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Everything posted by Freor

  1. Really wish we had damage meters I have her in the armor penetration mode, figured that's better for general gameplay, but for tough elites the other mode might be better. Maybe I should record battles and take time lol
  2. In general, 4 levels difference seems to be the max you can have to still have reasonable chance to land attacks/interupts etc. I tried Stark 5 levels below on first toon, nothing really landed and couldnt interupt anything. Gained one level and it made all the difference.
  3. I think guildmate (scoundrel) just asked about the same mob today. I assume this one is in that small cave? I remember I did the fight with Nadia (needed Tharan for one fight in Voss), but had both of us in decent gear (read: around 42-44ish blues at level 45). From what I remember the mob hit hard, but didnt have that much hp. So it went down before neither of us died. I'd try the kiting already suggested, and also the no-dot thing I mentioned earlier. If those fail, you could give a full-on dps approach a go too.
  4. 10k hp for a level 48 does sound a bit low. Cant remember a mob by that name by heart, since it's on Voss I most likely have it frapsed, so can give some advice from another balance sage point of view if i find that. Edit: Ah, not part of the class quests - no fraps, sorry You said you tried with Tharan, did you use dots? Try without, so Holiday can do a long interupt and you can use the time to heal.
  5. Seen multiple requests for this, certainly something that should be easy to implement and would make lots of people happy, being able to take part in more content without fighting non-challenging gray mobs. /signed.
  6. Moving would be cool, or at least being able to pick where they are. Or at very least put them in spots that would make sense! Only have consular with full 5 companions, and the situation for us: - Qyzen (1st companion, the lizard) is placed in engine room, and stays there despite a certain convo where he mentions being forced to travel in cargo hold since people dont trust/like his race. - Tharan, the techguy/medic, is also downstairs, in a cargo bay I think it is. Also has some technical devices there, so it fits somewhat. If only he would move around and do something with those. - Zenith is in the meeting room, dont like him at all but I think it also fits for a "diplomat" pretty ok. - Iresso is on the bridge, doing nothing. Guess the bridge is nice for female consulars tho, Iresso being the LI for them. For males, I dunno, for a trooper I could imagine him being somewhere else cleaning his guns/equipment or something. - Nadia, our padawan, is in the medbay (!). Would be so much better to have her somewhere else meditating / doing lightsaber practise etc. Not to mention romance in medbay is a bit meh (for males). - - - Some sort of daily/weekly quests with them would be very cool as well. For a consular, go hunt something with Qyzen (not wookies tho!), get some rare materials for Tharan, go training with Nadia and so on. Add some randomness there (random/changing hunting targets, different kinds of trainings) and it would add nice variety to the daily Ilum/Belsavis (and coming Corellia) quests.
  7. Both the jedi classes (and i assume Siths as well) already have padawans, all they should do is add the ability to teach them (and customize their skills/role in the process). Would fit very well with the story. Can easily see similar mechanic for a trooper/agent teaching a new recruit (could also be one of their existing crew, dunno their stories). I'm sure they could add something for smugler as well.
  8. If by "story" you mean additional conversation options, then yes, reseting the mission might work. That only works if you havent completed it yet of course, ie you still have something like "return to your ship" in questlog for that quest. Try the reset in that case.
  9. You might want to give a bit more details (use spoiler tags if needed), pretty hard to figure out what exactly it is that you did/want undone. Assuming it's some quest that gave you choice to either fight or negotiate or something, there's the "Reset" button you can use to reset the mission (have to be outside of it's area if it's instanced) to it's initial state (some missions "change name" during them though, so in that case it resets to the start of the state you are currently at).
  10. Maybe credits are not the best conversion, but how about legacy xp? Yeah you'd still have to avoid outleveling on first toon till 30ish, but would have a very nice use for the legacy system right there
  11. Could be fun. Anything more to do with your companion(s) at 50 would be welcome. Not sure it has to be solo content, but something like this would sure bring some variety to gameplay as well
  12. Never been possible afaik. You either die and switch when not in fight, or use the vanish thing shadows have.
  13. That's already in game, but for a reason I can't understand not enabled by default. There's a setting "Enable companion comparative tooltip" somewhere in the settings, put that on. (there are some bugs that cause certain weapons and offhands for example to not show the tooltip, but that's another story).
