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Everything posted by Freor

  1. Something that has started to bother me, is that at least some of the storyline bosses (have experience from playing sage to Voss and Guardian to Taris) are way too easy to beat, even if being below their level. Since these bosses tend to be the super evul siths/traitors/etc that you have chased through the planet/multiple planets, it's a bit... unrewarding to have them fall in literally 30 seconds and never going below 75% health yourself. Some of the best and most rewarding/fun fights I've had: On the other hand, for example these have been laughably easy: Reading the forums I've seen people complaining about same thing. There are however also those who struggle with these fights for whatever reason. Since BW has obviously taken the approach to make the content suited for the average player (and that's just fine, more players in game = good for everyone), making them harder would obviously upset quite many. What I'd like to suggest is balancing the bosses so that testing would show them to give nice challenge for even a bit more experienced/skilled/well-equipped players wanting them to actually feel challenging. To not block advancement/ruin experience for others, there could be a way to for example reduce the number of tricks the boss does, say a npc gives you a device that blocks certain attacks. The difficulty of the storyline, especially bosses, also becomes an important thing when BW continues the class stories (March?). You'll then have people who have obtained the best possible gear during these waiting months, and those who can only play 30 mins a day and have just then recently hit 50. If you go midway, some will still strugle while the better equipped/etc players find the content way too easy/unrewarding. Adding something like this would basically allow the same content to be rewarding for all players, with the only extra work being a way to reduce some of the tricks the bosses do. Alternatively, if you feel something like this would be "too elitist", make it the other way around - let the bosses be on easy-mode as default, but allow a way to make them harder. Lastly, I'd like to point out my post is not meant to be about bragging or in any way directed against those that have harder time with quests. It's just that with so large playerbase, there will be people who find the content either too easy or too hard. Something like this could help with that, allowing basically the same content to be rewarding/challenging/fun for wider variety of players, with very little extra development work.
  2. Found a workaround... kinda. On my new toon, I never even talked to the droid to begin with. So he still has the quest-icon on top of his head. Now, whenever I run past, it only pops the cutscene which I cancel right away with esc. Annoying to do every time? Yeah, a bit. Less annoying than hearing his voice? Hell yeah. Give us a mute for him already!
  3. This. Above poster already mentioned GTN, but this popup closes everything else too (inventory/modding/character sheet/...). Make it go to pending.
  4. Yes please. Either some kind of mute-button or like suggested, a customization to disable his voice
  5. Not a bad idea, though I'd prefer if they allowed companions to FPs/OPs/etc WITH real people, ie them not counting towards the player limit (or being outright forbidden). Naturally hard to change now, but I really wish they allow that in new content. With populations dropping either due to players being more and more scattered aroud levels/at endgame/quitting, this might have it's uses as suggested though. And would definitely give some fun runs. It could however make it even harder to find groups.
  6. CriDaDimon, The first posts shows last update on the 10th January, and last activity of the OP on 13th according to his bio. So clearly the thread isn't actually updated anymore, and yes it's quite biased towards his own selections. Here's hoping that Bioware actually reads these replies though, specially since the forum mods still direct many suggestion threads here. Really liked your suggestion list as well btw. Completely forgot the texture problems, your own/companions hood up/down and character customization post-creation (mine's way too skinny, looked ok at start with robe but now with pants and the standard being body type 2 it's bit annoying). Continued companion storylines (post 10k, not just adding new companions) and the ability to transport party members to location would rock as well.
  7. Haha, I'm exactly on same boat. That gave good laughs for sure, had to check chat if I heard it right. Very impressed how well they've planned some the companion NPCs story/personality wise.
