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Everything posted by Freor

  1. Of course decent/good gear and actually knowing your tools helps, and should be the starting point for late-game encounters in any case. As you said though, different companions are good for different playstyles. It somewhat also translates to selecting your own playstyle if you wish to use certain companion. For example, as a dps specced sage, I pretty much have to use Tharan (healer) if I want to play as, well, dps. I have no trouble using a dps companion either, and do so 100% of the time these days. It does mean I have to play semi-healer though, at least in tougher fights (strong elites and champions). Personally I'd rather play the role I like, and choose how my companion would support that - instead of picking the right preset-companion.
  2. It's quite annoying yeah. Some classes/specs allow greater variety in companion choices, while some pretty much require you to use certain type, usually the healer. Would be so great if they allowed us to choose the role for your companion, so for example you could make your favourite companion a healer if that's what you need, and play with him/her. Heard it was this way in beta, sad that they removed it.
  3. Ah I see. While I agree the current difficulty at endgame isn't that challenging, I've still been in some HM FP groups where the team has struggled to beat the enrage timer on some bosses. This could be due to myself not doing enough dps. Or someone else in the group. Without being able to compare, there is no way to know. Lol @ Orwell comparisons. Guess people just come from different games/backrounds. It still escapes me how allowing other group members to verify you're doing your part is so bad, specially if you aren't slacking. Wonder if people even know you can inspect others equipment? Would think that would have ignited another storm
  4. What? How exactly is "needing" other people for multiplayer content reason to not allow dmg meters? I want to group with others, but expect them to do their part just as I do mine. Combat log would allow us to see/verify this.
  5. I'm all for full combat logs. They already list damage/protection/kills/healing etc in warzones, I see no reason these shouldn't be listed in PvE too. If your toon is in appropriate gear and you are using your tools as you should, you have nothing to hide. For example in HM flashpoints/OPs, it's not fair for the others working their ***** off to get constantly wiped if there's people lacking and not doing their part. Limit it to operations / hard more FPs if you want, those are where the logs would be most helpful. These encounters are *build* to require certain degree of gear/use of tools, there should be a way to log that.
  6. As a consular, my choice would likely be Another one that kinda felt funny, for completely different reason
  7. Have to ask... those having hard time beating this place, are you using cc (lift/maze, stuns, knockback) at all? As many posters have already said / learned the hard way (), using your lift and interupt abilities is the key. Add Tharan to that for extra interupt/mezz and heals, no matter your spec. The difficulty ramp-up leading to this quest could be a a bit smoother, but otherwise I don't think it's unreasonable for a quest aimed for mid-30s to require use of your core class abilities.
  8. What are your plans to give companions more use / make them feel alive for level 50 players? Currently there are dailies, but that's not exactly fun end-game content. Seen many people offer great suggestions, like - Allowing their use in ops (could be completely new future ops) - Not counting them towards player limit in FPs (new difficulty mode maybe), - Special flashpoints for solo play with (multiple) companions What are your intentions? Legacy gives more powers when using companion, but there's no content to use them in!
  9. Been a while, but if I remember right... not quite. Once you finish your class quests there, there's a follow-up class quest off-planet. Think completing that (or possibly also the one right after) means Act 1 done.
  10. This! I honestly can't understand the reason this isn't currently allowed. They advertised and made the companions a big part of the game, and from what I see most people love that aspect. But then comes the grouping... which requires you to drop companion if you wan't to play with others. Especially true/sad at 50, where there is so little to do with companions. Should be very easy to allow for example 8-man ops group to have companions with them, since the game already supports 16-man ops. Not to even mention flashpoints, 4 players + their companions (even if as optional "difficulty") would be so much more fun.
  11. You obviously missed the point It's not so much about needing credits/extra legacy xp or whatever, but to have some other use (or hell, just being able to disable) the rested xp that makes already super fast leveling even faster.
