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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by LordKivlov

  1. No. Don't ever believe this. If someone tells you this (male or female no judging) they are lying to make you feel good. Poor guys getting lied to, of course the size of the gun matters >.>


    Wow. That's what they said about the Noisy Cricket in MIB. Proved this statement wrong, that thing was wicked.

  2. 1st of all, my highest hitting ability in a wz crits for 3.6k as assault so the "burst" dmg of both specs is pretty much a wash. Where gunnery trumps assault is in two places. One gunnery is much more reliable on consistant dps fights, the resource management in gunery isnt a lot better than assault but its good enough that the longer the fight goes on the wider the dps difference will be. Second is that in a stationary situation gunnery will always come out on top simply because gunnery's castable abilities hit harder than assault's. However, where assault shines is in movement situations. Dont get me wrong, the dps u can pull on a movement fight, with either spec, is not good at all. The only time you could break 200k damage done in a fight with constant movement is if there were tons of mobs and you use tons of incindiary rounds. Which of course if your doing that you are doing something terribly wrong. In any case the small dps that incindiary, plastque, impact bolt and your shot ability have is marginally better than gunnery. So, what does this mean basically? It means that when it comes to any kind of situation where you have to constantly switch targets or move away / toward something the choice of which is better in pve will not be so cut and dry. This is why dual talenting would be a good thing for bioware to add *cough* people *cough*. For the meantime i would stick with gunnery for pve unless you pvp a lot in which case you will be able to make assault work for pve just fine. As gear scales more gunnery will become much more viable, but right now its a wash since movement is such a big part of any mmo pve.

    I would believe you if you provided a screenshot, but otherwise I'm guessing you had the Expertise buff and crit someone that was fully sundered to zero armour (Guardian sunder stacks with each other and Grav Rounds for a lot of mitigation). I easily crit for that much with expertise, but counting that against people without expertise is silly since it negates each other.

  3. That was pointed at xpert. Grav Round armour pen + 25% damage increase + AP Cell will make it always do far more damage to a single target. [edit] Nvm. APlastique doesn't even AoE. No way it's better in any way.


    True points on keeping pressure up. However, as commando healer, I haven't really been put into a scenario where I'm pressed the entire time to keep everyone out of deficiet because the heals in this are all fairly ammo efficient so long as you don't straight up spam Medical Probe. I'm not sure with other healers, but I do know that they also have cheap spammable heals to help keep everyone out of deficiet.


    We'll have to see once there are organized matches because it currently just seems like if you can't keep them up, then you can't keep them up. People die when I'm healing them because they get focus fired and there's no tank to drop a taunt or guard on them, not because everyone is being pressured. With a tank running around protecting people, it's almost laughable to heal people in a pug so I don't expect, with healers working together, that it'll be a huge issue to heal through plasma cell + incendiary round on multiple people without taxing your resource too much.


    But still, just looking at the numbers on abilities, and playing with AS Commandos, just doesn't seem like it out performs gunnery. Maybe in some aspects, but then the discussion could be (partially) dismissed as they perform different roles. Gunnery being a priority target killer and AS beinga general pain to everything by taxing the support classes. The balancing is such that everything does good damage, just a matter number crunching now to optimize everything.


    Also, now that I think about it. I guess Plasma Cell would proc more on hammer shot since it's split into 3 attacks. However, that's the only benefit it gains as it still is roll to crit on each one which will average out to be the same as if all of them crit off the same roll chance.

  4. Well I guess that settles it then. AS commando's in PvP provide meaningless damage are only good for duels. Kiting is only good for dueling you see. LordKivlov said so therefore it is true. Seriously though, I am teasing you, but you got to admit you kind of deserve it by making such a silly statement without any tactical reasons, relatable scenarios’, or math to back it up. I am also curious as to your reference that the split up damage does not have individual chance to proc. I'm not saying your wrong about that. I'm saying that I have no way to definitively knowing right now and you haven't provided sources that shows you do. I'm not trying to start an e-peen battle with you. I'm just saying that you obviously have an opinion, but we're more interested in how you back your opinion up.




    Your main damage output with AS, as suggested by most AS players that support the spec that I've talked to, is your DoTs. They even admit that AS is meant to slowly burn your target down which is all fine and dandy in a 1v1 situation where there's no healer to nullify the effect of your DoTs (since they don't pack enough damage to outpace a healers ammo/force/whathave you).

    When this comes into a team setting, you're going to be spreading your damage out on multiple targets instead of trying to burn one target down since, while mobile which is the apparent selling point of AS, you don't exactly burst for a lot. Your main burst is your nade which is the same as a demolition round, just AoE and for less damage on a single target.


    From that, most of your damage is going to be padded on multiple targets, which if they have less than ideal heals, is great but the defense of it is 'skilled players will **** on gunnery'. Well, a skilled healer is going to negate your DoTs no problem.


    Another defense of it was that you can just jump behind and LoS the gunnery because they have an activation time. True. But that's assuming your gunnery commando has downs. As layed out (above? or in another thread). We have plenty of ways to keep a target in our sights to get a full auto and a couple grav rounds off. (By plenty, I mean 2,cry and the snare from full auto/conc charge. CC is not our strong point).


