then you can kill them before they kill you if you pop a relic and an overcharge stim. They'll drop like a fly but that's entirely dependent on whether they miss the interupt or not.

  8. I can't believe a fix for this isn't in the 1.1 patch.


    There's been 50+ threads on the topic easily, and no Dev response/acknowledgement.


    Go to the PvP forum. There are incredible differences between Empire and Republic (not just class issues) that need addressing also. This is just one of many things that need fixing. (Like mortar volley not firing for 1.2 seconds and the last shot hitting a good second after it finishes channeling!)

  9. If you enjoy this type of gameplay and don't want to re-roll a Trooper try a Bounty Hunter Powertech specced'd into Shieldtech and Pyrotech, exactly its style of gameplay.


    Was considering it so I didn't have to play the same story line, but Sith are a bunch of weiners and completely over-played. Ilum has like 1 republic for every 6 sith on my server.

  10. this made me laugh... this is how you tell the good from the bad.


    A good bounty hunter quickly utilizes another ability but a bad one stands there staring at you until they can do it again. Every day there are more and more and they are almost all bads.


    Honestly, a lot of the time they just stand there perplexed at what happened. The interupts in this game are almost unnoticable, especially the ones that match other abilities.


    Not defending them, but spamming lightning fingers at someone and then interupting them and stunning them with all the exact same animation is, frankly, retarded.

  11. Mercenary/Commando only has high DPS if your opponents don't play well.


    Interupt Grav/Tracer and watch them stand there for 4 seconds. I stand there because there really is nothing else for me to use that wouldn't just be pissing ammo away when I could reposition myself while hammershotting in that time. (assuming sticky nade is on CD).

  12. No. The one thing that keeps me using Grav Rounds is knowing that tracer missiles is a give away to when the ability is being used. Grav Rounds sounds like someone is violating a squirrel.


    We must suffer together, brother.

  13. You'll want to only put 3 points in CM to get the crit. Parallactic Combat Stims is a far better talent than Cell Capacitor.



    Yeug, that's a bad build. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIkbRrdRkczZcM.1


    Do not hybridize. Gunnery benefits greatly from APCell and Assault from Plasma cell. Hybridizing just weakens both specs. You can play turret with Assault just fine, you spam full auto and charged bolts to get as many HIB off as you can. Gunnery, you spam full auto, grav rounds and HIB/Demo whenever they're up.


    Choose your flavour.

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