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Posts posted by LordKivlov

  1. The Grav Round and Tracer Missile firing sound needs to be toned down but the impact "thud" can be left how it is. I didn't really notice it until a Shadow in my guild got his commando to 50 and started pvp/raiding with us on that character but my god our class is obnoxious.


    He uses the same opening rotation as I do so the start of the fight is pretty grossly loud between Grav Round and Full Auto. Wasn't bad when it was just me because everyone tuned it out, but it's hard to tune out 2 assault cannons.

  2. Pretty sure bosses only have 8% deflection. I've never missed a grav round and I *may* have missed a few full auto ticks or HIB's (not really sure on that one) with over 108% tech accuracy.


    Everything for T3, battlemaster/rakta, has 51 accuracy on it so I would assume they're hinting at later bosses requiring more accuracy but we won't be able to pin down the perfect number to use until we get a combat log.

  3. I roll with 198 expertise and the rest of my gear is rakata and don't have any troubles living or dealing damage. I think it's more of a personal preference since expertise is a flat increase to damage, but the extra aim provides a flat increase and critical increase. It feels like I'm a little more gimpy when I put on my pvp gear to increase expertise. Can theory craft all you want but until we can actually test our numbers, won't know for sure.
  4. I have how I behave which is by an entirely different set of rules to what the general rules are (general being average of what I observe people doing since I started MMOs in 1999). I try not to be a dick and am not surprised or upset when people are. If someone asks something like what you did, I describe what people do in general and why it's justified.


    Taking the alacrity, though is a dirtbag move, is fine in a PUG because he could use the aim upgrade and there were no pre-determined rules on loot so it falls back to "It's a pug, roll on everything you can and will use".

  5. Because you really need that extra 13% time to interupt a tracer/grav spammer, right? Leave commando/merc alone, they're balanced for how many ways there are to break LoS and how often you can interupt/stun/interupt chain them.


    They poop on you in the open and you poop on them near pillars.

  6. I did read it. There is no alacrity involved which means it's fair game for any DPS, therefore default back to "Will I equip this? Yes? Roll on it".


    As for swapping out the alacrity mod, that was a pretty scumbag thing to do since it is a healer item. Just so happened it could be changed but again, defaults back to PUG rules.


    Unless you establish before the run some sort of rule set for loot like don't roll for companions unless no one needs it or obvious healer (alacrity) should go to healer then there is no argument.


    (This is coming from someone that will pass on items even if they're an upgrade because I don't want to be a jerk to this random stranger I will never see again).

  7. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McZRIkrRrdRzczZ0c.1


    What do you need so much endurance for? Is this for PvP? If it is then it should be 3/31/7 for parallactic combat stim in assault specialist. It's infinitely better than Cell Capacitor.


    If it's for PvE, you're missing accuracy which makes 98% accuracy harder to attain (Unless you wear rakata/battlemaster which ALL has 51 accuracy on it for some unknown retarded reason). PvE you want 105% accuracy to close the defense chance, though it isn't possible to get that much accuracy without lowering your surge/power/crit levels so not worth it and just aim for the 98% level.

  8. Not always true. If you are guarding the doors in Void Star, you cannot avoid it if the guy is sitting straight on. You'll get hit all day, unless you want to go run away from that which you are guarding and let him have the door.

    The pillar is fairly close and melee with no ranged have leaps to get back to the door and melee with range have range to interupt.


    Use your situational awareness. There's times when you can use LoS to your advantage, and other times when the commando has the upper hand like when the bomb is planted.

  9. I can match your dmg, exceed it normally, and do it while moving! Oh, and not being able to be interrupted is why I do more dmg than you. Oh and if more than 1 person is on me im not automatically screwed. Oh, and I see bigger critz. Oh, and my armor looks better. Oh, and I got grappling hook.


    What terrible commandos do you play with that you outdamage? The only time a vanguard contests me on damage in PvP is when they have a pocket healer and I queued solo.


    Not saying it doesn't happen, just saying it's uncommon for the tanky DPS to come near the ranged glass cannons.

  10. Vanguards are tanks and short range DPS

    Commandos are healers and long range DPS.


    They're not in the same category so you can't do a direct comparison like WHICH IS BETTER?


    Which is better? Both are good and it depends on your playstyle. Are you a melee whore or do you like to sit in the back and FIRE ZE MISSLES (grav rounds).

  11. I hear on good authority - my brother - that it isn't particularly interesting. I hear it essentially a 2-button spam fest. I'm not concerned with all the debate over how OP or not it is.


    I simply don't like the idea of a class built around dpsing with 2 abilities. Arcane mage anyone?


    If your brother is spamming tracer/grav then he's doing it wrong. You use grav round to proc full auto and power up HIB/Demo round. If you're prioritising grav over those 3 abilities then you're playing the class ineffectively.


    Also, he's missing out on smart use of mortar volley (harder than DFA to use), plasma grenade and sticky grenades. They're situational abilities that can let you drop an entire point/door to half HP very quickly.


    Grav Rounds doesn't need to be nerfed for the very fact that it's a casted ability. Every warzone has PLENTY, like god damn metric ****-tons of pillars and corners to abuse Line of Sight. If you're getting melted by grav rounds, then you're bad at utilising your terrain and deserve to be chain crit for 2-3k (sometimes 4 on new level 50's!) every 1.5 seconds.

  12. "a lot of work went to insure troopers done right"


    Full auto

    Mortar Volley

    Trauma Probe


    All bugged. Badly. Since forever.


    Grav Round hits after the channel so you can demo round (which hits instantly) before grav round hits. Makes you waste CDs if you were planning on demo rounding to insure the kill.


    Not saying we're bad. Infact, we are the most balanced class. We unload damage in the open, and do less damage if your opponents are intelligent (LoS, interupt). Look at something like a guardian, sentinel or shadow which just unload damage all the time with the only drawback being melee.

  13. HIB is awful sounding, the animation isn't too bad.

    Regen/Reload is okay, you poke at your gun, putting in some cheat codes for ammo and health.

    Mortar Volley and Full Auto are just straight up broken and need to be fixed.

    Grav Rounds is fine, personally. Looks like the others, has a nice thud when it hits but the charge up sound is kind of irritating.

  14. Not true. Bounty Hunters heat system regens 4% faster, and has a pool 4% larger. Everything that costs 1 cell, creates 8 heat. Therefor 12 cells = 96 heat. This is not the case. They have 100. As for the regen, I forget the exact numbers but their regen would equate to us having 0.625 ammo regen at the highest bracket, where we have 0.60.


    That plus the animation delays, and lack of pushbacks are pretty silly when all added together.


    No it does not. That's bad math on somebodies part. The game calculates it the exact same for both classes, we just have a different GUI. Just look at missle blast or w/e it's called. 25 heat and ours is 3 ammo.


    The game rounds for UI, not for actual calculations.

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