  8. Did this few weeks ago at I think 37, can't remember exactly. Used Tharan, had no trouble at all clearing everything. Remembered this thread and thought the boss spawns adds or something. Was quite surprised that the trouble should have been on those groups. For those having trouble (this coming from a balance sage point-of-view): - Always lift the caster, would do the most dmg to you. - With snare/stun/aoe knockback/tele throw, the first of the 3 that you actually attack should be almost dead by the time it actually really reaches you. If not, you have the speed-up immediately followed by tele throw for couple more tele channelings before taking much dmg. - Have Tharan use Holiday for the second mob that's not lifted. Either control yourself which one of the two remaining to use it for, or wait and see what Tharan picks. Then attack the other. - For the pack of 3 upstairs (if i remember right): knockback is fun Just drop one/two to first floor.
  9. Have had same thoughts. Not quite 50 yet, but from what I've read/heard it does bother me that when the (main) storyline ends, your companions go silent and there's not even much use for them. Some suggestions related to companions: - Allow more use for them, specially at 50. If its too hard to balance them in pvp, fine. But why can't we use them in operations etc? Since they take player slots in FPs it's quite rare to see them used there either. It's like they add this wonderful unique feature... but make it pretty much single-player only, in a MMO game! - More interaction with them. And if at all possible, conditional interaction. Your married companion being exactly same (replies, comments etc) as you first got him/her? One with 10000 affection behaving exactly same as he/she did at 0? Kinda breaks immersion. - Couldn't they for example give say a (random) weekly quest to do something, "go save my old friend" etc. Would also help with the same daily/weekly quests people are getting bored with. Another feature that feels quite unique to me at least, but that for some reason loses much of it's use at 50. Crafting. - If I got this right, you simply can't make better, or even similar stuff than raid drops. What's the point in having the skill then, except to equip alts. My apologies if this has been changed/fixed, it's what I've learned from the crew skills forum and heard people telling. - Related to this: the modding system at 50. I sure hope they'll allow full customization soon (able to remove mods with full benefits to the gear you like looks-wise), I doupt most people want to look like clones. Various other suggestions: - GTN needs big improvements, specially the search. If you're worried about server load, add a cooldown (10 secs, 20 secs, whatever it needs) for searching with item name only, but allow people to do that! - GTN interface has to be able to remember it's settings when you close and reopen the window. With the limited number of windows we can have open, nothing like searching for something, finally finding it but having to open inventory/character panel/etc to check something... and have the GTN window close and reset! - Crew returning from their mission popup should not close all the other windows! Especially annoying when searching GTN or removing/adding mods. Have the mod selected and about to put it in... and bam, all windows reset and my lovely lizard tells me he's returned from mission. Aaargh! - Faction balance seems to be out of hand. You can't (and shouldn't) force people to roll either side, but please, remove the obvious (disadvantageous) differences between mirror classes, like one having damage-delay due to graphics! And also take a look at the armor looks... everyone have their own taste, but many seem to prefer imperial desings. Anything not "forcing" people to empire at this stage would be good. - This might have been changed in last patch, but if not. Leveling is a bit too easy. Or maybe easy is wrong word. Let's say fast. I fully understand wanting to attract casual gamers, and nothing wrong with that. But looking at the speed even the "casuals" are leveling, I'm a bit worried if BW is able to add new content quickly enough. Sure it's nice now to feel you can achieve so much so fast... but this instant gratification only lasts while there's still stuff to do. I somehow doupt couple flashpoints/operations every few months is enough, specially since the game is advertised as STORY-driven mmo and thats what people get on their way to 50. - EDIT: One more thing. This game has very nice music... but theres something wrong with the way it plays. Usually works in class quests and on most heroics, but when traveling on planets it starts ok on entering the world... and then at some point just stops. Needs a loop! In summary... very nice game that I could see to expand to the best mmo there is. But don't be afraid to expand and use the things that makes this game unique. For me, thats companions, the crafting and modding system, and the overall SW theme with it's story.
  10. Personally I wouldn't mind that if companions were allowed in teams without taking slots from players, ie you could have the normal 4 players AND their selected companion. Likely not going to happen for currect content without major rebalancing, but would really like that to be allowed and planned for future content. Would still have a small problem with choosing between your favorite/most used companion and the companion the team would need most though.