  14. Would be very nice if it's possible to implement. Workaround to help the issue somewhat would be to make them move lot faster when you order them to follow (or was it "passive"), as it is they move so slowly that the AoE usually still hits.
  15. The camera sure could use some love. Not game-breaking for me, but have died few times running off cliff etc when the camera has decided to leave me outside the screen and focus somewhere above me Also would really be cool to have option to disable the, uhh, auto-rotate/auto-follow that changes the view angle back to behind your character whenever you release mouse. Makes kiting so much more pain.
  16. Got my fight frapsed, have to check when at home. From what I remember though, key thing (as with any boss really) is interupt. Think she only had one major attack, interupt that and have Tharan around to heal you and you shouldnt have any problems, the fight has even been nerfed down a lot from my first encounter on other sage. If you feel you're taking too much dmg, kite her around a bit to let Tharan heal, use force wave to gain distance and so on. And lastly, unless you need it for extra interupt, have Force Lift available in case you are about to die. Just lift her, heal up and try again - no need to die.
  17. Well, tbh, same thing with many other features. Crafting/modding comes to mind. It's brilliant pre-50, but currently in a really bad state for endgame use. That's getting changes now though I really hope they expand the idea/use of companions as well. Giving us a chance to pick their role (would make so much sense story-wise for the padawans of consular/knight, but would sure be cool for others as well), giving them more use for endgame, expand stories etc... they'd have something very unique to compete with other games out there/coming soon. And your part of "unpolished diamond" is so spot on, apart from picking their role all of that works while leveling, but stops at 50. Seeing how it could be makes it all more annoying
  18. Doh Completely forgot that heh. Good to hear the OP got it solved now though!
  19. Any plans to add more use/interaction/stuff to do with companions after level 50/10k affection? - - Was very nice to hear the crafting system/professions getting updated, specially the promised usefulness at level 50. What about companions, another of the unique things in swtor? Yeah there are dailies, but just like with crafting currently, the difference between their use pre-50 to 50 is pretty huge.
  20. I went with the defence route I think I mentioned earlier. Only just started ops/hms so neither of us have that good gear yet. Regardless, as dps (balance) sage, I can do all dailies with her cept the two champions in Belsavis HC2 (and HC4s ofc). That said, I really do wish she could be a healer (as optional stance).
  21. Check your quest-log (the whole page, not just the list on right) again, he really should give you the quest. Two, actually, if I remember right. Either going to Tatooine or Alderaan, naturally you should pick Tatooine first. Same with Taris and Nar Shaddaa earlier. If there really is no class quest and you did the whole holoconvo, I'd fill a ticket.
  22. Related: Why does the "flaggin to pvp in 10 seconds 9 seconds 8 seconds ... you are now flagged" has to be shown in every single chat window?
  23. Endgame definitely needs something more than new set of gear (and ops) every few months. How to do it here I dont know. It could be something more player-driven (pvp coming to mind at first) and/or random, but hard to say. I'm used to the "do pve to get good gear to compete in pvp" route, which some don't like at all and that swtor has avoided by the pvp gear sets. Since that choice also creates "two different endgames" I really dont know how to make it work. Player-driven endgame stuff that doesnt necessarily involve pvp? I hope they are creative Edit: Speaking of non-story stuff that is. Afaik they are continuing the class stories every now and then, but if the difficulty and time they require stays the same, they get consumed super fast so needs something more too.
  24. Anything more to do with companions after level 50/10k affection would be nice It's nice to see they are making crafting/modding (the other unique thing in swtor) more useful/better. Would really love to see the same done with companions, considering it's something they advertised a lot and is something other MMOs don't have, not to this extend. Quests, interaction, more combat use, anything!
  25. Level, advanced class, spec and general gear level? Lot easier to give tips if you give those. About using LoS: it's something you have to learn by doing. In Stark's case, you have to move away from LoS as soon as you see him starting the attack. Sometimes the multi-rock thing still hits - have to be fast. About the difficulty. To freely quote one of the BW devs: "if you find yourself constantly dying, it's a good indication your gear is lacking". That, or not using your tools right. Why they are "difficult" is due to majority wanting some challenge. Stark definitely does not require a group, but does require you to be decently geared and know your class. And after having done some operations and HM FPs it's clear that they also prepare you for those somewhat. There's lots of good advice in this and couple other similar threads, I strongly advice you to read them if you havent already. If still in trouble give your ac/spec etc and I'm sure you can get some more tips.
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