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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by LordKivlov

  1. You don't use charged bolts at all in gunnery (if you're doing it, you're doing it wrong). It's mainly for Assault Specialist to proc a free HIB or for combat medic to use with overcharged cells if their healing isn't requiring a lot of ammo (trash pulls).


    So in short, yes, it's a very important skill for assault specialist. Also, if you're using explosive round then you're doing it wrong as well. It's 3 ammo for mediocre damage. Not worth it. If it's on your bar past 20 then you're being incredibly ammo inefficient.

  2. Who said Commandos are UP? I've only heard endless whining about mercs/commandos being too strong. Of course, the people complaining we're too strong don't know what an interupt is but still. We're fine, we do good damage if we're ignored and we're hard to kill if we get jumped and can do decent damage with our instant casts while running.
  3. True the crit and surge is a little better, however you also hit large diminishing returns once you have 2 pieces of gear with surge on it. The third piece only gives roughly 6% instead of 8% and 9% of the first 2 pieces. Anything past the third piece is just wasting stat points.


    As for the crit issue, I am a firm believer that you should be wearing 2 piece PvE eliminator set bonus in PvP. It gives charged bolts and grav rounds (your most used abilities) 15% crit, making stacking crit unappealing. Power and accuracy doesn't hit nearly as much DR as surge does, and still less than crit.


    However, the amount of gear you do get is absolutely atrocious so it's not too bad of an idea to pick up gear with stats you do want and take the mods out of them and put them into the gear you do want it in. I took apart my champion gloves to put the stats into my tionese to keep my 4 piece set bonus since the t1 gloves weren't up to snuff without the item level 56 mods.

  4. Really?


    Is it that bad? Seems like in this build you are taking advantage of strong heals (only missing the instant heal) and taking advantage of grav shots's crit ammo return and other solid dps abilities.


    If you go full combat medic.. What exactly is your dps rotation in pvp?


    Posted from iPhone

    Your DPS rotation for pvp as a combat medic is either Hammershot x100 with sticky and plasma nades if you're lazy and don't want to change your hotkeys around (like I am) or you pop supercharged cells and throw a kolto bomb down for the 10% damage shield and then throw out charged bolts and full auto.


    You don't really have a damage rotation because your damage is secondary to your healing. You need to keep your ammo high just incase you need to begin spamming heals. I mainly spam hammershot because it hits for roughly 500-800 depending how armoured people are.

  5. As a Gunnery Commando approaching 50, I'd really appreciate it if someone could list the set bonuses for both the Combat Tech and Eliminator sets, or else explain how I can find this out for myself without buying a piece of gear.


    Eliminator is your set. DO NOT BUY COMBAT TECH AS A COMMANDO.

  6. You can only get away with it as a medic and even then that's pushing it. Medic should be tossing out damage if healing isn't tough (which it isn't, except on bosses or some notably difficult pulls) and you can't do that with a blaster rifle unless you're spamming hammershot. Plus, you don't get alacrity on BRs.


    Learn to love your cannon. You need it equipped to maximise efficiency.

  7. So, I just noticed that not a ton of our skills actually requires the use of an Assault Cannon. The only real stand out items is Charged Bolts (which is replaced by Grav Bolts) and Hail of Bullets (which seems inferior to Mortar Volley clearly, and even Pulse Cannon or Plasma Grenade in specific situations).


    So I wanted to ask the group, am I missing something? Is the same Barrel in a moddable Assault Cannon and Blaster Rifle do the same damage? Is there any other core abilities I am missing?


    Thanks for your help!


    Every class gets their own weaponry. Ours is the assault cannon. There isn't any difference with the blaster rifle (maybe less dmg and more endurance on rifle, haven't really looked) besides enabling the use of all our good abilities.

  8. Going to watch them in a sec, but vanguards and commandos have entirely different positioning so learning from a vanguard will, in general, be a bad thing unless it's something general like 'use this box to break LoS'. (Since I've noticed I can fire over some boxes, but there is a few chest high ones that break it completely).
  9. The thing I've noticed is that, even in Combat Medic, you can still put out some respectable damage numbers in times where the tank isn't taking much abuse. If the tank's at full when Supercharge is ready, crank some Charged Bolts into the boss. So long as no one dies, no one minds if you DPS too.


    This. Do what this guy does. You're incredibly ammo efficient with charged cells up so throwing out damage to help kill a boss before enrage timer hits is always useful. I see so many healers standing around at full resources when nobody is taking damage instead of doing something to help the group out. People full HP but low on ammo? HAMMERSHOT TIME. It does respectable damage and is better than twiddling your thumbs.

  10. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIkbRrdRkczZcMb.1


    Reasons I use this is because if you can't keep yourself alive with an advanced probe + medical probe + techoverridden probe then you're going to die anyways. Don't give up damage and an amazing ammo regen talent to make your heals slightly better.


    Not worth it to lose demo round for kolto bomb. It heals for 1000 at most noncrit in full healer spec so it'll heal even less for you.

  11. PvE set bonus (15% crit on grav rounds) makes crit an unattractive stat to stack once you've broken 30% as it suffers from DR more than power does. This makes the whole argument a lot more one sided, IMHO.