    I'd go into numbers but Kenmuir has already done it a few times.


    The mobility thing AS gives you is really an illusion. You do infact do more damage than gunnery does if gunnery has to move, but once I get a chance to stop moving and shoot, I'm going to leave you far behind in terms of killing important targets (healers) and laying out damage. By not standing still, you're ditching one of your greatest talents in AS which is resetting cooldown on HIB and making it free. That should be taken advantage of as much as possible.


    I'm not saying AS is bad. You do do a lot of damage, but if you play gunnery at range and use terrain if you can, or distance if you can, you will dominate AS. I don't do as much damage with AS, but it is still a fun spec.


    Edit: Assault Plastique does not outburst Demo round. That assertion is silly. The only time it does more damage is when you use DR without any GR stacks.

  5. ok thanks for clearing it out! :)


    That isn't to say you can't wear tech. It makes you beefier but (I don't know what the 2nd set bonus is) if the set bonus helps you in the slightest, might not be entirely bad to wear it if you like to be in the thick of it instead of off to the side pumping out damage.

  6. The split up damage does not add more chances for it to proc.


    AS is a dueling class for kiting and generally making yourself look good in PvP by doing nothing. You do a lot of damage but none of it is really meaningful unless you're standing there rotating CB/FA with HIB which if you are, why not gunnery?

  7. I rolled normal human size (2) and I look silly in the best looking commando armour. When you talk to the Red Squad, the double shoulderpad, buttcape armour the sergeant is wearing is our PvE chest piece and anyone but the giant (3) looks doofy in it.


    Everyone looks doofy in our PvP chest piece, no matter the size.

  8. I'm assault and when im vs a bounty hunter back shootin mo fo or a gunner in a duel i find the nearest pillar and play pickaboo while you sit there trying to figure out how youre going to get me off that turrain. Anyone who is ranged and not a cast bar humper will do the same. Of course gunnery is better at a stand still but i am not a target dummy i wont stand there and let u shoot at me all day. This is pvp not the old west.


    Okay, so you're playing peek-a-boo with people that are retarded. If your target is doing **** like that, switch targets to someone that is easier to hit. Gunnery is far better in PvP. If you want to duel, go AS and then kite and LoS and do all that **** that you can't do in a 8v8 match where there's not much to LoS with near objectives. If they've left the objective to avoid damage, mission accomplished. They're not doing their job, so stop wasting time with them and attack someone who is actually a threat.


    Simply put, Gunnery is superior in almost every way. The only thing AS has is if you're forced to move, you can put a ****** DoT on multiple people to make your damage numbers look like you're doing something effective. If you feel like you're doing something because your numbers are so high, it's because you have 2 spammable DoT's and aren't doing anything to actually bring targets down.


    I specced healer for a while and patch healing multiple people isn't an issue in the least. It's when someone dumps damage that I have to stop watching everyone else and try to keep that person alive.

  9. You know you're not the only one out there doing damage and that the build (while I disagree with Alacrity on anything but a pure healer) layed out is a utility build instead of a DPS build. You stack Grav Rounds because not only does it increase everybodies damage, but it also stacks with Jedi Knight and Gunslingers armour reduction abilities.


    Sundering someone 5 times quickly while you're tossing heals out on friendlies will benefit your team immensely. It's not your ideal healer and it's definitely not your ideal damage but it should fill a support-dps role well.

  10. You'll want to keep it in the 8-12 tier as much as possible. There will be times where you can't, when your tank takes spike damage or everyone is taking damage and you'll begin to drop low. Trooper has to balance abilities with Hammershot (and cooldowns that make abilities free) to maximise your effectiveness.


    You do have Reserve Powercell at 42 which will make your next cast free which helps and Recharge Cells if you do have to ammo dump. If you know you're going to have to drop that low, I'd advise using Recharge Cells before you run out of ammo because it will bump you back into a higher tier and yield you more ammo in the long run.

  11. Except you're ditching DPS stats to gain Alacrity which is going to hurt you way more than getting full auto off faster will benefit you.


    Secondly, you're limited by ammo anyways, so getting the ability off faster isn't benefiting you any unless you're doing a full ammo dump which you won't be doing very often.

  12. There is a fairly popular pvp hybrid CM/Gunnery spec that uses grav round and trauma probe. This build ignores the gunnery skills that modify full auto and just focuses on modifying grav round with reduced ammo cost, two stacks of the armor debuff and the damage shield.


    It looks something like this and is extremely effective in a good player's hands:




    You will be swapping ammo cells back and forth depending on your focus, and in combat support cell you can switch to a fast free burst using charged bolts when supercharged.


    First responder is a waste unless you're going full healer. Alacrity is meant for a pure healer, not for DPS.

  13. What I mean is, without the bonus damage from a grav vortex it does less damage than grav round and still does less damage than full auto based on the info I see in skill tree calculators. However, from what I am reading it sounds like the description on websites is incorrect and it does more damage.


    Yeah, the website is off. It's higher damage by default than Grav Round and just gets much better with the 25% proc from x5.

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