  11. GTN, Commendations etc are also ways to gear player characters. As I said, the major difference between the "fighting sides" here is that one thinks companions as luxury pets while others view them as their healer/damage etc. I honestly don't understand how difficult this can be, can I ask you if you're coming from another mmo that had similar NPCs as "pets"? Also don't get me wrong, as i said I'm all for the need > greed policy, it's just that swtor's system works differently from other mmos. You can't be everything in "one packet" here (pve-wise at least). Try think of the companions as your right hand, just like paladin with shield and sword if you're familiar with the concept
  12. Think most people agree to the common need > greed policy just fine. Problem seems to be that some think of swtor companions as some sort of "pets" from other mmos, failing to realize how essential they are here. Pasting a comment here I made in another thread but didnt want to get that one sidetracked. - - - The companions are part of YOUR character. They are what you summon after the group dispands, they are your dd'ers/healers/tanks during majority of the leveling. Loot-wise, people do flashpoints to get better gear (leaving social/fun side apart). How they choose to use the gear should be up to them (long as they do use it). To give an example. I see many of the "ninja complainers" comparing things to other mmos. Say you have a paladin (I assume they use a sword and a shield) in that flashpoint group. If his contribution in said fp-run was only/mostly dmg, should he not be allowed to roll need for a shield-upgrade that he's going to use after said fp-group dispands? It's no different from a dd'er rolling need for his/her tank companion. Really, it shouldnt be rocket science. Need over greed/looks/etc, but considering how the companions work in swtor they arent social pets like many people seem to think. They are part of you, and need upgrades just as much if not more than you do to keep working as they should. - - - Since you're talking about enchanting I guess you might be coming from that other-popular-mmo. Just try to think of them as 2nd page of character sheet, which is the healing tab for tanks or dmg/tank tab for healers What you're suggesting is not really an improvement, as all that does it put companion need (which many think just as important as player for above reasons) behind player need, which only "helps" those not understanding/liking the current system.
  13. Sadly you have to currently choose between players and companions, and with players generally having better dmg/heals/etc, it's no wonder people tend to choose full 4-man player groups. What I'd really like to see is the standard group being 4 players AND their chosen companions. Doesn't make sense you have to drop them to enjoy more social part of the game, this being mmo. That way there would likely be less whining about this "ninjaing" as well. As for your comment. As I said before, the companions are part of YOUR character. They are what you summon after the group dispands, they are your dd'ers/healers/tanks during majority of the leveling. Loot-wise, people do flashpoints to get better gear (leaving social/fun side apart). How they choose to use the gear should be up to them (long as they do use it). To give an example. I see many of the "ninja complainers" comparing things to other mmos. Say you have a paladin (I assume they use a sword and a shield) in that flashpoint group. If his contribution in said fp-run was only/mostly dmg, should he not be allowed to roll need for a shield-upgrade that he's going to use after said fp-group dispands? It's no different from a dd'er rolling need for his/her tank companion. Really, it shouldnt be rocket science. Need over greed/looks/etc, but considering how the companions work in swtor they arent social pets like many people seem to think. They are part of you, and need upgrades just as much if not more than you do to keep working as they should Anyway, getting sidetracked with the thread so will stop here. Need to add some comments to the "ninja threads" if I can find them heh
  14. Havent checked every planet, but for republic you can find them in Coruscant (down the stairs when heading to Senate from taxi pad) and Fleet at least. Usually near the market area. Open map and toggle it to show global market, should see couple hexagons in map.
  15. Agreed the UI of the GTN is quite horrible. As others stated, not being able to do a search based purely on name of the item is a major flaw. Is it a load issue for servers? Just add a cooldown timer for using that, say you can do one search every 30 secs with name only, 1 every 15 if you are able to specify main category and so on. Should solve the load issues if thats the reason and make it a lot more user friendly.