  12. Would very much like this. My problem is completely opposite though, haven't found a class yet that would have any major trouble with class quests, and most of the time the bosses are way too easy. Giving people the option for easy-mode would also allow them to tune the encounters to fit with the taste of little more experienced/skilled/etc people, who can't really get much challenge as it is (unless you stay 4 levels below, which with current xp pace is next to impossible).
  13. Meh! Not to whine, the romance for males was really sweet (if a bit rushed) and all, but would have been cool to add more things like that there as well. Now I have a padawan that I couldn't really teach at all :/
  14. Good idea, and would make them more usable in certain situations
  15. Personally I'm still waiting for confirmation/PTS notes what exactly will the different profs be able to build. But yeah, from the looks of it I don't see myself staying cybertech either.
  16. Feeling pretty much the same here. Even liked the (very limited) companion idea way back when they were introduced in Diablo 2 (), and hearing how they work here was one of the main reasons I bought this game. And very much liked the leveling experience with them, the stories, and the fun/extra thing to do to gear them up. I just wish there was more use / things to do with them at 50. This is about the only thing i agree with the OP. Lots of posts in Lore section about this, romanced ones acting the same after marriage being the most obvious "error". But BW could do so much more - for example, as consular, it would kinda make sense that my "pacifist" healer would become little less annoying at 10k affection (outside the cutscene story that is) etc. Maybe he could even learn to stand me mentioning "the force" 1.2 does seem to bring some more "evolving" btw, with completed story giving bonuses to heroic moments.
  17. What I could gather from the guild summit, cybertech gets BoE speeders to sell, and think the grenade cooldown gets reduced (whether those are BoE I have no idea). What I'd really like to know is what's the thing with armorings/mods, and possibly earpieces. How "good" stuff will cyber be able to build, compared to raid drops/removing the mods from gear.
  18. It's coming with 1.2, as well as other options (something about customizing the droid for crafting if I got that right). Few more weeks to endure
  19. I will most likely continue to play republic only. It's partially a herited way of thinking from other game(s) where alignment had way bigger meaning (faction vs faction wars). Partially due to simply wanting to play the "good side" (personal preference).
  20. Think the guild summit revealed more story content coming "later this year", which could very well be just in time for xmas. I would hope for summer expansion though, but in any case it's months away it seems. That, and considering how easy it is to level, I see no reason to wait. Not even sure if you can get dailies going (Ilum ones at least) without completing the class quest.
  21. Watched the Crew Skills panel last nite and read multiple summaries today, but can't find the answer. They said every crew skill will have end-game use. Did anyone understand what that means for cybertech? I got that it can make BoE speeders and grenades will have shorter cooldown, but what about armorings/mods? Did they reveal anything how "high"/good stuff cyber can make, or if the best stuff (armoring, mod) is still ops-loot only and removable from those pieces by anyone? In other words, is the best stuff for cyber speeders/grenades, with no chance to learn to build as good armoring/mods as is removable from ops loot? (not a flame/complaint, would just like to get that cleared).
  22. That's the problem. Either you remember wrong or the quest bugged, but if it shows in list it's not completed as far as the game thinks. That's pretty much the whole Taris class questline if I remember right. Just head to Taris and see where that quest leads you.
  23. When you open quest-log, is there anything under "class"? There was someone asking pretty similar question the other week, turned out he had skipped Taris. But yeah, if you really do not have any class quests listed there, time to write a ticket.
  24. Tried the Exsanguination stance a little. While it's hard to see much dmg difference, what I did notice that she refuses to turn off her lightsaber lol. Either it's always on and in her hand, or sometimes she actually does put it to her side but with the blade active Only happens with that stance for me. Read about Kira having similar bug. Anyone else run into this with Nadia, and perhaps know a workaround?
  25. Only problem I see is that for people actually liking the look of current (and coming) top tier gear, would have to switch to possibly different looking crit crafted gear. This all depends on how they introduce the crit crafting of course - maybe they allow crafters to learn those recipes as well. Currently there is practically no use for money at 50, adding the crit crafted gear to market for players to buy and sell is really welcome change. You dont have to get everything in a day, it's good to have some goal to save money for - or become a crafter yourself!
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