    This isn't like WoW, you won't be pulling crazy huge crit rates. The highest I've managed to get in mostly t2/t3 gear is 40% when I go CM or AS because of the extra 3% from not using APCell (I'm pretty sure that's the buffed value too). You want reliable damage after you break the 33% crit rate because once cell charger procs, it begins the 3 second timer which won't happen till your 3rd hit anyways. Apply the PvE bonus to that 33% and now you're rolling in critical chance and if you try to stack crit, you're lacking the oomph that other commandos will have if they balance their stats better.

  12. I was under the impression that respec costs reset back to zero once a week on Tuesday like most of the other weekly resets.


    I respeced tuesday after raiding back to combat medic and it wasn't reset. I'm like 99% sure it's after 100k it drops down to 1300


    Also, with that hybrid spec specifically, you're missing all the main reasons why you would want AS. HIB is everything for assault just like full auto/demo is everything to gunnery. They proc off your main spam ability. In this spec, you don't get either of the big procs you want besides charged barrel and if you're rotating properly, it generally wont be at full 5/5 anyways. Especially so once you have 4 PVE set bonus, because it becomes 0 ammo cost to use HIB with APCell on so there is no reason to charge it to 5 before using it. Use it as it comes up.

  13. Respec costs reset after the 100k respec.


    But going up gunnery any amount without going the full way for all the benefits is gimping both trees. Assault specialist revolves around plasma cell. Gunnery around APCell. Not taking the ammo return when you're doing anything involving grav ROUNDS (it returns ammo from ROUNDS and full auto) is silly.

  14. If you're using hammershot for more than patch healing while you're low on ammo or people are high enough HP and not in danger, then you're doing it all wrong. We're ammo efficient with our heals when you rotate bacta infusion every time it's up and use adv probe every time it's up to make medical probe free.


    I only ever get out healed by the sage in my guild because he spams shields on everybody (3k worth of healing for free, no cooldown on anyone that isn't him) and actively heals everyone where as I tend to ender derp mode and hammershot people because it hits undergeared opponents for 800 damage and only heal if there is a large fight going on where that 1 extra person living could make a difference. The more stealthy you can make your heals (Standing extra close to the fight and not using your giant green laser) the better.

  15. 3.5k every 1.5 seconds from range is some pretty freaking serious firepower.


    True. However the person being hit, if they're level 50, usually take less damage than that and can pop an expertise stim to counter the one you just used. Now you're dealing around 2k crits against 17k hp + shields. Gl killing them before you run out of ammo.


    Killing lowbies is easy, takes 3 GCD and they're gone because they don't have the same defensive abilities as another 50.

  16. and here come the Trolls


    As a trooper myself, you make us all look bad by posting this and claiming to be 'the most elite BH on your server'. You're bad. Nothing more than that. You're just bad. Also, facing 3 level 45's is like kicking 3 puppies whereas facing a level 50 can be anything from kicking a puppy (recently hit 50) to fighting an elephant with a stick (Sentinel, geared AND skilled, guardian, another trooper etc.)


    Any, and I mean ANY level 50 guardian, DPS or tank spec, would **** on you if you were DPS. You may win slowly because you'll just spam heals on yourself (healers are godly 1v1, if you didn't know) but that doesn't change that you're awful.


    This video is insulting.

  17. the highest ive crit with my level 50 shadow is 3.3k thats with trinket also hes got 6 peace champion set also hes weak as hell compaiered to that 9k wth


    There is no 6 'peace' champion unless you mean you have 6 pieces of champion pvp gear, which woopie, you're still not in full epics or are a terrible spec if you're doing ****** with a shadow. Find a good shadow and emulate them, they're by no means weak.

  18. Problem here is the people who get done by these guys have half their abils on CD.


    Last time this happened I got straight back up, stunned & choked then use shockwave & smash to take half his health back off him.


    To hit these crits he's almost certainly using stims & relics/adrenals. When someone is using the same stuff back its not that bad.


    And no I'm not an operative and really couldn't care less about them. Troopers are way worse to fight.

    So you counter one classes insane damage with your own insane damage ability? GG.

    Sweep (I'm assuming Smash is the counter-part) is absolutely insane. 130% increase damaged, 100% crit chance. It's gimmicky as hell but that's almost as lame as operatives.


    I'm also not calling for this nerf because one operative **** on me. I'm calling for it because every 40+ operative that is worth their oxygen is capable of this. This isn't like the few sentinels out there that are wrecking people because they're geared AND skilled. These are skiless backstab spammers that are tearing through targets. It's like Tracer/Grav spam, only you can't lock the operative out of their damage except by killing them or knowing where they are to pull them out of stealth. Even out of stealth, they're scarey.


    As for the troopers are worse to fight. Have you tried interupt? Oh you have? Did you know Juggernaughts/Guardians can lock a BH/Trooper out of grav round permanently, or reduce their damage to pitiful amounts of they get lucky and juke a kick? That class is countered by use of interupts and your tanks doing their job. What counters this ****? Lightning fast reaction time on your healer and tank to switch guard and drop a shield on you. Not the same in the least. While similar, you can breath gasoline all day and still kick a trooper because your interupt is off GCD so he has no idea when to attempt to juke the kick.

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