  16. Would make things way too trivial for my taste at least. At least now that we can choose how to equip them, we can have some variety both in looks and actual gameplay (more hp vs better dmg etc). Dunno really why there's so many threads about "ninja" looting for companions. They are integral part of your character and quite essential for leveling. Maybe it's the folks who are used to having them as "pets" in some other game(s) where they dont really do anything and are just for looks. Different thing here (and love that personally). Likely things settle down when people get used to this and dont automatically compare everything to <insert their previous mmo here>
  17. Seen mine sometimes get stuck when (trying) to collect scavenging spot, was with Tharan I think. Simply collecting the node myself solved it for me (they stop gathering when node is gone). Wouldnt hurt to have them stop trying after a bit if they fail to reach it though. Haven't had issues with them collecting my clicks, I'm playing on almost fully zoomed out view though. Clicking (or rather, selecting/getting focus) on something right behind you happens often though, most notable right when leaving private/party areas with the "forcefield indicator".
  18. This would indeed be cool. One could fly the ship, others man the ion cannons/missile turrets. So many things they copied from the movies, no idea why not this. Couple more suggestions: - Ability to disable voice of the protocol droid (forgot name). Yes it was funny first few weeks but now it annoys the hell out of me. And there's no way past him! - Ability to select which crew member (active companion for example) stands on the bridge. Also why can't the rest be on the holocom room for example, instead of hiding in various places, some even on lower deck (jedi ship). My most "visible" crew member is the damn droid I can't get past without the voice, aaargh. - Little bit on painting (or even just premade customization like companions) shouldn't be too hard to add.
  19. Question mainly for you 50ish sages out there. What kind of gear you have on Nadia? I rushed through Balmorra/Hoth/Quesh/Belsavis to get her at 40, and been doing the planet quests now. About to finish Belsavis soon (lvl 44 now) and planning to update both of our gear after this (she already has some updates ofc). Anyone tried giving her +defence stuff? Does it actually make big enough/noticeable difference to be worth dropping crit/surge? So far she's fine tanking everything on Belsavis, only failed on that story boss (where you have her as guest) and trying to solo the biiig robot at end (?) of Taral V. Little more survivability wouldnt hurt though as content gets harder Everyone likes different character types of course. For me Nadia is perfect, but a dual-spec or similar for companions really wouldnt hurt. So many people prefer/rely on certain type of companion, allowing us to customize their abilities/role would bring some more variation. People could choose the companion they like most personality/story-wise and still get the support (healing, tanking etc) they need for their actual gameplay.
  20. Quite a lot. Playing with Nadia almost exclusively atm. As a sage, I lift one elite and start to dps the other(s) with Nadia. If she has her AoEs turned on, the lift (=cc) on the elite breaks fast. Otoh, when the adds are down, I'd like her to have the AoEs on for more dmg. And naturally want to have them on when no cc'd mobs near. Workaround so far has been waiting after the lift for other mobs to come to us, but some dont like to move (or have horrible pathing) and it takes time (all the while the lift on elite is ticking). Was same thing with Qyzen at early levels. AoE broke lifts, but it was also nice extra taunt when no cc'd mobs near.
  21. Not sure how "deep" things you can do with macros in wow, but a minor "macro" I'd like to see. - Toggle companion AoE attacks on/off. This alone would be nice. Even better if you could macro which ones. Sure others have similar wishes. Personally i don't need "automation", just things that makes simple things like this easier/faster.
  22. Nice suggestion, +1 support from meh I'm lucky enough to have rolled a class and spec that can actually use the companions I like the most (Nadia and Tharan for my balance Sage). Although I wouldnt mind at all if I could train Nadia a bit more into tanking, and Tharan could move a bit more (annoying when kiting if he likes to stand in one spot lol - more of a AI tweak though). Since we're on the subject... would be cool if we could choose where the companions stand in the ship (why do they have to stay still at one spot anyway?). Minor things, but would just add a bit more depth. Easiest fix could be having active companion in the cockpit. There's also the holodeck room with couches etc... why can't the crew be there?
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